型的游戏,评论区问我给安排不?of course,说走就走。
1.python的字体要尽量小一点 否则视觉上会很难看,调9-11左右 而且一定一定要调Consolas
字体 对于win7系统字符画显示可能有问题,因为程序使用制表符, 制表符在win7下存储占2个
字符 游戏是win10设计,设计时使用1个字符的制表符做图画。
档,正常退出会有file.close() 暴力退出不会close 。
[开发环境]: python 3.6 运行代码 pycharm 2021 辅助敲代码 第三方模块 pip install 模块名 镜像源安装 pip install -i pypi.douban.com/simple/ +模块名 +python 安装包 安装教程视频 +pycharm 社区版 专业版 及 激活码免费找我拿即可
# 特大都市 梦想小镇
import random
import time as ctime
import os# DATA
ROAD = {"name":"road", "level":1, "cost":200, "exp":1, "people":False, "environment":0}
SMALLHOUSE = {"name":"smallhouse", "level":1, "cost":12500, "exp":5, "people":(5,10,15), "environment":-5}
WOODENHOUSE = {"name":"woodenhouse", "level":2, "cost":15000, "exp":10, "people":(10,20,25), "environment":-10}
DOUBLECABIN = {"name":"doublecabin", "level":2, "cost":35000, "exp":15, "people":(30,50,80), "environment":-15}
BASICFARM = {"name":"basicfarm", "level":1, "cost":5000, "exp":8, "people":False, "earns":2000, "environment":-40}
EXTRAFARM = {"name":"extrafarm", "level":2, "cost":10000, "exp":10, "people":False, "earns":4000, "environment":-80}
TREE1 = {"name":"tree1", "level":1, "cost":1000, "exp":3, "people":False, "environment":15}
SMALLLAKE = {"name":"smalllake", "level":2, "cost":500, "exp":2, "people":False, "environment":10}
BAMBOO = {"name":"bamboo", "level":3, "cost":5000, "exp":15, "people":False, "environment":40}
MARKET = {"name":"market", "level":3, "cost":25000, "exp":20, "people":False, "earns":7500, "environment":-20}
CHA = {"road": 1, "smallhouse": 5, "woodenhouse": 10, "doublecabin": 15,"smallpark": 15, "basicfarm": 8, "extrafarm": 15, "tree1": 3}
earns = {"basicfarm":5000, "extrafarm":10000}
PEOPLE_BUILDINGS = ["smallhouse", "woodenhouse", "doublecabin"]
EARNING_BUILDINGS = ["basicfarm", "extrafarm", "market"]
ROADS = ["road1", "road2", "road3", "road4", "road5", "road6", "road7", "road8", "road9", "road10", "road11"]#PICS2 [0]-empty [1]-smallhouse [2]-basicfarm [3]-woodenhouse [4]-doublecabin [5]-smallpark
#PICS2 [6]-road1 [7]-road2 [8]-road3 [9]-road4 [10]-road5 [11]-road6 [12]-road7
#PICS2 [13]-road8 [14]-road9 [15]-road10 [16]-road11
#PICS2 [17]-extrafarm [18]-tree1 [19]-bamboo [20]-water [21]-market
# 4,5,6,7 left+up right+up left+down right+down
# 8,9,10,11 left+up+down right+up+down up+left+right down+left+right
PICS2 = [["┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓", "┃ ┃","┃ ┃","┃ ┃","┃ ┃","┃ ┃","┃ ┃","┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"],[" "," /^^^^^^^^\ ","/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\","┣┅┳┅┳━━━━┳┅┅┳┅┅┫","┣┳┻┅┫ ┣━┳┻┳┅┫", "┣┻┅┳┫ ○ ┣┅┻┳┻┅┫","┣┅┳┻┫ ┣┅┳┻┳┅┫","┗┅┻┅┻┅┅┅┅┻┅┻┅┻┅┛"],["┏━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┓","┃□□□ □□□┃Basic ┃","┃□□□ □□□┃Farm ┃","┃□□□ □□□┃ ┃","┃□□□ □□□┃ ┃","┣━━━ ━━━┛ ┃","┃ 2k/min┃","┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"],[" ╔┉┉┉┉╗ "," ╔╦┉╩┉┉┉┉╩┉╦╗ ","╔╦╬╬╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╬╬╦╗"," ╬╬ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╬╬ "," ┋┋ ╔┉┉╗ ╔┉┉┉╣┋ "," ┋┋ ╠┉┉╣ ┋ ╔╣┋ "," ┋┋ ╚┉┉╝ ┋ ╚╣┋ ","╔╩╩┉┉┉┉┉┉╩┉┉┉╩╩╗"],["----------------","| |","| Double |","| Cabin |","| |","| |","| |","----------------"],["----------------", "| |", "| |", "| Small Park |","| |", "| |", "| |", "----------------"],["┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃", # road 1"┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃"], ["━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"," "," ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # road 2" ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ "," ","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"],[" ┃ ■■ ┃ ","━━┛ ■■ ┗━━"," ■■ "," ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # road 3" ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ "," ■■ ","━━┓ ■■ ┏━━"," ┃ ■■ ┃ "],["━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓","━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃"," ┃ ┃"," ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃", # 4" ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ┃ ┃","━━┓ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃"], ["┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━","┃ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━","┃ ┃ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # 5"┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ┏━━","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ "],[" ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","━━┛ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃", #6" ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ┃ ┃","━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┃","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"],["┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ┗━━","┃ ┃ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # 7"┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ","┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━","┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"],[" ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃","━━┛ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃", # 8" ■■ ■■ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ■■ ┃ ┃","━━┓ ■■ ┃ ┃"," ┃ ■■ ┃ ┃"],["┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ┗━━","┃ ┃ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # 9"┃ ┃ ■■ ■■ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ","┃ ┃ ■■ ┏━━","┃ ┃ ■■ ┃ "],[" ┃ ■■ ┃ ","━━┛ ■■ ┗━━"," ■■ "," ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # 10" ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ "," ","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"],["━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━","━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"," "," ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ", # 11" ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ "," ■■ ","━━┓ ■■ ┏━━"," ┃ ■■ ┃ "],["┏━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━┓","┃□□□ □□□ □□□┃ ┃","┃□□□ □□□ □□□┃ ┃","┃□□□ □□□ □□□┃ ┃", # ExtraFarm"┃□□□ □□□ □□□┃ ┃","┣━━┛ ┗━━ ┛ ┃","┃FarmEX 4k/min┃","┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛",],[" ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ "," ┃ ┏┳━━━━┳┓ ┃ " ," ┃┏━┛┗┳━━┳┛┗━┓┃ " ," ┗┛ ┗┳┳┛ ┗┛ ", # Tree1" ╋╋ "," ╋╋ "," ╋╋ "," ┻┻ ",],[" ╲┏┓╱ "," ╲╋╋╱ "," ╲┏┓╱╲╋╋╱ "," ╲╋╋╱╲╋╋╱ ", # bamboo" ╲╋╋╱╲╋╋╱ ╲┏┓╱ "," ╲╋╋╱ ╋╋ ╲╋╋╱ "," ╋╋ ╋╋ ╲╋╋╱ "," ╋╋ ╋╋ ╋╋ "],["┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓","┃ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ┃","┃~~~ ~ ~~ ~~┃","┃ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~┃", # water"┃~ ~~~~ ~~ ┃","┃~~~ ~~~ ~~~┃","┃~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~┃","┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"],[" ╱╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╲ "," ╱╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╲ ","╱┳┻━━━━━━━━━━┻┳╲","┣┫ Market ┣┫", # market"╋╈┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳━━━┳╈╋","╋╈╈╈╈╈╈╈╈╈ ┏╈╈╋","╋╈╈╈╈╈╈╈╈╈ ┗╈╈╋","┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻━━━┻┻┻"]] # 通过建筑名称获取建筑相关数据
def getdata(buildname, datatype):for data in DATA:if data["name"] == buildname:return data[datatype]# 检测是否已经有存档存在
def checkloads():for load in os.listdir():if load.split(".")[-1] == "city":return Truereturn False# 获得目录下所有存档
def getloads():loads = []for load in os.listdir():if load.split(".")[-1] == "city":loads.append(load)return loads# 通过存档还原地图
def remap(s):resultmap = []new = []s1 = s.split("$")[:-1]for s2 in s1:s2 = s2[1:-1]tmp = s2.split(",")resultmap.append(tmp)for i in resultmap:jie = []for j in i:try:jie.append(int(j))except:jie.append(str(j[1:][1:-1]))new.append(jie)return new# 通过存档还原工作点
