累积局部效应 (ALE) 图分析记录


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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""ALE plotting for continuous or categorical features."""
from collections.abc import Iterable
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from operator import addimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from scipy.spatial import cKDTreedef _parse_features(features):"""Standardise representation of column labels.Args:features : objectOne or more column labels.Returns:features : array-likeAn array of input features.Examples-------->>> _parse_features(1)array([1])>>> _parse_features(('a', 'b'))array(['a', 'b'], dtype='<U1')"""if isinstance(features, Iterable) and not isinstance(features, str):# If `features` is a non-string iterable.return np.asarray(features)else:# If `features` is not an iterable, or it is a string, then assume it# represents one column label.return np.asarray([features])def _check_two_ints(values):"""Retrieve two integers.Parameters----------values : [2-iterable of] intValues to process.Returns-------values : 2-tuple of intThe processed integers.Raises------ValueErrorIf more than 2 values are given.ValueErrorIf the values are not integers.Examples-------->>> _check_two_ints(1)(1, 1)>>> _check_two_ints((1, 2))(1, 2)>>> _check_two_ints((1,))(1, 1)"""if isinstance(values, (int, np.integer)):values = (values, values)elif len(values) == 1:values = (values[0], values[0])elif len(values) != 2:raise ValueError("'{}' values were given. Expected at most 2.".format(len(values)))if not all(isinstance(n_bin, (int, np.integer)) for n_bin in values):raise ValueError("All values must be an integer. Got types '{}' instead.".format({type(n_bin) for n_bin in values}))return valuesdef _get_centres(x):"""Return bin centres from bin edges.Parameters----------x : array-likeThe first axis of `x` will be averaged.Returns-------centres : array-likeThe centres of `x`, the shape of which is (N - 1, ...) for`x` with shape (N, ...).Examples-------->>> import numpy as np>>> x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])>>> _get_centres(x)array([0.5, 1.5, 2.5])"""return (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2def _ax_title(ax, title, subtitle=""):"""Add title to axis.Parameters----------ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesAxes object to add title to.title : strAxis title.subtitle : str, optionalSub-title for figure. Will appear one line below `title`."""ax.set_title("\n".join((title, subtitle)))def _ax_labels(ax, xlabel=None, ylabel=None):"""Add labels to axis.Parameters----------ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesAxes object to add labels to.xlabel : str, optionalX axis label.ylabel : str, optionalY axis label."""if xlabel is not None:ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)if ylabel is not None:ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)def _ax_quantiles(ax, quantiles, twin="x"):"""Plot quantiles of a feature onto axis.Parameters----------ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesAxis to modify.quantiles : array-likeQuantiles to plot.twin : {'x', 'y'}, optionalSelect the axis for which to plot quantiles.Raises------ValueErrorIf `twin` is not one of 'x' or 'y'."""if twin not in ("x", "y"):raise ValueError("'twin' should be one of 'x' or 'y'.")# Duplicate the 'opposite' axis so we can define a distinct set of ticks for the# desired axis (`twin`).ax_mod = ax.twiny() if twin == "x" else ax.twinx()# Set the new axis' ticks for the desired axis.getattr(ax_mod, "set_{twin}ticks".format(twin=twin))(quantiles)# Set the corresponding tick labels.# Calculate tick label percentage values for each quantile (bin edge).percentages = (100 * np.arange(len(quantiles), dtype=np.float64) / (len(quantiles) - 1))# If there is a fractional part, add a decimal place to show (part of) it.fractional = (~np.isclose(percentages % 1, 0)).astype("int8")getattr(ax_mod, "set_{twin}ticklabels".format(twin=twin))(["{0:0.