1. 数据准备
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain_community.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chromaurls = ["https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/","https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-03-15-prompt-engineering/","https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-10-25-adv-attack-llm/",
]docs = [WebBaseLoader(url).load() for url in urls]
docs_list = [item for sublist in docs for item in sublist]text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder(chunk_size=250, chunk_overlap=0
doc_splits = text_splitter.split_documents(docs_list)from langchain_community.embeddings import ZhipuAIEmbeddings
embed = ZhipuAIEmbeddings(model="Embedding-3",api_key="your api key",
)# Add to vectorDB
batch_size = 10
for i in range(0, len(doc_splits), batch_size):# 确保切片不会超出数组边界batch = doc_splits[i:min(i + batch_size, len(doc_splits))]vectorstore = Chroma.from_documents(documents=batch,collection_name="rag-chroma",embedding=embed,persist_directory="./chroma_db")retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()
2. question_router llm模型
### Routerfrom typing import Literalfrom langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIfrom pydantic import BaseModel, Field
# Data model
class RouteQuery(BaseModel):"""Route a user query to the most relevant datasource."""datasource: Literal["vectorstore", "web_search"] = Field(...,description="Given a user question choose to route it to web search or a vectorstore.",)from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
structured_llm_router = llm.with_structured_output(RouteQuery)# Prompt
system = """You are an expert at routing a user question to a vectorstore or web search.
The vectorstore contains documents related to agents, prompt engineering, and adversarial attacks.
Use the vectorstore for questions on these topics. Otherwise, use web-search."""
route_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system),("human", "{question}"),]
)question_router = route_prompt | structured_llm_router
print(question_router.invoke({"question": "Who will the Bears draft first in the NFL draft?"})
print(question_router.invoke({"question": "What are the types of agent memory?"}))
3. Retrieval Grader llm模型
# Data model
class GradeDocuments(BaseModel):"""Binary score for relevance check on retrieved documents."""binary_score: str = Field(description="Documents are relevant to the question, 'yes' or 'no'")from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
structured_llm_grader = llm.with_structured_output(GradeDocuments)# Prompt
system = """You are a grader assessing relevance of a retrieved document to a user question. \n If the document contains keyword(s) or semantic meaning related to the user question, grade it as relevant. \nIt does not need to be a stringent test. The goal is to filter out erroneous retrievals. \nGive a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the document is relevant to the question."""
grade_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system),("human", "Retrieved document: \n\n {document} \n\n User question: {question}"),]
)retrieval_grader = grade_prompt | structured_llm_grader
question = "agent memory"
docs = retriever.invoke(question)
doc_txt = docs[1].page_content
print(retrieval_grader.invoke({"question": question, "document": doc_txt}))
4. Generate llm 模型
### Generatefrom langchain import hub
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser# Prompt
prompt = hub.pull("rlm/rag-prompt")from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
)# Post-processing
def format_docs(docs):return "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in docs)# Chain
rag_chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()# Run
generation = rag_chain.invoke({"context": docs, "question": question})
d:\soft\anaconda\envs\langchain\Lib\site-packages\langsmith\client.py:354: LangSmithMissingAPIKeyWarning: API key must be provided when using hosted LangSmith APIwarnings.warn(In a LLM-powered autonomous agent system, memory is a crucial component. It includes various types of memory and utilizes techniques like Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) for efficient information retrieval. This memory system complements the LLM, which acts as the agent's brain, enabling the agent to perform complex tasks effectively.
5. Hallucination Grader
### Hallucination Grader# Data model
class GradeHallucinations(BaseModel):"""Binary score for hallucination present in generation answer."""binary_score: str = Field(description="Answer is grounded in the facts, 'yes' or 'no'")from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
structured_llm_grader = llm.with_structured_output(GradeHallucinations)# Prompt
system = """You are a grader assessing whether an LLM generation is grounded in / supported by a set of retrieved facts. \n Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no'. 'Yes' means that the answer is grounded in / supported by the set of facts."""
hallucination_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system),("human", "Set of facts: \n\n {documents} \n\n LLM generation: {generation}"),]
)hallucination_grader = hallucination_prompt | structured_llm_grader
hallucination_grader.invoke({"documents": docs, "generation": generation})
6. Answer Grader llm 模型
# Data model
class GradeAnswer(BaseModel):"""Binary score to assess answer addresses question."""binary_score: str = Field(description="Answer addresses the question, 'yes' or 'no'")from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
structured_llm_grader = llm.with_structured_output(GradeAnswer)# Prompt
system = """You are a grader assessing whether an answer addresses / resolves a question \n Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no'. Yes' means that the answer resolves the question."""
