

  • 前言
  • 一、json解析
  • 二、通讯协议设计
  • 总结





{"abc": 1,"a1": true,"a2":  "sd","a3": [1, {"abc":4}],"a4":{}



struct JsonNode
{TYPE type;struct JsonNode *left;struct JsonNode *right;struct JsonNode *child;std::string key;double dval;bool dbool;std::string dstr;JsonNode() :type(JINVAL), left(0), right(0), child(0),dval(0), dbool(false){}

其中type为json的值类型,这里只解析5种:JOBJ, JARR, JSTR, JNUM, JBOOL


root.child===first1.type=JNUMfirst1.right===first2first1.key="abc"first1.val=1first2.type=JBOOL   first2.right===first3 first2.key="a1"    first2.val=true    first3.type=JSTR   first3.right===first4 first3.key="a2"    first3.val="sd"    first4.type=JARR  first4.right===first5 first4.child =============second1.type=JNUMfirst4.key="a3"           second1.right===second2second1.val=1first5.type=JOBJfirst5.key="a4"           second2.type=JOBJsecond2.child=============third1.type=JNUMthird1.key="abc"third1.val=4
char* parse_json_value(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
char* read_obj(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
// { node->type = JOBJ; }
char* read_arr(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
// { node->type = JARR; }
char* read_str(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
// { node->type = JSTR; }
char* read_num(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
// { node->type = JNUM; }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>#define SKIP_SPACE(ptr) do { if (!(*(ptr)&&( *(ptr) == ' ' || *(ptr) == '\t' || *(ptr) == '\n') )) break; ++(ptr); } while(1)/*{"abc": 1,"a1": true,"a2":  "sd","a3": [1, {"abc":4}],"a4":{}
struct JsonNode
{TYPE type;struct JsonNode *left;struct JsonNode *right;struct JsonNode *child;std::string key;double dval;bool dbool;std::string dstr;JsonNode() :type(JINVAL), left(0), right(0), child(0),dval(0), dbool(false){}
};char* parse_json_value(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
char* read_obj(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
char* read_arr(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
char* read_str(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);
char* read_num(char* ptr, JsonNode* node);JsonNode* new_jnode()
{return new (std::nothrow) JsonNode;
thread_local int json_error = 0;
char* read_obj(char* ptr, JsonNode* node)
{SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr++ != '{') return 0;node->type = JOBJ;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0) return 0;if (*ptr == '}') return ptr+1;JsonNode* curr = new_jnode();node->child = curr;next_item:SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (* ptr++ != '\"') return 0;while(*ptr != '\"'){curr->key += *ptr++;}curr->type = JSTR;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr++ != '\"'){return 0;}SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr++ != ':'){return 0;}SKIP_SPACE(ptr);ptr = parse_json_value(ptr, curr);SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == ','){++ptr;JsonNode* next_node = new_jnode();curr->right = next_node;next_node->left = curr;curr = next_node;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);goto next_item;}if (*ptr == 0 || * ptr++ != '}') return 0;return ptr;
char* read_arr(char* ptr, JsonNode* node)
{if ( * ptr++ != '[') return 0;node->type = JARR;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0) return 0;if (*ptr == ']') return ptr+1;JsonNode* curr = new_jnode();node->child = curr;ptr = parse_json_value(ptr, curr);SKIP_SPACE(ptr);while (*ptr != ']'){if (*ptr++ != ',') return 0;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);JsonNode* next_node = new_jnode();curr->right = next_node;next_node->left = curr;curr = next_node;ptr = parse_json_value(ptr, curr);SKIP_SPACE(ptr);}SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0 || * ptr++ != ']') return 0;return ptr;
char* read_str(char* ptr, JsonNode* node)
{if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr++ != '\"') return 0;node->type = JSTR;char* str_start = ptr;while (* ptr++ != '\"') ; // passsize_t size = ptr - str_start;node->dstr = std::string(str_start, size-1);return ptr;
char* read_num(char* ptr, JsonNode* node)
{SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr > 57 || *ptr < 48) return 0;node->type = JNUM;char* curr_num = ptr;while (*ptr >= 48 && *ptr <= 57){++ptr;}size_t size = ptr - curr_num;std::string tmp(curr_num, size);node->dval = std::atof(tmp.c_str());SKIP_SPACE(ptr);return ptr;
char* parse_json_value(char* ptr, JsonNode* node)
{if (*ptr == 0) return 0;SKIP_SPACE(ptr);if (*ptr == '{'){ptr = read_obj(ptr, node);}else if (*ptr == '['){ptr = read_arr(ptr, node);}else if (*ptr == '\"'){ptr = read_str(ptr, node);}else if (strncmp(ptr, "true", 4) == 0){ptr += 4;node->type = JBOOL;node->dbool = true;}else if (strncmp(ptr, "false", 5) == 0){ptr += 5;node->type = JBOOL;node->dbool = false;}else if ( *ptr >= 48 && *ptr <= 57 ){ptr = read_num(ptr, node);}else{return 0;}SKIP_SPACE(ptr);return ptr;
JsonNode* parse_json(char* ptr)
{JsonNode* root = new_jnode();ptr = parse_json_value(ptr, root);return root;
}int main() {char * buf = """{"" \"abc\": 1,""\"a1\": false,""\"a2\":  \"sd\",""\"a3\": [1, {\"abc\":4}],""\"a4\":{}""}";printf("%s\n", buf);printf("jsdlkjfl\n");JsonNode* root = parse_json(buf);// printf("%s: %f\n", root->child->key.c_str(), root->child->dval);// printf("%s: %d\n", root->child->right->key.c_str(), root->child->right->dbool);printf("hello\n");auto first = root->child;for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i){printf("[%d]\n", i);if (i == 0) std::cout << first->key << " : " << first->dval << std::endl;if (i == 1) std::cout << first->key << " : " << first->dbool << std::endl;if (i == 2) std::cout << first->key << " : " << first->dstr << std::endl;if (i == 3){std::cout << first->key << " :[" << first->child->dval << first->child->right->child->key << first->child->right->child->dval << std::endl;}if (i == 4){std::cout << "a4: " << first->key << " : " << first->child << first->left << first->right << "type:" << first->type << std::endl;}first = first->right;}return 0;


