MTANet: Multi-Task Attention Network for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
MTANet: 多任务注意力网络,用于自动医学图像分割和分类
然而,这些方法主要集中在医学对象的整个区域,对于检测小的医学对象的敏感性较低。注意力机制在transformer模型成功应用后引起了广泛关注。注意力机制不使用所有可用特征,而是选择一部分相关的感知信息来检测显著特征。在自然场景图像分割网络取得成功后,注意力机制被引入到许多医学图像分割工作中,如Focus UNet、MedT、TransUNet和UACANet等。这些方法在医学分割任务上表现出色,但很少考虑解码器中的高分辨率特征和编码器与解码器之间的连接。
此外,基于transformer的架构已经在语义分割任务中展示了最先进的性能。受到Vision Transformer-based方法(VIT)的发展启发,最近的transformer-based骨干网络在性能上已经达到或超过了基于CNN的骨干网络。
Medical image segmentation and classifica**tion are two of the most key steps in computer-aidedclinical diagnosis. The region of interest were usuallysegmented in a proper manner to extract useful featuresfor further disease classification. However, these methodsare computationally complex and time-consuming. In thispaper, we proposed a one-stage multi-task attention network (MTANet) which efficiently classifies objects in animage while generating a high-quality segmentation maskfor each medical object. A reverse addition attention modulewas designed in the segmentation task to fusion areas inglobal map and boundary cues in high-resolution features,and an attention bottleneck module was used in the classification task for image feature and clinical feature fusion.We evaluated the performance of MTANet with CNN-basedand transformer-based architectures across three imagingmodalities for different tasks: CVC-ClinicDB dataset forpolyp segmentation, ISIC-2018 dataset for skin lesion segmentation, and our private ultrasound dataset for liver tumorsegmentation and classification. Our proposed model outperformed state-of-the-art models on all three datasets andwas superior to all 25 radiologists for liver tumor diagnosis.
Figure 2 showed the overview of the proposed MTANetwhich used a reverse addition attention module with a parallel partial decoder in the decoder of basic UNet model toobtain more high-resolution features for segmentation branchand attention bottleneck modules in the fully connectedlayers to fusion image feature and clinical feature for classification branch. Each component will be introduced asfollows.
In conclusion, we proposed an end-to-end one-stage network MTANet for automatic medical image analysis. Reverseaddition attention module was designed to fusion areas inglobal map and boundary cues in high-resolution features,and an attention bottleneck module was introduced to balancethe clinical features and image features. Both CNN-based andtransformer-based architectures were proposed. Experimentson three datasets of different imaging modalities demonstratedthe capability of the proposed MTANet.
Fig. 1. Flowchart shows patient enrollment process.
图1. 流程图展示了患者入组过程。
Fig. 2. Overview of the proposed MTANet.
图2. 提出的MTANet的概述
Fig. 3. Qualitative segmentation results for automatic medical image segmentation. Green lines denote the ground truth while red lines denote thepredicted results of our model.
图3. 自动医学图像分割的定性结果展示。绿线表示地面真实结果,红线表示我们模型的预测结果。
Fig. 4. Struction of models. Model-I denotes the single classification network. Model-II denotes the two-stage classification network. Model-IIIdenotes our one-stage classification network.
图4. 模型结构。Model-I 表示单一分类网络。Model-II 表示两阶段分类网络。Model-III 表示我们的一阶段分类网络。
Fig. 5. ROC curves of our model and radiologists. (a) validation cohort; (b) testing cohort; (c-d) reader study.
Fig. 5. 我们模型和放射科医生的ROC曲线。(a) 验证队列; (b) 测试队列; (c-d) 读者研究。
TABLE I basic characteristics of the patients in the each cohort
表格 I每个队列患者的基本特征
TABLE II ablation study for segmentation
表格 II分割的消融研究
TABLE III performance comparison for polyp segmentation on the CVC-ClinicDB dataset with respect to existing methods
表格 III 在CVC-ClinicDB数据集上针对现有方法进行息肉分割的性能比较
TABLE IV performance comparison for lesion boundary segmentation from ISIC-2018 dataset with respect to existing methods
表格 IV 在ISIC-2018数据集上针对现有方法进行病变边界分割的性能比较
TABLE V performance comparison for lesion boundary segmentation from ultrasound dataset with respect to existing methods
表格 V在超声数据集上针对现有方法进行病变边界分割的性能比较
TABLE VI ablation study for classification
表格 VI分类的消融研究
TABLE VIIperformance comparison for liver tumor classification from ultrasound dataset with respect to existing methods
表格 VII 针对超声数据集进行肝肿瘤分类的性能比较
TABLE VIII performance comparison for liver tumor classification from ultrasound dataset with respect to radiologists
表格 VIII 针对超声数据集进行肝肿瘤分类与放射科医生的性能比较