{1}f}%".format(percent, format_fraction)for percent, format_fraction in zip(percentages, fractional)],color="#545454",fontsize=7,)getattr(ax_mod, "set_{twin}lim".format(twin=twin))(getattr(ax, "get_{twin}lim".format(twin=twin))())def _first_order_quant_plot(ax, quantiles, ale, **kwargs):"""First order ALE plot.Parameters----------ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesAxis to plot onto.quantiles : array-likeALE quantiles.ale : array-likeALE to plot.**kwargs : plot properties, optionalAdditional keyword parameters are passed to `ax.plot`."""ax.plot(_get_centres(quantiles), ale, **kwargs)def _second_order_quant_plot(fig, ax, quantiles_list, ale, mark_empty=True, n_interp=50, **kwargs
):"""Second order ALE plot.Parameters----------ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesAxis to plot onto.quantiles_list : array-likeALE quantiles for the first (`quantiles_list[0]`) and second(`quantiles_list[1]`) features.ale : masked arrayALE to plot. Where `ale.mask` is True, this denotes bins where no samples wereavailable. See `mark_empty`.mark_empty : bool, optionalIf True, plot rectangles over bins that did not contain any samples.n_interp : [2-iterable of] int, optionalThe number of interpolated samples generated from `ale` prior to contourplotting. Two integers may be given to specify different interpolation stepsfor the two features.**kwargs : contourf properties, optionalAdditional keyword parameters are passed to `ax.contourf`.Raises------ValueErrorIf `n_interp` values were not integers.ValueErrorIf more than 2 values were given for `n_interp`."""centres_list = [_get_centres(quantiles) for quantiles in quantiles_list]n_x, n_y = _check_two_ints(n_interp)x = np.linspace(centres_list[0][0], centres_list[0][-1], n_x)y = np.linspace(centres_list[1][0], centres_list[1][-1], n_y)X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy")ale_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(centres_list[0], centres_list[1], ale.T)CF = ax.contourf(X, Y, ale_interp(x, y), cmap="bwr", levels=30, alpha=0.7, **kwargs)if mark_empty and np.any(ale.mask):# Do not autoscale, so that boxes at the edges (contourf only plots the bin# centres, not their edges) don't enlarge the plot.plt.autoscale(False)# Add rectangles to indicate cells without samples.for i, j in zip(*np.where(ale.mask)):ax.add_patch(Rectangle([quantiles_list[0][i], quantiles_list[1][j]],quantiles_list[0][i + 1] - quantiles_list[0][i],quantiles_list[1][j + 1] - quantiles_list[1][j],linewidth=1,edgecolor="k",facecolor="none",alpha=0.4,))fig.colorbar(CF)def _get_quantiles(train_set, feature, bins):"""Get quantiles from a feature in a dataset.Parameters----------train_set : pandas.core.frame.DataFrameDataset containing feature `feature`.feature : column labelFeature for which to calculate quantiles.bins : intThe number of quantiles is calculated as `bins + 1`.Returns-------quantiles : array-likeQuantiles.bins : intNumber of bins, `len(quantiles) - 1`. This may be lower than the original`bins` if identical quantiles were present.Raises------ValueErrorIf `bins` is not an integer.Notes-----When using this definition of quantiles in combination with a half open interval(lower quantile, upper quantile], care has to taken that the smallest observationis included in the first bin. This is handled transparently by `np.digitize`."""if not isinstance(bins, (int, np.integer)):raise ValueError("Expected integer 'bins', but got type '{}'.".format(type(bins)))quantiles = np.unique(np.quantile(train_set[feature], np.linspace(0, 1, bins + 1), interpolation="lower"))bins = len(quantiles) - 1return quantiles, binsdef _first_order_ale_quant(predictor, train_set, feature, bins):"""Estimate the first-order ALE function for single continuous feature data.Parameters----------predictor : callablePrediction function.train_set : pandas.core.frame.DataFrameTraining set on which the model was trained.feature : column labelFeature name. A single column label.bins : intThis defines the number of bins to compute. The effective number of bins maybe less than this as only unique quantile values of