- vs2019 - 用自定义对话框消息框替代MessageBox
- 概述
- 笔记
- 效果
- 用法
- 调用方代码
- 实现
- MessageBoxDialog.h
- MessageBoxDialog.cpp
vs2019 - 用自定义对话框消息框替代MessageBox
当工程被逆向时,如果存在AfxMessageBox(), ::MessageBox()的调用,是一个明显的线索。
在codeproject上,看到前辈同学已经写好了一个实现(Enhanced MFC Message Boxes)。
- 这个实现的功能对于我的应用来说,功能太多了。
- 将这个实现加入现有工程时,要在工程RC中添加的东西有点多。
// 必须在RC中定义一个空的对话框资源
#define RC_DLG_ID_CMessageBoxDialog IDD_MY_MESSAGE_BOX
将插入的对框框资源的ID改为自己定义的名字(e.g. IDD_MY_MESSAGE_BOX)
void CDlgMessageBoxV1Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
{UINT nStyle = MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION /* | MB_DEFBUTTON1*/;int nResult = 0;CString m_strTitle = TEXT("标题");CString m_strMessage = TEXT("消息");BOOL m_bTimeout = FALSE;UINT m_nTimeout = 0;BOOL m_bDisabledTimeout = FALSE;// Create a message box dialog.CMessageBoxDialog dlgMessageBox(this, m_strMessage, m_strTitle, nStyle);// Check whether a timeout was choosen.if (m_bTimeout){// Set the timeout for the message box.dlgMessageBox.SetTimeout(m_nTimeout, m_bDisabledTimeout);}// Display the dialog.nResult = (int)dlgMessageBox.DoModal();TRACE(TEXT("nResult = %d\n"), nResult);
/** Extended MFC message boxes -- Version 1.1a* Copyright (c) 2004 Michael P. Mehl. All rights reserved.** The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License* Version 1.1a (the "License"); you may not use this file except in* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/.** Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the* License. ** The Original Code is Copyright (c) 2004 Michael P. Mehl. All rights* reserved. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael P. Mehl* <michael.mehl@web.de>.** Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL License"),* in which case the provisions of LGPL License are applicable instead of* those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only* under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your* version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting* the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions* required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above,* a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or* the LGPL License.*/#pragma once#include "Resource.h" // for CMessageBoxDialog rc defined// 必须在RC中定义一个空的对话框资源
#define RC_DLG_ID_CMessageBoxDialog IDD_MY_MESSAGE_BOX// 自己手工在.rc中添加空的对话框代码
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif", 0, 0, 0x0
*/// 自己手工在resource.h中添加ID定义
// #define IDD_MESSAGE_BOX 103//
// Message box style definitions (mostly taken from WinUser.h).#define IDS_MESSAGEBOX_OK 9001
#define IDS_MESSAGEBOX_NO 9009
#define MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE 0x00000006L // Standard for Win 5.x.
#endif#define MB_CONTINUEABORT 0x00000007L // Additional style.
#define MB_SKIPSKIPALLCANCEL 0x00000008L // Additional style.
#define MB_IGNOREIGNOREALLCANCEL 0x00000009L // Additional style.#define MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN 0x01000000L // Additional style.
#define MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN 0x02000000L // Additional style.
#define MB_DEFAULT_CHECKED 0x03000000L // Additional style.
#define MB_YES_TO_ALL 0x04000000L // Additional style.
#define MB_NO_TO_ALL 0x08000000L // Additional style.#define MB_RIGHT_ALIGN 0x10000000L // Additional style.
#define MB_NO_SOUND 0x20000000L // Additional style.#define MB_DEFBUTTON5 0x00000400L // Additional style.
#define MB_DEFBUTTON6 0x00000500L // Additional style.//
// Dialog element IDs.#ifndef IDTRYAGAIN
#define IDTRYAGAIN 10 // Standard for Win 5.x.
#endif#ifndef IDCONTINUE
#define IDCONTINUE 11 // Standard for Win 5.x.
#endif#define IDYESTOALL 14 // Additional element.
#define IDNOTOALL 15 // Additional element.
#define IDSKIP 16 // Additional element.
#define IDSKIPALL 17 // Additional element.
#define IDIGNOREALL 18 // Additional element.