answer_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system),("human", "User question: \n\n {question} \n\n LLM generation: {generation}"),]
)answer_grader = answer_prompt | structured_llm_grader
answer_grader.invoke({"question": question, "generation": generation})
7. Question Re-writer llm 模型
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIllm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model="GLM-4-plus",openai_api_key="your api key",openai_api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/"
)# Prompt
system = """You a question re-writer that converts an input question to a better version that is optimized \n for vectorstore retrieval. Look at the input and try to reason about the underlying semantic intent / meaning."""
re_write_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system),("human","Here is the initial question: \n\n {question} \n Formulate an improved question.",),]
)question_rewriter = re_write_prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
question_rewriter.invoke({"question": question})
'To optimize the initial question "agent memory" for vectorstore retrieval, we need to clarify the intent and provide more context. The term "agent memory" could refer to various concepts, such as memory in AI agents, memory management in software agents, or even human agents\' memory in certain contexts. \n\nImproved Question: "What are the key principles and mechanisms involved in memory management for AI agents?"\n\nThis version is more specific and provides clear context, making it easier for a vectorstore retrieval system to identify relevant information. It assumes the intent is to understand how memory is handled in the context of artificial intelligence agents. If the intent is different, please provide more context for further refinement.'
8. Websearch 工具
### Search
import os
from langchain_community.tools.tavily_search import TavilySearchResults
os.environ["TAVILY_API_KEY"] = "your api key"
web_search_tool = TavilySearchResults(k=3)
9. Graph中的State数据结构
from typing import Listfrom typing_extensions import TypedDictclass GraphState(TypedDict):"""Represents the state of our graph.Attributes:question: questiongeneration: LLM generationdocuments: list of documents"""question: strgeneration: strdocuments: List[str]
10. Graph中的各个节点函数
from langchain.schema import Documentdef retrieve(state):"""Retrieve documentsArgs:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:state (dict): New key added to state, documents, that contains retrieved documents"""print("---RETRIEVE---")question = state["question"]# Retrievaldocuments = retriever.invoke(question)return {"documents": documents, "question": question}def generate(state):"""Generate answerArgs:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:state (dict): New key added to state, generation, that contains LLM generation"""print("---GENERATE---")question = state["question"]documents = state["documents"]# RAG generationgeneration = rag_chain.invoke({"context": documents, "question": question})return {"documents": documents, "question": question, "generation": generation}def grade_documents(state):"""Determines whether the retrieved documents are relevant to the question.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:state (dict): Updates documents key with only filtered relevant documents"""print("---CHECK DOCUMENT RELEVANCE TO QUESTION---")question = state["question"]documents = state["documents"]# Score each docfiltered_docs = []for d in documents:score = retrieval_grader.invoke({"question": question, "document": d.page_content})grade = score.binary_scoreif grade == "yes":print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT RELEVANT---")filtered_docs.append(d)else:print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT NOT RELEVANT---")continuereturn {"documents": filtered_docs, "question": question}def transform_query(state):"""Transform the query to produce a better question.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:state (dict): Updates question key with a re-phrased question"""print("---TRANSFORM QUERY---")question = state["question"]documents = state["documents"]# Re-write questionbetter_question = question_rewriter.invoke({"question": question})return {"documents": documents, "question": better_question}def web_search(state):"""Web search based on the re-phrased question.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:state (dict): Updates documents key with appended web results"""print("---WEB SEARCH---")question = state["question"]# Web searchdocs = web_search_tool.invoke({"query": question})web_results = "\n".join([d["content"] for d in docs])web_results = Document(page_content=web_results)return {"documents": web_results, "question": question}### Edges ###def route_question(state):"""Route question to web search or RAG.