#pragma once
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
#define MaxSize 300
typedef struct student
{int clas; //班级char no[14]; //学号char name[20]; //姓名double score[6]; //六门功课的成绩double sum; //总分int school_rank; //校排名int class_rank; //班排名int rises; //班级进步int rise; //学校进步//.......
} stud;
typedef struct
{stud data[MaxSize];int length; //长度,学生的人数 int cla1; double scor1; //一班现在排名最高,分数int cla2; double scor2; //二班double maxx[6], averge[6], minn[6], que[6]; int noo[6];//分别为单科最高平均最低不及格缺考人(分)int chi; //考试次数
SqList* L[6];
char daochuming[6][19] = { "xclass11.txt","xclass12.txt","xclass21.txt","xclass22.txt","xschoo11.txt","xschoo12.txt" };//导出文件名分别是一班一次,一班二次,二班一次,二班二次,校一次,校二次成绩;
void InitList(SqList*& L)
{L = new SqList;L->length = 0;
void CreateList(SqList*& L, const char* na)
{FILE* fp;if ((fp = fopen(na, "r")) == NULL) //用只读的方式打开文件,并让文件指针fp指向它 {printf("打开的文件不存在!");exit(0);}int i = L->length; //记录学生人数while (!feof(fp)){fscanf(fp, "%s%s", L->data[i].no, L->data[i].name);L->data[i].clas = L->data[i].no[10] - '0';for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++)fscanf(fp, "%lf", &L->data[i].score[j]);i++; //人数加1 }L->length = i - 1;fclose(fp); //关闭文件
void Score(SqList*& L)
{memset(L->minn, 0, sizeof(L->minn));memset(L->averge, 0, sizeof(L->averge));memset(L->noo, 0, sizeof(L->noo));memset(L->que, 0, sizeof(L->que));for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){L->minn[j] = 101;}for (int i = 0; i < L->length; i++){L->data[i].sum = 0;for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){L->data[i].sum += L->data[i].score[j];//计算总分if (L->data[i].score[j] < 60 && L->data[i].score[j]>0)//计算不及格人数{L->noo[j]++;}if (L->data[i].score[j] <= 0 || L->data[i].score[j] > 100)//计算缺考人数{L->que[j]++;}else{L->averge[j] += L->data[i].score[j];//计算平均分L->minn[j] = min(L->data[i].score[j], L->minn[j]);//计算单科最低分L->maxx[j] = max(L->data[i].score[j], L->maxx[j]);//计算单科最高分}}}return;
void DispList(SqList* L, char* na) //把顺序表L中的内容输出到文件na中
{FILE* fp;if ((fp = fopen(na, "w+")) == NULL) //用写的方式打开文件,并让文件指针fp指向它 {printf("打开的文件不存在!");exit(0);}fprintf(fp, "%-17s%-10s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%10s%7s%7s%7s%7s%7s\n", "学号", "姓名", "数据结构", "高数", "英语", "线代", "思修", "体育", "总分", "校排名", "班排名", "校进步", "班进步", "班级");fprintf(fp, "平均成绩 % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % \n ", L->averge[0] / (L->length - L->que[0]), L->averge[1] / (L->length - L->que[1]), L->averge[2] / (L->length - L->que[2]), L->averge[3] / (L->length - L->que[3]), L->averge[4] / (L->length - L->que[4]), L->averge[5] / (L->length - L->que[5]));fprintf(fp, "最高成绩 % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf \n ", L->maxx[0], L->maxx[1], L->maxx[2], L->maxx[3], L->maxx[4], L->maxx[5]);fprintf(fp, "最低成绩 % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf \n ", L->minn[0], L->minn[1], L->minn[2], L->minn[3], L->minn[4], L->minn[5]);fprintf(fp, "不及格人数 %6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d\n", L->noo[0], L->noo[1], L->noo[2], L->noo[3], L->noo[4], L->noo[5]);for (int i = 0; i < L->length; i++){fprintf(fp, "%-17s%-10s", L->data[i].no, L->data[i].name);fprintf(fp, "%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%8.1lf%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d\n", L->data[i].score[0], L->data[i].score[1], L->data[i].score[2], L->data[i].score[3], L->data[i].score[4], L->data[i].score[5], L->data[i].sum, L->data[i].school_rank, L->data[i].class_rank, L->data[i].rise, L->data[i].rises, L->data[i].clas);}fclose(fp);
}// 交换两个学生的位置
void swap1(stud& a, stud& b)
{stud temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}// 划分函数,用于确定分区点的位置
int partition(stud arr[], int low, int high)