def rework(s):resultworkers = []parts = s.split("@")for part in parts:if part == "":continueresultworkers.append(part.split("#"))for i in range(0, len(resultworkers)):for j in range(0, len(resultworkers[i])):try:resultworkers[i][j] = float(resultworkers[i][j])except:passreturn resultworkers[:-1]# 玩家类
class Player():def __init__(self, name, type = "new"):self.type = typeself.data = city.userdata.readlines()if self.type == "load":self.name = self.data[0].split()[-1]self.balance = int(self.data[1].split()[-1])self.level = int(self.data[2].split()[-1])self.exp = int(self.data[3].split()[-1])self.totalexp = int(self.data[4].split()[-1])self.nextexp = int(self.data[5].split()[-1])else:self.name = nameself.balance = 50000self.level = 1self.exp = 0self.totalexp = 0self.nextexp = 10city.userdata.write("username: " + self.name + "\n")city.userdata.write("balance: " + str(self.balance) + "\n")city.userdata.write("level: " + str(self.level) + "\n")city.userdata.write("exp: " + str(self.exp) + "\n")city.userdata.write("totalexp: " + str(self.totalexp) + "\n")city.userdata.write("nextexp: " + str(self.nextexp) + "\n")def earn(self, value):self.balance += valuedef cost(self, value):if value <= self.balance:self.balance -= valueelse:return Falsedef addexp(self, num):self.totalexp += numself.exp += numif self.exp < lv[self.level - 1]:print("你获得了" + str(num) + "经验!")returnwhile self.exp >= lv[self.level - 1]:self.exp = self.exp - lv[self.level - 1]self.level += 1self.nextexp = lv[self.level - 1] - self.expprint("恭喜! 您升入等级" + str(self.level) + "!")def show(self):print("市长:" + self.name)print("金钱:" + str(self.balance))print("等级:" + str(self.level), " 经验:" + str(self.exp))print()# 城市工作经营类
class Worker():def __init__(self, name, type, money):T = ctime.time()self.name = nameself.type = typeself.oncemoney = moneyself.totaltime = 0 # 游戏总时长self.time = 0 # 距离上次获得利润时间self.starttime = T # 起始时间刻(每局常量)self.nowtime = T # 现在时间刻self.lastearntime = T # 上次盈利时间self.totalearn = 0 # 盈利总金额# 刷新现在的时间刻def update(self):self.nowtime = ctime.time()self.totaltime = int(self.nowtime - self.starttime)self.time = int(self.nowtime - self.lastearntime)# 盈利def earn(self):# 这里规定 单次收取的最大利润不可以大于10min所获得的利润self.update()if int(self.time) < 60:return Falseself.lastearntime = ctime.time()earns = (int(self.time) // 60) * self.oncemoneyif earns > 10 * self.oncemoney:earns = 10 * self.oncemoneyself.totalearn += earnsreturn earns# 城市类
class City():def __init__(self, name, size = "8x8", type = "new", username = "/"):self.name = nameself.height = int(size.split("x")[1])self.width = int(size.split("x")[0])self.map = [[j, i, "empty"] for i in range(1, self.height+1) for j in range(1, self.width+1)]self.environment = 100self.env_type = "perfect"self.people = 0self.people_env_list = [0, 0, 0] # 应当反映的人口数量和环境状态的关系 bad-good-perfect 顺序self.earn = 0self.housecount = 0self.workcount = 0self.parkcount = 0self.buildcount = 0self.isfull = Falseself.lasttime = 0self.workers = []self.filedata = []self.f, self.f2 = 0, 0if type == "new":self.f = open("{}.city".format(name), "w+")self.userdata = open("{}.user".format(name), "w+")self.log = open("{}.log".format(name), "a+")'''userdata.write("username: "+ username +"\n")userdata.write("balance: 50000\n")userdata.write("level: 1\n")userdata.write("exp: 0\n")userdata.write("totalexp: 0\n")userdata.write("nextexp: 0\n")'''self.writedata("创建存档\n")self.f.write("cityname: " + self.name + "\n")self.f.write("height: " + str(self.height) + "\n")self.f.write("width: " + str(self.width) + "\n")self.f.write("environment: " + str(self.environment) + "\n")self.f.write("people: " + str(self.people) + "\n")self.f.write("people_env_list: " + str(self.people_env_list)[1:-1] + "\n")workers_data = self.workers_data_change()self.f.write("workers: " + str(workers_data) + "\n") self.f.write("earn: " + str(self.earn) + "\n")self.f.write("housecount: " + str(self.housecount) + "\n")self.f.write("workcount: " + str(self.workcount) + "\n")self.f.write("parkcount: " + str(self.parkcount) + "\n")self.f.write("buildcount: " + str(self.buildcount) + "\n")self.f.write("citymap: " + str(self.map))elif type == "load":try:self.f = open("{}.city".format(name), "r+")self.userdata = open("{}.user".format(name), "r+")self.log = open("{}.log".format(name), "a+")except:print("错误!