#define IDCHECKBOX 19 // Additional element.//
// Name of the registry section for storing the message box results.// #define REGISTRY_SECTION_MESSAGEBOX _T("MessageBoxes")//
// Class definition.class CMessageBoxDialog : public CDialog
{// DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CMessageBoxDialog)
public:CString LoadString(UINT nID);public://// Constructors and destructors of the class.// Constructor of the class for direct providing of the message strings.CMessageBoxDialog ( CWnd* pParent, CString strMessage, CString strTitle = _T(""), UINT nStyle = MB_OK, UINT nHelp = 0 );// Constructor of the class for loading the strings from the resources.CMessageBoxDialog ( CWnd* pParent, UINT nMessageID, UINT nTitleID = 0,UINT nStyle = MB_OK, UINT nHelp = 0 );// Default destructor of the class.virtual ~CMessageBoxDialog ( );enum { IDD = RC_DLG_ID_CMessageBoxDialog};public://// Methods for setting and retrieving dialog options.// Method for setting the style of the message box.void SetStyle ( UINT nStyle );// Method for retrieving the style of the message box.UINT GetStyle ( );// Methods for setting the message to be displayed in the message box.void SetMessage ( CString strMessage );void SetMessage ( UINT nMessageID );// Method for retrieving the message to be displayed in the message box.CString GetMessage ( );// Methods for setting the title to be displayed in the message box.void SetTitle ( CString strTitle );void SetTitle ( UINT nTitleID );// Method for retrieving the title to be displayed in the message box.CString GetTitle ( );// Methods for setting the icon to be displayed in the message box.void SetMessageIcon ( HICON hIcon );void SetMessageIcon ( UINT nIconID );// Method for retrieving the icon to be displayed in the message box.HICON GetMessageIcon ( );// Method for setting a timeout.void SetTimeout ( UINT nSeconds, BOOL bDisabled = FALSE );// Method for retrieving the seconds for the timeout.UINT GetTimeoutSeconds ( );// Method for retrieving whether a timeout is disabled.BOOL GetTimeoutDisabled ( );public://// Methods for handling the stored states.// Method for resetting the message boxes stored in the registry.// static void ResetMessageBoxes ( );public://// Methods for handling common window functions.// Method for displaying the dialog.virtual INT_PTR DoModal ( );// Method for closing the dialog.void EndDialog ( int nResult );// Method for initializing the dialog.virtual BOOL OnInitDialog ( );// Method for handling command messages.virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg ( UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo );// Method for handling messages before dispatching them.virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage ( MSG* pMsg );// Method for handling a timer event.afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent );protected://// Other methods for handling common window functions.// Method for handling window messages.virtual BOOL OnWndMsg ( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,LRESULT* pResult );DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()private://// Private member variables of this dialog.CString m_strMessage; // Message to be displayed.CString m_strTitle; // Title to be used.UINT m_nStyle; // Style of the message box.UINT m_nHelp; // Help context of the message box.HICON m_hIcon; // Icon to be displayed in the dialog.UINT m_nTimeoutSeconds; // Seconds for a timeout.BOOL m_bTimeoutDisabled; // Flag whether the timeout is disabled.UINT m_nTimeoutTimer; // Timer for the timeout.// CString m_strRegistryKey; // Entry for storing the result in the// registry, if the MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN// or MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN flag is given.private://// Control handling types and variables.typedef struct tagMSGBOXBTN{int nID; // ID of a dialog button.UINT nTitle; // ID of the title string resource.} MSGBOXBTN;CArray<MSGBOXBTN, const MSGBOXBTN&> m_aButtons;// List of all buttons in the dialog.int m_nDefaultButton; // ID of the default button.int m_nEscapeButton; // ID of the escape button.CStatic m_stcIcon; // Static control for the icon.CStatic m_stcMessage; // Static control for the message.private://// Size handling variables.CSize m_sDialogUnit; // Variable for the size of a dialog unit.CSize m_sIcon; // Variable for the size of the icon.CSize m_sMessage; // Variable for the size of the message.CSize m_sCheckbox; // Variable for the size of the checkbox.CSize m_sButton; // Variable for the size of a button.private://// Helper methods.// Method for generating the registry key.// CString GenerateRegistryKey ( );// Method for adding a button to the list of buttons.void AddButton ( UINT nID, UINT nTitle, BOOL bIsDefault = FALSE,BOOL bIsEscape = FALSE );// Methods for converting a dialog units to a pixel values.int XDialogUnitToPixel ( int x );int YDialogUnitToPixel ( int y );// Method for parsing the given style.void ParseStyle ( );// Method for creating the icon control.void CreateIconControl ( );// Method for creating the message control.void CreateMessageControl ( );// Method for creating the checkbox control.void CreateCheckboxControl ( );// Method for creating the button controls.void CreateButtonControls ( );// Method for defining the layout of the dialog.void DefineLayout ( );};
/** Extended MFC message boxes -- Version 1.1a* Copyright (c) 2004 Michael P. Mehl. All rights reserved.** The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License* Version 1.1a (the "License"); you may not use this file except in* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/.** Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the* License. ** The Original Code is Copyright (c) 2004 Michael P. Mehl. All rights* reserved. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael P. Mehl* <michael.mehl@web.de>.** Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL License"),* in which case the provisions of LGPL License are applicable instead of* those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only* under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your* version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting* the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions* required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above,* a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or* the LGPL License.*/#include "pch.h"
#include <assert.h>#include "MessageBoxDialog.h"#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#endif// IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CMessageBoxDialog, CDialog)//
// Layout values (in dialog units).#define CX_BORDER 8 // Width of the border.
#define CY_BORDER 8 // Height of the border.#define CX_CHECKBOX_ADDON 14 // Additional width of the checkbox.#define CX_BUTTON 40 // Standard width of a button.
#define CY_BUTTON 14 // Standard height of a button.
#define CX_BUTTON_BORDER 4 // Standard border for a button.
#define CY_BUTTON_BORDER 1 // Standard border for a button.