                                       data1                                          datan                                    ┌────────────────┐──────┌──────────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐                         │                │      │                  │   │               │                         │                │      │                  │   │               │                         ┌─────────────────┌───────────────│                │      │                  │   │               │                         │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               ┌──────────┐              │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               │          │              │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               │          │              │                 │               │  DATA TYPE     │length│      DATA        │   │  DATA TYPE2   │          │              │   version       │   number      │                │      │                  │...│               │ CRC      │              │                 │   of          │                │      │                  │   │               │          │              │                 │   data        │                │      │                  │   │               │          │              │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               │          │              │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               └──────────┘              │                 │               │                │      │                  │   │               │                         └─────────────────└───────────────│                │      │                  │   │               │                         │                │      │                  │   │               │                         │                │      │                  │   │               │                         └────────────────┘──────┼──────────────────┤   └───────────────┘                         │                  │                                             │                  │                                             ┌────────────────────────┘                  └───────────────────────────────┐             │                                                                           │             │                                                                           │             ▼──────────┬───────────┬────────────┐────────┌─────────┬───────────┬────────▼             │          │           │            │        │         │           │        │             │          │           │            │        │         │           │        │             │ timestamp│   length  │  real-data │ ...... │timestamp│ length    │real-d  │             │          │           │            │        │         │           │        │             │          │           │            │        │         │           │        │             │          │           │            │        │         │           │        │             └──────────┴───────────┴────────────┘────────└─────────┴───────────┴────────┘             


struct CacheNode{struct CacheNode* next;uint64_t timestamp;uint32_t data_length;uint8_t data[0];
struct CacheList{struct CacheNode* used_node_head;struct CacheNode* used_node_tail;  // 并非尾后struct CacheNode* free_node_head;uint32_t          used_node_cnt;
struct CacheData{uint32_t data_type; // static  <--> topicuint32_t data_len;  // dynamicstruct CacheList cache_lists;uint32_t data_length; // static datalength equal to CacheNode.data_length
struct TaskInfo;
#define OK 0
#define NOTOK 1
struct Package{struct TaskInfo *task_info;uint32_t version; // staticuint32_t num;  // number of data, 由实际数据计算得到// uint32_t real_num; // // number of data, dynamicuint64_t timestamp;int status; // 0:OK  1NOTOKstruct CacheData* cache_data; // 可考虑改为二级指针,如果CacheData很大的话


