Unity3D 游戏引擎之FBX模型的载入与人物行走动画的播放
3D 世界中自定义模型的使用恐怕是重中之重,因为系统自身提供的模型肯定是无法满足GD对游戏的策划,所以为了让游戏更加绚丽,我们须要调用美术制作的精品模型与动画,本章MOMO将带领盆友们学习Unity3D中模型的载入与动画的播放,哇咔咔~~
由于MOMO手头上没有现成的模型,所以我将在Unity3D 官网中下载官方提供的游戏DEMO 中的模型来使用。另外官方提供了很多Unity3D 游戏DEMO,与详细的文档。可以帮助我们学习Unity.有兴趣的盆友可以去看看哈。
idle1 该模型默认动画名称为idle1
size 该模型动画的数量
Element 该模型的动画名称
Play Automatically 是否自动播放
Animation Physics 是否设置该模型物理碰撞
Animation Only if Visable 是否设置该模型仅自己显示
给该模型绑定一个脚本Controller.cs 用来接收摇杆返回的信息更新模型动画。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class Controller : MonoBehaviour {//人物的行走方向状态public const int HERO_UP= 0;public const int HERO_RIGHT= 1;public const int HERO_DOWN= 2;public const int HERO_LEFT= 3;//人物当前行走方向状态public int state = 0;//备份上一次人物当前行走方向状态//这里暂时没有用到public int backState = 0;//游戏摇杆对象public MPJoystick moveJoystick; //这个方法只调用一次,在Start方法之前调用public void Awake() {}//这个方法只调用一次,在Awake方法之后调用void Start () {state = HERO_DOWN;}void Update () {//获取摇杆控制的方向数据 上一章有详细介绍 float touchKey_x = moveJoystick.position.x; float touchKey_y = moveJoystick.position.y; if(touchKey_x == -1){ setHeroState(HERO_LEFT);}else if(touchKey_x == 1){ setHeroState(HERO_RIGHT);} if(touchKey_y == -1){ setHeroState(HERO_DOWN);}else if(touchKey_y == 1){ setHeroState(HERO_UP); } if(touchKey_x == 0 && touchKey_y ==0){//松开摇杆后播放默认动画,//不穿参数为播放默认动画。animation.Play();}}public void setHeroState(int newState){//根据当前人物方向 与上一次备份方向计算出模型旋转的角度int rotateValue = (newState - state) * 90;Vector3 transformValue = new Vector3();//播放行走动画animation.Play("walk");//模型移动的位移的数值switch(newState){case HERO_UP:transformValue = Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime;break; case HERO_DOWN:transformValue = -Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime;break; case HERO_LEFT:transformValue = Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime;break; case HERO_RIGHT:transformValue = -Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime;break; }//模型旋转transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, rotateValue);//模型移动transform.Translate(transformValue, Space.World);backState = state;state = newState;}}
上一章介绍了javaScript脚本使用游戏摇杆的方法,本章MOMO告诉大家使用C#脚本来使用游戏摇杆,上面我用 Controller.cs C#脚本来接收系统提供的Joystick.js是肯定无法使用的,须要修改成.cs文件,我在国外的一个网站上看到了一个老外帮我们已经修改了,那么我将他修改后的代码贴出来方便大家学习,有兴趣的朋友可以研究研究。哇咔咔~
using UnityEngine; /*** File: MPJoystick.cs* Author: Chris Danielson of (monkeyprism.com)* // USED TO BE: Joystick.js taken from Penelope iPhone Tutorial//// Joystick creates a movable joystick (via GUITexture) that // handles touch input, taps, and phases. Dead zones can control// where the joystick input gets picked up and can be normalized.//// Optionally, you can enable the touchPad property from the editor// to treat this Joystick as a TouchPad. A TouchPad allows the finger// to touch down at any point and it tracks the movement relatively // without moving the graphic*/
[RequireComponent(typeof(GUITexture))]public class MPJoystick : MonoBehaviour{class Boundary {public Vector2 min = Vector2.zero;public Vector2 max = Vector2.zero;}
private static MPJoystick[] joysticks; // A static collection of all joysticksprivate static bool enumeratedJoysticks = false;private static float tapTimeDelta = 0.3f; // Time allowed between taps
public bool touchPad;public Vector2 position = Vector2.zero;public Rect touchZone;public Vector2 deadZone = Vector2.zero; // Control when position is outputpublic bool normalize = false; // Normalize output after the dead-zone?public int tapCount; private int lastFingerId = -1; // Finger last used for this joystickprivate float tapTimeWindow; // How much time there is left for a tap to occurprivate Vector2 fingerDownPos;//private float fingerDownTime;//private float firstDeltaTime = 0.5f;
private GUITexture gui;private Rect defaultRect; // Default position / extents of the joystick graphicprivate Boundary guiBoundary = new Boundary(); // Boundary for joystick graphicprivate Vector2 guiTouchOffset; // Offset to apply to touch inputprivate Vector2 guiCenter; // Center of joystick
void Start() {gui = (GUITexture)GetComponent(typeof(GUITexture));
defaultRect = gui.pixelInset;defaultRect.x += transform.position.x * Screen.width;// + gui.pixelInset.x; // - Screen.width * 0.5;defaultRect.y += transform.position.y * Screen.height;// - Screen.height * 0.5;
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
if (touchPad) {// If a texture has been assigned, then use the rect ferom the gui as our touchZoneif ( gui.texture )touchZone = defaultRect;} else {guiTouchOffset.x = defaultRect.width * 0.5f;guiTouchOffset.y = defaultRect.height * 0.5f;
