Nature Medicine:基于图像的深度学习和语言模型用于原发性糖尿病护理





Primary diabetes care and diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening persist as major public health challenges due to a shortage of trained primary care physicians (PCPs), particularly in low-resource settings. Here, to bridge the gaps, we developed an integrated image–language system (DeepDR-LLM), combining a large language model (LLM module) and image-based deep learning (DeepDR-Transformer), to provide individualized diabetes management recommendations to PCPs. In a retrospective evaluation, the LLM module demonstrated comparable performance to PCPs and endocrinology residents when tested in English and outperformed PCPs and had comparable performance to endocrinology residents in Chinese. For identifying referable DR, the average PCP’s accuracy was 81.0% unassisted and 92.3% assisted by DeepDR-Transformer. Furthermore, we performed a single-center real-world prospective study, deploying DeepDR-LLM. We compared diabetes management adherence of patients under the unassisted PCP arm (n = 397) with those under the PCP+DeepDR-LLM arm (n = 372). Patients with newly diagnosed diabetes in the PCP+DeepDR-LLM arm showed better self-management behaviors throughout follow-up (P < 0.05). For patients with referral DR, those in the PCP+DeepDR-LLM arm were more likely to adhere to DR referrals (P < 0.01). Additionally, DeepDR-LLM deployment improved the quality and empathy level of management recommendations. Given its multifaceted performance, DeepDR-LLM holds promise as a digital solution for enhancing primary diabetes care and DR screening.




It has been estimated that more than 500 million people had diabetes worldwide in 2021, with 80% living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)1,2. The escalating prevalence imposes a substantial public health challenge, particularly in these low-resource settings1,3,4,5. In LMICs, insufficient healthcare resource and a lack of trained primary care physicians (PCPs) remain principal barriers, resulting in widespread underdiagnosis, poor primary diabetes management and inadequate and/or inappropriate referrals to diabetes specialist care4,6,7. This not only impacts on individual health outcomes but also has broader socioeconomic consequences4,8,9,10.


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most common specific complication of diabetes, affecting 30–40% of individuals with diabetes11,12,13, and remains the leading cause of blindness in economically active, working-aged adults11,14,15. The presence of DR also signifies a heightened risk of other complications elsewhere (for example, kidney, heart and brain)16. Thus, regular DR screening has been universally recommended as a key part of primary diabetes care17. However, DR screening is often neglected in low-resource settings in LMICs owing to a scarcity of infrastructure, manpower and sustainable cost-effective DR screening programs.


Several digital technologies have emerged to address gaps in diabetes care and DR screening, including telemedicine18,19,20, artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted glucose monitoring and prediction21, retinal image-based deep learning (DL) models22,23,24 and the development of low-cost and portable retinal cameras25,26. However, these solutions often focus either on enhancing diabetes management or on providing DR screening but rarely integrate both important aspects for diabetes care. These current solutions also require sufficiently trained PCPs capable of utilizing these digital tools, understanding diabetes care, and referral guidelines for severe DR cases that require specialists interventions, but there are few trained PCPs in low-resource settings27.


Recently, large language models (LLMs)28,29,30,31, achieving natural language understanding and generation, have been developing rapidly and show promise in enhancing healthcare service delivery. LLMs have the potential to optimize patient monitoring, personalization of treatment plans, and patient education, potentially resulting in improved outcomes for patients with diabetes32,33,34 and retinal diseases35,36. However, while they perform well in answering some general medical queries31,37, current LLMs fall short in providing reliable and detailed management recommendations for major specific diseases31,38,39, such as diabetes.


To address these interrelated gaps in diabetes care, we developed an innovative image–language system—DeepDR-LLM—which integrates an LLM module with an image-based DL module to offer a comprehensive approach for primary diabetes care and DR screening. Our system is tailored for PCPs, particularly those working in high-volume and low-resource settings. The DeepDR-LLM system comprises two core components: an LLM module and an image-based DL module, referred to as DeepDR-Transformer (Fig. 1). Our evaluation of DeepDR-LLM’s performance relied on four experiments outlined in Fig. 2a–d. First, we developed the LLM module by fine-tuning LLaMA38, an open-source LLM that used 371,763 real-world management recommendations from 267,730 participants. We then performed a head-to-head comparative analysis, where we examined the system’s LLM module’s proficiency in providing evidence-based diabetes management recommendations against that of LLaMA, PCPs and in-training specialists (endocrinology residents), with assessments conducted in both English and Chinese languages (Fig. 2a). Second, we trained and tested the performance of DeepDR-Transformer for referable DR detection, using multiethnic, multicountry datasets comprising 1,085,295 standard (table-top) and 161,840 portable (mobile) retinal images (Fig. 2b). Third, we evaluated the impact of DeepDR-Transformer in assisting PCPs and professional graders to identify referable DR (Fig. 2c). Finally, we conducted a two-arm, real-world prospective study to determine the impact of DeepDR-LLM system when integrated into clinical workflow in the primary care setting. Over a 4-week period, we monitored and compared the adherence to diabetes management recommendations between patients under the care of unassisted PCPs and those under the care of PCPs assisted by DeepDR-LLM (Fig. 2d). Collectively, our work offers a digital solution for primary diabetes care combining DR screening and referral, particularly useful in high-volume, low-resource settings in LMICs.

