让博客支持使用 ChatGPT 生成文章摘要是一种什么样的体验?
Sakurairo 主题支持了基于 ChatGPT 的 AI 摘要功能,我有点眼红,但是因为那是个主题限定功能,而我用的又是 Argon,遂想着让 Argon 也支持 AI 摘要功能。
截至目前,此功能已经合并到了 argon-theme 主仓库的 dev
分支,pr 现场可参见:#607
和 Sakurairo 相同,我采用了 haozi-team/chatgpt-php
库以对接 OpenAI 接口(顺便给 Argon 添加了 Compose 支持) 。
接下来,在 settings.php
和 inc/fun/post-extra-meta-editor.php
添加了全局和文章单独设置,以允许用户配置 OpenAI 地址,密钥,以及是否需要使用 AI 摘要功能。
最后,在 inc/fun/post.php
和 template-parts/entry/excerpt.php
有关 ChatGPT 部分的核心代码如下:
<?phpuse GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException;
use HaoZiTeam\ChatGPT\V2 as ChatGPTV2;function argon_generate_chatgpt_client(): ?ChatGPTV2 {$apikey = get_option( "argon_openai_api_key" );$baseurl = $GLOBALS["openai_baseurl"];if ( ! $apikey || ! isset( $baseurl ) ) {return null;}return new ChatGPTV2( $apikey, $baseurl , model: get_option('argon_ai_model', 'gpt-3.5-turbo'), timeout: 30 );
}/*** @throws Exception|GuzzleException*/
function argon_generate_article_summary( int $post_id, WP_Post $post ): string {$client = argon_generate_chatgpt_client();$client->addMessage("You are an article summary generator, "."please generate the summary of the given article "."with provided title and content, "."the language of the summary must equals to the article's mainly used language, "."do not write summary in third person."."system" );$client->addMessage( "The title of the article:" . $post->post_title );$content = $post->post_content;$content = wp_strip_all_tags(apply_filters('the_content', $content));$max_content_length = get_option( 'argon_ai_max_content_length', 4000 );if ($max_content_length > 0){$content = substr($content, 0, $max_content_length);}$client->addMessage( "The content of the article:" . $content );$previous_summary = get_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_summary", true );if ( $previous_summary != "" ) {$client->addMessage( "The previous summary of the article, please generate the summary similar with the previous one: " . $previous_summary);}$post_argon_ai_extra_prompt_mode = get_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_extra_prompt_mode", true );$post_argon_ai_extra_prompt = get_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_extra_prompt", true );$global_argon_ai_extra_prompt = get_option( 'argon_ai_extra_prompt', "" );switch ( $post_argon_ai_extra_prompt_mode ) {case 'replace':$client->addMessage( $post_argon_ai_extra_prompt, 'system' );break;case 'append':$client->addMessage( $global_argon_ai_extra_prompt . $post_argon_ai_extra_prompt, 'system' );break;case 'none':break;case 'default':default:$client->addMessage( $global_argon_ai_extra_prompt, 'system' );break;}$result = "";foreach ( $client->ask( "Now please generate the summary of the article given before" ) as $item ) {$result .= $item['answer'];}return $result;
}function argon_on_save_post( int $post_id, WP_Post $post, string $old_status ): void {
// if ( false !== wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id ) || 'auto-draft' == $post->post_status ) {
// return;
// }// If this is a revision, get real post ID.$revision_id = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id );if ( false !== $revision_id ) {$post_id = $revision_id;}if ( get_option( 'argon_ai_post_summary', false ) == 'false' || get_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_post_summary", true ) == 'false' ) {return;}$update = $old_status === $post->post_status;$post_argon_ai_no_update_post_summary = get_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_no_update_post_summary", true );$global_argon_ai_no_update_post_summary = get_option( 'argon_ai_no_update_post_summary', true );if ( $update && $post_argon_ai_no_update_post_summary != 'false' && ( $post_argon_ai_no_update_post_summary == 'true' || $global_argon_ai_no_update_post_summary == 'true' ) ) {return;}if ( get_option( 'argon_ai_async_generate', true ) != 'false' ) {wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 1, 'argon_update_ai_post_meta', array( $post_id ) );} else {argon_update_ai_post_meta( $post_id );}
}function argon_update_ai_post_meta( $post_id ): void {try {$summary = argon_generate_article_summary( $post_id, get_post( $post_id ) );update_post_meta( $post_id, "argon_ai_summary", $summary );} catch ( Exception|GuzzleException $e ) {error_log( $e );}
}add_action( "argon_update_ai_post_meta", "argon_update_ai_post_meta" );
add_action( "publish_post", "argon_on_save_post", 20, 3 );