没有找到存档!")self.filedata = self.f.readlines()if type == "load":self.name = self.filedata[0].split()[-1]self.height = int(self.filedata[1].split()[-1])self.width = int(self.filedata[2].split()[-1])self.environment = int(self.filedata[3].split()[-1])self.people = int(self.filedata[4].split()[-1])self.people_env_list = self.filedata[5][17:-1].split(", ")for i in range(0, len(self.people_env_list)):self.people_env_list[i] = int(self.people_env_list[i])workerslist = rework(self.filedata[6].split(":")[-1])self.map = remap(self.filedata[12][9:])for worker in workerslist:tmpworker = Worker(worker[0], worker[1], worker[2])tmpworker.totaltime = worker[3]tmpworker.time = worker[4]tmpworker.starttime = worker[5]tmpworker.nowtime = worker[6]tmpworker.lastearntime = worker[7]tmpworker.totalearn = worker[8]self.workers.append(tmpworker)self.workcount = len(self.workers)# 建造建筑def build(self, what, where):w = self.changexy(where)for i in range(0, len(self.map)):if self.map[i][0] == int(w[0]) and self.map[i][1] == int(w[1]) and self.map[i][2] == "empty":self.map[i][2] = whatbreakif what in PEOPLE_BUILDINGS:self.housecount += 1self.people_change(what, "increase")if what in EARNING_BUILDINGS:self.workcount += 1worker = Worker(str(len(self.workers) + 1), what, self.getplacedata(what, "earns"))self.workers.append(worker)self.changemap()self.writedata("在 {} 处建造 {} 建筑\n".format(where, what))self.show()# 道路建造def buildroad(self, where, isShow=True):w = self.changexy(where)x, y = w[0], w[1]if self.getplace(x, y) != "empty":return Falseself.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road3"self.roadmove(x, y, 1)# 判断1:如果目标道路上下左右都没有道路,建road3十字路口if self.getplace(x + 1, y) not in ROADS and self.getplace(x - 1, y) not in ROADS and self.getplace(x,y + 1) not in ROADS and self.getplace(x, y - 1) not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road3"else:self.roadcheck(x, y)self.writedata("在 {} 处建造道路\n".format(where))self.changemap()if isShow:self.show()# 更改.city的数据def changemap(self):self.f.close()os.remove("{}.city".format(self.name))ctime.sleep(0.1)self.f = 0self.f = open("{}.city".format(self.name), "w+")self.f.write("cityname: " + self.name + "\n")self.f.write("height: " + str(self.height) + "\n")self.f.write("width: " + str(self.width) + "\n")self.f.write("environment: " + str(self.environment) + "\n")self.f.write("people: " + str(self.people) + "\n")self.f.write("people_env_list: " + str(self.people_env_list)[1:-1] + "\n")workers_data = self.workers_data_change()self.f.write("workers: " + str(workers_data) + "\n") self.f.write("earn: " + str(self.earn) + "\n")self.f.write("housecount: " + str(self.housecount) + "\n")self.f.write("workcount: " + str(self.workcount) + "\n")self.f.write("parkcount: " + str(self.parkcount) + "\n")self.f.write("buildcount: " + str(self.buildcount) + "\n")self.f.write("citymap: ")for i in self.map:self.f.write(str(i) + "$")self.f.seek(0, 0)self.filedata = self.f.readlines()# 变换坐标def changexy(self, string):s = string.split(",")return int(s[0]), int(s[1])# 更改.user的用户信息(钱数,等级等等)def changeuserdata(self, name, balance, level, exp, totalexp, nextexp):self.userdata.close()self.userdata = open("{}.user".format(self.name), "w+")self.userdata.write("username: " + name + "\n")self.userdata.write("balance: " + str(balance) + "\n")self.userdata.write("level: " + str(level) + "\n")self.userdata.write("exp: " + str(exp) + "\n")self.userdata.write("totalexp: " + str(totalexp) + "\n")self.userdata.write("nextexp: " + str(nextexp) + "\n")def check(self):return self.height, self.width, self.map# 