Linux 终端命令之文件浏览(2) more


Linux 文件浏览命令

cat, more, less, head, tail,此五个文件浏览类的命令皆为外部命令。

hann@HannYang:~$ which cat
hann@HannYang:~$ which more
hann@HannYang:~$ which less
hann@HannYang:~$ which head
hann@HannYang:~$ which tail

(2) more


       more - file perusal filter for crt viewing

       more [options] file...

       more  is  a  filter  for  paging  through text one screenful at a time.  This version is especially primitive.
       Users should realize that less(1) provides more(1) emulation plus extensive enhancements.

       Options are also taken from the environment variable MORE (make sure to precede them with a dash (-)) but com‐mand-line options will override those.

       -d     Prompt  with "[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]", and display "[Press 'h' for instructions.]" in‐stead of ringing the bell when an illegal key is pressed.

       -l     Do not pause after any line containing a ^L (form feed).

       -f     Count logical lines, rather than screen lines (i.e., long lines are not folded).

       -p     Do not scroll.  Instead, clear the whole screen and then display the text.  Notice that this option  is switched on automatically if the executable is named page.

       -c     Do  not  scroll.  Instead, paint each screen from the top, clearing the remainder of each line as it is displayed.

       -s     Squeeze multiple blank lines into one.

       -u     Suppress underlining.

              The screen size to use, in number of lines.

              Start displaying each file at line number.

              The string to be searched in each file before starting to display it.

       --help Display help text and exit.

       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit.

       Interactive commands for more are based on vi(1).  Some commands may be preceded by a decimal number, called k in the descriptions below.  In the following descriptions, ^X means control-X.

              h or ?    Help;  display  a summary of these commands.  If you forget all other commands, remember this one.

              SPACE     Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to current screen size.

              z         Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to current screen size.   Argument  becomes  new  de‐fault.

              RETURN    Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to 1.  Argument becomes new default.

              d or ^D   Scroll k lines.  Default is current scroll size, initially 11.  Argument becomes new default.

              q or Q or INTERRUPT

              s         Skip forward k lines of text.  Defaults to 1.

              f         Skip forward k screenfuls of text.  Defaults to 1.

              b or ^B   Skip backwards k screenfuls of text.  Defaults to 1.  Only works with files, not pipes.

              '         Go to the place where the last search started.

              =         Display current line number.

              /pattern  Search for kth occurrence of regular expression.  Defaults to 1.

              n         Search for kth occurrence of last regular expression.  Defaults to 1.

              !command or :!command
                        Execute command in a subshell.

              v         Start up an editor at current line.  The editor is taken from the environment variable VISUAL if defined, or EDITOR if VISUAL is not defined, or defaults to vi if neither VISUAL nor  EDI‐TOR is defined.

              ^L        Redraw screen.

              :n        Go to kth next file.  Defaults to 1.

              :p        Go to kth previous file.  Defaults to 1.

              :f        Display current file name and line number.

              .         Repeat previous command.

       The more command respects the following environment variables, if they exist:

       MORE   This variable may be set with favored options to more.

       SHELL  Current shell in use (normally set by the shell at login time).

       TERM   The terminal type used by more to get the terminal characteristics necessary to manipulate the screen.

       VISUAL The editor the user prefers.  Invoked when command key v is pressed.

       EDITOR The editor of choice when VISUAL is not specified.

       less(1), vi(1)

       Eric Shienbrood, UC Berkeley
       Modified by Geoff Peck, UCB to add underlining, single spacing
       Modified by John Foderaro, UCB to add -c and MORE environment variable

       The  more  command appeared in 3.0BSD.  This man page documents more version 5.19 (Berkeley 6/29/88), which is currently in use in the Linux community.  Documentation was produced using several other versions of  the  man page, and extensive inspection of the source code.

       The  more  command  is  part  of  the  util-linux package and is available from Linux Kernel Archive 〈〉.

hann@HannYang:~$ more --helpUsage:more [options] <file>...A file perusal filter for CRT viewing.Options:-d          display help instead of ringing bell-f          count logical rather than screen lines-l          suppress pause after form feed-c          do not scroll, display text and clean line ends-p          do not scroll, clean screen and display text-s          squeeze multiple blank lines into one-u          suppress underlining-<number>   the number of lines per screenful+<number>   display file beginning from line number+/<string>  display file beginning from search string match--help     display this help-V, --version  display versionFor more details see more(1).
hann@HannYang:~$ more --version
more from util-linux 2.34





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