#define CX_BUTTON_SPACE 4 // Standard space for a button.#define CX_DLGUNIT_BASE 1000 // Values used for converting
#define CY_DLGUNIT_BASE 1000 // dialog units to pixels.//
// Timer values.#define MESSAGE_BOX_TIMER 2201 // Event identifier for the timer.//CString CMessageBoxDialog::LoadString(UINT nID)
{CString csRc;// 后续要隐藏字符串,就在函数内做了。switch (nID){//IDS_MESSAGEBOX_OK "&Ok"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_OK:{csRc = TEXT("确定");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL "&Cancel"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL:{csRc = TEXT("取消");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_ABORT "&Abort"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_ABORT:{csRc = TEXT("放弃");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_RETRY "&Retry"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_RETRY:{csRc = TEXT("重试");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNORE "&Ignore"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNORE:{csRc = TEXT("忽略");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNOREALL "Ignore &all"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNOREALL:{csRc = TEXT("忽略所有");}break;// IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES "&Yes"case IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES:{csRc = TEXT("是");}break;default:{assert(false);}break;}return csRc;
}// Constructors and destructors of the class./** Constructor of the class.** This constructor is used to provide the strings directly without providing* resource IDs from which these strings should be retrieved. If no title is* given, the application name will be used as the title of the dialog.*/CMessageBoxDialog::CMessageBoxDialog ( CWnd* pParent, CString strMessage, CString strTitle, UINT nStyle, UINT nHelp ) : CDialog ( CMessageBoxDialog::IDD, pParent )
{// Enable the active accessibility.EnableActiveAccessibility();ASSERT(!strMessage.IsEmpty());// Save the information about the message box.m_strMessage = strMessage;m_strTitle = strTitle.IsEmpty() ? AfxGetAppName() : strTitle;m_nStyle = nStyle;m_nHelp = nHelp;// Do the default initialization.m_hIcon = NULL;m_nTimeoutSeconds = 0;m_bTimeoutDisabled = FALSE;m_nTimeoutTimer = 0;// m_strRegistryKey = _T("");m_nDefaultButton = IDC_STATIC;m_nEscapeButton = IDC_STATIC;m_sDialogUnit = CSize(0, 0);m_sIcon = CSize(0, 0);m_sMessage = CSize(0, 0);m_sCheckbox = CSize(0, 0);m_sButton = CSize(0, 0);m_aButtons.RemoveAll();
}/** Constructor of the class.** This constructor is used to load the strings for the title and the message* text from the resources of this project. If no title is given, the* application name will be used as the title of the dialog.*/
CMessageBoxDialog::CMessageBoxDialog ( CWnd* pParent, UINT nMessageID,UINT nTitleID, UINT nStyle, UINT nHelp ) : CDialog ( CMessageBoxDialog::IDD, pParent )
{// Enable the active accessibility.EnableActiveAccessibility();// Check whether a title was given.if ( nTitleID == 0 ){// Use the application name.m_strTitle = AfxGetAppName();}else{// Try to load the title from the resources.VERIFY(m_strTitle = LoadString(nTitleID));}// Save the information about the message box.VERIFY(m_strMessage = LoadString(nMessageID));m_nStyle = nStyle;m_nHelp = nHelp;// Do the default initialization.m_hIcon = NULL;m_nTimeoutSeconds = 0;m_bTimeoutDisabled = FALSE;m_nTimeoutTimer = 0;// m_strRegistryKey = _T("");m_nDefaultButton = IDC_STATIC;m_nEscapeButton = IDC_STATIC;m_sDialogUnit = CSize(0, 0);m_sIcon = CSize(0, 0);m_sMessage = CSize(0, 0);m_sCheckbox = CSize(0, 0);m_sButton = CSize(0, 0);m_aButtons.RemoveAll();
}/** Destructor of the class.*/
CMessageBoxDialog::~CMessageBoxDialog ( )
{// Check whether an icon was loaded.if ( m_hIcon != NULL ){// Free the icon.DestroyIcon(m_hIcon);// Reset the icon handle.m_hIcon = NULL;}
// Methods for setting and retrieving dialog options./** Method for setting the style of the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetStyle ( UINT nStyle )
{// Set the style of the message box.m_nStyle = nStyle;
}/** Method for retrieving the style of the message box.*/
inline UINT CMessageBoxDialog::GetStyle ( )
{// Return the current style of the message box.return m_nStyle;
}/** Method for setting the message to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetMessage ( CString strMessage )
{ASSERT(!strMessage.IsEmpty());// Save the message text.m_strMessage = strMessage;
}/** Methods for setting the message to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetMessage ( UINT nMessageID )
{// Create a string for storing the message.CString strMessage = _T("");// Load the message from the resources.VERIFY(strMessage = LoadString(nMessageID));ASSERT(!strMessage.IsEmpty());// Save the message text.m_strMessage = strMessage;
}/** Method for retrieving the message to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline CString CMessageBoxDialog::GetMessage ( )
{// Return the message text.return m_strMessage;
}/** Method for setting the title to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetTitle ( CString strTitle )
{// Check whether a title was given.if ( strTitle.IsEmpty() ){// Use the application name as the title.strTitle = AfxGetAppName();}// Save the title.m_strTitle = strTitle;
}/** Method for setting the title to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetTitle ( UINT nTitleID )
{// Create a string for storing the title.CString strTitle = _T("");// Check whether an ID was given.if ( nTitleID == 0 ){// Use the application name as the title.strTitle = AfxGetAppName();}else{// Try to load the string from the resources.VERIFY(strTitle = LoadString(nTitleID));ASSERT(!strTitle.IsEmpty());}// Save the title.m_strTitle = strTitle;
}/** Method for retrieving the title to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline CString CMessageBoxDialog::GetTitle ( )
{// Return the title of the message box.return m_strTitle;
}/** Method for setting the icon to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetMessageIcon ( HICON hIcon )
{ASSERT(hIcon != NULL);// Save the icon.m_hIcon = hIcon;
}/** Method for setting the icon to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline void CMessageBoxDialog::SetMessageIcon ( UINT nIconID )
{// Try to load the given icon.m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(nIconID);ASSERT(m_hIcon != NULL);
}/** Method for retrieving the icon to be displayed in the message box.*/
inline HICON CMessageBoxDialog::GetMessageIcon ( )
{// Return the icon for the message box.return m_hIcon;
}/** Method for setting a timeout.** A timeout is a countdown, which starts, when the message box is displayed.* There are two modes for a timeout: The "un-disabled" or "enabled" timeout* means, that the user can choose any button, but if he doesn't choose one,* the default button will be assumed as being chossen, when the countdown is* finished. The other mode, a "disabled" countdown is something like a nag* screen. All buttons will be disabled, until the countdown is finished.* After that, the user can click any button.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::SetTimeout ( UINT nSeconds, BOOL bDisabled )
{// Save the settings for the timeout.m_nTimeoutSeconds = nSeconds;m_bTimeoutDisabled = bDisabled;
}/** Method for retrieving the seconds for a timeout.*/
inline UINT CMessageBoxDialog::GetTimeoutSeconds ( )
{// Return the seconds for the timeout.return m_nTimeoutSeconds;
}/** Method for retrieving whether a timeout is disabled.*/
inline BOOL CMessageBoxDialog::GetTimeoutDisabled ( )
{// Return the flag whether the timeout is disabled.return m_bTimeoutDisabled;
// Methods for handling the stored states./** Method for resetting the message boxes stored in the registry.** This method removes all results of formerly displayed message boxes from* the registry and therefore resets the state of the message boxes. Even* those, where the user checked "Don't display/ask again" will again be* displayed.*/
//void CMessageBoxDialog::ResetMessageBoxes ( )
// // Try to retrieve a handle to the application object.
