各向异性含水层中地下水三维流基本微分方程的推导 参考文献:
[1] 刘欣怡,付小莉.论连续性方程的推导及几种形式转换的方法[J].力学与实践,2023,45(02):469-474. 书接上回: 我们能得到三个方向的流入流出平衡方程: ∂ ρ u x ∂ x d x d y d…
注:机翻,未校对。 The Origins of CtrlC, CtrlV, CtrlX, and CtrlZ Explained We use them dozens of times a day: The CtrlZ, CtrlX, CtrlC, and CtrlV shortcuts that trigger Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste. But where did they come from, and why do…