为了解决糖尿病护理中存在的差距,我们开发了一种创新的系统DeepDR-LLM,它将一个LLM模块和一个基于图像的DL模块结合在一起,提供全面的初级糖尿病护理和DR筛查方法。我们的系统专门针对PCPs(主要保健医生),特别是那些在负荷高、资源有限环境下工作的医生。DeepDR-LLM系统包括两个核心组件:一个LLM模块和一个基于图像的DL模块,称为DeepDR-Transformer。我们通过使用真实世界管理建议数据集来开发LLM模块,并进行了性能评估。然后,在英文和中文语言下进行了系统性能比较分析,并评估其与其他方法之间的差异。接着,我们使用多民族、多国家数据集进行了深度学习转换器(DeepDR-Transformer)用于可引用视网膜底层检测(DR detection) 的训练和测试,并使用大量标准台式机(retinal images) 和便携式移动设备(retinal images) 进行测试。第三,在协助PCPs和专业分级人员识别可引用视网膜底层时评估 Deep DR 转换器影响。最后,在初级保健设置中将 Deep DR LLM 系统整合到临床工作流程中进行了现实前景研究,以确定 Deep DR LLM 系统对未经协助 PCP 和经过协助 PCP 治疗患者遵循 diabetes management recommendations 的影响。总体而言,我们提出了一种数字化解决方案结合 DR 筛查和转介(primary diabetes care),特别适用于负荷高、资源有限情况下的应用场景

Fig. 1: Architecture of the DeepDR-LLM system.

figure 1

The DeepDR-LLM system consists of two modules: (1) module I (LLM module), which provides individualized management recommendations for patients with diabetes; (2) module II (DeepDR-Transformer module), which performs image quality assessment, DR lesion segmentation and DR/DME grading from standard or portable fundus images. There are two modes of integrating module I and module II in the DeepDR-LLM system. In the physician-involved integration mode, the outputs of module II (that is, fundus image gradability; the lesion segmentation of microaneurysm, cotton-wool spot, hard exudate and hemorrhage; DR grade; and DME grade) could assist physicians in generating DR/DME diagnosis results (that is, fundus image gradability, DR grade, DME grade and the presence of lesions). In the automated integration mode, the DR/DME diagnosis results include fundus image gradability, DR grade, DME grade classified by module II, and the presence of lesions segmented out by module II. These DR/DME diagnosis results and other clinical metadata will be fed into module I to generate individualized management recommendations for people with diabetes.

Fig. 2: Study design overview for the DeepDR-LLM system evaluation.

figure 2

a, Head-to-head comparative assessment of diabetes management recommendations generated by DeepDR-LLM, nontuned LLaMA, PCPs and endocrinology residents, using 100 cases randomly selected from CNDCS. b, Efficacy analysis of the DeepDR-Transformer module on multiethnic datasets of standard and portable fundus images. c, Utility evaluation of the DeepDR-Transformer module as an assistive tool for PCPs and professional graders in the detection of referable DR. d, Study design of a two-arm, real-world, prospective study to evaluate the impact of DeepDR-LLM on patients’ self-management behavior. In the outcome analysis, for substudy I, 253 participants in the unassisted PCP arm and 234 participants in the PCP+DeepDR-LLM arm were included; for substudy II, 154 participants in the unassisted PCP arm and 144 participants in the PCP+DeepDR-LLM arm were included.

Fig. 6: Envisioning the future of primary diabetes care with the clinical integration of the DeepDR-LLM system.

figure 6

First, patients with diabetes undergo comprehensive evaluations that include medical history taking that can be augmented by automated voice-to-text technology, physical examinations, laboratory assessments and fundus imaging. Following this, the DeepDR-LLM system processes the accumulated clinical data to concurrently deliver DR screening results and tailored management recommendations for PCPs. Subsequently, augmented with these AI-derived insights, PCPs then offer treatment guidance and health education to patients, either in person or through teleconsultation services.




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