
数据集格式:Pascal VOC格式+YOLO格式(不包含分割路径的txt文件,仅仅包含jpg图片以及对应的VOC格式xml文件和yolo格式txt文件)
标注类别名称:["Adristyrannus","Aleurocanthus spiniferus","Ampelophaga","Aphis citricola Vander Goot","Apolygus lucorum","Bactrocera tsuneonis","Beet spot flies","Brevipoalpus lewisi McGregor","Ceroplastes rubens","Chlumetia transversa","Chrysomphalus aonidum","Cicadella viridis","Cicadellidae","Dacus dorsalis","Dasineura sp","Deporaus marginatus Pascoe","Erythroneura apicalis","Icerya purchasi Maskell","Lawana imitata Melichar","Limacodidae","Locustoidea","Lycorma delicatula","Mango flat beak leafhopper","Miridae","Nipaecoccus vastalor","Panonchus citri McGregor","Papilio xuthus","Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton","Pieris canidia","Potosiabre vitarsis","Prodenia litura","Pseudococcus comstocki Kuwana","Rhytidodera bowrinii white","Rice Stemfly","Salurnis marginella Guerr","Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood","Sternochetus frigidus","Tetradacus c Bactrocera minax ","Thrips","Toxoptera aurantii","Toxoptera citricidus","Trialeurodes vaporariorum","Unaspis yanonensis","Xylotrechus","alfalfa plant bug","alfalfa seed chalcid","alfalfa weevil","aphids","army worm","asiatic rice borer","beet army worm","beet fly","beet weevil","bird cherry-oataphid","black cutworm","blister beetle","brown plant hopper","cabbage army worm","cerodonta denticornis","corn borer","english grain aphid","flax budworm","flea beetle","grain spreader thrips","green bug","grub","large cutworm","legume blister beetle","longlegged spider mite","lytta polita","meadow moth","mole cricket","odontothrips loti","oides decempunctata","paddy stem maggot","parathrene regalis","peach borer","penthaleus major","red spider","rice gall midge","rice leaf caterpillar","rice leaf roller","rice leafhopper","rice shell pest","rice water weevil","sericaorient alismots chulsky","small brown plant hopper","tarnished plant bug","therioaphis maculata Buckton","wheat blossom midge","wheat phloeothrips","wheat sawfly","white backed plant hopper","white margined moth","wireworm","yellow cutworm","yellow rice borer"]
Adristyrannus 框数 = 133
Aleurocanthus spiniferus 框数 = 148
Ampelophaga 框数 = 279
Aphis citricola Vander Goot 框数 = 8
Apolygus lucorum 框数 = 35
Bactrocera tsuneonis 框数 = 27
Beet spot flies 框数 = 71
Brevipoalpus lewisi McGregor 框数 = 2
Ceroplastes rubens 框数 = 370
Chlumetia transversa 框数 = 60
Chrysomphalus aonidum 框数 = 183
Cicadella viridis 框数 = 206
Cicadellidae 框数 = 2975
Dacus dorsalis 框数 = 131
Dasineura sp 框数 = 22
Deporaus marginatus Pascoe 框数 = 66
Erythroneura apicalis 框数 = 13
Icerya purchasi Maskell 框数 = 290
Lawana imitata Melichar 框数 = 150
Limacodidae 框数 = 224
Locustoidea 框数 = 552
Lycorma delicatula 框数 = 338
Mango flat beak leafhopper 框数 = 13
Miridae 框数 = 1268
Nipaecoccus vastalor 框数 = 46
Panonchus citri McGregor 框数 = 82
Papilio xuthus 框数 = 108
Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton 框数 = 23
Pieris canidia 框数 = 57
Potosiabre vitarsis 框数 = 238
Prodenia litura 框数 = 436
Pseudococcus comstocki Kuwana 框数 = 73
Rhytidodera bowrinii white 框数 = 140
Rice Stemfly 框数 = 28
Salurnis marginella Guerr 框数 = 183
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood 框数 = 77
Sternochetus frigidus 框数 = 65
Tetradacus c Bactrocera minax  框数 = 58
Thrips 框数 = 48
Toxoptera aurantii 框数 = 28
Toxoptera citricidus 框数 = 22
Trialeurodes vaporariorum 框数 = 112
Unaspis yanonensis 框数 = 546
Xylotrechus 框数 = 157
alfalfa plant bug 框数 = 237
alfalfa seed chalcid 框数 = 20
alfalfa weevil 框数 = 91
aphids 框数 = 1395
army worm 框数 = 216
asiatic rice borer 框数 = 179
beet army worm 框数 = 420
beet fly 框数 = 34
beet weevil 框数 = 157
bird cherry-oataphid 框数 = 125
black cutworm 框数 = 317
blister beetle 框数 = 1013
brown plant hopper 框数 = 117
cabbage army worm 框数 = 266
cerodonta denticornis 框数 = 27
corn borer 框数 = 440
english grain aphid 框数 = 310
flax budworm 框数 = 434
flea beetle 框数 = 384
grain spreader thrips 框数 = 20
green bug 框数 = 72
grub 框数 = 676
large cutworm 框数 = 176
legume blister beetle 框数 = 476
longlegged spider mite 框数 = 64
lytta polita 框数 = 270
meadow moth 框数 = 100
mole cricket 框数 = 877
odontothrips loti 框数 = 65
oides decempunctata 框数 = 176
paddy stem maggot 框数 = 25
parathrene regalis 框数 = 31
peach borer 框数 = 254
penthaleus major 框数 = 72
red spider 框数 = 168
rice gall midge 框数 = 95
rice leaf caterpillar 框数 = 130
rice leaf roller 框数 = 190
rice leafhopper 框数 = 119
rice shell pest 框数 = 36
rice water weevil 框数 = 153
sericaorient alismots chulsky 框数 = 100
small brown plant hopper 框数 = 54
tarnished plant bug 框数 = 365
therioaphis maculata Buckton 框数 = 5
wheat blossom midge 框数 = 25
wheat phloeothrips 框数 = 108
wheat sawfly 框数 = 146
white backed plant hopper 框数 = 78
white margined moth 框数 = 60
wireworm 框数 = 532
yellow cutworm 框数 = 209
yellow rice borer 框数 = 82









目录 一、 软件简介 二、功能介绍 2.1 格式兼容性强 2.2 高清播放与硬件加速 2.3 自定义皮肤与界面布局 2.4 多音轨切换与音效增强 2.5 字幕支持与编辑 2.6 视频截图与录像 2.7 网络流媒体播放 三、软件特色 四、使用技巧 五、总结 一、 软件简介 PotPlayer播放器 …


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