
6.3 Token data elements 令牌数据元素

6.3.1 Data elements used in tokens 使用在令牌上的数据元素

The data elements given in Table 1 3 are used in tokens in various combinations and are all encoded in binary format.

Table 13 – Data elements used in tokens

        表 13 令牌所采用的数据

 6.3.2 Class: TokenClass

Tokens are classified into 4 main functional areas as given in Table 14.


Class 0 and Class 2 tokens are encrypted using the DecoderKey, while Class 1 tokens are not encrypted and can thus be used on any STS-compliant payment meter.


6.3.3 SubClass: TokenSubClass

Further sub-classification of the TokenClass is given in Table 15.


6.3.4 RND: RandomNumber

The generation of this 4-bit number will be a snapshot of the four least significant bits of at least a millisecond counter. The inclusion of a random number in the data to be transferred enhances the security of the token transfer by providing a probability of 1 6:1 that no two tokens containing identical data to be transferred will have the same binary pattern. The control of this data element shall be implemented in a secure environment such as a hardware cryptographic module.


6.3.5 TID: TokenIdentifier TID calculation

The TID field is derived from the date and time of issue and indicates the number of minutes elapsed from the BaseDate associated with the VendingKey. This field is a 24-bit binary representation of the elapsed minutes.


NOTE The definition of BaseDate now references UTC (see 6.1 .1 2), whereas previously it implicitly referenced local time.

        注:BaseDate的定义现在引用UTC(见6.1 . 2),而以前它隐式引用本地时间。

For example: with a date and time format of YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss the BaseDate and time of 1 993:01 :01 :00:00:00 corresponds to a TID value of 0.

        例如:日期和时间格式为YYYY:MM:DD:hh: MM: ss,则BaseDate和time为1993:01:01:00:00:00对应的TID值为0。

The calculation of elapsed minutes shall take leap years into account.The rule used to determine a leap year is:
• the month of February shall have an extra day in all years that are evenly divisible by 4,
except for century years (those ending in -00), which receive the extra day only if they are
evenly divisible by 400. Thus 1 996 was a leap year whereas 1 999 was not, and 1 600,
2000 and 2400 are leap years but 1 700, 1 800, 1 900 and 21 00 are not.

        计算经过的分钟数时应考虑闰年。 确定闰年的规则是:2月在所有能被4整除的年份中都有额外的一天,除了百年年(以-00结尾的年份),只有当它们能被400整除时,才会有额外的一天。1996年是闰年,而1999年不是闰年,1600年是闰年,2000年和2400年是闰年,而1700年、1800年、1900年和2100年不是闰年。 

In the binary representation of the TID the leftmost bit represents the most significant bit.When calculating the TID the “:ss” value shall be truncated from the actual time.Examples of TID calculated values are given in Table 1 6.


Table 16 – TID calculation examples

In order to prevent token re-use when a BaseDate change is performed, certain operational procedures need to be performed. Refer to Clause C.1 2 for additional information.

        为了防止在执行BaseDate更改时重用令牌,需要执行某些操作过程。有关其他信息,请参阅第C.12条。 SpecialReservedTokenIdentifier

The TokenIdentifier corresponding to 00 h 01 min of each day is reserved for special application tokens and may not be used for any other token.Using the date and time format of YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss the reserved TID values correspond to xxxx:xx:xx:00:01 :xx.

        对应于每天00时01分的TokenIdentifier为特殊应用令牌保留,不能用于任何其他令牌。如果日期和时间格式为YYYY:MM:DD:hh: MM: ss,则TID保留值对应于xxxx:xx:xx:00:01:xx。 

If a token, other than a special application token is to be generated on a time corresponding to this reserved TID, then 1 min shall be added to the TID.See also Clause C.5 Code of practice for the management of this special reserved TID.The use of special application tokens are optional (see Clause C.12), but the rule for how to use the special reserved TID is mandatory.

        如果在此保留TID对应的时间生成除特殊应用令牌以外的令牌,则TID需增加1 min。另请参阅工作守则第C.5条,以了解本特别保留的TID的管理。特殊应用令牌的使用是可选的(参见条款C. 12),但是如何使用特殊保留TID的规则是强制性的。 Multiple tokens generated within the same minute

The POS shall ensure that no legitimately purchased token can carry the same TID as that of any other legitimately purchased token for the same payment meter even if more than one token is purchased within the same minute on the same POS.


If multiple tokens need to be generated within the same minute for the same payment meter, then 1 min shall be added to the TID of each successive token in the set. At the end of the token generating process the POS shall revert back to real time again.


This shall apply to any token that implements a TID.This shall not apply to special application tokens that implement the SpecialReserved TokenIdentifier (see

        这将适用于实现TID的任何令牌。这不适用于实现SpecialReserved TokenIdentifier的特殊应用令牌(见6.3.5.2)。
For example: if 3 credit tokens A, B and C are generated within the same minute at 1 3h23 and in sequential order A, B and C, then A shall carry the TID time stamp 1 3h23, B shall carry time stamp 1 3h24 and C shall carry 1 3h25.

        例如:如果在同一分钟内,在13h23产生了3个信用令牌A、B、C,并且依次为A、B、C,则A的TID时间戳为13h23, B的时间戳为13h24, C的时间戳为13h25。 





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