利用canvas 实现图片的标注,把标注像素点传入到后端


可关注,参考另外一篇文章:利用fabricjs 实现图片的标注,把标注像素点传入到后端


《T 恤图案编辑器》
《T 恤图案编辑器》-源码
实现一个轻量 fabric.js 系列一(摸透 canvas)






<template><div:style="{width: canvasProp.width + 'px',height: canvasProp.height + 'px',border: '1px solid #ccc'}"><canvasref="canvas":width="canvasProp.width":height="canvasProp.height"@mousedown="onMouseDown"@mousemove="onMouseMove"@mouseup="onMouseUp":style="{width: canvasProp.width + 'px',height: canvasProp.height + 'px'}"></canvas><div @click="saveData">保存数据</div><div @click="zoomBig">放大</div><div @click="zoomSmall">缩小</div></div>
export default {name: "images-tags",props: {// 矩形标注的数据tagsData: {type: Array,default: () => {return [{label: "基表数据",color: "#0000ff",type: "rectangle",width: 150,height: 50,rotate: 0,isInit: true,startX: 185,startY: 235}];}},// 图片路径images: {type: String,default: "/img/yejing1.jpg"}},data() {return {ctx: null,cursorClass: "",initCenterX: 0,initCenterY: 0,rotateImages: null, //旋转图标是否加载bgImage: null, //背景图是否加载canvasProp: {width: 0, // canvas的宽度height: 0, // canvas的高度scale: 1, // canvas的缩放比例scaleX: 0,scaleY: 0,translateX: 0,translateY: 0},selectedTag: null, // 当前选中的矩形框isResizing: false,isDragging: false,isRotating: false,resizeHandle: null,dragOffsetX: 0,dragOffsetY: 0,mouseDownX: 0,mouseDownY: 0,initialRotation: 0,isCanvasDraging: false};},mounted() {this.loadImageAndSetCanvas();window.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown);window.addEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, { passive: false });console.log("保存的数据===", this.tagsData);},beforeDestroy() {window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown);window.removeEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel);},methods: {zoomBig() {this.zoom(true, this.initCenterX, this.initCenterY);},zoomSmall() {this.zoom(false, this.initCenterX, this.initCenterY);},onWheel(event) {if (event.ctrlKey) {// detect pinchevent.preventDefault(); // prevent zoomthis.zoom(event.deltaY < 0, event.offsetX, event.offsetY);}},zoom(iszoomBig, zoomCenterX, zoomCenterY) {if (iszoomBig) {console.log("Pinching 放大");if (this.canvasProp.scale < 3) {this.canvasProp.scaleX = zoomCenterX;this.canvasProp.scaleY = zoomCenterY;this.canvasProp.scale = Math.min(this.canvasProp.scale + 0.1, 3);}this.drawTags();} else {if (this.canvasProp.scale > 1) {this.canvasProp.scaleX = zoomCenterX;this.canvasProp.scaleY = zoomCenterY;this.canvasProp.scale = Math.max(this.canvasProp.scale - 0.1, 1);this.drawTags();}}},computexy(x, y) {let { scaleX, scale, scaleY, translateX, translateY } = this.canvasProp;const xy = {// x: x / scale - translateX,// y: y / scale - translateY,offsetX: (x - scaleX * (1 - scale) - translateX * scale) / scale,offsetY: (y - scaleY * (1 - scale) - translateY * scale) / scale};return xy;},computewh(width, height) {return {width: width / scale,height: height / scale};},handleKeyDown(event) {console.log("event.key", event.key);const step = 10; // 每次移动的步长switch (event.key) {case "ArrowUp":this.canvasProp.translateY -= step;break;case "ArrowDown":this.canvasProp.translateY += step;break;case "ArrowLeft":this.canvasProp.translateX -= step;break;case "ArrowRight":this.canvasProp.translateX += step;break;}this.drawTags(); // 重新绘制画布},saveData() {console.log("保存的数据", this.tagsData);let pointData = this.getPointData();console.log("pointData", pointData);this.setPointData(pointData);// this.$emit("saveData",this.setPointData(pointData));},getPointData() {const result = this.tagsData.map(tag => {const { startX, startY, width, height, rotate } = tag;const centerX = startX + width / 2;const centerY = startY + height / 2;const points = [{ x: startX, y: startY }, // Top-left{ x: startX + width, y: startY }, // Top-right{ x: startX + width, y: startY + height }, // Bottom-right{ x: startX, y: startY + height } // Bottom-left];const rotatedPoints = points.map(point => {const dx = point.x - centerX;const dy = point.y - centerY;const rotatedX =centerX +dx * Math.cos((rotate * Math.PI) / 180) -dy * Math.sin((rotate * Math.PI) / 180);const rotatedY =centerY +dy * Math.cos((rotate * Math.PI) / 180) +dx * Math.sin((rotate * Math.PI) / 180);return [Math.round(rotatedX), Math.round(rotatedY)];});return rotatedPoints;});return result;},setPointData(result) {const newTagData = result.map(points => {const [p1, p2, p3, p4] = points;const centerX = (p1[0] + p3[0]) / 2;const centerY = (p1[1] + p3[1]) / 2;const width = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2[0] - p1[0], 2) + Math.pow(p2[1] - p1[1], 2));const height = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p4[0] - p1[0], 2) + Math.pow(p4[1] - p1[1], 2));const rotate =Math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]) * (180 / Math.PI);return {label: "新矩形", // 可以根据需要更改标签color: "#0000ff", // 可以根据需要更改颜色type: "rectangle",startX: centerX - width / 2,startY: centerY - height / 2,width: width,height: height,rotate: rotate,isInit: false};});console.log("newTagData", newTagData);return newTagData;//this.tagsData = newTagData;//this.drawTags();},loadImageAndSetCanvas() {const img = new Image();img.src = this.images;img.onload = () => {this.bgImage = img;this.canvasProp.width = img.width;this.canvasProp.height = img.height;this.initCenterX = img.width / 2;this.initCenterY = img.height / 2;this.ctx = this.$refs.canvas.getContext("2d");this.$nextTick(() => {this.drawTags();});};},drawTags() {this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasProp.width, this.canvasProp.height);this.ctx.save();if (this.bgImage) {//画布缩放this.ctx.translate(this.canvasProp.scaleX, this.canvasProp.scaleY);this.ctx.scale(this.canvasProp.scale, this.canvasProp.scale);this.ctx.translate(-this.canvasProp.scaleX, -this.canvasProp.scaleY);//画布平移this.ctx.translate(this.canvasProp.translateX,this.canvasProp.translateY);this.ctx.drawImage(this.bgImage,0,0,this.bgImage.width,this.bgImage.height);this.tagsData.forEach(tag => {if (tag.type === "rectangle") {this.drawRectangle(tag);}});}this.ctx.restore();},rotateExec(tag) {let { startX, startY, width, height, rotate } = tag;this.ctx.translate(startX + width / 2, startY + height / 2);this.ctx.rotate((rotate * Math.PI) / 180);this.ctx.translate(-(startX + width / 2), -(startY + height / 2));},//手动添加输入框的时候drawRectangle(tag) {const { label, color, width, height, rotate, isInit } = tag;if (isInit) {tag.startX = this.initCenterX - width / 2;tag.startY = this.initCenterY - height / 2;}// 旋转矩形框,平移-旋转-平移到原来this.rotateExec(tag);this.ctx.save();// Draw the rectanglethis.ctx.beginPath();this.ctx.rect(tag.startX, tag.startY, width, height);this.ctx.fillStyle = this.hexToRgba(color, 0.2);this.ctx.fill();this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;this.ctx.stroke();//旋转矩形框// Draw the label textthis.ctx.font = "14px Arial";this.ctx.textAlign = "center";this.ctx.textBaseline = "middle";let textX = tag.startX + width / 2;let textY = tag.startY + height / 2;let displayText = label;if (this.ctx.measureText(label).width > width) {displayText = this.truncateText(label, width);}this.ctx.fillStyle = color;this.ctx.strokeStyle = "white";this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;this.ctx.strokeText(displayText, textX, textY);this.ctx.fillText(displayText, textX, textY);this.drawResizeHandles(tag);this.drawRotateHandle(tag);this.ctx.restore();tag.isInit = false;},drawResizeHandles(tag) {const { startX, startY, width, height, color, rotate } = tag;const handles = [{ x: startX, y: startY },{ x: startX + width / 2, y: startY },{ x: startX + width, y: startY },{ x: startX, y: startY + height / 2 },{ x: startX + width, y: startY + height / 2 },{ x: startX, y: startY + height },{ x: startX + width / 2, y: startY + height },{ x: startX + width, y: startY + height }];this.ctx.save();//this.rotateExec(tag);handles.forEach(handle => {this.ctx.beginPath();this.ctx.rect(handle.x - 2.5, handle.y - 2.5, 5, 5);this.ctx.fillStyle = "white";this.ctx.fill();this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;this.ctx.stroke();//添加鼠标悬浮事件,如果鼠标悬浮在矩形框上,则鼠标样式显示为resize样式,否则显示为默认样式});this.ctx.restore();},drawRotateHandle(tag) {const { startX, startY, width, height, color, rotate } = tag;const