train_set[feature] areused.Returns-------ale : array-likeThe first order ALE.quantiles : array-likeThe quantiles used."""quantiles, _ = _get_quantiles(train_set, feature, bins)# Define the bins the feature samples fall into. Shift and clip to ensure we are# getting the index of the left bin edge and the smallest sample retains its index# of 0.indices = np.clip(np.digitize(train_set[feature], quantiles, right=True) - 1, 0, None)# Assign the feature quantile values to two copied training datasets, one for each# bin edge. Then compute the difference between the corresponding predictionspredictions = []for offset in range(2):mod_train_set = train_set.copy()mod_train_set[feature] = quantiles[indices + offset]predictions.append(predictor(mod_train_set))# The individual effects.effects = predictions[1] - predictions[0]# Average these differences within each bin.index_groupby = pd.DataFrame({"index": indices, "effects": effects}).groupby("index")mean_effects = index_groupby.mean().to_numpy().flatten()ale = np.array([0, *np.cumsum(mean_effects)])# The uncentred mean main effects at the bin centres.ale = _get_centres(ale)# Centre the effects by subtracting the mean (the mean of the individual# `effects`, which is equivalently calculated using `mean_effects` and the number# of samples in each bin).ale -= np.sum(ale * index_groupby.size() / train_set.shape[0])return ale, quantilesdef _second_order_ale_quant(predictor, train_set, features, bins):"""Estimate the second-order ALE function for two continuous feature data.Parameters----------predictor : callablePrediction function.train_set : pandas.core.frame.DataFrameTraining set on which the model was trained.features : 2-iterable of column labelThe two desired features, as two column labels.bins : [2-iterable of] intThis defines the number of bins to compute. The effective number of bins maybe less than this as only unique quantile values of train_set[feature] areused. If one integer is given, this is used for both features.Returns-------ale : (M, N) masked arrayThe second order ALE. Elements are masked where no data was available.quantiles : 2-tuple of array-likeThe quantiles used: first the quantiles for `features[0]` with shape (M + 1,),then for `features[1]` with shape (N + 1,).Raises------ValueErrorIf `features` does not contain 2 features.ValueErrorIf more than 2 bins are given.ValueErrorIf bins are not integers."""features = _parse_features(features)if len(features) != 2:raise ValueError("'features' contained '{n_feat}' features. Expected 2.".format(n_feat=len(features)))quantiles_list, bins_list = tuple(zip(*(_get_quantiles(train_set, feature, n_bin)for feature, n_bin in zip(features, _check_two_ints(bins)))))# Define the bins the feature samples fall into. Shift and clip to ensure we are# getting the index of the left bin edge and the smallest sample retains its index# of 0.indices_list = [np.clip(np.digitize(train_set[feature], quantiles, right=True) - 1, 0, None)for feature, quantiles in zip(features, quantiles_list)]# Invoke the predictor at the corners of the bins. Then compute the second order# difference between the predictions at the bin corners.predictions = {}for shifts in product(*(range(2),) * 2):mod_train_set = train_set.copy()for i in range(2):mod_train_set[features[i]] = quantiles_list[i][indices_list[i] + shifts[i]]predictions[shifts] = predictor(mod_train_set)# The individual effects.effects = (predictions[(1, 1)] - predictions[(1, 0)]) - (predictions[(0, 1)] - predictions[(0, 0)])# Group the effects by their indices along both axes.index_groupby = pd.DataFrame({"index_0": indices_list[0], "index_1": indices_list[1], "effects": effects}).groupby(["index_0", "index_1"])# Compute mean effects.mean_effects = index_groupby.mean()# Get the indices of the mean values.group_indices = mean_effects.indexvalid_grid_indices = tuple(zip(*group_indices))# Extract only the data.mean_effects = mean_effects.to_numpy().flatten()# Get the number of samples in each bin.n_samples = index_groupby.size().to_numpy()# Create a 2D array of the number of samples in each bin.samples_grid = np.zeros(bins_list)samples_grid[valid_grid_indices] = n_samplesale = np.ma.MaskedArray(np.zeros((len(quantiles_list[0]), len(quantiles_list[1]))),mask=np.ones((len(quantiles_list[0]), len(quantiles_list[1]))),)# Mark the first row/column as valid, since these are meant to contain 0s.ale.mask[0, :] = Falseale.mask[:, 0] = False# Place the mean effects into the final array.