精准读取CSV/Excel数据 - 灵活指定行列范围的 Python 解决方案


  • 源代码
  • 项目简介
  • 导入相关库
  • __file_exists 装饰器
  • 函数的签名和注释
  • 主要功能的实现
  • 运行演示
  • 读取 Excel 文件


https://github.com/ma0513207162/PyPrecip。pyprecip\reading\read_api.py 路径下。


PyPrecip 是一个专注于气候数据处理的 Python 库,旨在为用户提供方便、高效的气候数据处理和分析工具。该库致力于处理各种气候数据,并特别关注于降水数据的处理和分析。



在这里,读取 csv 和 excel 文件分别使用 csv 库和 openpyxl 库。utits 路径下是笔者自定义的一些工具函数,在源码中可以找到。

import os, csv 
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from ..utits.except_ import RaiseException as exc 
from ..utits.warn_ import RaiseWarn as warn 
from ..utits.sundries import check_param_type

__file_exists 装饰器

一个简易的 python 装饰器 __file_exists,用于检测 path 参数有无正常输入,否则抛出自定义异常。

def __file_exists(func):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):     if not args and not kwargs:exc.raise_exception("The file path is required.", TypeError) return func(*args, **kwargs)return wrapper 


  • 以 read_csv 函数为示例,定义了一些必要的参数。
  • by_row 参数表示是否按行读取数据。
  • 其中 row_indices 和 column_indices 参数为 tuple 类型时,表示指定行索引或列索引。指定为 list 类型时,表示指定行范围或列范围。
  • check_param_type 函数负责检查参数的类型。
def read_csv(path: str, by_row: bool = False, row_indices: (tuple|list) = (), column_indices: (tuple|list) = ()): """     Reads data for specified rows and columns from a CSV file.Parameters:- path: indicates the path of the CSV file- row_indices: Specifies the read row range (list length 2) or row index (tuple)- column_indices: specifies the read column range (list length 2) or column index (tuple)- by_row: If True, read the file by rows (default). If False, read the file by columns.Returns:- Dictionary. The key indicates the file name and the value indicates the read data"""# 检查参数类型 check_param_type(path, str, "path");check_param_type(row_indices, (tuple|list), "row_indices"); check_param_type(column_indices, (tuple|list), "column_indices");


根据传入的 row_indices 和 column_indices 参数搭配 zip 函数进行行列的转换, 使用切片和索引操作从原始 CSV 数据中提取指定的行列数据区域。这里最大的特点就是避免了使用大量的 for 循环进行同样功能的实现。

	read_csv_result: dict = {}; with open(path, "r", encoding="gbk") as csv_file:reader_csv = list(csv.reader(csv_file)) # 指定行范围  if isinstance(row_indices, list) and row_indices != []:if len(row_indices) == 2:start, end = row_indices[0], row_indices[1]reader_csv = reader_csv[start-1: end]else:warn.raise_warning("The row_indices parameter must contain only two elements, otherwise it is invalid.") # 指定行索引 if isinstance(row_indices, tuple) and row_indices != ():row_idx_list = []for idx in row_indices:if idx >= 1 and idx <= len(reader_csv):row_idx_list.append(reader_csv[idx-1]) else:exc.raise_exception("The index must be greater than 0 and less than the sequence length.", IndexError)reader_csv = row_idx_list; # list 类型指定行范围reader_csv = list(zip(*reader_csv)) if isinstance(column_indices, list) and column_indices != []:if len(column_indices) == 2:start, end = column_indices[0], column_indices[1]; reader_csv = reader_csv[start-1: end]else:warn.raise_warning("The column_indices parameter must contain only two elements, otherwise it is invalid.") # tuple 类型指定列索引 if isinstance(column_indices, tuple) and column_indices != ():col_idx_list = [] for idx in column_indices:if idx >= 1 and idx <= len(reader_csv):col_idx_list.append(reader_csv[idx-1]); else:exc.raise_exception("The index must be greater than 0 and less than the sequence length.", IndexError)reader_csv = col_idx_list;# 按行读取 if by_row:reader_csv = list(zip(*reader_csv)) # 封装 dict 对象file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]; read_csv_result[file_name] = reader_csv; return read_csv_result;


# 以主进程的方式运行 
if __name__ == "__main__": path = "./static/test_data.xlsx"read_result = read_excel(path=path, row_indices=(1,3), column_indices=[1,5]);for key in read_result:for value in read_result[key]:print(value)


读取 Excel 文件

同样的逻辑,也适用于读取 Excel 文件。

def read_excel(path: str, by_row: bool = False,  sheet_names: tuple = (), row_indices: (tuple|list) = (),column_indices: (tuple|list) = ()) -> dict: """Reads data from a specified worksheet, row, and column from an Excel file.Parameters:- path: indicates the Excel file path- sheet_names: A tuple of sheet names to be read. If empty, the active sheet is read- row_indices: Specifies the read row range (list length 2) or row index (tuple)- column_indices: specifies the read column range (list length 2) or column index (tuple)- by_row: If True, read the file by rows (default). If False, read the file by columns.Return:- Dictionary. The key is the name of the worksheet and the value is the read data"""# 检查参数类型 check_param_type(path, str, "path");check_param_type(sheet_names, tuple, "sheet_names");check_param_type(row_indices, (tuple|list), "row_indices"); check_param_type(column_indices, (tuple|list), "column_indices");workbook = load_workbook(filename = path, data_only = True) # Gets the specified worksheet sheet_list = []if sheet_names != ():for sheet_name in sheet_names:sheet_list.append(workbook[sheet_name])else:sheet_list.append(workbook.active) read_excel_result: dict = {}; # 遍历工作簿 sheet_listfor sheet in sheet_list:sheet_iter_rows: list = list(sheet.iter_rows(values_only = True)) # 指定行范围 if isinstance(row_indices, list) and row_indices != []:if len(row_indices) == 2:start, end = row_indices[0], row_indices[1] sheet_iter_rows = sheet_iter_rows[start-1: end]else:warn.raise_warning("The row_indices parameter must contain only two elements, otherwise it is invalid.") # 指定行索引 if isinstance(row_indices, tuple) and row_indices != ():temp_iter_rows = []for idx in row_indices:if idx >= 1 and idx <= len(sheet_iter_rows):temp_iter_rows.append(sheet_iter_rows[idx-1]) else:exc.raise_exception("The index must be greater than 0 and less than the sequence length.", IndexError)sheet_iter_rows = temp_iter_rows   # list 类型指定行范围sheet_iter_cols = list(zip(*sheet_iter_rows)) if isinstance(column_indices, list) and column_indices != []:if len(column_indices) == 2:start, end = column_indices[0], column_indices[1]; sheet_iter_cols = sheet_iter_cols[start-1: end]  else:warn.raise_warning("The column_indices parameter must contain only two elements, otherwise it is invalid.")   # tuple 类型指定列索引 if isinstance(column_indices, tuple) and column_indices != ():col_idx_list = [] for idx in column_indices:if idx >= 1 and idx <= len(sheet_iter_cols):col_idx_list.append(sheet_iter_cols[idx-1]); else:exc.raise_exception("The index must be greater than 0 and less than the sequence length.", IndexError)sheet_iter_cols = col_idx_list; # 是否按行读取 if by_row:sheet_iter_cols = list(zip(*sheet_iter_cols)) read_excel_result[sheet.title] = sheet_iter_cols; return read_excel_result;  





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