handleX = startX + width;const handleY = startY - 12 - 5;this.ctx.save();// this.rotateExec(tag);this.ctx.beginPath();if (!this.rotateImages) {console.log("记载旋1转图片");var img = new Image();img.src = "/img/tagRotate.png";img.onload = () => {this.rotateImages = img;this.ctx.drawImage(img, handleX, handleY, 24, 24);this.ctx.restore();};} else {this.ctx.drawImage(this.rotateImages, handleX, handleY, 24, 24);this.ctx.restore();}},truncateText(text, maxWidth) {const ellipsis = "...";let truncated = text;while (this.ctx.measureText(truncated + ellipsis).width > maxWidth) {truncated = truncated.slice(0, -1);}return truncated + ellipsis;},hexToRgba(hex, alpha) {const bigint = parseInt(hex.replace("#", ""), 16);const r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;const g = (bigint >> 8) & 255;const b = bigint & 255;return `rgba(${r},${g},${b},${alpha})`;},onMouseDown(e) {const { offsetX, offsetY } = this.computexy(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);this.mouseDownX = offsetX;this.mouseDownY = offsetY;this.tagsData.forEach(tag => {const handle = this.getHandleUnderMouse(tag, offsetX, offsetY);if (handle) {this.isResizing = true; //缩放this.resizeHandle = handle;this.selectedTag = tag;return;}const rotateHandle = this.getRotateHandleUnderMouse(tag,offsetX,offsetY);if (rotateHandle) {this.isRotating = true; //旋转this.selectedTag = tag;this.initialRotation = this.selectedTag.rotate; // 保存初始旋转角度return;}if (this.isMouseInsideRectangle(tag, offsetX, offsetY)) {this.isDragging = true;this.selectedTag = tag;this.dragOffsetX = offsetX - tag.startX;this.dragOffsetY = offsetY - tag.startY;}});// if (!this.isDragging && !this.isResizing && !this.isRotating) {//   console.log("拖动canvas大小");//   this.$refs.canvas.style.cursor = "hand";//   this.isCanvasDraging = true;// }},onMouseUp() {this.isDragging = false;this.isResizing = false;this.isRotating = false;this.selectedTag = null;this.resizeHandle = null;this.isCanvasDraging = false;},onMouseMove(e) {// console.log("鼠标移动事件", e);const { offsetX, offsetY } = this.computexy(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);// if (this.isCanvasDraging) {//   this.canvasProp.translateX -= offsetX - this.mouseDownX;//   this.canvasProp.translateY -= offsetY - this.mouseDownY;//   this.drawTags();//   return;// }if (this.isDragging && this.selectedTag) {//矩形框拖动this.selectedTag.startX = offsetX - this.dragOffsetX;this.selectedTag.startY = offsetY - this.dragOffsetY;this.drawTags();} else if (this.isResizing && this.selectedTag) {//矩形框缩放const handle = this.resizeHandle;switch (handle.position) {case "top-left":this.selectedTag.width += this.selectedTag.startX - offsetX;this.selectedTag.height += this.selectedTag.startY - offsetY;this.selectedTag.startX = offsetX;this.selectedTag.startY = offsetY;break;case "top":this.selectedTag.height += this.selectedTag.startY - offsetY;this.selectedTag.startY = offsetY;break;case "top-right":this.selectedTag.width = offsetX - this.selectedTag.startX;this.selectedTag.height += this.selectedTag.startY - offsetY;this.selectedTag.startY = offsetY;break;case "left":this.selectedTag.width += this.selectedTag.startX - offsetX;this.selectedTag.startX = offsetX;break;case "right":this.selectedTag.width = offsetX - this.selectedTag.startX;break;case "bottom-left":this.selectedTag.width += this.selectedTag.startX - offsetX;this.selectedTag.height = offsetY - this.selectedTag.startY;this.selectedTag.startX = offsetX;break;case "bottom":this.selectedTag.height = offsetY - this.selectedTag.startY;break;case "bottom-right":this.selectedTag.width = offsetX - this.selectedTag.startX;this.selectedTag.height = offsetY - this.selectedTag.startY;break;}this.drawTags();} else if (this.isRotating && this.selectedTag) {//矩形旋转const centerX = this.selectedTag.startX + this.selectedTag.width / 2;const centerY = this.selectedTag.startY + this.selectedTag.height / 2;const initDeg = Math.atan2(this.mouseDownY - centerY,this.mouseDownX - centerX);const currentDeg = Math.atan2(offsetY - centerY, offsetX - centerX);// this.selectedTag.rotate = ((currentDeg - initDeg) * 180) / Math.PI;const rotationChange = ((currentDeg - initDeg) * 180) / Math.PI;this.selectedTag.rotate = this.initialRotation + rotationChange; // 根据初始旋转角度调整this.drawTags();} else {let cursorSet = false;this.tagsData.some(tag => {const handle = this.getHandleUnderMouse(tag, offsetX, offsetY);if (handle) {let cursor = this.getCursorStyle(handle);this.