检测坐标上是否是空位def checkempty(self, where):w = self.changexy(where)for i in range(0, len(self.map)):if self.map[i][0] == int(w[0]) and self.map[i][1] == int(w[1]) and self.map[i][2] == "empty":return Trueelif self.map[i][0] == int(w[0]) and self.map[i][1] == int(w[1]) and self.map[i][2] != "empty":return False# 环境状态监测def checkenv(self):if self.environment < 0:self.env_type = "bad"elif 0 < self.environment and self.environment < 100:self.env_type = "good"elif self.environment > 100:self.env_type = "perfect"# 检测坐标是否超出范围def checkout(self, where):w = self.changexy(where)if w[0] <= self.width and w[1] <= self.height and w[0] > 0 and w[1] > 0:return Trueelse:return False# 检测城市是否满格def checkplace(self):isOk = Truefor i in range(0, len(self.map)):if self.map[i][2] == "empty":self.isfull = Falsereturnself.isfull = True# 检查工作点并返回工作点的信息列表def checkworkplace(self):res = []for i in self.workers:i.update()res.append(str(int(float(i.name))) + " " + i.type + " 工作时间:" + str(i.time) + "秒")return res# 商业性建筑的盈利def earnmoney(self, num):for i in self.workers:if int(i.name) == num:result = i.earn()if result == False:return Noneelse:self.writedata("收取 {} 建筑的利润 ¥{} \n".format(i.type, result))return result# 获取系统内部图的序号def getmapnum(self, xray, yray):for i in range(0, len(self.map)):if self.map[i][0] == xray and self.map[i][1] == yray:return ireturn False# 获取该位置上的建筑物def getplace(self, xray, yray):if xray == 0 or yray == 0 or xray > self.width or yray > self.height:return Falsefor target in self.map:if target[0] == xray and target[1] == yray:return target[2]return False# 通过建筑名称获取建筑的所有信息 tag 表示信息种类def getplacedata(self, placename, tag):for data in DATA:if data["name"] == placename:return data[tag]return False# 动态更新人口def people_change(self, what = None, mode = "increase"):if what != None:peoples = self.getplacedata(what, "people")self.people_env_list[0] += (peoples[0] if mode == "increase" else -peoples[0])self.people_env_list[1] += (peoples[1] if mode == "increase" else -peoples[1])self.people_env_list[2] += (peoples[2] if mode == "increase" else -peoples[2])# 动态更新if self.env_type == "bad": self.people = self.people_env_list[0]elif self.env_type == "good": self.people = self.people_env_list[1]elif self.env_type == "perfect": self.people = self.people_env_list[2]# 拆除建筑def remove(self, where, isShow = True):w = self.changexy(where)removething = ""for i in range(0, len(self.map)):if self.map[i][0] == int(w[0]) and self.map[i][1] == int(w[1]):removething = self.map[i][2]self.map[i][2] = "empty"if removething in ROADS:# 拆除的如果是道路,拆除后对其他道路的朝向重新检测 self.roadmove(int(w[0]), int(w[1]), 2)breakif removething in PEOPLE_BUILDINGS:self.housecount -= 1self.people_change(removething, "decrease")self.changemap()self.writedata("在 {} 处拆除 {}\n".format(where, removething))if isShow:self.show()# 判断一个道路四周的道路方向并加以调整def roadcheck(self, x, y):placesnear = [self.getplace(x-1, y-1), self.getplace(x, y-1), self.getplace(x+1, y-1),self.getplace(x-1, y), self.getplace(x, y), self.getplace(x+1, y) ,self.getplace(x-1, y+1), self.getplace(x, y+1), self.getplace(x+1, y+1)]#print(x, y, self.getplace(x, y))# 前判断:如果原点不是道路,直接返回if placesnear[4] not in ROADS:return# 判断1:如果一方出现道路,那么将一方的道路改为单向道路if placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road1"elif placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road2"elif placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road2"elif placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road1"# 判断2:双连路口 elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road6"elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road7"elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road1"elif placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road2"elif placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road4"elif placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road5"# 