// Cache the center of the GUI, since it doesn't changeguiCenter.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;guiCenter.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;
// Let's build the GUI boundary, so we can clamp joystick movementguiBoundary.min.x = defaultRect.x - guiTouchOffset.x;guiBoundary.max.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;guiBoundary.min.y = defaultRect.y - guiTouchOffset.y;guiBoundary.max.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;}}
public Vector2 getGUICenter() {return guiCenter;}
void Disable() {gameObject.active = false;//enumeratedJoysticks = false;}
private void ResetJoystick() {gui.pixelInset = defaultRect;lastFingerId = -1;position = Vector2.zero;fingerDownPos = Vector2.zero;}
private bool IsFingerDown() {return (lastFingerId != -1);}
public void LatchedFinger(int fingerId) {// If another joystick has latched this finger, then we must release itif ( lastFingerId == fingerId )ResetJoystick();}
void Update() {if (!enumeratedJoysticks) {// Collect all joysticks in the game, so we can relay finger latching messagesjoysticks = (MPJoystick[])FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MPJoystick));enumeratedJoysticks = true;}
int count = Input.touchCount;
if ( tapTimeWindow > 0 )tapTimeWindow -= Time.deltaTime;elsetapCount = 0;
if ( count == 0 )ResetJoystick();else{for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);Vector2 guiTouchPos = touch.position - guiTouchOffset;
bool shouldLatchFinger = false;if (touchPad) {if (touchZone.Contains(touch.position))shouldLatchFinger = true;}else if (gui.HitTest(touch.position)) {shouldLatchFinger = true;}
// Latch the finger if this is a new touchif (shouldLatchFinger && (lastFingerId == -1 || lastFingerId != touch.fingerId )) {
if (touchPad) {//gui.color.a = 0.15;lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;//fingerDownPos = touch.position;//fingerDownTime = Time.time;}
lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;// Accumulate taps if it is within the time windowif ( tapTimeWindow > 0 )tapCount++;else {tapCount = 1;tapTimeWindow = tapTimeDelta;}
// Tell other joysticks we've latched this finger//for ( j : Joystick in joysticks )foreach (MPJoystick j in joysticks) {if (j != this) j.LatchedFinger( touch.fingerId );}}
if ( lastFingerId == touch.fingerId ) {// Override the tap count with what the iPhone SDK reports if it is greater// This is a workaround, since the iPhone SDK does not currently track taps// for multiple touchesif ( touch.tapCount > tapCount )tapCount = touch.tapCount;
if ( touchPad ) {// For a touchpad, let's just set the position directly based on distance from initial touchdownposition.x = Mathf.Clamp( ( touch.position.x - fingerDownPos.x ) / ( touchZone.width / 2 ), -1, 1 );position.y = Mathf.Clamp( ( touch.position.y - fingerDownPos.y ) / ( touchZone.height / 2 ), -1, 1 );} else {// Change the location of the joystick graphic to match where the touch isRect r = gui.pixelInset;r.x = Mathf.Clamp( guiTouchPos.x, guiBoundary.min.x, guiBoundary.max.x );r.y = Mathf.Clamp( guiTouchPos.y, guiBoundary.min.y, guiBoundary.max.y );gui.pixelInset = r;}
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)ResetJoystick();}}}
if (!touchPad) {// Get a value between -1 and 1 based on the joystick graphic locationposition.x = ( gui.pixelInset.x + guiTouchOffset.x - guiCenter.x ) / guiTouchOffset.x;position.y = ( gui.pixelInset.y + guiTouchOffset.y - guiCenter.y ) / guiTouchOffset.y;}
// Adjust for dead zonevar absoluteX = Mathf.Abs( position.x );var absoluteY = Mathf.Abs( position.y );if (absoluteX < deadZone.x) {// Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zoneposition.x = 0;}else if (normalize) {// Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into accountposition.x = Mathf.Sign( position.x ) * ( absoluteX - deadZone.x ) / ( 1 - deadZone.x );}
if (absoluteY < deadZone.y) {// Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zoneposition.y = 0;}else if (normalize) {// Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into accountposition.y = Mathf.Sign( position.y ) * ( absoluteY - deadZone.y ) / ( 1 - deadZone.y );}
导出 build and run 看看在iPhone 上的效果,通过触摸游戏摇杆可以控制人物的上,下,左,右 ,左上,右上,左下,右下 8个方向的移动啦,不错吧,哇咔咔~~
最后欢迎各位盆友可以和MOMO一起讨论Unity3D游戏开发,本来昨天就想发表这篇文章,结果晚上去打高尔夫球连挥N杆,打的回家后浑身酸痛,回家就睡觉啦~希望大家在学习的同时别忘了多运动。哇咔咔~~~ 附上Unity3D工程的下载地址,Xcode项目我就不上传了,须要的自己导出。