{double pivot = arr[high].sum; // 选择最后一个元素作为分区点int i = low - 1;for (int j = low; j <= high - 1; j++){if (arr[j].sum >= pivot){i++;swap1(arr[i], arr[j]); // 将大于等于分区点的元素交换到左侧}}swap1(arr[i + 1], arr[high]); // 将分区点放到正确的位置return (i + 1);
}// 使用快速排序算法对学生进行排序
void quickSort(stud arr[], int low, int high)
{if (low < high){int pivot = partition(arr, low, high); // 获取分区点quickSort(arr, low, pivot - 1); // 对左子数组进行快速排序quickSort(arr, pivot + 1, high); // 对右子数组进行快速排序}
void calculateRanks(SqList* list)
{int i, j, k;int rank = 1;list->data[0].school_rank = rank;for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < list->length; i++){// 计算校级排名if (list->data[i].sum < list->data[i - 1].sum){rank = i + 1;}list->data[i].school_rank = rank;// 计算班级排名if (list->data[i].clas == 0){if (list->data[i].sum == list->scor1){list->data[i].class_rank = j; j++;}else{j++; list->data[i].class_rank = j; list->cla1 = j; list->scor1 = list->data[i].sum;}}else if (list->data[i].clas == 2){if (list->data[i].sum == list->scor2){list->data[i].class_rank = k; k++;}else{k++; list->data[i].class_rank = k; list->cla2 = k; list->scor2 = list->data[i].sum;}}}
void insertStudent(SqList* list, stud newStudent)
{int position;int r = 0, s = list->length - 1, mid, k = 0;while (r <= s){mid = r + (s - r) / 2;if (list->data[mid].sum > newStudent.sum)r = mid + 1;else if (list->data[mid].sum < newStudent.sum)s = mid - 1;else{k = 1;r = mid;break;}}position = r;if (position < 1 || position > list->length + 1){printf("无效的插入位置\n");return;}if (list->length >= MaxSize){printf("学生列表已满,无法插入\n");return;}list->length += 1; int clap = 0; bool t = 1;// 将插入位置及其之后的学生向后移动一位for (int i = list->length - 2; i >= position; i--){list->data[i + 1] = list->data[i];if (newStudent.sum != list->data[i + 1].sum){list->data[i + 1].school_rank += 1;if (newStudent.clas == list->data[i + 1].clas){list->data[i + 1].class_rank += 1;clap = list->data[i + 1].class_rank;if (t){if (newStudent.clas == 1)list->cla1 = list->data[i + 1].class_rank;elselist->cla2 = list->data[i + 1].class_rank;t = 0;}}}}// 在指定位置插入新学生if (newStudent.sum != list->data[position + 2].sum){newStudent.class_rank = clap - 1;newStudent.school_rank = list->data[position + 2].school_rank;}list->data[position + 1] = newStudent;printf("成功插入学生\n");
int deleteStudent(SqList*& list, string a)
{int t = 0, clas = 11;double x;// 将删除位置之后的学生向前移动一位for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (list->data[i].no == a){t = 1;x = list->data[i].sum;clas = list->data[i].clas;}if (t){list->data[i - 1] = list->data[i];if (list->data[i - 1].sum != x){list->data[i - 1].school_rank--;if (clas == list->data[i - 1].clas)list->data[i - 1].class_rank--;}}}if (t)list->length--;if (t) {printf("成功删除学生\n");return 1;}printf("没有此学生\n");return 0;
}// 修改指定学生的成绩
void modifyScore(SqList* list, stud change)
{int t = 0, clas, pai;double x;for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){//比较if (strcmp(, list->data[i].name) == 0 || strcmp(, list->data[i].no) == 0){t = 1;x = list->data[i].sum;clas = list->data[i].clas;}if (t){if (change.sum < list->data[i].sum){list->data[i - 1] = list->data[i];if (list->data[i - 1].sum != x){list->data[i - 1].school_rank--;if (clas == list->data[i - 1].clas){list->data[i - 1].class_rank--;pai = list->data[i - 1].class_rank;}}}else if (change.sum == list->data[i].sum){list->data[i] = change;}else{change.class_rank = list->data[i - 1].class_rank + 1;change.school_rank = list->data[i - 1].school_rank + 1;if (clas == 1 && change.sum > list->scor1)list->scor1 = change.sum;else if (clas == 2 && change.sum > list->scor2)list->scor2 = change.sum;}}}}//模糊查找学生
void searchStudent(SqList* list, const char* keyword)
