










像下图这种完全二叉树,它们有一个非常良好的性质,就是左子树的下标=其根结点下标 * 2 + 1,右子树下标=其根结点 * 2 + 2。例如:结点b的下标为1,其根结点a的下标为0,二者满足0 * 2 + 1 = 1;结点e的下标为4,其根结点b的下标为1,二者满足1 * 2 + 2 = 4。

而对于非完全二叉树,我们同样可以采用完全二叉树的方式进行编号,即先把这个非完全二叉树转换为对应的完全二叉树,然后再依次编号,这样非完全二叉树的根结点与左右子树的下标关系仍满足上述规律。例如:下图中的结点d下标为4,其左子树f下标为9,二者满足4 * 2 + 1 = 9,其右子树g下标为10,二者满足4 * 2 + 2 = 10。

综上所述,我们得出结论:如果结点B的下标=结点A的下标 * 2 + 1,那么B就是A的左子树;如果结点C的下标=结点A的下标 * 2 + 2,那么C就是A的右子树。


  • 在二叉树中,随着结点从上往下、从左往右,其下标是逐渐变大的
  • 对于任何结点,其前驱结点的下标都比它自身的下标小,也就是说不管是在二叉树中还是在顺序表中,前驱结点的位置都在当前结点之前
  • 顺序表中的第一个结点总是二叉树的根结点,其是没有父结点的




    /************************ The second constructor. The parameters must be correct since no validity* check is undertaken.* * @param paraDataArray    The array for data.* @param paraIndicesArray The array for indices.**********************/public BinaryCharTree(char[] paraDataArray, int[] paraIndicesArray) {// Step 1. Use a sequential list to store all nodes.int tempNumNodes = paraDataArray.length;BinaryCharTree[] tempAllNodes = new BinaryCharTree[tempNumNodes];for(int i = 0; i < tempNumNodes; i++) {tempAllNodes[i] = new BinaryCharTree(paraDataArray[i]);} // Of for i// Step 2. Link all nodes.for(int i = 1; i < tempNumNodes; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {System.out.println("Indices " + paraIndicesArray[j] + " vs. " + paraIndicesArray[i]);if(paraIndicesArray[i] == paraIndicesArray[j] * 2 + 1) {tempAllNodes[j].leftChild = tempAllNodes[i];System.out.println("Linking " + j + " with " + i);break;} // Of ifif(paraIndicesArray[i] == paraIndicesArray[j] * 2 + 2) {tempAllNodes[j].rightChild = tempAllNodes[i];System.out.println("Linking " + j + " with " + i);break;} // Of if} // Of for j} // Of for i// Step 3. The root is the first node.value = tempAllNodes[0].value;leftChild = tempAllNodes[0].leftChild;rightChild = tempAllNodes[0].rightChild;} // Of the the second constructor



第二步,链接所有结点。创建一个两层for循环,外层for循环用来遍历整个结点顺序表(我们之前说过顺序表中的第一个结点是二叉树的根结点,所以此处 i 是从1开始的),内层for循环用于枚举当前遍历结点的所有前驱结点(由于前驱结点的位置始终在当前结点之前,所以这里 j < i )。然后我们利用之前总结的结论进行判断,若满足“ * 2 + 1”的关系,则链接为左子树;若满足“ * 2 + 2”的关系,则链接为右子树。





char[] tempCharArray = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
int[] tempIndices = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 12};
BinaryCharTree tempTree2 = new BinaryCharTree(tempCharArray, tempIndices);System.out.println("\r\nPreorder visit:");
System.out.println("\r\nIn-order visit:");
System.out.println("\r\nPost-order visit:");