$refs.canvas.style.cursor = cursor;cursorSet = true;return true;}const rotateHandle = this.getRotateHandleUnderMouse(tag,offsetX,offsetY);if (rotateHandle) {this.$refs.canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";cursorSet = true;return true;}if (this.isMouseInsideRectangle(tag, offsetX, offsetY)) {this.$refs.canvas.style.cursor = "move";cursorSet = true;return true;}return false;});if (!cursorSet) {this.$refs.canvas.style.cursor = "default";}}},getCursorCustomStyle(handle) {if (handle.position == "left" || handle.position == "right") {return `h-cursor`;} else if (handle.position === "top" || handle.position == "bottom") {return `s-cursor`;} else if (handle.position === "top-left" ||handle.position == "top-right") {return `lx-cursor`;} else if (handle.position === "bottom-left" ||handle.position == "bottom-right") {return `-cursor`;}},getCursorStyle(handle) {if (handle.position == "left") {return `w-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "top") {return `n-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "top-left") {return `nw-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "top-right") {return `ne-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "right") {return `e-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "bottom") {return `s-resize`;} else if (handle.position == "bottom-left") {return `sw-resize`;} else if (handle.position === "bottom-right") {return `se-resize`;}},getHandleUnderMouse(tag, x, y) {const handles = [{x: tag.startX,y: tag.startY,position: "top-left"},{x: tag.startX + tag.width / 2,y: tag.startY,position: "top"},{x: tag.startX + tag.width,y: tag.startY,position: "top-right"},{x: tag.startX,y: tag.startY + tag.height / 2,position: "left"},{x: tag.startX + tag.width,y: tag.startY + tag.height / 2,position: "right"},{x: tag.startX,y: tag.startY + tag.height,position: "bottom-left"},{x: tag.startX + tag.width / 2,y: tag.startY + tag.height,position: "bottom"},{x: tag.startX + tag.width,y: tag.startY + tag.height,position: "bottom-right"}];return handles.find(handle => {let { rotatedX, rotatedY } = this.rotateAfterPoint(tag, x, y);return this.isMouseOverHandle(handle, rotatedX, rotatedY);});},isMouseOverHandle(handle, x, y) {return (x >= handle.x - 2.5 &&x <= handle.x + 2.5 &&y >= handle.y - 2.5 &&y <= handle.y + 2.5);},getRotateHandleUnderMouse(tag, x, y) {let { rotatedX, rotatedY } = this.rotateAfterPoint(tag, x, y);const handleX = tag.startX + tag.width;const handleY = tag.startY - 12 - 5;if (rotatedX > handleX &&rotatedX <= handleX + 24 &&rotatedY > handleY &&rotatedY <= handleY + 24) {return true;} else {return false;}},isMouseInsideRectangle(tag, x, y) {const { startX, startY, width, height, rotate } = tag;this.ctx.save();//this.rotateExec(tag);let { rotatedX, rotatedY } = this.rotateAfterPoint(tag, x, y);const isInside =rotatedX >= startX &&rotatedX <= startX + width &&rotatedY >= startY &&rotatedY <= startY + height;this.ctx.restore();return isInside;},//解决这个问题有两个思路,一个是将旋转后矩形的四个点坐标计算出来,这种方法比较麻烦。另一个思路是逆向的,将要判断的点,以矩形的中点为中心,做逆向旋转,计算出其在 canvas 中的坐标,这个坐标,可以继续参与我们之前点在矩形内的计算rotateAfterPoint(tag, x, y) {const { startX, startY, width, height, rotate } = tag;const centerX = startX + width / 2;const centerY = startY + height / 2;let dx = x - centerX;let dy = y - centerY;// // 将鼠标点旋转回矩形未旋转前的坐标let rotatedX =dx * Math.cos((-rotate * Math.PI) / 180) -dy * Math.sin((-rotate * Math.PI) / 180) +centerX;let rotatedY =dy * Math.cos((-rotate * Math.PI) / 180) +dx * Math.sin((-rotate * Math.PI) / 180) +centerY;return { rotatedX: rotatedX, rotatedY: rotatedY };}}
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.rotate-cursor {cursor: url("/img/yx-custor"), auto !important;