// CWinApp* pApplication = AfxGetApp();
// ASSERT(pApplication);
// // Check whether a handle was retrieved.
// if ( pApplication != NULL )
// {
// // Create the registry key for this application.
// CString strKey = _T("Software\\");
// strKey += pApplication->m_pszRegistryKey;
// strKey += _T("\\");
// strKey += pApplication->m_pszProfileName;
// strKey += _T("\\");
// // Delete the message box results stored in the registry.
// pApplication->DelRegTree(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKey);
// }
// Methods for handling common window functions./** Method for displaying the dialog.** If the MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN or MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN flag is set, this* method will check, whether a former result for this dialog was stored* in the registry. If yes, the former result will be returned without* displaying the dialog. Otherwise the message box will be displayed in* the normal way.*/
INT_PTR CMessageBoxDialog::DoModal ( )
{// Check whether the result may be retrieved from the registry.if ( ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN ) ||( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN ) ){ Check whether the registry key was already generated.//if ( m_strRegistryKey.IsEmpty() )//{// // Create the registry key for this dialog.// m_strRegistryKey = GenerateRegistryKey();//} Try to read the former result of the message box from the registry.//int nFormerResult = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(// REGISTRY_SECTION_MESSAGEBOX, m_strRegistryKey, (-1)); Check whether a result was retrieved.//if ( nFormerResult != (-1) )//{// // Return the former result without displaying the dialog.// return nFormerResult;//}}// Call the parent method.return __super::DoModal();
}/** Method for closing the dialog.** If the MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN or MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN flag is set, this* method will check, one of the checkbox was marked to save the result in* the registry. If yes, the result of this dialog will be stored in the* registry.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::EndDialog ( int nResult )
{// Create a variable for storing the state of the checkbox.BOOL bDontDisplayAgain = FALSE;// Try to access the checkbox control.CWnd* pCheckboxWnd = GetDlgItem(IDCHECKBOX);// Check whether the control can be accessed.if ( pCheckboxWnd != NULL ){// Check whether the checkbox is checked.bDontDisplayAgain = ( ((CButton*)pCheckboxWnd)->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED );}// Check whether the result may be stored in the registry.//if ( ( ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN ) && bDontDisplayAgain ) ||// ( ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN ) && bDontDisplayAgain ) )//{// // Check whether the registry key was already generated.// if ( m_strRegistryKey.IsEmpty() )// {// // Create the registry key for this dialog.// m_strRegistryKey = GenerateRegistryKey();// }// // // Store the result of the dialog in the registry.// //AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(REGISTRY_SECTION_MESSAGEBOX, // // m_strRegistryKey, nResult);//}// Call the parent method.__super::EndDialog(nResult);
}/** Method for initializing the dialog.** This method is used for initializing the dialog. It will create the* content of the dialog, which means it will create all controls and will* size the dialog to fit it's content.*/
BOOL CMessageBoxDialog::OnInitDialog ( )
{// Call the parent method.if ( !__super::OnInitDialog() ){// Return with an error.return FALSE;}// Set the title of the dialog.SetWindowText(m_strTitle);// Set the help ID of the dialog.SetHelpID(m_nHelp);// Parse the style of the message box.ParseStyle();// Create the elements of the dialog.CreateIconControl();CreateMessageControl();CreateCheckboxControl();CreateButtonControls();// Define the layout of the dialog.DefineLayout();// Check whether no sound should be generated.if ( !( m_nStyle & MB_NO_SOUND ) ){// Do a beep.MessageBeep(m_nStyle & MB_ICONMASK);}// Check whether the window should be system modal.if ( m_nStyle & MB_SYSTEMMODAL ){// Modify the style of the window.ModifyStyle(0, DS_SYSMODAL);}// Check whether to bring the window to the foreground.if ( m_nStyle & MB_SETFOREGROUND ){// Bring the window to the foreground.SetForegroundWindow();}// Check whether the window should be the topmost window.if ( m_nStyle & MB_TOPMOST ){// Modify the style of the window.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_TOPMOST);}// Check whether an escape button was defined.if ( m_nEscapeButton == IDC_STATIC ){// Disable the close item from the system menu.GetSystemMenu(FALSE)->EnableMenuItem(SC_CLOSE, MF_GRAYED);}// Check whether a timeout is set.if ( m_nTimeoutSeconds > 0 ){// Check whether it's a disabled timeout.if ( m_bTimeoutDisabled ){// Run through all created buttons.for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Try to retrieve a handle for the button.CWnd* pButtonWnd = GetDlgItem(m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID);ASSERT(pButtonWnd);// Check whether the handle was retrieved.if ( pButtonWnd != NULL ){// Disable the button.pButtonWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE);}}// Try to retrieve the handle of the checkbox.CWnd* pCheckboxWnd = GetDlgItem(IDCHECKBOX);// Check whether the checkbox handle was retrieved.if ( pCheckboxWnd != NULL ){// Disable the checkbox.pCheckboxWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE);}}// Install a timer.m_nTimeoutTimer = (UINT)SetTimer(MESSAGE_BOX_TIMER, 1000, NULL);}// Check whether a default button was defined.if ( m_nDefaultButton != IDC_STATIC ){// Set the focus to the default button.GetDlgItem(m_nDefaultButton)->SetFocus();// Set the default ID of the dialog.SetDefID(m_nDefaultButton);// Return FALSE to set the focus correctly.return FALSE;}// Everything seems to be done successfully.return TRUE;
}/** Method for handling command messages.** This method will handle command messages, which are those messages, which* are generated, when a user clicks a button of the dialog.*/
BOOL CMessageBoxDialog::OnCmdMsg ( UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo )
