




2、安装 Erlang

2.1、 第一步:更新yum源

执行:sudo yum update

[aiot@template-CentOS7 ~]$ sudo yum update#更新过程中,出现是否下载时。输入 y 回车即可
总下载量:277 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y#更新完成后xz-libs.x86_64 0:5.2.2-2.el7_9                                 
[aiot@template-CentOS7 ~]$ 


执行:sudo yum -y install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel xmlto perl wget

[aiot@template-CentOS7 ~]$ sudo yum -y install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel xmlto perl wget
[sudo] aiot 的密码:
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile* remi-safe: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn
软件包 gcc-4.8.5-44.el7.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
软件包 glibc-devel-2.17-326.el7_9.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
软件包 1:make-3.82-24.el7.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
软件包 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-26.el7_9.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
软件包 4:perl-5.16.3-299.el7_9.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
软件包 wget-1.14-18.el7_6.1.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本
--> 正在检查事务
作为依赖被安装:centos-indexhtml.noarch 0:7-9.el7.centos   docbook-dtds.noarch 0:1.0-60.el7   docbook-style-xsl.noarch 0:1.78.1-3.el7   flex.x86_64 0:2.5.37-6.el7   lynx.x86_64 0:2.8.8-0.3.dev15.el7   m4.x86_64 0:1.4.16-10.el7  sgml-common.noarch 0:0.6.3-39.el7          xml-common.noarch 0:0.6.3-39.el7  完毕!
[aiot@template-CentOS7 ~]$ 



执行:wget http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_24.1.4.tar.gz

[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ wget http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_24.1.4.tar.gz
--2023-06-26 15:00:46--  http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_24.1.4.tar.gz
正在解析主机 erlang.org (erlang.org)...
正在连接 erlang.org (erlang.org)||:80... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:88865562 (85M) [application/gzip]
正在保存至: “otp_src_24.1.4.tar.gz”0% [                                                                      ] 20,193      --.-K/s 剩余 47h 23m 


3、 解压Erlang包
执行:tar -zxvf otp_src_24.1.4.tar.gz




执行:./configure --prefix=[具体安装目录路径]

[aiot@template-CentOS7 otp_src_24.1.4]$ ./configure --prefix=/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/erlang_24.1.4
=== Running configure in /home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts ===
./configure '--prefix=/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/erlang_24.1.4' --disable-option-checking --cache-file=/dev/null --srcdir="/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts"
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes

执行:make && make install

[aiot@template-CentOS7 otp_src_24.1.4]$ make && make install
Makefile:1235: warning: overriding recipe for target `dialyzer'
Makefile:510: warning: ignoring old recipe for target `dialyzer'MAKE   depend
make[1]: 进入目录“/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts/emulator”MAKE   generate
make[2]: 进入目录“/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts/emulator”GEN    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/emu/OPCODES-GENERATEDGEN    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/emu/TABLES-GENERATEDGEN    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/emu/erl_alloc_types.hGEN    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/erl_version.hGEN    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/emu/driver_tab.c
make[3]: 进入目录“/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts/lib_src”MAKE   opt
make[4]: 进入目录“/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/otp_src_24.1.4/erts/lib_src”
ln -s ../lib/erlang/bin/escript escript
ln -s ../lib/erlang/bin/ct_run ct_run
[aiot@template-CentOS7 otp_src_24.1.4]$ 


特别提示:当执行安装目录指定过程中,有提示 err 错误时,需要解决依赖的问题,出现一个解决一个;有info和warn则可直接忽略;有APPLICATIONS INFORMATION及DOCUMENTATION INFORMATION,则没有影响。出现错误安装依赖命令示例:yum install -y [缺少的依赖]








执行第一次解压:xz -d rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.8.16.tar.xz

执行第二次解压:tar -xvf rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.8.16.tar

[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ xz -d rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.8.16.tar.xz 
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ tar -xvf rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.8.16.tar 
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ 


在 /etc/profile 文件中最后加入下面的代码:

