How to install cangjie on Linux mint 22.1



今天,我们介绍一下仓颉语言在Linux mint 22.1上的安装。







tar -zxvf Cangjie-0.53.18-linux_x64.tar.gz
mv cangjie ~/.cangjie



lwk@qwfys:~$ ll .cangjie/
total 48
drwxr-x---  8 lwk lwk 4096 Mar 16 18:10 ./
drwxr-x--- 38 lwk lwk 4096 Mar 16 18:30 ../
drwxr-x---  2 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 bin/
-rwxr-x---  1 lwk lwk 1458 Feb 28  2023*
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 lib/
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 modules/
-rwxr-x---  1 lwk lwk 9078 Feb 28  2023*
drwxr-x---  3 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 runtime/
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 third_party/
drwxr-x---  5 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 tools/


source ~/.cangjie/



tee -a ~/.bashrc <<-EOF
export CANGJIE_DIR="$HOME/.cangjie"
[[ -s "$HOME/.cangjie/" ]] && source "$HOME/.cangjie/"





lwk@qwfys:~$ cjc --help
Usage:cjc [option] file...Options:--diagnostic-format <value> Diagnostic format. Candidate modes: <value>=json                <value>=noColor             <value>=default             --scan-dependency           Get the package(s) which the current package depends on--no-sub-pkg                The package doesn't have sub-packages--cfg <value>               User defined contion to compile--debug-macro               Enable debug macro--parallel-macro-expansion  Enable parallel macro expansion-g                          Enable compile debug version target--trimpath <value>          Remove a specified path prefix in debuginfo-s, --strip-all             Strip the symbol table from executable and dynamic library--test                      Enable compile test--mock <value>              Specify whether mock features are enabled, or disabled, or a runtime exception is thrown when trying to use mock features<value>=on                  <value>=off                 <value>=runtime-error       -o, --output <value>        Specify product name or output directory when compiling a package--output-dir <value>        Specify output directory (it affects '--output' option)--static-std                Statically link packages of the std module--dy-std                    Dynamically link packages of the std module--static-libs               Statically link packages of other modules except std--dy-libs                   Dynamically link packages of other modules except std--lto <value>               Enable LTO to either 'full' or 'thin' (Not available for Windows target)<value>=full                <value>=thin                --profile-compile-time      Print time spent of all phases in the compilation--profile-compile-memory    Print memory usage of all phases in the compilation--fchir-constant-propagationEnable constant propagation optimizaion in CHIR--fno-chir-constant-propagationDisable constant propagation optimizaion in CHIR--fchir-function-inlining   Enable function inlining optimizaion in CHIR--fno-chir-function-inliningDisable function inlining optimizaion in CHIR--fchir-devirtualization    Enable devirtualization optimizaion in CHIR--fno-chir-devirtualization Disable devirtualization optimizaion in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-inline-8bit-countersEnable sanitizer-coverage-inline-8bit-counters in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-inline-bool-flagEnable sanitizer-coverage-inline-bool-flag in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-trace-pc-guardEnable sanitizer-coverage-trace-pc-guard in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-pc-tableEnable sanitizer-coverage-pc-table in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-stack-depthEnable sanitizer-coverage-stack-depth in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-trace-comparesEnable sanitizer-coverage-trace-compares in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-trace-memcmpEnable sanitizer-coverage-trace-memcmp in CHIR--sanitizer-coverage-level=0sancov level 0--sanitizer-coverage-level=1sancov level 1--sanitizer-coverage-level=2sancov level 2--sanitizer-coverage-level <value>Set sanitizer-coverage level--int-overflow <value>      Specify default integer overflow strategy: <value>=throwing            <value>=wrapping            <value>=saturating          --fast-math                 Enable fast-math mode--link-options <value>      Options directly passed to linker-L, --library-path <value>  Add directory to library search path-l, --library <value>       Link library-B, --toolchain <value>     Use toolchain binaries and object files at the given directory--target <value>            Generate code for the given target platform--target-cpu <value>        Generate instructions for the given target processor (Experimental)--sysroot <value>           Set the system root directory under which bin, lib and include can be found--output-type <value>       Specify output file type<value>=exe                 emit executable (default)<value>=staticlib           emit static library<value>=dylib               emit dynamic library-O0                         Optimization level 0 (default)-O, -O1                     Optimization level 1-O2                         Optimization level 2-Os                         Optimization level s, like -O2 with extra optimizations for size-Oz                         Optimization level z, like -Os but reduces code size further-O<value>                   Set Optimization level--module-name <value>       Tell compiler name of the module-p, --package               Specify package directory to be compiled--import-path <value>       Add .cjo search path--incremental-compile       Enable incremental compilation.