[综述笔记]A Survey on Deep Learning for Neuroimaging-Based Brain Disorder Analysis

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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得


1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI, and positron emission tomography (PET) can all be used in neuroimage analysis

        ②Disease included: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Autism spectrum disorder, and Schizophrenia

2.2. Introduction

        ①Introducing medical imaging

        ②Therefore, the feature selection step is extremely important for complex medical image processing. Although sparse learning and dictionary learning have been used to extract features, their shallow architectures still limit their representation ability.

        ③The development of hardware promotes the improvement of deep learning in medical image analysis

        ④Categories of medical imaging analysis: classification, detection/localization, registration, and segmentation

        ⑤This survey mainly centers on brain disease

cardiac  adj.心脏的;心脏病的  n.心脏病患者;强心剂;健胃剂

2.3. Deep Learning

2.3.1. Feed-Forward Neural Networks

        ①The function of FFNN:


where the \boldsymbol{x} is the input vector, y_k is the output;

superscript denotes layer index, M is the number of hidden units;

b_j and b_k are bias terms of input layer hidden layer respectively;

f^{(1)} and f^{(2)} denote non-linear activation function;

\theta=\left\{w_{j}^{(1)},w_{k}^{(2)},b_{j}^{(1)},b_{k}^{(2)}\right\} represents parameter set

        ②Sketch map of (A) single and (B) multi layer neural networks:

2.3.2. Stacked Auto-Encoders

        ①Auto-encoder (AE), namely so called auto-associator, possesses the ability of encoding and decoding

        ②AE can be stacked as stacked auto-encoders (SAE) with better performance

        ③Sketch map of SAE:

where the blue and red dot boxes are encoder and decoder respectively

        ④To avoid being trapped in local optimal solution, SAE applies layer-wise pretraining methods

2.3.3. Deep Belief Networks

        ①By stacking multiple restricted Bolztman machines (RBMs), the Deep Belief Network (DBN) is constructed

        ②The joint distribution of DBN:

P(v,h^{(1)},\ldots,h^{(L)})=P(v\mid h^{(1)})(\prod_{l=1}^{L-2}P(h^{(l)}\mid h^{(l+1)}))P(h^{(L-1)},h^{(L)})

where v denotes visible units and h^{(1)},...,h^{(L)} denotes L hidden layers

        ③Sketch map of (A) DBN and (B) DBM:

where the double-headed arrow denotes undirected connection and the single-headed arrow denotes directed connection

2.3.4. Deep Boltzmann Machine

        ①Futher stacking RBMs can get Deep Boltzmann Machine (DBM):


2.3.5. Generative Adversarial Networks

        ①Simultaneously including generator G and discriminator D, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) achieves the task of training models with a small number of labeled samples:

\begin{aligned}\min_G\max_DV(G,D)&=\mathbb{E}_{x-p_{data}(x)}\left[\log D(x)\right]\\&+\mathbb{E}_{x-p_z(z)}\left[\log(1-D(G(z)))\right]\end{aligned}

        ②The framework of GAN:

2.3.6. Convolutional Neural Networks

        ①The framework of convolutional neural network (CNN):

2.3.7. Graph Convolutional Networks

        ①The framework of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN):

which includes spectral-based and spatial-based methods

2.3.8. Recurrent Neural Networks

        ①As the extension of FFNN, recurrent neural network (RNN) ia able to learn features and long-term dependencies from sequential and time-series data

        ②Framework of (A) long-short-term memory (LSTM) and (B) Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU):

2.3.9. Open Source Deep Learning Library

        ①Some toolkits of deep learning:

2.4. Applications in Brain Disorder Analysis With Medical Images

2.4.1. Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis

        ①Introducing the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)

2.4.2. Deep Learning for Parkinson's Disease Analysis

2.4.3. Deep Learning for Austism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

2.4.4. Deep Learning for Schizophrenia Analysis

2.5. Discussion and Future Direction

2.6. Conclusion

3. 知识补充

4. Reference List

Zhang, L. et al. (2020) 'A Survey on Deep Learning for Neuroimaging-Based Brain Disorder Analysis', Front Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00779 




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