package datastructure.tree;import datastructure.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
/*** Binary tree with char type elements.**@auther Xin Lin 3101540094@qq.com.*/public class BinaryCharTree {/*** The value*/char value;/*** The left child*/BinaryCharTree leftChild;/*** The right child*/BinaryCharTree rightChild;/************************ The first constructor.* * @param paraName The value.**********************/public BinaryCharTree(char paraName) {value = paraName;leftChild = null;rightChild = null;} // Of constructor/************************ Manually construct a tree. Only for testing.**********************/public static BinaryCharTree manualConstructTree() {// Step 1. Construct a tree with only one node.BinaryCharTree resultTree = new BinaryCharTree('a');// Step 2. Construct all Nodes. The first node is the root.// BinaryCharTree tempTreeA = resultTree.root;BinaryCharTree tempTreeB = new BinaryCharTree('b');BinaryCharTree tempTreeC = new BinaryCharTree('c');BinaryCharTree tempTreeD = new BinaryCharTree('d');BinaryCharTree tempTreeE = new BinaryCharTree('e');BinaryCharTree tempTreeF = new BinaryCharTree('f');BinaryCharTree tempTreeG = new BinaryCharTree('g');// Step 3. Link all Nodes.resultTree.leftChild = tempTreeB;resultTree.rightChild = tempTreeC;tempTreeB.rightChild = tempTreeD;tempTreeC.leftChild = tempTreeE;tempTreeD.leftChild = tempTreeF;tempTreeD.rightChild = tempTreeG;return resultTree;} // Of manualConstructTree/************************ Pre-order visit.**********************/public void preOrderVisit() {System.out.print("" + value + " ");if(leftChild != null) {leftChild.preOrderVisit();} // Of ifif(rightChild != null) {rightChild.preOrderVisit();} // Of if} // Of preOrderVisit/************************ In-order visit.**********************/public void inOrderVisit() {if(leftChild != null) {leftChild.inOrderVisit();} // Of ifSystem.out.print("" + value + " ");if(rightChild != null) {rightChild.inOrderVisit();} // Of if} // Of inOrderVisit/************************ Post-order visit.**********************/public void postOrderVisit() {if(leftChild != null) {leftChild.postOrderVisit();} // Of ifif(rightChild != null) {rightChild.postOrderVisit();} // Of ifSystem.out.print("" + value + " ");} // Of postOrderVisit/************************ Get the depth of the binary char tree.* * @return The depth.**********************/public int getDepth() {if((leftChild == null) && (rightChild == null)) {return 1;} // Of if// The depth of the left child.int tempLeftDepth = 0;if(leftChild != null) {tempLeftDepth = leftChild.getDepth();} // Of if// The depth of the right child.int tempRightDepth = 0;if(rightChild != null) {tempRightDepth = rightChild.getDepth();} // Of ifif(tempLeftDepth >= tempRightDepth) {return tempLeftDepth + 1;} else {return tempRightDepth + 1;} // Of if} // Of getDepth/************************ Get the number of nodes of the binary char tree.* * @return The number of nodes.**********************/public int getNumNodes() {if((leftChild == null) && (rightChild == null)) {return 1;} // Of if// The number of nodes of the left child.int tempLeftNodes = 0;if(leftChild != null) {tempLeftNodes = leftChild.getNumNodes();} // Of if// The number of nodes of the right child.int tempRightNodes = 0;if(rightChild != null) {tempRightNodes = rightChild.getNumNodes();} // Of if// The total number of nodes.return tempLeftNodes + tempRightNodes + 1;} // Of getNumNodes/*** The values of nodes according to breadth first traversal.*/char[] valuesArray;/*** The indices in the complete binary tree.*/int[] indicesArray;/*********************** Convert the tree to data arrays, including a char array and an int array.* The results are stored in two member variables.* * @see #valuesArray* @see #indicesArray**********************/public void toDataArrays() {//Initialize arrays.int tempLength = getNumNodes();valuesArray = new char[tempLength];indicesArray = new int[tempLength];int i = 0;//Traverse and convert at the same time.CircleObjectQueue tempQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();tempQueue.enqueue(this);CircleIntQueue tempIntQueue = new CircleIntQueue();tempIntQueue.enqueue(0);BinaryCharTree tempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();int tempIndex = tempIntQueue.dequeue();while (tempTree != null) {valuesArray[i] = tempTree.value;indicesArray[i] = tempIndex;i++;if (tempTree.leftChild != null) {tempQueue.enqueue(tempTree.leftChild);tempIntQueue.enqueue(tempIndex * 2 + 1);} // Of ifif (tempTree.rightChild != null) {tempQueue.enqueue(tempTree.rightChild);tempIntQueue.enqueue(tempIndex * 2 + 2);} // Of itempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();tempIndex = tempIntQueue.dequeue();} // Of while} // Of toDataArrays/*********************** Convert the tree to data arrays, including a char array and an int array.