[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ sudo vim /etc/profile
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/erlang_24.1.4/bin#rabbitmq安装目录
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/rabbitmq_server-3.8.16/sbin


执行命令source使配置生效:source /etc/profile





# rabbitmq-server RabbitMQ broker
# chkconfig: 2345 80 05
# description: Enable AMQP service provided by RabbitMQ
# Provides:          rabbitmq-server
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $network
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $network
# Description:       RabbitMQ broker
# Short-Description: Enable AMQP service provided by RabbitMQ broker
### END INIT INFO# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions
export HOME=/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/rabbitmq_server-3.8.16
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/erlang_24.1.4/binNAME=rabbitmq-server
LOCK_FILE=/home/aiot/app/rabbitmq/rabbitmq_server-3.8.16/var/lock/subsys/$NAMEtest -x $DAEMON || exit 0
test -x $CONTROL || exit 0RETVAL=0
set -e[ -f /etc/default/${NAME} ] && . /etc/default/${NAME}ensure_pid_dir () {PID_DIR=`dirname ${PID_FILE}`if [ ! -d ${PID_DIR} ] ; thenmkdir -p ${PID_DIR}chown -R ${USER}:${USER} ${PID_DIR}chmod 755 ${PID_DIR}fiif [ ! -d ${INIT_LOG_DIR} ] ; thenmkdir -p ${INIT_LOG_DIR}chown -R ${USER}:${USER} ${INIT_LOG_DIR}chmod 755 ${INIT_LOG_DIR}fi
}remove_pid () {rm -f ${PID_FILE}rmdir `dirname ${PID_FILE}` || :
}start_rabbitmq () {status_rabbitmq quietif [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; thenecho RabbitMQ is currently runningelseRETVAL=0ensure_pid_dirset +eRABBITMQ_PID_FILE=$PID_FILE $START_PROG $DAEMON \> "${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_log" \2> "${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_err" \0<&- &$CONTROL wait $PID_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1RETVAL=$?set -ecase "$RETVAL" in0)echo SUCCESSif [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] ; thentouch $LOCK_FILEfi;;*)remove_pidecho FAILED - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_\{log, _err\}RETVAL=1;;esacfi
}stop_rabbitmq () {status_rabbitmq quietif [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; thenset +e$CONTROL stop ${PID_FILE} > ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_log 2> ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_errRETVAL=$?set -eif [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; thenremove_pidif [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] ; thenrm -f $LOCK_FILEfielseecho FAILED - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_log, _errfielseecho RabbitMQ is not runningRETVAL=0fi
}status_rabbitmq() {set +eif [ "$1" != "quiet" ] ; then$CONTROL status 2>&1else$CONTROL status > /dev/null 2>&1fiif [ $? != 0 ] ; thenRETVAL=3fiset -e
}rotate_logs_rabbitmq() {set +e$CONTROL rotate_logs ${ROTATE_SUFFIX}if [ $? != 0 ] ; thenRETVAL=1fiset -e
}restart_running_rabbitmq () {status_rabbitmq quietif [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; thenrestart_rabbitmqelseecho RabbitMQ is not runnningRETVAL=0fi
}restart_rabbitmq() {stop_rabbitmqstart_rabbitmq
}case "$1" instart)echo -n "Starting $DESC: "start_rabbitmqecho "$NAME.";;stop)echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "stop_rabbitmqecho "$NAME.";;status)status_rabbitmq;;rotate-logs)echo -n "Rotating log files for $DESC: "rotate_logs_rabbitmq;;force-reload|reload|restart)echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "restart_rabbitmqecho "$NAME.";;try-restart)echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "restart_running_rabbitmqecho "$NAME.";;*)echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|rotate-logs|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2RETVAL=1;;
esacexit $RETVAL



1、将服务脚本移动到 /etc/init.d/ 路径下:

[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ sudo mv ./rabbitmq /etc/init.d/
[sudo] aiot 的密码:
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ 


[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/rabbitmq
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ 


