
1. 介绍

VROOM is an open-source optimization engine written in C++20 that aim at providing good solutions to various real-life vehicle routing problems (VRP) within a small computing time.
TSP (travelling salesman problem)
CVRP (capacitated VRP)
VRPTW (VRP with time windows)
MDHVRPTW (multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle VRPTW)
PDPTW (pickup-and-delivery problem with TW)

2. 入门

安装:pip install pyvroom
注意vroom目前在mac m系列上还无法编译通过。

2.1 基本样例


  1. 距离矩阵
  2. 车辆清单
  3. 工作清单
import vroom
problem_instance = vroom.Input()
problem_instance.set_durations_matrix(profile="car",matrix_input=[[0, 2104, 197, 1299],[2103, 0, 2255, 3152],[197, 2256, 0, 1102],[1299, 3153, 1102, 0]],)
problem_instance.add_vehicle([vroom.Vehicle(47, start=0, end=0),vroom.Vehicle(48, start=2, end=2)])
problem_instance.add_job([vroom.Job(1414, location=0), vroom.Job(1515, location=1),vroom.Job(1616, location=2),vroom.Job(1717, location=3)])
solution = problem_instance.solve(exploration_level=5, nb_threads=4)
solution.routes[["vehicle_id", "type", "arrival", "location_index", "id"]]

其中id为job的编号,location index为地点的编号。

2.2 文件输入


{ "vehicles": [{"id":0, "start_index":0, "end_index":3} ],"jobs": [{"id":1414,"location_index":1},{ "id":1515,"location_index":2}],"matrices": { "car": {"durations": [ [0,2104,197,1299],[2103,0,2255,3152],[197,2256,0,1102],[1299,3153,1102,0]]}}

vroom -i test2.json

2.3 调用引擎


import vroom
problem_instance = vroom.Input(servers={"auto": "valhalla1.openstreetmap.de:443"},router=vroom._vroom.ROUTER.VALHALLA)
problem_instance.add_vehicle(vroom.Vehicle(1, start=(2.44, 48.81), profile="auto"))
problem_instance.add_job([vroom.Job(1, location=(2.44, 48.81)),vroom.Job(2, location=(2.46, 48.7)),vroom.Job(3, location=(2.42, 48.6)),])
sol = problem_instance.solve(exploration_level=5, nb_threads=4)

The only difference is no need to define the duration/distance matrix.

3. 详细介绍


  1. resources (vehicles)
  2. single-location pickup and/or delivery tasks (jobs/shipments)
  3. 如果没有指定经纬度和地图server的话,则需要定义matrices

3.1 jobs/shipments


    id:Job identifier number. Two jobs can not have the sameidentifier.location:Location of the job. If interger, value interpreted as an thecolumn in duration matrix. If pair of numbers, valueinterpreted as longitude and latitude coordinates respectively.setup:The cost of preparing the vehicle before actually going out fora job.service:The time (in secondes) it takes to pick up/deliver shipmentwhen at customer.delivery:The amount of how much is being carried to customer.pickup:The amount of how much is being carried back from customer.skills:Skills required to perform job. Only vehicles which satisfiesall required skills (i.e. has at minimum all skills valuesrequired) are allowed to perform this job.priority:The job priority level, where 0 is the lowest priorityand 100 is the highest priority.time_windows:Windows for where service is allowed to begin.Defaults to have not restraints.


    id:Job identifier number. Two jobs can not have the sameidentifier.location:Location of the job. If interger, value interpreted as an thecolumn in duration matrix. If pair of numbers, valueinterpreted as longitude and latitude coordinates respectively.setup:The cost of preparing the vehicle before actually going out fora job.service:The time (in secondes) it takes to pick up/deliver shipmentwhen at customer.time_windows:Windows for where service is allowed to begin.Defaults to have not restraints.description:Optional string descriping the job.


    pickup:Description of the pickup part of the shipment.delivery:Description of the delivery part of the shipment.amount:An interger representation of how much is being carried backfrom customer.skills:Skills required to perform job. Only vehicles which satisfiesall required skills (i.e. has at minimum all skills valuesrequired) are allowed to perform this job.priority:The job priority level, where 0 is the lowest priorityand 100 is the highest priority.

3.2 vehicles


    id:Vehicle idenfifier number. Two vehicle can not have the sameidentifier.start:The location where the vehicle starts at before any jobs are done.If omitted, the vehicle will start at the first task it will beassigned. If interger, value interpreted as an the column induration matrix. If pair of numbers, value interpreted as longitudeand latitude coordinates respectively.end:The location where the vehicle should end up after all jobs arecompleted. If omitted, the vehicle will end at the last task itwill be assigned. If interger, value interpreted as an the columnin duration matrix. If pair of numbers, value interpreted aslongitude and latitude coordinates respectively.profile:The name of the profile this vehicle falls under.capacity:Array of intergers representing the capacity to carry differentgoods.skills:Skills provided by this vehilcle needed to perform various tasks.time_window:The time window for when this vehicle is available for usage.breaks:Breaks this vehicle should take.description:Optional string descriping the vehicle.speed_factor:The speed factor for which this vehicle runs faster or slower thanthe default.max_tasks:The maximum number of tasks this vehicle can perform.steps:Set of custom steps this vehicle should take.


    step_type:The type of step in question. Choose from: `start`, `end`, `break`,`single`, `pickup`, and `delivery`.id:Reference to the job/break the step is associated with.Not used for `step_type == "start"` and `step_type == "end"`.service_at:Hard constraint that the step in question should be performedat a give time point.service_after:Hard constraint that the step in question should be performedafter a give time point.service_before:Hard constraint that the step in question should be performedbefore a give time point.

3.3 其他


    id:Job identifier number. Two jobs can not have thesame identifier.time_windows:Time windows for where breaks is allowed to begin.Defaults to have not restraints.service:The time duration of the break.description:A string describing this break

4. 输出

code:status code
error:error message (present iff code is different from 0)
summary:object summarizing solution indicators
unassigned:array of objects describing unassigned tasks with their id, type, and if provided, description, location and location_index
routes:array of route objects

4.1 code


4.2 summary


4.3 routes





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