{int found = 0;for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (strstr(list->data[i].name, keyword) != NULL || strcmp(list->data[i].no, keyword) == 0){found = 1;printf("学生姓名: %s\n", list->data[i].name);printf("学号: %s\n", list->data[i].no);printf("各科成绩:\n");for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){printf("第%d门成绩: %.2f\n", j + 1, list->data[i].score[j]);}printf("总分: %.2f\n", list->data[i].sum);printf("校排名: %d\n", list->data[i].school_rank);printf("班排名: %d\n", list->data[i].class_rank);printf("\n");}}if (!found){printf("未找到符合条件的学生\n");}
int searc1(SqList* list, const char* keyword)
{int found = 0;for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (strcmp(list->data[i].no, keyword) == 0){return list->data[i].school_rank;}}
int searc2(SqList* list, const char* keyword)
{int found = 0;for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (strcmp(list->data[i].no, keyword) == 0){return list->data[i].class_rank;}}
pair<bool, stud> searc3(SqList* list, string keyword)
{bool found = 0;pair<bool, stud>aa;aa.first = 0;for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (list->data[i].no == keyword || list->data[i].name == keyword){aa.first = 1; aa.second = list->data[i];cout << "成功";return aa;}}return aa;
void jinbu(SqList* L1, SqList*& L2)
{for (int i = 0; i < L2->length; i++){int t = searc1(L1, L2->data[i].no) - L2->data[i].school_rank;L2->data[i].rise = t;//学校班级进步名次int m = searc2(L1, L2->data[i].no) - L2->data[i].class_rank;L2->data[i].rises = m;}
void yuchuli(SqList*& L5)
{Score(L5);//计算总分,统计汇总(即两次考试中,校,班的各科平均分,最高分,最低分,不及格人数,第二次考试缺考名单等所有数据)quickSort(L5->data, 0, L5->length);//排序calculateRanks(L5);//排名
#pragma once
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
#define tulen 1300
#define tude 700
typedef struct REC {int left;int top;int right;int bottom;
} REC;int xunhuan(POINT cursorPos);
int xunhuan1(MOUSEMSG cursorPos);
void anniu1(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char* text, REC*& Box)
{Box = new REC{ x1,y1,x2,y2 };setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box->left, Box->top, Box->right - 200, Box->bottom);settextcolor(BLACK);rectangle(Box->right - 200, Box->top, Box->right, Box->bottom);settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box->left + 1, Box->top + 8, text);
void anniu2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char* text, REC*& Box)
{Box = new REC{ x1,y1,x2,y2 };setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box->left, Box->top, Box->right - 400, Box->bottom);setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box->right - 400, Box->top, Box->right - 200, Box->bottom);setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box->right - 200, Box->top, Box->right, Box->bottom);settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box->left + 1, Box->top + 8, text);
void chushimian()
{IMAGE img;loadimage(&img, "back1.png", tulen, tude); // 替换 "back" 为你的图片文件路径putimage(0, 0, &img);rectangle(0, 0, 1300, 65);// 绘制矩形settextstyle(50, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(450, 10, "学生成绩查询系统");//文字char a[9][20] = { "校排名","1班排名" ,"2班排名" ,"查找成绩" ,"删除成绩" ,"修改成绩","增加学生","导入成绩","导出成绩" };for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){rectangle(0, 65 * (i + 1), 100, 65 * (i + 2));// 绘制矩形settextstyle(18, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(20, 65 * (i + 1) + 20, a[i]);}//文字rectangle(0, 65 * (9 + 1), 100, 700);// 绘制矩形settextstyle(18, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(20, 65 * (9 + 1) + 20, "关闭");
int kongzhi()
{int t = 0;while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)if (cursorPos.x > 0 && cursorPos.x < 100 && cursorPos.y >65 * i && cursorPos.y < 65 * (i + 1)) {if (i <= 9){cout << i;return i;}return 0;}}if (_kbhit()) {// 检测键盘按键事件char key = _getch();if (key == 27) { // 按下Esc键退出循环break;}}}return t;
}// 绘制按钮