[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ sudo chkconfig rabbitmq on
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$


执行:rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Enabling plugins on node rabbit@template-CentOS7:
The following plugins have been configured:rabbitmq_managementrabbitmq_management_agentrabbitmq_web_dispatch
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@template-CentOS7...
The following plugins have been enabled:rabbitmq_managementrabbitmq_management_agentrabbitmq_web_dispatchset 3 plugins.
Offline change; changes will take effect at broker restart.
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq]$ 


# 查看防火墙放行的端口
[root@centos01 rabbitmq]# sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
# 放行15672端口
[root@centos01 rabbitmq]# sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=15672/tcp --permanent
# 使刚刚配置的防火墙生效
[root@centos01 rabbitmq]# sudo firewall-cmd --reload
[root@centos01 rabbitmq]# sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
8091/tcp 15672/tcp
[root@centos01 rabbitmq]#




## This example configuration file demonstrates various settings
## available via rabbitmq.conf. It primarily focuses core broker settings
## but some tier 1 plugin settings are also covered.
## This file is AN EXAMPLE. It is NOT MEANT TO BE USED IN PRODUCTION. Instead of
## copying the entire (large!) file, create or generate a new rabbitmq.conf for the target system
## and populate it with the necessary settings.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/configure.html to learn about how to configure RabbitMQ,
## the ini-style format used by rabbitmq.conf, how it is different from `advanced.config`,
## how to verify effective configuration, and so on.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/documentation.html for the rest of RabbitMQ documentation.
## In case you have questions, please use RabbitMQ community Slack and the rabbitmq-users Google group
## instead of GitHub issues.# ======================================
# Core broker section
# ======================================## Networking
## ====================
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/networking.html.
## By default, RabbitMQ will listen on all interfaces, using
## the standard (reserved) AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 port.
# listeners.tcp.default = 5672## To listen on a specific interface, provide an IP address with port.
## For example, to listen only on localhost for both IPv4 and IPv6:
# IPv4
# listeners.tcp.local    =
# IPv6
# listeners.tcp.local_v6 = ::1:5672## You can define multiple listeners using listener names
# listeners.tcp.other_port = 5673
# listeners.tcp.other_ip   = TLS listeners are configured in the same fashion as TCP listeners,
## including the option to control the choice of interface.
# listeners.ssl.default = 5671## It is possible to disable regular TCP (non-TLS) listeners. Clients
## not configured to use TLS and the correct TLS-enabled port won't be able
## to connect to this node.
# listeners.tcp = none## Number of Erlang processes that will accept connections for the TCP
## and TLS listeners.
# num_acceptors.tcp = 10
# num_acceptors.ssl = 10## Socket writer will force GC every so many bytes transferred.
## Default is 1 GiB (`1000000000`). Set to 'off' to disable.
# socket_writer.gc_threshold = 1000000000
## To disable:
# socket_writer.gc_threshold = off## Maximum amount of time allowed for the AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 handshake
## (performed after socket connection and TLS handshake) to complete, in milliseconds.
# handshake_timeout = 10000## Set to 'true' to perform reverse DNS lookups when accepting a
## connection. rabbitmqctl and management UI will then display hostnames
## instead of IP addresses. Default value is `false`.
# reverse_dns_lookups = false##
## Security, Access Control
## ==============
#### Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html.## The default "guest" user is only permitted to access the server
## via a loopback interface (e.g. localhost).
## {loopback_users, [<<"guest">>]},
# loopback_users.guest = true## Uncomment the following line if you want to allow access to the
## guest user from anywhere on the network.
# loopback_users.guest = false## TLS configuration.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/ssl.html.
# listeners.ssl.1                  = 5671
# ssl_options.verify               = verify_peer
# ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
# ssl_options.cacertfile           = /path/to/cacert.pem
# ssl_options.certfile             = /path/to/cert.pem
# ssl_options.keyfile              = /path/to/key.pem
# ssl_options.honor_cipher_order   = true
# ssl_options.honor_ecc_order      = true
## These are highly recommended for TLSv1.2 but cannot be used
## with TLSv1.3. If TLSv1.3 is enabled, these lines MUST be removed.