* The results are stored in two member variables.* * @see #valuesArray* @see #indicesArray**********************/public void toDataArraysObjectQueue() {//Initialize arrays.int tempLength = getNumNodes();valuesArray = new char[tempLength];indicesArray = new int[tempLength];int i = 0;//Traverse and convert at the same time.CircleObjectQueue tempQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();tempQueue.enqueue(this);CircleObjectQueue tempIntQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();Integer tempIndexInteger = Integer.valueOf(0);tempIntQueue.enqueue(tempIndexInteger);BinaryCharTree tempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();int tempIndex = ((Integer)tempIntQueue.dequeue()).intValue();System.out.println("tempIndex = " + tempIndex);while (tempTree != null) {valuesArray[i] = tempTree.value;indicesArray[i] = tempIndex;i++;if (tempTree.leftChild != null) {tempQueue.enqueue(tempTree.leftChild);tempIntQueue.enqueue(Integer.valueOf(tempIndex * 2 + 1));} // Of ifif (tempTree.leftChild != null) {tempQueue.enqueue(tempTree.leftChild);tempIntQueue.enqueue(Integer.valueOf(tempIndex * 2 + 2));} // Of iftempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();if (tempTree == null) {break;} // Of iftempIndex = ((Integer)tempIntQueue.dequeue()).intValue();} // Of while} // Of toDataArraysObjectQueue/************************ The second constructor. The parameters must be correct since no validity* check is undertaken.* * @param paraDataArray    The array for data.* @param paraIndicesArray The array for indices.**********************/public BinaryCharTree(char[] paraDataArray, int[] paraIndicesArray) {// Step 1. Use a sequential list to store all nodes.int tempNumNodes = paraDataArray.length;BinaryCharTree[] tempAllNodes = new BinaryCharTree[tempNumNodes];for(int i = 0; i < tempNumNodes; i++) {tempAllNodes[i] = new BinaryCharTree(paraDataArray[i]);} // Of for i// Step 2. Link all nodes.for(int i = 1; i < tempNumNodes; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {System.out.println("Indices " + paraIndicesArray[j] + " vs. " + paraIndicesArray[i]);if(paraIndicesArray[i] == paraIndicesArray[j] * 2 + 1) {tempAllNodes[j].leftChild = tempAllNodes[i];System.out.println("Linking " + j + " with " + i);break;} // Of ifif(paraIndicesArray[i] == paraIndicesArray[j] * 2 + 2) {tempAllNodes[j].rightChild = tempAllNodes[i];System.out.println("Linking " + j + " with " + i);break;} // Of if} // Of for j} // Of for i// Step 3. The root is the first node.value = tempAllNodes[0].value;leftChild = tempAllNodes[0].leftChild;rightChild = tempAllNodes[0].rightChild;} // Of the the second constructor/************************ The entrance of the program.* * @param args Not used now.**********************/public static void main(String args[]) {BinaryCharTree tempTree = manualConstructTree();System.out.println("\r\nPreorder visit:");tempTree.preOrderVisit();System.out.println("\r\nIn-order visit:");tempTree.inOrderVisit();System.out.println("\r\nPost-order visit:");tempTree.postOrderVisit();System.out.println("\r\n\r\nThe depth is: " + tempTree.getDepth());System.out.println("The number of nodes is: " + tempTree.getNumNodes());tempTree.toDataArrays();System.out.println("The values are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.valuesArray));System.out.println("The indices are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.indicesArray));tempTree.toDataArraysObjectQueue();System.out.println("Only object queue.");System.out.println("The values are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.valuesArray));System.out.println("The indices are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.indicesArray));char[] tempCharArray = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};int[] tempIndices = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 12};BinaryCharTree tempTree2 = new BinaryCharTree(tempCharArray, tempIndices);System.out.println("\r\nPreorder visit:");tempTree2.preOrderVisit();System.out.println("\r\nIn-order visit:");tempTree2.inOrderVisit();System.out.println("\r\nPost-order visit:");tempTree2.postOrderVisit();}// Of main	
} // Of class BinaryCharTree









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