{// Check whether it's the help button.if ( ( nID == IDHELP ) && ( nCode == CN_COMMAND ) ){// Display the help for this message box.OnHelp();// The message has been processed successfully.return TRUE;}// Check whether the ID of the control element is interesting for us.if ( ( nID != IDC_STATIC ) && ( nID != IDCHECKBOX ) && ( nCode == CN_COMMAND ) ){// End the dialog with the given ID.EndDialog(nID);// The message has been processed successfully.return TRUE;}// Call the parent method.return __super::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
}/** Method for handling messages before dispatching them.** This message will handle message before they get dispatched the normal way* and will therefore implement the additional behavior of this dialog.*/
BOOL CMessageBoxDialog::PreTranslateMessage ( MSG* pMsg )
{// Check whether it's a key message and whether it's not a disable timeout.if ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN ){// Check whether a disabled timeout is running.if ( m_bTimeoutDisabled && ( m_nTimeoutSeconds > 0 ) ){// Stop here and do nothing until the timeout is finished.return TRUE;}// Check whether it's the return key.if ( pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ){// Try to retrieve the current focus.CWnd* pFocusWnd = GetFocus();// Check whether a handle was retrieved.if ( pFocusWnd != NULL ){// Try to determine the ID of the element.int nID = pFocusWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();// Run through the list of defined buttons.for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Check whether the ID is a button.if ( m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID == nID ){// Save this ID as the default ID.m_nDefaultButton = nID;// Break the loop to save time.break;}}// End the dialog with the default command.EndDialog(m_nDefaultButton);// The message has been processed successfully.return TRUE;}}// Check whether it's the escape key.if ( ( pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) || ( pMsg->wParam == VK_CANCEL ) ){// Check whether an escape button was defined.if ( m_nEscapeButton != IDC_STATIC ){// End the dialog with this ID.EndDialog(m_nEscapeButton);}// The message has been processed successfully.return TRUE;}}// Call the parent method.return __super::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
}/** Method for handling a timer event.** When a timeout for the message box is set, this method will perform the* update of the dialog controls every second.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent )
{// Check whether the event is interesting for us.if ( nIDEvent == MESSAGE_BOX_TIMER ){// Decrease the remaining seconds.m_nTimeoutSeconds--;// Check whether the timeout is finished.if ( m_nTimeoutSeconds == 0 ){// Kill the timer for this event and reset the handle.KillTimer(m_nTimeoutTimer);// Check whether it has been a disabled timeout.if ( m_bTimeoutDisabled ){// Run through all defined buttons.for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Try to retrieve a handle to access the button.CWnd* pButtonWnd = GetDlgItem(m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID);ASSERT(pButtonWnd);// Check whether a handle was retrieved.if ( pButtonWnd != NULL ){// Enable the button again.pButtonWnd->EnableWindow(TRUE);}}// Try to retrieve a handle for the checkbox.CWnd* pCheckboxWnd = GetDlgItem(IDCHECKBOX);// Check whether the checkbox was found.if ( pCheckboxWnd != NULL ){// Enable the checkbox.pCheckboxWnd->EnableWindow(TRUE);}}else{// End the dialog with the default button.EndDialog(m_nDefaultButton);}}// Run through the list of defined buttons.for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Check whether this button is the default button.if ( m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID == m_nDefaultButton ){// Create two strings for the button text.CString strButtonText = _T("");CString strFullText = _T("");// Try to load the text for the button.VERIFY(strButtonText = LoadString(m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nTitle));// Use the button text as the full text.strFullText = strButtonText;// Check whether the timeout is finished.if ( m_nTimeoutSeconds > 0 ){// Add the remaining seconds to the text of the button.strFullText.Format(_T("%s = %d"), strButtonText.GetString(), m_nTimeoutSeconds);}// Try to retrieve a handle for the button.CWnd* pButtonWnd = GetDlgItem(m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID);ASSERT(pButtonWnd);// Check whether the handle was retrieved successfully.if ( pButtonWnd != NULL ){// Set the text of the button.pButtonWnd->SetWindowText(strFullText);}}}}// Call the parent method.__super::OnTimer(nIDEvent);
// Other dialog handling methods./** Method for handling window messages.*/
BOOL CMessageBoxDialog::OnWndMsg ( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,LRESULT* pResult )
{// Check whether to close the dialog.if ( message == WM_CLOSE ){// Check whether a disabled timeout is running.if ( m_bTimeoutDisabled && ( m_nTimeoutSeconds > 0 ) ){// Stop here and do nothing until the timeout is finished.return TRUE;}// Check whether an escape button is defined.if ( m_nEscapeButton != IDC_STATIC ){// End the dialog with this command.EndDialog(m_nEscapeButton);}// The message was handled successfully.return TRUE;}// Call the parent method.return __super::OnWndMsg(message, wParam, lParam, pResult);
// Helper methods./** Method for generating a registry key.** This method tries to create a registry key, which will be used for storing* the result of the message box, if the MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN or the* MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN flag is set.*/
//CString CMessageBoxDialog::GenerateRegistryKey ( )
// // Create a string to store the registry key.
// CString strRegistryKey = _T("");
// // Check whether a help ID is given.
// if ( m_nHelp != 0 )
// {
// // Simply use the help ID, because we assume, it's unique.
// strRegistryKey.Format(_T("%d"), m_nHelp);
// }
// else
// {
// // POSSIBLE BUG: The following algorithm for creating a checksum is
// // very simple and may not ensure, the registry key is really unique.