# Since `ale` contains `len(quantiles)` rows/columns the first of which are# guaranteed to be valid (and filled with 0s), ignore the first row and column.ale[1:, 1:][valid_grid_indices] = mean_effects# Record where elements were missing.missing_bin_mask = ale.mask.copy()[1:, 1:]if np.any(missing_bin_mask):# Replace missing entries with their nearest neighbours.# Calculate the dense location matrices (for both features) of all bin centres.centres_list = np.meshgrid(*(_get_centres(quantiles) for quantiles in quantiles_list), indexing="ij")# Select only those bin centres which are valid (had observation).valid_indices_list = np.where(~missing_bin_mask)tree = cKDTree(np.hstack(tuple(centres[valid_indices_list][:, np.newaxis]for centres in centres_list)))row_indices = np.hstack([inds.reshape(-1, 1) for inds in np.where(missing_bin_mask)])# Select both columns for each of the rows above.column_indices = np.hstack((np.zeros((row_indices.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int8),np.ones((row_indices.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int8),))# Determine the indices of the points which are nearest to the empty bins.nearest_points = tree.query(tree.data[row_indices, column_indices])[1]nearest_indices = tuple(valid_indices[nearest_points] for valid_indices in valid_indices_list)# Replace the invalid bin values with the nearest valid ones.ale[1:, 1:][missing_bin_mask] = ale[1:, 1:][nearest_indices]# Compute the cumulative sums.ale = np.cumsum(np.cumsum(ale, axis=0), axis=1)# Subtract first order effects along both axes separately.for i in range(2):# Depending on `i`, reverse the arguments to operate on the opposite axis.flip = slice(None, None, 1 - 2 * i)# Undo the cumulative sum along the axis.first_order = ale[(slice(1, None), ...)[flip]] - ale[(slice(-1), ...)[flip]]# Average the diffs across the other axis.first_order = (first_order[(..., slice(1, None))[flip]]+ first_order[(..., slice(-1))[flip]]) / 2# Weight by the number of samples in each bin.first_order *= samples_grid# Take the sum along the axis.first_order = np.sum(first_order, axis=1 - i)# Normalise by the number of samples in the bins along the axis.first_order /= np.sum(samples_grid, axis=1 - i)# The final result is the cumulative sum (with an additional 0).first_order = np.array([0, *np.cumsum(first_order)]).reshape((-1, 1)[flip])# Subtract the first order effect.ale -= first_order# Compute the ALE at the bin centres.ale = (reduce(add,(ale[i : ale.shape[0] - 1 + i, j : ale.shape[1] - 1 + j]for i, j in list(product(*(range(2),) * 2))),)/ 4)# Centre the ALE by subtracting its expectation value.ale -= np.sum(samples_grid * ale) / train_set.shape[0]# Mark the originally missing points as such to enable later interpretation.ale.mask = missing_bin_maskreturn ale, quantiles_listdef ale_plot(model,train_set,features,bins=10,monte_carlo=False,predictor=None,features_classes=None,monte_carlo_rep=50,monte_carlo_ratio=0.1,rugplot_lim=1000,
):"""Plots ALE function of specified features based on training set.Parameters----------model : objectAn object that implements a 'predict' method. If None, a `predictor` functionmust be supplied which will be used instead of `model.predict`.train_set : pandas.core.frame.DataFrameTraining set on which model was trained.features : [2-iterable of] column labelOne or two features for which to plot the ALE plot.bins : [2-iterable of] int, optionalNumber of bins used to split feature's space. 