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1. 前言 数据清洗与结构化数据在数据分析和机器学习项目中扮演着至关重要的角色。随着大数据时代的到来&#xff0c;数据的质量、准确性和可用性成为决定项目成功与否的关键因素。 数据清洗提高数据质量&#xff0c;保证数据集的一致性&#xff1b;促进数据分析与挖掘&#xf…


🎥博主:程序员不想YY啊 💫CSDN优质创作者,CSDN实力新星,CSDN博客专家 🤗点赞🎈收藏⭐再看💫养成习惯 ✨希望本文对您有所裨益,如有不足之处,欢迎在评论区提出指正,让我们共同学习、交流进步! 🪁Scala 🪡Scala是一种功能丰富且具有强大表达能力的静态类型…


题目 问题代码 #include<bits/stdc.h> using namespace std;const int N 1e610; int n; int porter[N]; int ans; int sign[N]; bool used;void dfs(int now, int cnt) {if(sign[now] && used){ans max(ans, cnt);return;}if(!sign[now]){cnt, sign[now] 1; …

成为git砖家(8): 使用 git log 查询范围内的 commit

文章目录 1. 查询 git log 的文档2. 不带任何参数: git log 啥意思&#xff1f;3. git log 最主要功能是什么&#xff1f;4. git log <commit1>..<commit2> 什么意思5. 查看最近n次commit6. References 1. 查询 git log 的文档 git help log --web市面上针对 git …

ubuntu sudo命令不需要密码

sudo vim /etc/sudoers1、注释掉 %sudo ALL(ALL:ALL) AL 2、添加 用户名 ALL(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL保存&#xff0c;退出即可


本月发布 12 项更新&#xff0c;其中性能优化 3 项、功能优化 8 项、安全性发布 1 项。 1. 性能优化 数据复制 - SQL Server 增量性能优化 调整读取和写入方式&#xff0c;让 SQL Server 增量复制的性能轻松达到 5000 RPS 以上。 数据复制 - Doris|SelectDB|StarRocks 性能优…


文章目录 &#x1f3af;引言&#x1f453;链式二叉树的实现1.链式二叉树的结构2.链式二叉树相关操作实现2.1源码展示2.2函数实现详解2.2.1前中后序遍历2.2.2二叉树的其他方法实现2.2.3二叉树的层序遍历和判断是否是完全二叉树 &#x1f947;结语 &#x1f3af;引言 欢迎来到Ha…