{"task":[{"name": "task1","version": 1010,"flags":0,"collect_time": 30,"datas":[{"topic":"CEMERA","data type": 34,"data":[32, // offset8,  // len64, // offset4   // len]},{"topic":"RADAR","data type": 35,"data":[32, // offset64   // len]},{"topic":"SENSOR","data type": 36,"data":[0, // offset64,   // len128, //offset4  // len]}]},{"name": "task2","version": 1010,"flags":0,"collect_time": 5,"datas":[{"topic":"CEMERA","data type": 34,"data":[32, // offset8  // len]},{"topic":"SENSOR","data type": 36,"data":[0, // offset64,   // len128, //offset8  // len]}]}]



struct DataUnit{uint32_t offset;uint32_t len;
struct RegTopicInfo{const char* topic;uint32_t data_type;uint32_t datas_number;struct DataUnit datas[0];
struct TaskInfo{const char* source_topic;struct Package* package;const char* task_name;uint32_t version;uint32_t flags;uint32_t collect_half_time;uint32_t task_counter;uint32_t topic_number;struct RegTopicInfo** topics;




RegTopicInfo* parse_topic(const Value& task_obj)
{RegTopicInfo* topic_info;uint32_t total_len_size = 0;int data_unit_number = task_obj["data"].Size()/2;topic_info = (RegTopicInfo*)malloc(sizeof(*topic_info) + data_unit_number * sizeof(DataUnit));if (topic_info == nullptr) return nullptr;topic_info->topic ; // = task_obj["topic"]topic_info->data_type;topic_info->datas_number = task_obj["data"].Size()/2;for (int i=0; i < topic_info->datas_number; ++i){topic_info->datas[i].offset = task_obj["data"][2*i];topic_info->datas[i].len = task_obj["data"][2*i+1];}return topic_info;
TaskInfo* parse_task_cfg(const Value& task_obj)
{TaskInfo* task = (TaskInfo*)malloc(sizeof(*task));if (task == nullptr) return 0;memset(task, 0, sizeof(*task));task->task_name ;// task_obj["topic"];task->version;task->flags;task->collect_half_time;task->topic_number ;// task_obj["datas"].size()task->topics = (RegTopicInfo**)malloc(sizeof(* task->topics) * task->topic_number);if (task->topics == nullptr) goto error0;for (int i=0; i < task->topic_number; ++i){task->topics[i] = parse_topic(task_obj);}return task;error0:free(task);return 0;
int get_task_infos(struct TaskInfo*** _infos)
{struct TaskInfo** taskinfos;//json parseint task_number = 2;Document document; const Value& tasks_arr = document["tasks"];//taskinfos = (TaskInfo**)malloc(sizeof(*taskinfos) * task_number);if (taskinfos == nullptr) return 0;for (int i=0; i < task_number; ++task_number){taskinfos[i] = parse_task_cfg(tasks_arr[i]);}*_infos = taskinfos;return task_number;


uint32_t get_recv_data_len_from_taskinfo();
void create_task(struct TaskInfo* taskinfo, int i)
{if (taskinfo == nullptr) return;Package* package = (Package*)malloc(sizeof(*package));taskinfo->package = package;if (package == nullptr) return;memset(package, 0, sizeof(*package));package->task_info = taskinfo;package->num;package->cache_data = (CacheData*)malloc(sizeof(CacheData)*package->num);if (!package->cache_data) return;for (int j=0; j<package->num; ++j){auto& cache_data = package->cache_data[j];cache_data.data_type;cache_data.data_len = get_recv_data_len_from_taskinfo();cache_data.cache_lists;}// do some configurationif ( taskinfo->source_topic ){// register source topic}for (size_t j = 0; j < package->num; j++){package->cache_data[i].data_type; // register topic}// push on_listen_source_topic into thread// push on_listen_topic into thread// start task running