int Button(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char* text, int keys) {rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(x1 + 5, y1 + 10, text);int key = 0;while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);int rr=xunhuan(cursorPos);//cin >> key;if (!rr)return 0;if (cursorPos.x > x1 && cursorPos.x < x2 && cursorPos.y >y1 && cursorPos.y < y2 || key == 123) {key = 123;cout << key;return key;}//cout << key;// Sleep(1);}}return key;
void drawPage(const char* text, int pageStartIndex, int pageLength, SqList*& L1)
{// 清空窗口cleardevice();chushimian();settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 70, text + pageStartIndex);char gg[200];sprintf(gg, "平均成绩%25.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf \n ", L1->averge[0] / (L1->length - L1->que[0]), L1->averge[1] / (L1->length - L1->que[1]), L1->averge[2] / (L1->length - L1->que[2]), L1->averge[3] / (L1->length - L1->que[3]), L1->averge[4] / (L1->length - L1->que[4]), L1->averge[5] / (L1->length - L1->que[5]));settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 16 + 70, gg);sprintf(gg, "最高成绩%26.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf \n ", L1->maxx[0], L1->maxx[1], L1->maxx[2], L1->maxx[3], L1->maxx[4], L1->maxx[5]);settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 32 + 70, gg);// 绘制页码sprintf(gg, "最低成绩% 25.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf % 6.1lf \n ", L1->minn[0], L1->minn[1], L1->minn[2], L1->minn[3], L1->minn[4], L1->minn[5]);settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 16 + 32 + 70, gg);// 绘制页码sprintf(gg, "不及格人数%20d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d\n", L1->noo[0], L1->noo[1], L1->noo[2], L1->noo[3], L1->noo[4], L1->noo[5]);settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 64 + 70, gg);// 绘制页码settextcolor(BLACK);char pageNumText[16];sprintf_s(pageNumText, "Page: %d", (pageStartIndex / pageLength) + 1);setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);outtextxy(103, 680, pageNumText);for (int j = 0, i = pageStartIndex * 32; i < (pageStartIndex + 1) * 32; i++, j++){if (i == L1->length)break;char student[200];sprintf(student, "%-17s%-10s%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6d%6d%6d%6d\n", L1->data[i].no, L1->data[i].name, L1->data[i].score[0], L1->data[i].score[1], L1->data[i].score[2], L1->data[i].score[3], L1->data[i].score[4], L1->data[i].score[5], L1->data[i].sum, L1->data[i].school_rank, L1->data[i].class_rank, L1->data[i].rises, L1->data[i].clas);settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(103, 16 * 4 + 85 + 16 * j, student);}
void jiemian2(int x)
{//const char* longText = "This is a long text. It can span across multiple pages in the graphics window. Press 'Enter' to go to the next page.";char studentInfo[100];sprintf(studentInfo, "%-17s%-10s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%8s%7s%7s%7s\n", "学号", "姓名", "数据结构", "高数", "英语", "线代", "思修", "体育", "总分", "校排名", "班排名", "上升名", "班级");/*settextstyle(6, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(105, 70, studentInfo);*/const char* longText = studentInfo;int pageStartIndex = 0;int pageLength = 1;// outtextxy(103, 680, pageNumText);while (true) {drawPage(longText, pageStartIndex, pageLength, L[x]);// 等待用户按下键盘事件/*const int buttonX1 = 180;const int buttonY1 = 670;const int buttonX2 = 228;const int buttonY2 = 695;const char* buttonText = "下一页";*/int key = 0;key = Button(900, 630, 1000, 680, "下一页", 123);if (key == 0)return;settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(183, 680, "下一页按enter");if (key == 123) { // 切换到下一页pageStartIndex += pageLength;if (pageStartIndex >= (L[x]->length + 31) / 32) {pageStartIndex = 0; // 已经到达文本末尾,重新从第一页开始}}//panduan();}
}// 模糊查找学生
void searchStudent1(SqList* list, const std::string& keyword)