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:str: Next node to call"""print("---ROUTE QUESTION---")question = state["question"]source = question_router.invoke({"question": question})if source.datasource == "web_search":print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO WEB SEARCH---")return "web_search"elif source.datasource == "vectorstore":print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO RAG---")return "vectorstore"def decide_to_generate(state):"""Determines whether to generate an answer, or re-generate a question.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:str: Binary decision for next node to call"""print("---ASSESS GRADED DOCUMENTS---")state["question"]filtered_documents = state["documents"]if not filtered_documents:# All documents have been filtered check_relevance# We will re-generate a new queryprint("---DECISION: ALL DOCUMENTS ARE NOT RELEVANT TO QUESTION, TRANSFORM QUERY---")return "transform_query"else:# We have relevant documents, so generate answerprint("---DECISION: GENERATE---")return "generate"def grade_generation_v_documents_and_question(state):"""Determines whether the generation is grounded in the document and answers question.Args:state (dict): The current graph stateReturns:str: Decision for next node to call"""print("---CHECK HALLUCINATIONS---")question = state["question"]documents = state["documents"]generation = state["generation"]score = hallucination_grader.invoke({"documents": documents, "generation": generation})grade = score.binary_score# Check hallucinationif grade == "yes":print("---DECISION: GENERATION IS GROUNDED IN DOCUMENTS---")# Check question-answeringprint("---GRADE GENERATION vs QUESTION---")score = answer_grader.invoke({"question": question, "generation": generation})grade = score.binary_scoreif grade == "yes":print("---DECISION: GENERATION ADDRESSES QUESTION---")return "useful"else:print("---DECISION: GENERATION DOES NOT ADDRESS QUESTION---")return "not useful"else:pprint("---DECISION: GENERATION IS NOT GROUNDED IN DOCUMENTS, RE-TRY---")return "not supported"
11. Graph中的各条边
from langgraph.graph import END, StateGraph, STARTworkflow = StateGraph(GraphState)# Define the nodes
workflow.add_node("web_search", web_search) # web search
workflow.add_node("retrieve", retrieve) # retrieve
workflow.add_node("grade_documents", grade_documents) # grade documents
workflow.add_node("generate", generate) # generatae
workflow.add_node("transform_query", transform_query) # transform_query# Build graph
workflow.add_conditional_edges(START,route_question,{"web_search": "web_search","vectorstore": "retrieve",},
workflow.add_edge("web_search", "generate")
workflow.add_edge("retrieve", "grade_documents")
workflow.add_conditional_edges("grade_documents",decide_to_generate,{"transform_query": "transform_query","generate": "generate",},
workflow.add_edge("transform_query", "retrieve")
workflow.add_conditional_edges("generate",grade_generation_v_documents_and_question,{"not supported": "generate","useful": END,"not useful": "transform_query",},
)# Compile
app = workflow.compile()
12. Graph可视化
from IPython.display import Image, displaytry:display(Image(app.get_graph(xray=True).draw_mermaid_png()))
except Exception:# This requires some extra dependencies and is optionalpass
13. 不同实例的运行结果
from pprint import pprint# Run
inputs = {"question": "What player at the Bears expected to draft first in the 2024 NFL draft?"
for output in app.stream(inputs):for key, value in output.items():# Nodepprint(f"Node '{key}':")# Optional: print full state at each node# pprint.pprint(value["keys"], indent=2, width=80, depth=None)pprint("\n---\n")# Final generation
"Node 'web_search':"
"Node 'generate':"
('The Chicago Bears were expected to draft Caleb Williams first in the 2024 ''NFL Draft. Williams, a quarterback from USC, was widely considered the top ''prospect after winning the Heisman Trophy in 2022. The Bears indeed selected ''him with the No. 1 overall pick.')
# Run
inputs = {"question": "What is the agent memory?"}
for output in app.stream(inputs):for key, value in output.items():# Nodepprint(f"Node '{key}':")# Optional: print full state at each node# pprint.pprint(value["keys"], indent=2, width=80, depth=None)pprint("\n---\n")# Final generation
"Node 'retrieve':"
"Node 'grade_documents':"
"Node 'generate':"
('The agent memory in a LLM-powered autonomous agent system is a key component '"that complements the LLM, which functions as the agent's brain. It includes "'various types of memory and utilizes techniques like Maximum Inner Product ''Search (MIPS) to enhance its functionality. This memory system aids the ''agent in retaining and retrieving information crucial for decision-making ''and task execution.')
inputs = {"question": "What are the types of agent memory?"}
但用智谱的模型会限制死循环, 具体修改方法可以参考这篇 文章