// // But for now it may be enough.
// // Create a variable to store the checksum.
// int nChecksum = 0;
// // Run through the message string.
// for ( int i = 0; i < m_strMessage.GetLength(); i++ )
// {
// // Get the char at the given position and add it to the checksum.
// nChecksum += ((int)m_strMessage.GetAt(i)) * i;
// }
// // Convert the checksum to a string.
// strRegistryKey.Format(_T("%d"), nChecksum);
// }
// // Return the registry key.
// return strRegistryKey;
//}/** Method for adding a button to the list of buttons.** This method adds a button to the list of buttons, which will be created in* the dialog, but it will not create the button control itself.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::AddButton ( UINT nID, UINT nTitle, BOOL bIsDefault,BOOL bIsEscape )
{// Create a new structure to store the button information.MSGBOXBTN bButton = { (int)nID, nTitle };// Add the button to the list of buttons.m_aButtons.Add(bButton);// Check whether this button is the default button.if ( bIsDefault ){// Save the ID of the button as the ID of the default button.m_nDefaultButton = nID;}// Check whether this button is the escape button.if ( bIsEscape ){// Save the ID of the button as the ID of the escape button.m_nEscapeButton = nID;}
}/** Method for converting a dialog unit x value to a pixel value.*/
inline int CMessageBoxDialog::XDialogUnitToPixel ( int x )
{// Check whether the dimension of a dialog unit has already been determined.if ( m_sDialogUnit.cx == 0 ){// Create a rect for mapping it to the dialog rect.CRect rcDialog(0, 0, CX_DLGUNIT_BASE, CY_DLGUNIT_BASE);// Map the rect to the dialog.MapDialogRect(rcDialog);// Save the rect.m_sDialogUnit = rcDialog.Size();}// Return the converted value.return ( x * m_sDialogUnit.cx / CX_DLGUNIT_BASE );
}/** Method for converting a dialog unit y value to a pixel value.*/
inline int CMessageBoxDialog::YDialogUnitToPixel ( int y )
{// Check whether the dimension of a dialog unit has already been determined.if ( m_sDialogUnit.cy == 0 ){// Create a rect for mapping it to the dialog rect.CRect rcDialog(0, 0, CX_DLGUNIT_BASE, CY_DLGUNIT_BASE);// Map the rect to the dialog.MapDialogRect(rcDialog);// Save the rect.m_sDialogUnit = rcDialog.Size();}// Return the converted value.return ( y * m_sDialogUnit.cy / CY_DLGUNIT_BASE );
}/** Method for parsing the given style.** This method will parse the given style for the message box and will create* the elements of the dialog box according to it. If you want to add more* user defined styles, simply modify this method.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::ParseStyle ( )
{// Switch the style of the buttons.switch ( m_nStyle & MB_TYPEMASK ){case MB_OKCANCEL:// Add two buttons: "Ok" and "Cancel".AddButton(IDOK, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_OK, TRUE);AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, FALSE, TRUE);break;case MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE:// Add three buttons: "Abort", "Retry" and "Ignore".AddButton(IDABORT, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_ABORT, TRUE);AddButton(IDRETRY, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_RETRY);AddButton(IDIGNORE, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNORE);break;case MB_YESNOCANCEL:// Add three buttons: "Yes", "No" and "Cancel".AddButton(IDYES, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES, TRUE);// Check whether to add a "Yes to all" button.if ( m_nStyle & MB_YES_TO_ALL ){// Add the additional button.AddButton(IDYESTOALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES_TO_ALL);}AddButton(IDNO, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_NO);// Check whether to add a "No to all" button.if ( m_nStyle & MB_NO_TO_ALL ){// Add the additional button.AddButton(IDNOTOALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_NO_TO_ALL);}AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, FALSE, TRUE);break;case MB_YESNO:// Add two buttons: "Yes" and "No".AddButton(IDYES, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES, TRUE);// Check whether to add a "Yes to all" button.if ( m_nStyle & MB_YES_TO_ALL ){// Add the additional button.AddButton(IDYESTOALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_YES_TO_ALL);}AddButton(IDNO, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_NO);// Check whether to add a "No to all" button.if ( m_nStyle & MB_NO_TO_ALL ){// Add the additional button.AddButton(IDNOTOALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_NO_TO_ALL);}break;case MB_RETRYCANCEL:// Add two buttons: "Retry" and "Cancel".AddButton(IDRETRY, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_RETRY, TRUE);AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, FALSE, TRUE);break;case MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE:// Add three buttons: "Cancel", "Try again" and "Continue".AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, TRUE, TRUE);AddButton(IDTRYAGAIN, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_RETRY);AddButton(IDCONTINUE, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CONTINUE);break;case MB_CONTINUEABORT:// Add two buttons: "Continue" and "Abort".AddButton(IDCONTINUE, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CONTINUE, TRUE);AddButton(IDABORT, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_ABORT);break;case MB_SKIPSKIPALLCANCEL:// Add three buttons: "Skip", "Skip all" and "Cancel".AddButton(IDSKIP, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_SKIP, TRUE);AddButton(IDSKIPALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_SKIPALL);AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, FALSE, TRUE);break;case MB_IGNOREIGNOREALLCANCEL:// Add three buttons: "Ignore", "Ignore all" and "Cancel".AddButton(IDIGNORE, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNORE, TRUE);AddButton(IDIGNOREALL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_IGNOREALL);AddButton(IDCANCEL, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL, FALSE, TRUE);break;default:case MB_OK:// Add just one button: "Ok".AddButton(IDOK, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_OK, TRUE, TRUE);break;}// Check whether to add a help button.if ( m_nStyle & MB_HELP ){// Add the help button.AddButton(IDHELP, IDS_MESSAGEBOX_HELP);}// Check whether a default button was defined.if ( m_nStyle & MB_DEFMASK ){// Create a variable to store the index of the default button.int nDefaultIndex = 0;// Switch the default button.switch ( m_nStyle & MB_DEFMASK ){case MB_DEFBUTTON1:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 