

  • 1、输入法全屏模式updateFullscreenMode
    • 1.1 全屏模式判断
    • 1.2 全屏模式布局设置
  • 2、应用侧关闭输入法全屏模式
    • 2.1 调用输入法的应用设置flag
    • 2.2 继承InputMethodService.java的输入法应用覆盖onEvaluateFullscreenMode方法




1.1 全屏模式判断

  • boolean isFullscreen = mShowInputRequested && onEvaluateFullscreenMode();: 判断是否全屏显示输入法,其中mShowInputRequested请求一般就是 true
  • onEvaluateFullscreenMode(): 默认横屏全屏模式显示,若在横屏下有EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN或者EditorInfo.IME_INTERNAL_FLAG_APP_WINDOW_PORTRAIT不使用fullscreen-mode模式
/*** Override this to control when the input method should run in* fullscreen mode.  The default implementation runs in fullsceen only* when the screen is in landscape mode.  If you change what* this returns, you will need to call {@link #updateFullscreenMode()}* yourself whenever the returned value may have changed to have it* re-evaluated and applied.*/
public boolean onEvaluateFullscreenMode() {Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();if (config.orientation != Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {return false;}if (mInputEditorInfo != null&& ((mInputEditorInfo.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN) != 0// If app window has portrait orientation, regardless of what display orientation// is, IME shouldn't use fullscreen-mode.|| (mInputEditorInfo.internalImeOptions& EditorInfo.IME_INTERNAL_FLAG_APP_WINDOW_PORTRAIT) != 0)) {return false;}return true;

1.2 全屏模式布局设置

  • 设置mFullscreenAreaLayoutParams属性,全屏模式下lp.height = 0;lp.weight = 1;
  • 添加ExtractView,即布局frameworks/base/core/res/res/layout/input_method_extract_view.xml
/*** Re-evaluate whether the input method should be running in fullscreen* mode, and update its UI if this has changed since the last time it* was evaluated.  This will call {@link #onEvaluateFullscreenMode()} to* determine whether it should currently run in fullscreen mode.  You* can use {@link #isFullscreenMode()} to determine if the input method* is currently running in fullscreen mode.*/
public void updateFullscreenMode() {Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "IMS.updateFullscreenMode");boolean isFullscreen = mShowInputRequested && onEvaluateFullscreenMode();boolean changed = mLastShowInputRequested != mShowInputRequested;if (mIsFullscreen != isFullscreen || !mFullscreenApplied) {changed = true;mIsFullscreen = isFullscreen;reportFullscreenMode();mFullscreenApplied = true;initialize();LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)mFullscreenArea.getLayoutParams();if (isFullscreen) {mFullscreenArea.setBackgroundDrawable(mThemeAttrs.getDrawable(;lp.height = 0;lp.weight = 1;} else {mFullscreenArea.setBackgroundDrawable(null);lp.height = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;lp.weight = 0;}((ViewGroup)mFullscreenArea.getParent()).updateViewLayout(mFullscreenArea, lp);if (isFullscreen) {if (mExtractView == null) {View v = onCreateExtractTextView();if (v != null) {setExtractView(v);}}startExtractingText(false);}updateExtractFrameVisibility();}if (changed) {onConfigureWindow(mWindow.getWindow(), isFullscreen, !mShowInputRequested);mLastShowInputRequested = mShowInputRequested;}Trace.traceEnd(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER);


2.1 调用输入法的应用设置flag

  1. 设置EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN属性,而EditorInfo.IME_INTERNAL_FLAG_APP_WINDOW_PORTRAIT属性是framework内部使用。 即xml布局中 android:imeOptions="flagNoFullscreen" ,或者代码设置mEdtView.setImeOptions(EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN);

  2. imeOptions 属性并不只有IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN功能:
    IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED actionUnspecified
    IME_ACTION_NONE actionNone
    IME_ACTION_GO actionGo
    IME_ACTION_SEARCH actionSearch
    IME_ACTION_SEND actionSend
    IME_ACTION_NEXT actionNext
    IME_ACTION_DONE actionDone
    IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS actionPrevious
    IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING flagNoPersonalizedLearning
    IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN flagNoFullscreen
    IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS flagNavigatePrevious
    IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT flagNavigateNext
    IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI flagNoExtractUi
    IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION flagNoAccessoryAction
    IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION flagNoEnterAction
    IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII flagForceAscii