# ssl_options.client_renegotiation = false
# ssl_options.secure_renegotiate   = true
## Limits what TLS versions the server enables for client TLS
## connections. See https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html#tls-versions for details.
## Cutting edge TLS version which requires recent client runtime
## versions and has no cipher suite in common with earlier TLS versions.
# ssl_options.versions.1 = tlsv1.3
## Enables TLSv1.2 for best compatibility
# ssl_options.versions.2 = tlsv1.2
## Older TLS versions have known vulnerabilities and are being phased out
## from wide use.## Limits what cipher suites the server will use for client TLS
## connections. Narrowing this down can prevent some clients
## from connecting.
## If TLSv1.3 is enabled and cipher suites are overridden, TLSv1.3-specific
## cipher suites must also be explicitly enabled.
## See https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html#cipher-suites and https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/TLS1.3#Ciphersuites
## for details.
## The example below uses TLSv1.3 cipher suites only
# ssl_options.ciphers.1  = TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.2  = TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.3  = TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.4  = TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.5  = TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256
## The example below uses TLSv1.2 cipher suites only
# ssl_options.ciphers.1  = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.2  = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.3  = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.4  = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.5  = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.6  = ECDH-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.7  = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.8  = ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.9  = DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.10 = DHE-DSS-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# ssl_options.ciphers.11 = DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.12 = DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.13 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.14 = ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.15 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.16 = ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.17 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.18 = ECDH-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.19 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.20 = ECDH-RSA-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.21 = DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.22 = DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.23 = DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.24 = DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256
# ssl_options.ciphers.25 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.26 = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.27 = DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.28 = DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.29 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.30 = ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.31 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.32 = ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.33 = DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.34 = DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.35 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES128-SHA
# ssl_options.ciphers.36 = ECDH-RSA-AES128-SHA# ssl_options.bypass_pem_cache = true## Select an authentication/authorisation backend to use.
## Alternative backends are provided by plugins, such as rabbitmq-auth-backend-ldap.
## NB: These settings require certain plugins to be enabled.
## Related doc guides:
##  * https://rabbitmq.com/plugins.html
##  * https://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html
### auth_backends.1   = rabbit_auth_backend_internal## uses separate backends for authentication and authorisation,
## see below.
# auth_backends.1.authn = rabbit_auth_backend_ldap
# auth_backends.1.authz = rabbit_auth_backend_internal## The rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap plugin allows the broker to
## perform authentication and authorisation by deferring to an
## external LDAP server.
## Relevant doc guides:
## * https://rabbitmq.com/ldap.html
## * https://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html
## uses LDAP for both authentication and authorisation
# auth_backends.1 = rabbit_auth_backend_ldap## uses HTTP service for both authentication and
## authorisation
# auth_backends.1 = rabbit_auth_backend_http## uses two backends in a chain: HTTP first, then internal
# auth_backends.1   = rabbit_auth_backend_http
# auth_backends.2   = rabbit_auth_backend_internal## Authentication
## The built-in mechanisms are 'PLAIN',
## 'AMQPLAIN', and 'EXTERNAL' Additional mechanisms can be added via
## plugins.