


brew install --cask zed

Mac Monterey下是可以安装上的,亲测有效。





关于Zed里面的MCP部分,手册:Model Context Protocol - Zed 

也就是有个Postgres数据库的MCP Server的扩展,代码在:


Zed Postgres Context Server

This extension provides a Model Context Server for Postgres, for use with the Zed AI assistant.

It adds a /pg-schema slash command to the Assistant Panel.


To use the extension, you will need to point the context server at a Postgres database by setting the database_url in your Zed settings.json:

{"context_servers": {"postgres-context-server": {"settings": {"database_url": "postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase"}}}


  • /pg-schema <table-name>: Retrieve the schema for the table with the given name.
  • /pg-schema all-tables: Retrieve the schemas for all tables in the database.


设置参考这里:Context Server Extensions - Zed 


Model Context Protocol

Zed uses the Model Context Protocol to interact with context servers:

The Model Context Protocol (MCP) is an open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools. Whether you're building an AI-powered IDE, enhancing a chat interface, or creating custom AI workflows, MCP provides a standardized way to connect LLMs with the context they need.

Check out the Anthropic news post and the Zed blog post for an introduction to MCP.

Try it out

Want to try it for yourself?

The following context servers are available today as Zed extensions:

  • Postgres Context Server

Bring your own context server

If there's an existing context server you'd like to bring to Zed, check out the context server extension docs for how to make it available as an extension.

If you are interested in building your own context server, check out the Model Context Protocol docs to get started.

Context Servers

Extensions may provide context servers for use in the Assistant.

Example extension

To see a working example of an extension that provides context servers, check out the postgres-context-server extension.

This extension can be installed as a dev extension if you want to try it out for yourself.

Defining context servers

A given extension may provide one or more context servers. Each context server must be registered in the extension.toml:



Then, in the Rust code for your extension, implement the context_server_command method on your extension:


impl zed::Extension for MyExtension { fn context_server_command( &mut self, context_server_id: &ContextServerId, project: &zed::Project, ) -> Result<zed::Command> { Ok(zed::Command { command: get_path_to_context_server_executable()?, args: get_args_for_context_server()?, env: get_env_for_context_server()?, }) } }

This method should return the command to start up a context server, along with any arguments or environment variables necessary for it to function.

If you need to download the context server from an external source—like GitHub Releases or npm—you can also do this here.





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