  3. 设置 imeOptions 属性并不一定生效,假如输入法应用覆盖了 onEvaluateFullscreenMode 方法


/*** Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to request that the IME never go* into fullscreen mode.* By default, IMEs may go into full screen mode when they think* it's appropriate, for example on small screens in landscape* orientation where displaying a software keyboard may occlude* such a large portion of the screen that the remaining part is* too small to meaningfully display the application UI.* If this flag is set, compliant IMEs will never go into full screen mode,* and always leave some space to display the application UI.* Applications need to be aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and* some IMEs may ignore it.*/
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN = 0x2000000;/*** Masks for {@link imeOptions}** <pre>* |-------|-------|-------|-------|*                              1111 IME_MASK_ACTION* |-------|-------|-------|-------|*                                   IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED*                                 1 IME_ACTION_NONE*                                1  IME_ACTION_GO*                                11 IME_ACTION_SEARCH*                               1   IME_ACTION_SEND*                               1 1 IME_ACTION_NEXT*                               11  IME_ACTION_DONE*                               111 IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS*         1                         IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING*        1                          IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN*       1                           IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS*      1                            IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT*     1                             IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI*    1                              IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION*   1                               IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION*  1                                IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII* |-------|-------|-------|-------|</pre>*//*** Extended type information for the editor, to help the IME better* integrate with it.*/
public int imeOptions = IME_NULL;/*** A string supplying additional information options that are* private to a particular IME implementation.  The string must be* scoped to a package owned by the implementation, to ensure there are* no conflicts between implementations, but other than that you can put* whatever you want in it to communicate with the IME.  For example,* you could have a string that supplies an argument like* <code>"com.example.myapp.SpecialMode=3"</code>.  This field is can be* filled in from the {@link android.R.attr#privateImeOptions}* attribute of a TextView.*/
public String privateImeOptions = null;/*** Masks for {@link internalImeOptions}** <pre>*                                 1 IME_INTERNAL_FLAG_APP_WINDOW_PORTRAIT* |-------|-------|-------|-------|</pre>*//*** Same as {@link android.R.attr#imeOptions} but for framework's internal-use only.* @hide*/
public int internalImeOptions = IME_NULL;


case;mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions = a.getInt(attr,mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions);break;/*** Change the editor type integer associated with the text view, which* is reported to an Input Method Editor (IME) with {@link EditorInfo#imeOptions}* when it has focus.* @see #getImeOptions* @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo* @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeOptions*/
public void setImeOptions(int imeOptions) {createEditorIfNeeded();mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions = imeOptions;