{int found = 0;int x1 = 102, y1 = 180;if (keyword.size() == 0){printf("未找到符合条件的学生\n");settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(x1, y1, "未找到符合条件的学生\n");return;}for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++){if (strstr(list->data[i].name, keyword.c_str()) != NULL || list->data[i].no == keyword){found = 1;char student[200];sprintf(student, "%-17s%-10s%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6.1lf%6d%6d%6d%6d\n", list->data[i].no, list->data[i].name, list->data[i].score[0], list->data[i].score[1], list->data[i].score[2], list->data[i].score[3], list->data[i].score[4], list->data[i].score[5], list->data[i].sum, list->data[i].school_rank, list->data[i].class_rank, list->data[i].rises, list->data[i].clas);settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(WHITE);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(x1, y1, student);printf("学生姓名: %s\n", list->data[i].name);printf("学号: %s\n", list->data[i].no);printf("各科成绩:\n");for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){printf("第%d门成绩: %.2f\n", j + 1, list->data[i].score[j]);}printf("总分: %.2f\n", list->data[i].sum);printf("校排名: %d\n", list->data[i].school_rank);printf("班排名: %d\n", list->data[i].class_rank);printf("\n");y1 += 16;}}if (!found){printf("未找到符合条件的学生\n");settextstyle(15, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(WHITE);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(x1, y1, "未找到符合条件的学生\n");}
char* Button1(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char* xx) {rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);rectangle(700, 120, 800, 170);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(700 + 5, y1 + 10, xx);static char aa[35]; // 使用静态数组while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);int rr=xunhuan(cursorPos);if (!rr)return 0;if (cursorPos.x > x1 && cursorPos.x < x2 && cursorPos.y >y1 && cursorPos.y < y2) {std::cin >> aa;settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLACK);outtextxy(x1 + 5, y1 + 10, aa);return aa;}}}return aa;
void sousuo()
{chushimian();char* aa = Button1(200, 120, 700, 170, "搜索");if (aa == 0)return;int x1 = 700, y1 = 120, x2 = 780, y2 = 170;// 创建搜索按钮int key = 0;while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);// cin >> key;if (cursorPos.x > x1 && cursorPos.x < x2 + 100 && cursorPos.y >y1 - 20 && cursorPos.y < y2 + 20) {key = 123;printf("Input box selected.\n");searchStudent1(L[5], aa);cout << key;}xunhuan(cursorPos);// Sleep(1);}}
void shanchu1()
{chushimian();char* aa = Button1(200, 120, 700, 170, "删除");if (aa == 0)return;int x1 = 700, y1 = 120, x2 = 780, y2 = 170;// 创建搜索按钮int key = 0;while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);// cin >> key;if (cursorPos.x > x1 && cursorPos.x < x2 + 100 && cursorPos.y >y1 - 20 && cursorPos.y < y2 + 20) {key = 123;printf("已删除\n");//searchStudent1(L1, inputText);int tt = 0;tt = deleteStudent(L[5], aa);if (tt) {settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(340, 190, "已删除");}else{settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(340, 190, "没有此学生");}cout << key;xunhuan(cursorPos);}// Sleep(1);}}}//修改界面2
void change2(stud aa)
{chushimian();char b[6][15] = { "数据结构", "高数", "英语", "线代", "思修", "体育" };char a[9][55];settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(35, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(240, 90, "将需要修改的内容重新输入到对于的输入框内");int x1 = 160, x2 = 580, y1 = 130, y2 = 180, height = 50;sprintf(a[0], "学号%s",;sprintf(a[1], "名字%s",;sprintf(a[8], "班级%d", aa.clas);for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){sprintf(a[i + 2], "%s%.1lf", b[i], aa.score[i]);}REC* Box[10];Box[9] = new REC{ 650,150,715,200 };setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box[9]->left, Box[9]->top, Box[9]->right, Box[9]->bottom);settextcolor(RED);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[9]->left + 10, Box[9]->top + 8, "提交");for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){anniu1(x1, y1, x2, y1 + height, a[i], Box[i]);y1 += height + 10;}// 监听鼠标点击事件MOUSEMSG m;while (true){m = GetMouseMsg();int rr=xunhuan1(m);if (!rr)return;// 确定当前活动的输入框int activeInput = -1;for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++){if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN &&m.x >= Box[i]->left && m.x <= Box[i]->right &&m.y >= Box[i]->top && m.y <= Box[i]->bottom){if (i < 2){char chang[20];cin >> chang;settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, chang);if (i == 0)strcpy(, chang);elsestrcpy(, chang);cout << "成功";}else if (i < 9){int scaress;cin >> scaress;char changes[20];sprintf(changes, "%d", scaress);cout << changes;settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, changes);if (i >= 2 && i < 8){aa.score[i - 2] = scaress;}elseaa.clas = scaress;cout << "成功";}else{modifyScore(L[5], aa);settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[9]->left, Box[9]->top + 100, "修改成功");cout << "修改成功";return;}}}}
void change()
{chushimian();char* aa = Button1(200, 120, 700, 170, "修改学生");if (aa == 0)return;int x1 = 700, y1 = 120, x2 = 780, y2 = 170;// 创建搜索按钮int key = 0;while (true) {if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) {// 检测鼠标左键按下事件POINT cursorPos;GetCursorPos(&cursorPos);int rr = xunhuan(cursorPos);if (!rr)return;if (cursorPos.x > x1 && cursorPos.x < x2 + 100 && cursorPos.y >y1 - 20 && cursorPos.y < y2 + 20) {key = 123; int flag = 0;pair<bool, stud>tt;tt = searc3(L[5], aa);if (tt.first){change2(tt.second);flag = 1;}if (!flag){settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextcolor(BLUE);outtextxy(340, 190, "没有此学生");}}cout << key;}// Sleep(1);}
void add()
{stud aa;chushimian();char a[9][15] = { "学号","名字", "数据结构", "高数", "英语", "线代", "思修", "体育","班级" };settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(35, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(240, 90, "将需要补录学生的信息输入到对于的输入框内");int x1 = 160, x2 = 580, y1 = 130, y2 = 180, height = 50;REC* Box[10];Box[9] = new REC{ 650,150,715,200 };setbkcolor(WHITE);rectangle(Box[9]->left, Box[9]->top, Box[9]->right, Box[9]->bottom);settextcolor(RED);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[9]->left + 10, Box[9]->top + 8, "提交");for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){anniu1(x1, y1, x2, y1 + height, a[i], Box[i]);y1 += height + 10;}// 监听鼠标点击事件MOUSEMSG m;while (true){m = GetMouseMsg();int rr = xunhuan1(m);if (!rr)return;// 确定当前活动的输入框int activeInput = -1;for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++){if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN &&m.x >= Box[i]->left-10 && m.x <= Box[i]->right+20 &&m.y >= Box[i]->top && m.y <= Box[i]->bottom){if (i < 2){char chang[20];cin >> chang;settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, chang);if (i == 0)strcpy(, chang);elsestrcpy(, chang);cout << "成功";}else if (i < 9){int scaress;cin >> scaress;char changes[20];sprintf(changes, "%d", scaress);cout << changes;settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, changes);if (i >= 2 && i < 8){aa.score[i - 2] = scaress;}elseaa.clas = scaress;cout << "成功";}else{insertStudent(L[5], aa);settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[9]->left, Box[9]->top + 100, "增加成功");cout << "增加成功";}xunhuan1(m);}}}
void daoru1()
