环境:PHP 8.0 框架:ThinkPHP 8 软件包:phpoffice/phpword 、dompdf/dompdf
A、GITHUB下载地址: load_font.php
// 1. [Required] Point to the composer or dompdf autoloader
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";// 2. [Optional] Set the path to your font directory
// By default dompdf loads fonts to dompdf/lib/fonts
// If you have modified your font directory set this
// variable appropriately.
//$fontDir = "lib/fonts";// *** DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS POINT ***use Dompdf\Dompdf;
use Dompdf\CanvasFactory;
use Dompdf\Exception;
use Dompdf\FontMetrics;
use Dompdf\Options;use FontLib\Font;/*** Display command line usage*/
function usage() {echo <<<EODUsage: {$_SERVER["argv"][0]} font_family [n_file [b_file] [i_file] [bi_file]]font_family: the name of the font, e.g. Verdana, 'Times New Roman',monospace, sans-serif. If it equals to "system_fonts", all the system fonts will be installed.n_file: the .ttf or .otf file for the normal, non-bold, non-italicface of the font.{b|i|bi}_file: the files for each of the respective (bold, italic,bold-italic) faces.If the optional b|i|bi files are not specified, load_font.php will search
the directory containing normal font file (n_file) for additional files that
it thinks might be the correct ones (e.g. that end in _Bold or b or B). If
it finds the files they will also be processed. All files will be
automatically copied to the DOMPDF font directory, and afm files will be
generated using php-font-lib (https://github.com/PhenX/php-font-lib).Examples:./load_font.php silkscreen /usr/share/fonts/truetype/slkscr.ttf
./load_font.php 'Times New Roman' /mnt/c_drive/WINDOWS/Fonts/times.ttfEOD;
}if ( $_SERVER["argc"] < 3 && @$_SERVER["argv"][1] != "system_fonts" ) {usage();
}$dompdf = new Dompdf();
if (isset($fontDir) && realpath($fontDir) !== false) {$dompdf->getOptions()->set('fontDir', $fontDir);
}/*** Installs a new font family* This function maps a font-family name to a font. It tries to locate the* bold, italic, and bold italic versions of the font as well. Once the* files are located, ttf versions of the font are copied to the fonts* directory. Changes to the font lookup table are saved to the cache.** @param Dompdf $dompdf dompdf main object * @param string $fontname the font-family name* @param string $normal the filename of the normal face font subtype* @param string $bold the filename of the bold face font subtype* @param string $italic the filename of the italic face font subtype* @param string $bold_italic the filename of the bold italic face font subtype** @throws Exception*/
function install_font_family($dompdf, $fontname, $normal, $bold = null, $italic = null, $bold_italic = null) {$fontMetrics = $dompdf->getFontMetrics();// Check if the base filename is readableif ( !is_readable($normal) )throw new Exception("Unable to read '$normal'.");$dir = dirname($normal);$basename = basename($normal);$last_dot = strrpos($basename, '.');if ($last_dot !== false) {$file = substr($basename, 0, $last_dot);$ext = strtolower(substr($basename, $last_dot));} else {$file = $basename;$ext = '';}if ( !in_array($ext, array(".ttf", ".otf")) ) {throw new Exception("Unable to process fonts of type '$ext'.");}// Try $file_Bold.$ext etc.$path = "$dir/$file";$patterns = array("bold" => array("_Bold", "b", "B", "bd", "BD"),"italic" => array("_Italic", "i", "I"),"bold_italic" => array("_Bold_Italic", "bi", "BI", "ib", "IB"),);foreach ($patterns as $type => $_patterns) {if ( !isset($$type) || !is_readable($$type) ) {foreach($_patterns as $_pattern) {if ( is_readable("$path$_pattern$ext") ) {$$type = "$path$_pattern$ext";break;}}if ( is_null($$type) )echo ("Unable to find $type face file.\n");}}$fonts = compact("normal", "bold", "italic", "bold_italic");$entry = array();// Copy the files to the font directory.foreach ($fonts as $var => $src) {if ( is_null($src) ) {$entry[$var] = $dompdf->getOptions()->get('fontDir') . '/' . mb_substr(basename($normal), 0, -4);continue;}// Verify that the fonts exist and are readableif ( !is_readable($src) )throw new Exception("Requested font '$src' is not readable");$dest = $dompdf->getOptions()->get('fontDir') . '/' . basename($src);if ( !is_writeable(dirname($dest)) )throw new Exception("Unable to write to destination '$dest'.");echo "Copying $src to $dest...\n";if ( !copy($src, $dest) )throw new Exception("Unable to copy '$src' to '$dest'");$entry_name = mb_substr($dest, 0, -4);echo "Generating Adobe Font Metrics for $entry_name...\n";$font_obj = Font::load($dest);$font_obj->saveAdobeFontMetrics("$entry_name.ufm");$font_obj->close();$entry[$var] = $entry_name;}// Store the fonts in the lookup table$fontMetrics->setFontFamily($fontname, $entry);// Save the changes$fontMetrics->saveFontFamilies();