2 integers can only be givenwhen 2 features are supplied in order to compute a different number ofquantiles for each feature.monte_carlo : boolean, optionalCompute and plot Monte-Carlo samples.predictor : callableCustom prediction function. See `model`.features_classes : iterable of str, optionalIf features is first-order and a categorical variable, plot ALE according todiscrete aspect of data.monte_carlo_rep : intNumber of Monte-Carlo replicas.monte_carlo_ratio : floatProportion of randomly selected samples from dataset for each Monte-Carloreplica.rugplot_lim : int, optionalIf `train_set` has more rows than `rugplot_lim`, no rug plot will be plotted.Set to None to always plot rug plots. Set to 0 to always plot rug plots.Raises------ValueErrorIf both `model` and `predictor` are None.ValueErrorIf `len(features)` not in {1, 2}.ValueErrorIf multiple bins were given for 1 feature.NotImplementedErrorIf `features_classes` is not None."""if model is None and predictor is None:raise ValueError("If 'model' is None, 'predictor' must be supplied.")if features_classes is not None:raise NotImplementedError("'features_classes' is not implemented yet.")fig, ax = plt.subplots()features = _parse_features(features)if len(features) == 1:if not isinstance(bins, (int, np.integer)):raise ValueError("1 feature was given, but 'bins' was not an integer.")if features_classes is None:# Continuous data.if monte_carlo:mc_replicates = np.asarray([[np.random.choice(range(train_set.shape[0]))for _ in range(int(monte_carlo_ratio * train_set.shape[0]))]for _ in range(monte_carlo_rep)])for k, rep in enumerate(mc_replicates):train_set_rep = train_set.iloc[rep, :]# Make this recursive?if features_classes is None:# The same quantiles cannot be reused here as this could cause# some bins to be empty or contain disproportionate numbers of# samples.mc_ale, mc_quantiles = _first_order_ale_quant(model.predict if predictor is None else predictor,train_set_rep,features[0],bins,)_first_order_quant_plot(ax, mc_quantiles, mc_ale, color="#1f77b4", alpha=0.06)ale, quantiles = _first_order_ale_quant(model.predict if predictor is None else predictor,train_set,features[0],bins,)_ax_labels(ax, "Feature '{}'".format(features[0]), "")_ax_title(ax,"First-order ALE of feature '{0}'".format(features[0]),"Bins : {0} - Monte-Carlo : {1}".format(len(quantiles) - 1,mc_replicates.shape[0] if monte_carlo else "False",),)ax.grid(True, linestyle="-", alpha=0.4)if rugplot_lim is None or train_set.shape[0] <= rugplot_lim:sns.rugplot(train_set[features[0]], ax=ax, alpha=0.2)_first_order_quant_plot(ax, quantiles, ale, color="black")_ax_quantiles(ax, quantiles)elif len(features) == 2:if features_classes is None:# Continuous data.ale, quantiles_list = _second_order_ale_quant(model.predict if predictor is None else predictor,train_set,features,bins,)_second_order_quant_plot(fig, ax, quantiles_list, ale)_ax_labels(ax,"Feature '{}'".format(features[0]),"Feature '{}'".format(features[1]),)for twin, quantiles in zip(("x", "y"), quantiles_list):_ax_quantiles(ax, quantiles, twin=twin)_ax_title(ax,"Second-order ALE of features '{0}' and '{1}'".format(features[0], features[1]),"Bins : {0}x{1}".format(*[len(quant) - 1 for quant in quantiles_list]),)else:raise ValueError("'{n_feat}' 'features' were given, but only up to 2 are supported.".format(n_feat=len(features)))plt.show()return ax



参考:8.2 Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plot | Interpretable Machine Learning








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.net core MVC入门(一)

文章目录 项目地址一、环境配置1.1 安装EF core需要包1.2 配置数据库连接二、使用EF创建表2.1 整体流程梳理2.1 建表详细流程三、添加第一个视图3.1整体流程梳理3.1 添加视图,并显示在web里四、使用EF增加Catogory数据,并且读取数据到页面4.1整体流程梳理4.2 实现五、增加Cat…


小蓝有一个整数&#xff0c;初始值为1&#xff0c;他可以花费一些代价对这个整数进行变换。 小蓝可以花贵1的代价将教数增加1。 小蓝可以花费3的代价将整数增加一个值,这个值是整数的数位中最大的那个(1到9) .小蓝可以花费10的代价将整数变为原来的2倍, 例如&#xff0c;如果整…


css炫彩流光圆环效果 <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><meta charset"utf-8" /><title></title><style>*{margin: 0;padding: 0;}body{width: 100%;height: 100vh;}.container{position: relative;width: 100%;height: 100vh…


前言 最近公司有个系统要做一个质量报告导出为PDF的需求&#xff0c;这个报表的内容是固定格式&#xff0c;但是不固定内容多少的&#xff0c;网上找了很多资料&#xff0c;没有很好的解决我的问题&#xff0c;pdfmakde、还有html2CanvasjsPDF以及Puppeteer无头浏览器的方案都不…