{chushimian();char a[6][30] = { "导入一班一次成绩", "导入一班二次成绩", "导入二班一次成绩", "导入二班二次成绩","导入学校一次成绩", "导入学校二次成绩" };settextcolor(BLACK);settextstyle(35, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(240, 90, "将需要导入的文件名输入到对于的输入框内");int x1 = 240, x2 = 880, y1 = 130, y2 = 180, height = 50;REC* Box[6];for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){anniu2(x1, y1, x2, y1 + height, a[i], Box[i]);y1 += height + 10;}// 监听鼠标点击事件MOUSEMSG m;while (true){m = GetMouseMsg();int rr = xunhuan1(m);if (!rr)return;// 确定当前活动的输入框int activeInput = -1;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){bool t = 0;if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN &&m.x >= Box[i]->left && m.x <= Box[i]->right - 200 &&m.y >= Box[i]->top && m.y <= Box[i]->bottom){char chang[20];cin >> chang;settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 398, Box[i]->top + 8, chang);cout << chang;InitList(L[i]);CreateList(L[i], chang);L[i]->chi = 2;yuchuli(L[i]);t = 1;if (t){settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, "导入成功");cout << 123;}else{settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, "导入失败");cout << 123;}}}}
void daochu()
{chushimian();char a[6][30] = { "导出一班一次成绩", "导出一班二次成绩", "导出二班一次成绩", "导出二班二次成绩","导出第一次校成绩","导出第二次校成绩" };int x1 = 200, x2 = 780, y1 = 120, y2 = 170, height = 50;REC* Box[6];for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){anniu1(x1, y1, x2, y1 + height, a[i], Box[i]);y1 += height + 10;}// 监听鼠标点击事件MOUSEMSG m;while (true){m = GetMouseMsg();int rr = xunhuan1(m);if (!rr)return;// 确定当前活动的输入框int activeInput = -1;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN &&m.x >= Box[i]->left && m.x <= Box[i]->right &&m.y >= Box[i]->top && m.y <= Box[i]->bottom){settextcolor(BLUE);settextstyle(25, 0, _T("宋体"));outtextxy(Box[i]->right - 198, Box[i]->top + 8, "导出成功");activeInput = i;DispList(L[i], daochuming[i]);break;}}}
void chushi()
{initgraph(1300, 700); // 初始化图形窗口int tt = 111;chushimian();tt = kongzhi();//对应"校排名","1班排名" ,"2班排名" ,"查找成绩" ,"删除成绩" ,"修改成绩","增加学生","导入成绩","导出成绩"if (tt == 1){jiemian2(5);}else if (tt == 2){jiemian2(1);}else if (tt == 3){jiemian2(3);}else if (tt == 4){sousuo();}else if (tt == 5){shanchu1();}else if (tt == 6){change();}else if (tt == 7){add();}else if (tt == 8){daoru1();}else if (tt == 9){daochu();}else if (tt == 0)closegraph(); // 关闭窗口return;
int xunhuan(POINT cursorPos)
{for (int i = 1; i <=10; i++)if (cursorPos.x > 0 && cursorPos.x < 100 && cursorPos.y >65 * i && cursorPos.y < 65 * (i + 1)) {if (i == 0){closegraph();return 0;}if (i == 1){jiemian2(5);return 0;}if (i == 2){jiemian2(1);return 0;}if (i == 3){jiemian2(3);return 0;}if (i == 4){sousuo();return 0;}if (i == 5){shanchu1();return 0;}if (i == 6){change();return 0;}if (i == 7){add();return 0;}if (i == 8){daoru1();return 0;}if (i == 9){daochu();return 0;}if (i == 10){closegraph();return 0;}}return 1;
int xunhuan1(MOUSEMSG cursorPos)
{for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)if (cursorPos.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && cursorPos.x > 0 && cursorPos.x < 100 && cursorPos.y >65 * i && cursorPos.y < 65 * (i + 1)) {if (i == 0){closegraph();return 0;}if (i == 1){jiemian2(5);return 0;}if (i == 2){jiemian2(1);return 0;}if (i == 3){jiemian2(3);return 0;}if (i == 4){sousuo();return 0;}if (i == 5){shanchu1();return 0;}if (i == 6){change();return 0;}if (i == 7){add();return 0;}if (i == 8){daoru1();return 0;}if (i == 9){daochu();return 0;}}return 1;
void luru()
{InitList(L[4]);CreateList(L[4], "class1.txt");L[4]->chi = 1;yuchuli(L[4]);InitList(L[5]);CreateList(L[5], "class2.txt");L[5]->chi = 2;yuchuli(L[5]);InitList(L[1]);InitList(L[2]);InitList(L[3]);InitList(L[0]);
void yu()
{luru();jinbu(L[4], L[5]);int x = 0, y = 0;for (int i = 0; i < L[4]->length; i++){if (L[4]->data[i].clas == 0){L[0]->data[x] = L[4]->data[i];x++;}else{L[2]->data[y] = L[4]->data[i];y++;}}L[0]->length = x;L[2]->length = y;x = 0, y = 0;for (int i = 0; i < L[5]->length; i++){if (L[5]->data[i].clas == 0){L[1]->data[x] = L[5]->data[i];x++;}else{L[3]->data[y] = L[5]->data[i];y++;}}L[1]->length = x;L[3]->length = y;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (i < 4)Score(L[i]);DispList(L[i], daochuming[i]);}
using namespace std;int main()
{yu();chushi();return 0;
1.使用的visual studio
2.easyx可以在代码巴士 - 分享有价值的 C/C++ 知识和源代码中一键下载
4.成绩有六门,文件中文字按学号 名字 成绩的顺序