}// If installing system fonts (may take a long time)
if ( $_SERVER["argv"][1] === "system_fonts" ) {$fontMetrics = $dompdf->getFontMetrics();$files = glob("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/*.ttf") +glob("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/*/*.ttf") +glob("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/*/*/*.ttf") +glob("C:\\Windows\\fonts\\*.ttf") +glob("C:\\WinNT\\fonts\\*.ttf") +glob("/mnt/c_drive/WINDOWS/Fonts/");$fonts = array();foreach ($files as $file) {$font = Font::load($file);$records = $font->getData("name", "records");$type = $fontMetrics->getType($records[2]);$fonts[mb_strtolower($records[1])][$type] = $file;$font->close();}foreach ( $fonts as $family => $files ) {echo " >> Installing '$family'... \n";if ( !isset($files["normal"]) ) {echo "No 'normal' style font file\n";}else {install_font_family($dompdf, $family, @$files["normal"], @$files["bold"], @$files["italic"], @$files["bold_italic"]);echo "Done !\n";}echo "\n";}
else {call_user_func_array("install_font_family", array_merge( array($dompdf), array_slice($_SERVER["argv"], 1) ));
php load_font.php "SimSun" SimSun.ttf
php load_font.php "SimSun" SimSun.ttf
Unable to find bold face file.
Unable to find italic face file.
Unable to find bold_italic face file.
Copying SimSun.ttf to D:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\newcrm.com\vendor\dompdf\dompdf/lib/fonts/SimSun.ttf...
Generating Adobe Font Metrics for D:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\newcrm.com\vendor\dompdf\dompdf/lib/fonts/SimSun...
public function test(){$path = '/storage/contract/' . date('Ymd');$directoryPath = public_path() . $path;if (!file_exists($directoryPath)) {mkdir($directoryPath, 0755, true);}$options = new Options();$options->set('isRemoteEnabled', true);// 重点设置字体$options->setDefaultFont('SimSun');$dompdf = new Dompdf($options);$htmlFile = $directoryPath . '/index.html';$htmlContent = file_get_contents($htmlFile);$dompdf->loadHtml($htmlContent,'UTF-8');$dompdf->setPaper('A4');$dompdf->render();$pdfName = 'index.pdf';$pathToSavePdf = $directoryPath . '/' . $pdfName;$output = $dompdf->output();file_put_contents($pathToSavePdf, $output);}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><title></title>
public function generateContract($param): array{$contract = $this->contractModel->with(['customer','contacts'])->where('id', $param['id'])->find();if (!$contract) {throw new BusinessException(Code::NOT_FOUND, '合同订单不存在');}$contract = $contract->toArray();$file = public_path() . '/static/template/contract/2024.docx';$templateProcessor = new TemplateProcessor($file);$templateProcessor->setValue('customer', $contract['customer_name']);$templateProcessor->setValue('address', $contract['customer_city'] . $contract['customer_address']);$path = '/storage/contract/' . date('Ymd');$directoryPath = public_path() . $path;if (!file_exists($directoryPath)) {mkdir($directoryPath, 0755, true);}$name = $contract['code'] . mt_rand(1000, 9999);$wordName = $name . '.docx';$pathToSave = $directoryPath . '/' . $wordName;$templateProcessor->saveAs($pathToSave);// 转换 Word 文件为 HTML$phpWord = IOFactory::load($pathToSave);$htmlWriter = IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'HTML');$htmlFile = $directoryPath . '/' . $name . '.html';$htmlWriter->save($htmlFile);// 使用 Dompdf 将 HTML 转换为 PDF$options = new Options();$options->set('isRemoteEnabled', true);$options->setDefaultFont('SimSun');$dompdf = new Dompdf($options);$htmlContent = file_get_contents($htmlFile);$dompdf->loadHtml($htmlContent,'UTF-8');$dompdf->setPaper('A4');$dompdf->render();$pdfName = $name . '.pdf';$pathToSavePdf = $directoryPath . '/' . $pdfName;$output = $dompdf->output();file_put_contents($pathToSavePdf, $output);// 删除临时 HTML 文件unlink($htmlFile);return ['url' => $path . '/' . $pdfName];}
$astarray = ['font-family' => $this->getFontFamily(Settings::getDefaultFontName(), $this->getParentWriter()->getDefaultGenericFont()),'font-size' => Settings::getDefaultFontSize() . 'pt','word-wrap' => 'break-word','overflow-wrap' => 'break-word'];
设置图片大小(Dpi默认是96 值越大图片越小):
$options = new Options();$options->set('isRemoteEnabled', true);$options->setDefaultFont('SimSun');$options->setDpi(168);$dompdf = new Dompdf($options);