判断3:丁字路口elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[7] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road10"elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[5] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road8"elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[3] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road9"elif placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS and placesnear[1] not in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road11" # 判断4:十字路口elif placesnear[1] in ROADS and placesnear[3] in ROADS and placesnear[5] in ROADS and placesnear[7] in ROADS:self.map[self.getmapnum(x, y)][2] = "road3" # 动态道路分析判断def roadmove(self, x, y, time):# time 递归次数(拓展范围) #print(x, y, self.getplace(x, y), time)if time == -1:return#if self.getplace(x, y) not in ROADS :#returnself.roadcheck(x, y)# 递归self.roadmove(x-1, y-1, time-1)self.roadmove(x, y-1, time-1)self.roadmove(x+1, y-1, time-1)self.roadmove(x-1, y, time-1)self.roadmove(x+1, y, time-1)self.roadmove(x-1, y+1, time-1)self.roadmove(x, y+1, time-1)self.roadmove(x+1, y+1, time-1)# 打印城市模型def show(self):def printlines(things):oneline = ""for line in range(0, 8):for i in things:if i == "empty":oneline += PICS2[0][line]elif i == "smallhouse":oneline += PICS2[1][line]elif i == "basicfarm":oneline += PICS2[2][line]elif i == "woodenhouse":oneline += PICS2[3][line]elif i == "doublecabin":oneline += PICS2[4][line]elif i == "smallpark":oneline += PICS2[5][line]elif i == "road1":oneline += PICS2[6][line]elif i == "road2":oneline += PICS2[7][line]elif i == "road3":oneline += PICS2[8][line]elif i == "road4":oneline += PICS2[9][line]elif i == "road5":oneline += PICS2[10][line]elif i == "road6":oneline += PICS2[11][line]elif i == "road7":oneline += PICS2[12][line]elif i == "road8":oneline += PICS2[13][line]elif i == "road9":oneline += PICS2[14][line]elif i == "road10":oneline += PICS2[15][line]elif i == "road11":oneline += PICS2[16][line]elif i == "extrafarm":oneline += PICS2[17][line]elif i == "tree1":oneline += PICS2[18][line]elif i == "bamboo":oneline += PICS2[19][line]elif i == "smalllake":oneline += PICS2[20][line]elif i == "market":oneline += PICS2[21][line]print(oneline)oneline = ""tmp, things = 0, []for i in range(0, len(self.map)):things.append(self.map[i][2])tmp += 1if tmp == self.width:printlines(things)tmp, things = 0, []# 打印城市信息def show_information(self):self.update()print("城市名称:" + self.name)print("金钱:{} 等级 {} 距下一级还需 {} 经验".format(player.balance, player.level, player.nextexp))print("人口:" + str(self.people))print("环境指数:" + str(self.environment), self.env_type.capitalize())print()# 有事没事更新一下游戏各种数据~def update(self):player.nextexp = lv[player.level - 1] - player.exp # 更新下一等级所需经验数self.checkenv() # 更新环境等级self.people_change() # 依照环境更新人口# 改变Worker类的数据为可见的列表def workers_data_change(self):result = ""if self.workers == []:return []for each in self.workers:temp = str(each.name) + "#" + str(each.type) + "#" + str(each.oncemoney) + "#" +str(each.totaltime) + "#" +str(each.time) + "#" +str(each.starttime) + "#" +str(each.nowtime) + "#" +str(each.lastearntime) + "#" +str(each.totalearn)result += temp + "@"return result# 工作时间检查def worktimecheck(self):res = self.checkworkplace()# 记录玩家操作日志def writedata(self, thing):self.log.write(ctime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + thing)# 初始化城市
isRead = False
name = input()
if checkloads():loads = []print("系统检测到您已经有存档,存档如下:")loads = getloads()print(loads)print("您想选择打开存档,还是新建一个城市?(打开:1/新建:2)")user = int(input())if user == 1:print("您想打开哪一个存档?输入序号:")num = int(input())load = loads[num - 1]print("正在加载中,请稍后......")isRead = Trueelif user == 2:print("您好, " + name + ", 现在,为您的城市创建一个新名称:")cityname = input()print("您的城市大小是多少? (运用数字x数字的方式,例如 4x4, 8x8)")citysize = input()print("城市创建中,请稍后......")
else:print("您好, " + name + ", 现在,为您的城市创建一个新名称:")cityname = input()print("您的城市大小是多少? (运用数字x数字的方式,例如 4x4, 8x8)")citysize = input()print("城市创建中,请稍后......")