int get_topic_data();
void on_listen_source_topic(struct TaskInfo** task)
{if (*task == nullptr) return;int next_step_flag = 0;int data = get_topic_data();if (data == 1){next_step_flag = 1;}else if (data == 2){next_step_flag = 1;}if (next_step_flag){(*task)->package->timestamp = time();}
void collection_package(Package* package, struct TaskInfo** task)
{do_package(package);do_anything;// 昨晚所有工作后将task设为正常值,然后on_listen_topic将正常调用,从而避免了数据竞争问题*task = gtask; 
void start_collection_package(Package* package, struct TaskInfo** task)
{std::thread(collection_package, package, task).detatch();
char* get_data_from_external(int);
int get_topic_idx_on_package_cache(Package*package, int topic_from_external)
{for (int i=0; i < package->num; ++i){if ( package->cache_data[i].data_type == topic_from_external){return i;}}return -1;
int push_data_to_package(Package* package, int idx, char* data, int time_duration)
{strut timespec ts;timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); // C11中引入的新的提高高精度时间的函数if ( package->status == NOTOK) return NOTOK;if ( package->timestamp != 0)  // on call ready to end cacheing{if ( ts - package > time_duration ){return NOTOK;}}if ( package->status == OK){free_package_expired_data(package->cache_data[idx], ts, time_duration);}struct CacheNode* ndoe = get_cache_new_node(package->cache_data[idx]);if (node != nullptr){copy_data_to_node(package, idx, node, data, ts);push_node_into_list(package, idx, node);}return OK;
int push_data_into_package(Package* package, int topic_from_external)
{char* data = get_data_from_external(topic_from_external);int idx = get_topic_idx_on_package_cache(package, topic_from_external);if (idx < 0) return -1;return push_data_to_package(package, idx, data, package->task_info->collect_half_time);
// 假定只有一个线程,应当规避数据竞争问题
void on_listen_topic(struct TaskInfo** task, int topic_from_external, xxx)
{if ((*task) == nullptr) return;if ((*task)->package == nullptr) return;Package* package = (*task)->package;// 根据返回值判断当前的状态,int ret = push_data_into_package(package, topic_from_external);  // return OK / NOTOKif (ret == NOTOK){   // stop cache data*task == nullptr;start_collection_package(package, task);}
void running_thread()
{; // pass

aux func

void free_package_expired_data(struct CacheData& cache_data, uint64_t curr_ms, uint64_t duration)
{struct CacheNode* node = cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_head;while(node != nullptr){if (curr_ms - node->timestamp > duration){CacheNode next = node->next;node->next = cache_data.cache_lists.free_node_head;cache_data.cache_lists.free_node_head = node;node = next;cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_head = next;cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_cnt--;}else break;}
struct CacheNode* get_cache_new_node((struct CacheData& cache_data)
{if (cache_data.cache_lists.free_node_head != nullptr){auto node = cache_data.cache_lists.free_node_head;cache_data.cache_lists.free_node_head = node->next;node->next = nullptr;return node;}CacheNode* node = (CacheNode*)malloc(sizeof(CacheNode) + cache_data.data_length);if (ndoe != nullptr){node->next = nullptr;}return node;
int copy_data_to_node(Package* package, int idx, CacheNode* node, char* data, uint64_t ts)
{uint8_t* dst = node->data;struct RegTopicInfo* topic_info = package->task_info->topics[idx];node->timestamp = ts;node->data_length = package->cache_data[idx].data_length;assert(dst != 0);for (uint32_t i = 0; i < topic_info->datas_number; ++i){auto& offset_len = topic_info->datas[i];memcpy(dst, data + offset_len.offset, offset_len.len);dst += offset_len.len;}return 0;
void push_node_into_list(Package* package, int idx, CacheNode* node)
{auto& cache_lists = package->cache_data[idx].cache_lists;node->next = nullptr;if (cache_lists.used_node_head == nullptr){cache_lists.used_node_head = node;}else{cache_lists.used_node_tail->next = node;}cache_lists.used_node_tail = node;cache_lists.used_node_cnt++;


