- 前言
- 1. 初步认识双向链表
- 1.1 定义
- 1.2 结构
- 1.3 储存
- 2. 双向链表的方法(接口函数)
- 2.1 动态申请空间
- 2.2 创建哨兵位
- 2.3 查找指定数据
- 2.4 指定位置插入
- 2.5 指定位置删除
- 2.6 头部插入
- 2.7 头部删除
- 2.8 尾部插入
- 2.9 尾部删除
- 2.10 计算链表大小
- 2.11 销毁链表
- 3. 双向链表的代码实现
- 结语
上期回顾: 【数据结构|C语言版】顺序表应用
1. 初步认识双向链表
1.1 定义
1.2 结构
1.3 储存
typedef struct DoubleLinkNode
{char data;struct DoubleLinkNode* prior;struct DoubleLinkNode* next;
} Node,*NodePtr;
2. 双向链表的方法(接口函数)
2.1 动态申请空间
// 动态申请一个结点
ListNode *BuyListNode(LTDateType x) {ListNode *node = (ListNode *) malloc(sizeof(ListNode));node->data = x;node->prev = NULL;node->next = NULL;return node;
2.2 创建哨兵位
// 创建返回链表的哨兵位
ListNode *ListInit() {ListNode *pHead = BuyListNode(-1);pHead->prev = pHead;pHead->next = pHead;return pHead;
2.3 查找指定数据
// 双向链表查找
ListNode *ListFind(ListNode *pHead, LTDateType x) {assert(pHead);ListNode *curr = pHead->next;while (curr != pHead) {if (curr->data == x) {return curr;}curr = curr->next;}return NULL;
2.4 指定位置插入
// 双向链表在pos位置插入x
void ListInsert(ListNode *pos, LTDateType x) {assert(pos);ListNode *newNode = BuyListNode(x);ListNode *prev = pos->prev;newNode->prev = prev;newNode->next = pos;prev->next = newNode;pos->prev = newNode;
2.5 指定位置删除
// 双向链表在pos位置删除
void ListErase(ListNode *pos) {assert(pos);assert(pos != pos->next);pos->next->prev = pos->prev;pos->prev->next = pos->next;free(pos);
2.6 头部插入
// 双向链表头插
void ListPushFront(ListNode *pHead, LTDateType x) {ListInsert(pHead->next, x);
2.7 头部删除
// 双向链表头删
void ListPopFront(ListNode *pHead) {ListErase(pHead->next);
2.8 尾部插入
// 双向链表尾插
void ListPushBack(ListNode *pHead, LTDateType x) {ListInsert(pHead, x);
2.9 尾部删除
// 双向链表尾删
void ListPopBack(ListNode *pHead) {ListErase(pHead->prev);
2.10 计算链表大小
// 计算大小
int ListSize(ListNode *pHead) {ListNode *curr = pHead->next;int size = 0;while (curr != pHead) {size++;curr = curr->next;}return size;
2.11 销毁链表
// 销毁(手动置空)
void ListDestory(ListNode *pHead) {ListNode *curr = pHead->next;while (curr != pHead) {ListNode *next = curr->next;free(curr);curr = next;}free(pHead);
3. 双向链表的代码实现
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int Linklength;//双链表节点结构体
typedef struct DoubleLinkNode
{char data;struct DoubleLinkNode* prior;struct DoubleLinkNode* next;
} Node,*NodePtr;//初始化
NodePtr initLinkList()
{NodePtr LinkHeader = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));LinkHeader->data = '\0';LinkHeader->next = NULL;LinkHeader->prior = NULL;Linklength = 0;return LinkHeader;
NodePtr tailNodeSearch(NodePtr LinkHeader)
{NodePtr p = LinkHeader;while(p->next){p = p->next;}return p;
void printListByHead(NodePtr LinkHeader)
{NodePtr p = LinkHeader->next;while (p){printf("%c",p->data);p = p->next;}printf("\n");
void printListByTail(NodePtr LinkHeader)
{NodePtr tail = tailNodeSearch(LinkHeader);NodePtr p = tail;while (p){printf("%c",p->data);p = p->prior;}printf("\n");
void ListInsert(NodePtr LinkHeader, int InsertPosition, char InsertChar)
{if(InsertPosition < 0 || InsertPosition > Linklength){printf("The position %d out of range of linked list!\n",InsertPosition);return ;}NodePtr p,q,r,tail;p = LinkHeader;for(int i = 0; i < InsertPosition; ++i){p = p->next;if(!p){printf("The position %d out of range of linked list!\n",InsertPosition);return ;}}q = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));q->data = InsertChar;r = p->next;q->prior = p;q->next = r;p->next = q;if(r){r->prior = q;}Linklength++;
void ListDeleteByData(NodePtr LinkHeader, char DeleteChar)
{NodePtr p,q,r;p = LinkHeader;while(p->next && p->next->data != DeleteChar){p = p->next;}if(!(p->next)){printf("The char '%c' does't exist.\n",DeleteChar);return ;}q = p->next;r = q->next;p->next = r;if(r){r->prior = p;}free(q);Linklength--;
void ListDeleteByPosition(NodePtr LinkHeader, int Position)
{NodePtr p,q,r,tail;int j = 0;tail = tailNodeSearch(LinkHeader);p = LinkHeader;while(p->next && j < Position){p = p->next;++j;}if(!(p->next) || j > Position){printf("Can't delete it!\n");return ;}q = p->next;r = q->next;p->next = r;if(r){r->prior = p;}free(q);Linklength--;
void GetElement(NodePtr LinkHeader, int position)
{NodePtr p,q,r;if(position <= Linklength/2){p = LinkHeader->next;int j = 0;while(p && j < position){p = p->next;++j;}if(!p || j > position){printf("Can't get it !\n");return ;}printf("The element at its %d-th position is %c\n",position,p->data);}else{p = tailNodeSearch(LinkHeader);int j = 0;while(p->prior && j < Linklength-position-1){p = p->prior;++j;}if(!p || j > Linklength-position-1){printf("Can't get it !\n");return ;}printf("The element at its %d-th position is %c\n",position,p->data);}
void insertDeleteTest()
{printf("---------------Initialize bidirectional linked list--------------\n");NodePtr tempList = initLinkList();printListByHead(tempList);printListByTail(tempList);printf("---------------Inserts a node at the specified location--------------\n");ListInsert(tempList,0,'H');ListInsert(tempList,1,'e');ListInsert(tempList,2,'l');ListInsert(tempList,3,'l');ListInsert(tempList,4,'o');printListByHead(tempList);printListByTail(tempList);printf("---------------Gets the node data field at the specified location--------------\n");GetElement(tempList,0);GetElement(tempList,4);GetElement(tempList,5);printf("---------------Delete the first node whose data field is X--------------\n");ListDeleteByData(tempList,'e');printListByHead(tempList);printListByTail(tempList);printf("---------------Delete the position node--------------\n");ListDeleteByPosition(tempList,3);printListByHead(tempList);printListByTail(tempList);
}int main()