# 创造并打印城市
if isRead:city = City(load.split(".")[0], "1x1", "load")# 创造玩家player = Player(name, type = "load")
else:city = City(cityname, citysize)player = Player(name)
player.show()def fast_road_building():print("您要把道路安放在哪些地方?(用2,3 2,4 2,5这样的连续坐标来安置道路,坐标之间要加空格哦)")while True:try:wheres = input()if wheres == "退出":print("好的,已经退出~")returnelse:wheres = wheres.split()except:print("输入有误,请重新尝试哦~")else:not_empty_places = []is_repeated = True if len(list(set(wheres))) != len(wheres) else Falsewheres = list(set(wheres))print(wheres)all_count = len(wheres)# 制作一个wheres的拷贝,方便完整遍历wherewheres_copy = wheres.copy()for where in wheres_copy:if not city.checkempty(where) or not city.checkout(where):not_empty_places.append(where)wheres.remove(where)rest_empty_places = (all_count - len(not_empty_places))total_price = 200 * rest_empty_placestotal_exp = 2 * rest_empty_placesif is_repeated:print("您输入了重复的坐标,已经自动帮您去除重复~")if len(wheres) == 0:print("您所描述的位置上均有建筑或位于城市区域之外,无法建造道路!")returnelif len(not_empty_places) != 0:print("您所描述的位置中,{} 位置不能建造道路。剩余可建造的道路总价为¥{}".format(str(not_empty_places)[1:-1], total_price))else:print("建造这些道路需要¥{}".format(total_price))print("继续建造吗?(建造/不建造)")is_build = input()if is_build == "建造":player.cost(total_price)player.addexp(total_exp)city.changeuserdata(player.name, player.balance, player.level, player.exp, player.totalexp,player.nextexp)for where in wheres:city.buildroad(where, isShow = False)city.show()player.show()returnelse:print("好的,已经取消建造!")returndef fast_removing():print("您要拆除哪些地方的建筑?(用2,3 2,4 2,5这样的连续坐标来拆除建筑,坐标之间要加空格哦)")while True:try:wheres = input()if wheres == "退出":print("好的,已经退出~")returnelse:wheres = wheres.split()except:print("输入有误,请重新尝试哦~")else:not_empty_places = []is_repeated = True if len(list(set(wheres))) != len(wheres) else Falsewheres = list(set(wheres))print(wheres)all_count = len(wheres)# 制作一个wheres的拷贝,方便完整遍历wherewheres_copy = wheres.copy()for where in wheres_copy:if city.checkempty(where) or not city.checkout(where):not_empty_places.append(where)wheres.remove(where)rest_empty_places = (all_count - len(not_empty_places))total_price = 200 * rest_empty_placestotal_exp = 2 * rest_empty_placesif is_repeated:print("您输入了重复的坐标,已经自动帮您去除重复~")if len(wheres) == 0:print("您所描述的位置上均没有可拆除的建筑或位于城市区域之外,无法拆除!")returnelif len(not_empty_places) != 0:print("您所描述的位置中,{} 位置无法拆除。".format(str(not_empty_places)[1:-1]))print("继续拆除吗?(拆除/不拆除)")is_build = input()if is_build == "拆除":for where in wheres:city.remove(where, isShow = False)city.show()player.show()returnelse:print("好的,已经取消拆除!")returndef choose_building(housetypes, prices):l = len(housetypes)if housetypes == "road":if player.balance < prices:print("市长,您没有足够的金钱建造道路!\n")returnelif city.isfull:print("市长,您的城市空位不足!\n")returnelse:print("您想要把道路安放在何处:(运用 x,y 例如 3,3)")while True:where = input()if where == "退出":print("好的,已退出建造!")breakif not city.checkout(where):print("市长,您不能把道路放在城市土地之外!")elif not city.checkempty(where):print("市长,这块地上已经有建筑了,请换一块地!")else:breakplayer.cost(prices)player.addexp(2)city.changeuserdata(player.name, player.balance, player.level, player.exp, player.totalexp, player.nextexp)city.buildroad(where)player.show()returnwhile True:print("请告诉我建筑物的序号(用0来停止):")num = int(input())if num > l or num < 0:print("没有这个序号的建筑物,请重试!")elif num == 0:print("好的,已经退出选择!")breakelse:if player.level < getdata(housetypes[num - 1], "level"):print("市长,您的等级不够建造此建筑!