--save-temps <value>        Save intermediate compilation results. <value>: path to save temp files.-Woff, --warn-off <value>   Suppress a specific group of warning<value>=all                 <value>=unused              <value>=driver-arg          <value>=deprecated          <value>=unsupport-compile-source  <value>=package-import      <value>=parser              <value>=semantics           <value>=interpreter         -Won, --warn-on <value>     Report a specific group of warning<value>=all                 <value>=unused              <value>=driver-arg          <value>=deprecated          <value>=unsupport-compile-source  <value>=package-import      <value>=parser              <value>=semantics           <value>=interpreter         --error-count-limit <value> Emit specified <number> of errors only. Available options: all, <number> (8 by default)-V, --verbose               Enable verbose-v, --version               Print compiler version information -h, --help                  Show usage--compile-macro             Options to compile the macro define package--coverage                  Enable coverage--experimental              Enable experimental options-j, --jobs <value>          Number of tasks to run at once--apc, --aggressive-parallel-compileEnable agrressive parallel compile--fobf-string               Enable string literal obfuscation--fno-obf-string            Disable string literal obfuscation--fobf-const                Enable constant literal obfuscation--fno-obf-const             Disable constant literal obfuscation--fobf-layout               Enable code layout obfuscation--fno-obf-layout            Disable code layout obfuscation--fobf-cf-flatten           Enable control flow flatten obfuscation--fno-obf-cf-flatten        Disable control flow flatten obfuscation--fobf-cf-bogus             Enable control flow bogus obfuscation--fno-obf-cf-bogus          Disable control flow bogus obfuscation--fobf-all                  Enable all obfuscations--fobf-export-symbols       Obfuscate export symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--fno-obf-export-symbols    Don't obfuscate export symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--obf-sym-input-mapping <value>Specify the input files of symbol mapping for layout obfuscation--obf-sym-output-mapping <value>Specify the output file of symbol mapping for layout obfuscation--obf-apply-mapping-file <value>Supply user-defined symbol mapping file for layout obfuscation--obf-sym-prefix <value>    Specify the prefix of obfuscated symbols for layout obfuscation--fobf-source-path          Obfuscate source path of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--fno-obf-source-path       Don't obfuscate source path of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--fobf-line-number          Obfuscate line number of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--fno-obf-line-number       Don't obfuscate line number of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled--obf-config <value>        Specify obfuscation configure file--obf-level <value>         Specify obfuscation level. Available value: 1 to 10 (5 by default)--obf-seed <value>          Specify random seed for obfuscation algorithm. Available value: <number>--disable-reflection        Disable reflection--stack-trace-format <value>Specify stack trace format<value>=default             <value>=simple              <value>=all                 --pgo-instr-gen             PGO instrumentation--pgo-instr-use <value>     Read PGO instrumentation profile--discard-eh-frame          Discard the eh_frame section
lwk@qwfys:~$ cjpm --help
Cangjie Package ManagerUsage:cjpm [subcommand] [option]Available subcommands:init             Init a new cangjie modulecheck            Check the dependenciesupdate           Update cjpm.locktree             Display the package dependencies in the source codebuild            Compile the current modulerun              Compile and run an executable producttest             Unittest a local package or moduleclean            Clean up the target directoryinstall          Install a cangjie binaryuninstall        Uninstall a cangjie binaryAvailable options:-h, --help       help for cjpm-v, --version    version for cjpmUse "cjpm [subcommand] --help" for more information about a command.



lwk@qwfys:~$ cjpm --help
Cangjie Package ManagerUsage:cjpm [subcommand] [option]Available subcommands:init             Init a new cangjie modulecheck            Check the dependenciesupdate           Update cjpm.locktree             Display the package dependencies in the source codebuild            Compile the current modulerun              Compile and run an executable producttest             Unittest a local package or moduleclean            Clean up the target directoryinstall          Install a cangjie binaryuninstall        Uninstall a cangjie binaryAvailable options:-h, --help       help for cjpm-v, --version    version for cjpmUse "cjpm [subcommand] --help" for more information about a command.


今天我们带领大家完成了仓颉语言运行时环境的在Linux mint 22.1上的安装。以下几点,大家需要着重注意:

  • 版本


  • cjpm






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