0;break;case MB_DEFBUTTON2:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 1;break;case MB_DEFBUTTON3:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 2;break;case MB_DEFBUTTON4:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 3;break;case MB_DEFBUTTON5:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 4;break;case MB_DEFBUTTON6:// Set the index of the default button.nDefaultIndex = 5;break;}// Check whether enough buttons are available.if ( m_aButtons.GetCount() >= ( nDefaultIndex + 1 ) ){// Set the new default button.m_nDefaultButton = m_aButtons.GetAt(nDefaultIndex).nID;}}// Check whether an icon was specified.if ( ( m_nStyle & MB_ICONMASK ) && ( m_hIcon == NULL ) ){// Switch the icon.switch ( m_nStyle & MB_ICONMASK ){case MB_ICONEXCLAMATION:// Load the icon with the exclamation mark.m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_EXCLAMATION);break;case MB_ICONHAND:// Load the icon with the error symbol.m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_HAND);break;case MB_ICONQUESTION:// Load the icon with the question mark.m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_QUESTION);break;case MB_ICONASTERISK:// Load the icon with the information symbol.m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_ASTERISK);break;}}
}/** Method for creating the icon control.** This method will check whether the handle for an icon was defined and if* yes it will create an control in the dialog to display that icon.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::CreateIconControl ( )
{// Check whether an icon was defined.if ( m_hIcon != NULL ){// Create a structure to read information about the icon.ICONINFO iiIconInfo;// Retrieve information about the icon.GetIconInfo(m_hIcon, &iiIconInfo);ASSERT(iiIconInfo.fIcon);// Create a handle to access the bitmap information of the icon.BITMAP bmIcon;// Retrieve the bitmap information of the icon.GetObject((HGDIOBJ)iiIconInfo.hbmColor, sizeof(bmIcon), &bmIcon);// Save the size of the icon.m_sIcon.cx = bmIcon.bmWidth;m_sIcon.cy = bmIcon.bmHeight;// Create a dummy rect for the icon control.CRect rcDummy;// Create the control for the icon.m_stcIcon.Create(NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED | SS_ICON,rcDummy, this, (UINT)IDC_STATIC);// Set the icon of the control.m_stcIcon.SetIcon(m_hIcon);}
}/** Method for creating the text control.** This method create the control displaying the text of the message for the* message box. It will also try to determine the size required for the* message.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::CreateMessageControl ( )
{ASSERT(!m_strMessage.IsEmpty());// Create a DC for accessing the display driver.CDC dcDisplay;dcDisplay.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL);// Select the new font and store the old one.CFont* pOldFont = dcDisplay.SelectObject(GetFont());// Define the maximum width of the message.int nMaxWidth = ( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 2 ) + 100;// Check whether an icon is displayed.if ( m_hIcon != NULL ){// Decrease the maximum width.nMaxWidth -= m_sIcon.cx + 2 * XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);}// Create a rect with the maximum width.CRect rcMessage(0, 0, nMaxWidth, nMaxWidth);// Draw the text and retrieve the size of the text.dcDisplay.DrawText(m_strMessage, rcMessage, DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);// Save the size required for the message.m_sMessage = rcMessage.Size();// Select the old font again.dcDisplay.SelectObject(pOldFont);// Create a dummy rect for the control.CRect rcDummy;// Create a variable with the style of the control.DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE;// Check whether the text should be right aligned.if ( m_nStyle & MB_RIGHT ){// Align the text to the right.dwStyle |= SS_RIGHT;}else{// Align the text to the left.dwStyle |= SS_LEFT;}// Create the static control for the message.m_stcMessage.Create(m_strMessage, dwStyle, rcDummy, this, (UINT)IDC_STATIC);// Check whether the text will be read from right to left.if ( m_nStyle & MB_RTLREADING ){// Change the extended style of the control.m_stcMessage.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_RTLREADING);}// Set the font of the dialog.m_stcMessage.SetFont(GetFont());
}/** Method for creating the checkbox control.** If the user either specified the MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN or* MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN flag, this method will create a checkbox in the dialog* for enabling the user to disable this dialog in the future.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::CreateCheckboxControl ( )
{// Check whether a checkbox is required.if ( ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN ) ||( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN ) ){// Create a variable for storing the title of the checkbox.CString strCheckboxTitle = _T("");// Check which style is used.if ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN ){// Load the string for the checkbox.// VERIFY(strCheckboxTitle = LoadString(IDS_MESSAGEBOX_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN));}else{// Check which style is used.if ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN ){// Load the string for the checkbox.// VERIFY(strCheckboxTitle = LoadString(IDS_MESSAGEBOX_DONT_ASK_AGAIN));}}ASSERT(!strCheckboxTitle.IsEmpty());// Create a handle to access the DC of the dialog.CClientDC dc(this);// Retrieve the font for this dialog and select it.CFont* pWndFont = GetFont();CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pWndFont);// Retrieve the size of the text.m_sCheckbox = dc.GetTextExtent(strCheckboxTitle);// Add the additional value to the width of the checkbox.m_sCheckbox.cx += XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_CHECKBOX_ADDON);// Select the old font again.dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);// Create a dummy rect for the checkbox.CRect rcDummy;// Create a handle for the checkbox.CButton btnCheckbox;// Create the checkbox.btnCheckbox.Create(strCheckboxTitle, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, rcDummy, this, IDCHECKBOX);// Check whether the checkbox should be marked checked at startup.if ( m_nStyle & MB_DEFAULT_CHECKED ){// Mark the checkbox.btnCheckbox.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED);}// Set the font of the control.btnCheckbox.SetFont(pWndFont);// Remove the subclassing again.btnCheckbox.UnsubclassWindow();}