\n")breakif player.balance < prices[num - 1]:print("市长,您没有足够的金钱建造该建筑!\n")breakelif city.isfull:print("市长,您的城市空位不足!\n")breakelse:print("您想要把该建筑安放在何处:(运用 x,y 例如 3,3)")while True:where = input()if not city.checkout(where):print("市长,您不能把道路放在城市土地之外!")elif not city.checkempty(where):print("市长,这块地上已经有建筑了,请换一块地!")else:breakplayer.cost(prices[num - 1])city.environment += int(getdata(housetypes[num - 1], "environment"))city.checkenv()city.build(housetypes[num - 1], where)player.addexp(city.getplacedata(housetypes[num - 1], "exp"))city.changeuserdata(player.name, player.balance, player.level, player.exp, player.totalexp, player.nextexp)player.show()break# 主循环
while True:city.update()print("亲爱的市长,您想做些什么?(建造/铲除建筑/查看信息/盈利/退出)")users = input()if users == "建造":print("您想建造什么样的建筑?(房屋/工作点/道路/绿化)")kind = input()if kind == "房屋":print("以下是一些种类的房屋:")print("1.小房子 价格:12500 需求等级:1 容纳人数:5/10/15 环境指数:-5")print("2.精致木屋 价格:15000 需求等级:2 容纳人数:10/20/25 环境指数:-10")print("3.双层旅馆 价格:35000 需求等级:2 容纳人数:30/50/80 环境指数:-15")choose_building(["smallhouse", "woodenhouse", "doublecabin"],[12500, 15000, 35000])elif kind == "工作点":print("以下是一些种类的工作点(利润单位为元/分钟):")print("1.基础农场 价格:5000 需求等级:1 利润:¥2000/min 环境指数:-40")print("2.大型农场 价格:15000 需求等级:2 利润:¥4000/min 环境指数:-80")print("3.小商店 价格:25000 需求等级:3 利润:¥7500/min 环境指数:-20")choose_building(["basicfarm", "extrafarm", "market"],[5000, 15000, 25000])elif kind == "道路":print("道路的价格为¥200/1格")print("选择快速建造道路模式吗?(是/否)")is_fast_road_building = input()if is_fast_road_building == "是":fast_road_building()else:choose_building("road", 200)elif kind == "绿化":print("以下是不同种类的绿化:")print("1.树木 价格:1000 需求等级:1 环境指数:+15")print("2.小型湖泊 价格:500 需求等级:2 环境指数:+10")print("3.竹林 价格:5000 需求等级:3 环境指数:+40")choose_building(["tree1", "smalllake", "bamboo"], [1000, 500, 5000])else:print("不好意思,您输入的建筑类型还不存在哦~")elif users == "铲除建筑":print("选择快速拆除建筑模式吗?(是/否)")is_fast_removing = input()if is_fast_removing == "是":fast_removing()else:print("输入你想铲除的建筑坐标:(运用 x,y 例如 3,3)")while True:where = input()if where == "退出":print("好的,已经退出拆除界面!")breakif not city.checkout(where):print("市长,您不能铲除城市土地之外的建筑,请重新尝试!")elif city.checkempty(where):print("这块土地上没有建筑可以铲除,请重新尝试!")else:city.remove(where)player.show()breakelif users == "查看信息":city.show_information()elif users == "盈利":if city.workcount == 0:print("市长,您还没有任何的工作点!")else:result = city.checkworkplace()print("您有以下几个工作点:")print(result)print("您想要选择哪一个? 请告诉我序号:")index = int(input())tmpmoney = city.earnmoney(int(result[index - 1].split()[0]))money = None if tmpmoney == None else int(tmpmoney)if money == None:print("等一下,市长!工人们还没有生产完毕!")else:player.earn(money)city.changeuserdata(player.name, player.balance, player.level, player.exp, player.totalexp, player.nextexp)city.changemap()print("您获得了 ¥" + str(money) + "!")elif users == "退出":print("欢迎下次再来, " + name + "!")breakcity.f.close()
倦了,累了,甚至有点想卸载游戏。(一款游戏久了就烦了~ )
(梦想小镇)》全新上线,你就是小镇的市长。随便你怎么造~ 不用氪金不用熬夜
做任务,你想要什么样的房子 即刻拥有哦~赶紧来玩儿把!
项目0.1 【Pygame小游戏】史上最全:《唐诗三百首》合集,每一首都是精华,果断收藏~(学诗+锻炼记忆+Python诗句填空小程序上线啦)
项目4.4 【Pygame实战】这两款脑洞大开的文字剧情版游戏,99% 的人打了五星好评-《巨龙之洞》-《太空矿工》
项目0.6 【Python实战项目】做一个 刮刮乐 案例,一不小心....着实惊艳到我了。
项目0.1 宝藏拼图神秘上线,三种玩法刷爆朋友圈—玩家直呼太上瘾了。
项目0.2 【Pygame小游戏】Python版有迷宫嘛?原来藏在个地方呀~
Python文章合集 | (入门到实战、游戏、Turtle、案例等)