<!-- Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editorto improve the integration with your application.  The constantshere correspond to those defined by{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#imeOptions}. --><attr name="imeOptions"><!-- There are no special semantics associated with this editor. --><flag name="normal" value="0x00000000" /><!-- There is no specific action associated with this editor, let theeditor come up with its own if it can.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_NULL}. --><flag name="actionUnspecified" value="0x00000000" /><!-- This editor has no action associated with it.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_NONE}. --><flag name="actionNone" value="0x00000001" /><!-- The action key performs a "go"operation to take the user to the target of the text they typed.Typically used, for example, when entering a URL.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_GO}. --><flag name="actionGo" value="0x00000002" /><!-- The action key performs a "search"operation, taking the user to the results of searching for the textthe have typed (in whatever context is appropriate).Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_SEARCH}. --><flag name="actionSearch" value="0x00000003" /><!-- The action key performs a "send"operation, delivering the text to its target.  This is typically usedwhen composing a message.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_SEND}. --><flag name="actionSend" value="0x00000004" /><!-- The action key performs a "next"operation, taking the user to the next field that will accept text.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_NEXT}. --><flag name="actionNext" value="0x00000005" /><!-- The action key performs a "done"operation, closing the soft input method.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_DONE}. --><flag name="actionDone" value="0x00000006" /><!-- The action key performs a "previous"operation, taking the user to the previous field that will accept text.Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS}. --><flag name="actionPrevious" value="0x00000007" /><!-- Used to request that the IME should not update any personalized data such as typinghistory and personalized language model based on what the user typed on this textediting object. Typical use cases are:<ul><li>When the application is in a special mode, where user's activities are expectedto be not recorded in the application's history. Some web browsers and chatapplications may have this kind of modes.</li><li>When storing typing history does not make much sense.  Specifying this flag intyping games may help to avoid typing history from being filled up with words thatthe user is less likely to type in their daily life.  Another example is that whenthe application already knows that the expected input is not a valid word (e.g. apromotion code that is not a valid word in any natural language).</li></ul><p>Applications need to be aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and some IMEs maynot respect it.</p> --><flag name="flagNoPersonalizedLearning" value="0x1000000" /><!-- Used to request that the IME never gointo fullscreen mode.  Applications need to be aware that the flag is nota guarantee, and not all IMEs will respect it.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN}. --><flag name="flagNoFullscreen" value="0x2000000" /><!-- Like flagNavigateNext, butspecifies there is something interesting that a backward navigationcan focus on.  If the user selects the IME's facility to backwardnavigate, this will show up in the application as an actionPreviousat {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)InputConnection.performEditorAction(int)}.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS}. --><flag name="flagNavigatePrevious" value="0x4000000" /><!-- Used to specify that there is somethinginteresting that a forward navigation can focus on. This is like usingactionNext, except allows the IME to be multiline (withan enter key) as well as provide forward navigation.  Note that someIMEs may not be able to do this, especially when running on a smallscreen where there is little space.  In that case it does not need topresent a UI for this option.  Like actionNext, if theuser selects the IME's facility to forward navigate, this will show upin the application at{@link android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)InputConnection.performEditorAction(int)}.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT}. --><flag name="flagNavigateNext" value="0x8000000" /><!-- Used to specify that the IME does not needto show its extracted text UI.  For input methods that may be fullscreen,often when in landscape mode, this allows them to be smaller and let partof the application be shown behind.  Though there will likely be limitedaccess to the application available from the user, it can make theexperience of a (mostly) fullscreen IME less jarring.  Note that whenthis flag is specified the IME may <em>not</em> be set up to be ableto display text, so it should only be used in situations where this isnot needed.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI}. --><flag name="flagNoExtractUi" value="0x10000000" /><!-- Used in conjunction with a custom action, this indicates that theaction should not be available as an accessory button when theinput method is full-screen.Note that by setting this flag, there can be cases where the actionis simply never available to the user.  Setting this generally meansthat you think showing text being edited is more important than theaction you have supplied.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION}. --><flag name="flagNoAccessoryAction" value="0x20000000" /><!-- Used in conjunction with a custom action,this indicates that the action should not be available in-line asa replacement for the "enter" key.  Typically this isbecause the action has such a significant impact or is not recoverableenough that accidentally hitting it should be avoided, such as sendinga message.    Note that {@link android.widget.TextView} willautomatically set this flag for you on multi-line text views.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION}. --><flag name="flagNoEnterAction" value="0x40000000" /><!-- Used to request that the IME should be capable of inputting ASCIIcharacters.  The intention of this flag is to ensure that the usercan type Roman alphabet characters in a {@link android.widget.TextView}used for, typically, account ID or password input.  It is expected that IMEsnormally are able to input ASCII even without being told so (such IMEsalready respect this flag in a sense), but there could be some cases theyaren't when, for instance, only non-ASCII input languages like Arabic,Greek, Hebrew, Russian are enabled in the IME.  Applications need to beaware that the flag is not a guarantee, and not all IMEs will respect it.However, it is strongly recommended for IME authors to respect this flagespecially when their IME could end up with a state that has only non-ASCIIinput languages enabled.<p>Corresponds to{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII}. --><flag name="flagForceAscii" value="0x80000000" /></attr>

2.2 继承InputMethodService.java的输入法应用覆盖onEvaluateFullscreenMode方法



/*** Override this to control when the input method should run in* fullscreen mode.  The default implementation runs in fullsceen only* when the screen is in landscape mode.  If you change what* this returns, you will need to call {@link #updateFullscreenMode()}* yourself whenever the returned value may have changed to have it* re-evaluated and applied.*/
public boolean onEvaluateFullscreenMode() {Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();if (config.orientation != Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {return false;}if (mInputEditorInfo != null&& ((mInputEditorInfo.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN) != 0// If app window has portrait orientation, regardless of what display orientation// is, IME shouldn't use fullscreen-mode.|| (mInputEditorInfo.internalImeOptions& EditorInfo.IME_INTERNAL_FLAG_APP_WINDOW_PORTRAIT) != 0)) {return false;}return true;




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