}/** Method for creating the button controls.** According to the list of buttons, which should be displayed in this* message box, this method will create them and add them to the dialog.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::CreateButtonControls ( )
{int iTmp = 0;UINT uTmp = 0;// Initialize the control with the size of the button.m_sButton.SetSize(XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BUTTON),YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BUTTON));// Create a handle to access the DC of the dialog.CClientDC dc(this);// Retrieve the font for this dialog and select it.CFont* pWndFont = GetFont();CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pWndFont);// Create a dummy rect.CRect rcDummy;// Run through all buttons defined in the list of the buttons.iTmp = (int)m_aButtons.GetCount();for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Create a string and load the title of the button.CString strButtonTitle;uTmp = m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nTitle;VERIFY(strButtonTitle = LoadString(uTmp));// Create a string with the text used to determine the length.CString strLengthTest = strButtonTitle;// Check whether there's a timeout set.if ( m_nTimeoutSeconds > 0 ){// Create a string with the longest timeout text.CString strTimeoutText = _T("");strTimeoutText.Format(_T("%s = %d"), strLengthTest.GetString(), m_nTimeoutSeconds);// Use this text to determine the length of the string.strLengthTest = strTimeoutText;}// Retrieve the size of the text.CSize sButtonText = dc.GetTextExtent(strLengthTest);// Resize the button.m_sButton.cx = max(m_sButton.cx, sButtonText.cx);m_sButton.cy = max(m_sButton.cy, sButtonText.cy);// Create a new handle for creating a button control.CButton btnControl;// Create the button.btnControl.Create(strButtonTitle, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP,rcDummy, this, m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID);// Set the font of the control.btnControl.SetFont(pWndFont);// Remove the subclassing again.btnControl.UnsubclassWindow();}// Add margins to the button size.m_sButton.cx += 2 * XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BUTTON_BORDER);m_sButton.cy += 2 * XDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BUTTON_BORDER);// Select the old font again.dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);
}/** Method for defining the layout of the dialog.** This method will define the actual layout of the dialog. This layout is* based on the created controls for the dialog.*/
void CMessageBoxDialog::DefineLayout ( )
{// Create a variable for storing the size of the dialog.CSize sClient = CSize(2 * XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER),2 * YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER));// Create a variable to store the left position for a control element.int nXPosition = XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);int nYPosition = YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER);// Check whether an icon is defined.if ( m_hIcon != NULL ){// Move the icon control.m_stcIcon.MoveWindow(XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER), YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER), m_sIcon.cx, m_sIcon.cy);// Add the size of the icon to the size of the dialog.sClient.cx += m_sIcon.cx + XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);sClient.cy += m_sIcon.cy + YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER);// Increase the x position for following control elements.nXPosition += m_sIcon.cx + XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);}// Change the size of the dialog according to the size of the message.sClient.cx += m_sMessage.cx + XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);sClient.cy = max(sClient.cy, m_sMessage.cy + 2 * YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER) + YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER / 2));// Set the position of the message text.m_stcMessage.MoveWindow(nXPosition, nYPosition, m_sMessage.cx,m_sMessage.cy);// Define the new y position.nYPosition += m_sMessage.cy + YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER) +YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER / 2);// Check whether an checkbox is defined.if ( ( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN ) ||( m_nStyle & MB_DONT_ASK_AGAIN ) ){// Try to determine the control element for the checkbox.CWnd* pCheckboxWnd = GetDlgItem(IDCHECKBOX);ASSERT(pCheckboxWnd);// Check whether the control was retrieved.if ( pCheckboxWnd != NULL ){// Move the checkbox window.pCheckboxWnd->MoveWindow(nXPosition, nYPosition, m_sCheckbox.cx,m_sCheckbox.cy);// Resize the dialog if necessary.sClient.cx = max(sClient.cx, nXPosition + m_sCheckbox.cx +XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER));sClient.cy = max(sClient.cy, nYPosition + m_sCheckbox.cy +YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER));// Define the y positions.nYPosition += m_sCheckbox.cy + YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER);}}// Calculate the width of the buttons.int cxButtons =(int)(( m_aButtons.GetCount() - 1 ) * XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BUTTON_SPACE) +m_aButtons.GetCount() * m_sButton.cx);int cyButtons = m_sButton.cy;// Add the size of the buttons to the dialog.sClient.cx = max(sClient.cx, 2 * XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER) + cxButtons);sClient.cy += cyButtons + YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER);// Calculate the start y position for the buttons.int nXButtonPosition = ( sClient.cx - cxButtons ) / 2;int nYButtonPosition = sClient.cy - YDialogUnitToPixel(CY_BORDER) - m_sButton.cy;// Check whether the buttons should be right aligned.if ( m_nStyle & MB_RIGHT_ALIGN ){// Right align the buttons.nXButtonPosition = sClient.cx - cxButtons - XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BORDER);}// Run through all buttons.for ( int i = 0; i < m_aButtons.GetCount(); i++ ){// Try to retrieve the handle to access the button.CWnd* pButton = GetDlgItem(m_aButtons.GetAt(i).nID);ASSERT(pButton);// Check whether the handle was retrieved successfully.if ( pButton != NULL ){// Move the button.pButton->MoveWindow(nXButtonPosition, nYButtonPosition, m_sButton.cx, m_sButton.cy);// Set the new x position of the next button.nXButtonPosition += m_sButton.cx + XDialogUnitToPixel(CX_BUTTON_SPACE);}}// Set the dimensions of the dialog.CRect rcClient(0, 0, sClient.cx, sClient.cy);// Calculate the window rect.CalcWindowRect(rcClient);// Move the window.MoveWindow(rcClient);// Center the window.CenterWindow();