void do_package(Package* package)
{string out;out.append( &package->version, sizeof(package->version));out.append( &package->num , sizeof(package->num )); // todo: calculen for (int i = 0; i < cache_data_number; ++i){uint32_t data_len = 0;auto& cache_data = package->cache_data[i];out.append(&cache_data.data_type, sizeof(cache_data.data_type));data_len = cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_cnt*( 8+4+cache_data.data_length );out.append(&data_len, sizeof(data_len));struct CacheNode* node = cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_head;for (int i = 0; i < cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_cnt; ++i){struct CacheNode* node = cache_data.cache_lists.used_node_head;out.append(node, sizeof(node->timestamp) + sizeof(node->data_length) + node->data_length );node = node->next;}cache_data.used_node_tail->next = cache_data.free_node_head;cache_data.free_node_head = cache_data.used_node_head;cache_data.used_node_head = cache_data.used_node_tail = nullptr;}uint32_t crc = CalcuCrc32(0, out.c_str(), out.size());out.append(&crc, sizeof(crc));


a TASK —— package —— once thread —— avoid data race

This is a good design





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文章目录 1、数据库基础1.1为什么要有数据库1.2主流的数据库1.3连接MySQL1.4服务器、数据库、表的关系1.5 MySQL框架1.6 SQL分类1.7储存引擎 2.数据库操作2.1创建数据库2.2字符集和校验规则2.3删除数据库2.4修改数据库2.5备份与恢复2.6查看连接情况 3.表的操作3.1创建表3.2查看…


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windows环境下使用phpstudy安装mysql5.7后需要修改mysql中的sql_mode配置&#xff0c;但是在phpstudy中打开mysql配置文件my.ini后&#xff0c; 通过查找找不到sql_mode或sql-mode&#xff0c; 此时无法在my.ini文件中直接进行修改&#xff0c;可以使用mysql命令进行修改&#…


很简单&#xff0c;但是很多文档没有写清楚&#xff0c;wocao 一、首先新建一个远程jvm 二、配置 三、把上面的参数复制出来 -agentlib:jdwptransportdt_socket,servery,suspendn,address5005 四、然后把这串代码放到服务器中&#xff08;这里的0.0.0.0意思是所有IP都能访问&a…

ts: 定义一个对象接收后端返回对象数据,但是报错了有红色的红线为什么

问&#xff1a; const backendProgressData ref<object>&#xff08;{}&#xff09; 这是我的代码&#xff0c;但是当我进行使用的时候&#xff1a; backendProgressData.value xxxx接口返回数据progressData:{percentage:123,text:"文字"} 在template中{{…


我们部署的很多服务都是以Docker容器的形式存在的。 在运行Docker容器前&#xff0c;除了设置网络、数据卷之外&#xff0c;还需要设置各种各样的环境变量。 有时候&#xff0c;由于容器版本的问题&#xff0c;一些文档没有及时更新&#xff0c;可能同时存在多个新旧版本的环…


目录 前言 什么是腾讯云CVM&#xff1f; 腾讯云CVM的技术优势 基于最佳技术实践&#xff0c;使用腾讯云CVM搭建应用 1. 开通CVM实例 2. 连接CVM实例 3. 配置Web环境 4. 部署PHP应用 腾讯云CVM行业应用案例&#xff1a;电商平台的双十一攻略 1. 弹性伸缩解决高并发问题…


我自己的原文哦~ https://blog.51cto.com/whaosoft/11697814 一、STM32串口通信基本原理 通信接口背景知识 设备之间通信的方式 一般情况下&#xff0c;设备之间的通信方式可以分成并行通信和串行通信两种。并行与串行通信的区别如下表所示。 串行通信的分类 1、按照数据传…


电机三环控制指的是&#xff0c;直流有刷电机三环&#xff08;电流环速度环位置环&#xff09;PID 控制。 1、三环PID控制原理 三环 PID 控制就是将三个 PID 控制系统&#xff08;例如&#xff1a;电流环、速度环以及位置环&#xff09;串联起来&#xff0c;然后对前一个系统…