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/authentication.html.
# auth_mechanisms.1 = PLAIN
# auth_mechanisms.2 = AMQPLAIN## The rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl plugin makes it possible to
## authenticate a user based on the client's x509 (TLS) certificate.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/authentication.html.
## To use auth-mechanism-ssl, the EXTERNAL mechanism should
## be enabled:
# auth_mechanisms.1 = PLAIN
# auth_mechanisms.2 = AMQPLAIN
# auth_mechanisms.3 = EXTERNAL## To force x509 certificate-based authentication on all clients,
## exclude all other mechanisms (note: this will disable password-based
## authentication even for the management UI!):
# auth_mechanisms.1 = EXTERNAL## This pertains to both the rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl plugin and
## STOMP ssl_cert_login configurations. See the RabbitMQ STOMP plugin
## configuration section later in this file and the README in
## https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl for further
## details.
## To use the TLS cert's CN instead of its DN as the username
# ssl_cert_login_from   = common_name## TLS handshake timeout, in milliseconds.
# ssl_handshake_timeout = 5000## Cluster name
# cluster_name = dev3.eng.megacorp.local## Password hashing implementation. Will only affect newly
## created users. To recalculate hash for an existing user
## it's necessary to update her password.
## To use SHA-512, set to rabbit_password_hashing_sha512.
# password_hashing_module = rabbit_password_hashing_sha256## When importing definitions exported from versions earlier
## than 3.6.0, it is possible to go back to MD5 (only do this
## as a temporary measure!) by setting this to rabbit_password_hashing_md5.
# password_hashing_module = rabbit_password_hashing_md5##
## Default User / VHost
## ====================
#### On first start RabbitMQ will create a vhost and a user. These
## config items control what gets created.
## Relevant doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html
# default_vhost = /
# default_user = guest
# default_pass = guest# default_permissions.configure = .*
# default_permissions.read = .*
# default_permissions.write = .*## Tags for default user
## For more details about tags, see the documentation for the
## Management Plugin at https://rabbitmq.com/management.html.
# default_user_tags.administrator = true## Define other tags like this:
# default_user_tags.management = true
# default_user_tags.custom_tag = true##
## Additional network and protocol related configuration
## =====================================================
#### Set the server AMQP 0-9-1 heartbeat timeout in seconds.
## RabbitMQ nodes will send heartbeat frames at roughly
## the (timeout / 2) interval. Two missed heartbeats from
## a client will close its connection.
## Values lower than 6 seconds are very likely to produce
## false positives and are not recommended.
## Related doc guides:
## * https://rabbitmq.com/heartbeats.html
## * https://rabbitmq.com/networking.html
# heartbeat = 60## Set the max permissible size of an AMQP frame (in bytes).
# frame_max = 131072## Set the max frame size the server will accept before connection
## tuning occurs
# initial_frame_max = 4096## Set the max permissible number of channels per connection.
## 0 means "no limit".
# channel_max = 128## Customising TCP Listener (Socket) Configuration.
## Related doc guides:
## * https://rabbitmq.com/networking.html
## * https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html#setopts-2
### tcp_listen_options.backlog = 128
# tcp_listen_options.nodelay = true
# tcp_listen_options.exit_on_close = false
# tcp_listen_options.keepalive = true
# tcp_listen_options.send_timeout = 15000
# tcp_listen_options.buffer = 196608
# tcp_listen_options.sndbuf = 196608
# tcp_listen_options.recbuf = 196608##
## Resource Limits & Flow Control
## ==============================
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/memory.html.## Memory-based Flow Control threshold.
# vm_memory_high_watermark.relative = 0.4## Alternatively, we can set a limit (in bytes) of RAM used by the node.
# vm_memory_high_watermark.absolute = 1073741824## Or you can set absolute value using memory units (with RabbitMQ 3.6.0+).
## Absolute watermark will be ignored if relative is defined!
# vm_memory_high_watermark.absolute = 2GB
## Supported unit symbols:
## k, kiB: kibibytes (2^10 - 1,024 bytes)
## M, MiB: mebibytes (2^20 - 1,048,576 bytes)
## G, GiB: gibibytes (2^30 - 1,073,741,824 bytes)
## kB: kilobytes (10^3 - 1,000 bytes)
## MB: megabytes (10^6 - 1,000,000 bytes)
## GB: gigabytes (10^9 - 1,000,000,000 bytes)## Fraction of the high watermark limit at which queues start to
## page message out to disc in order to free up memory.
## For example, when vm_memory_high_watermark is set to 0.4 and this value is set to 0.5,
## paging can begin as early as when 20% of total available RAM is used by the node.
## Values greater than 1.0 can be dangerous and should be used carefully.
## One alternative to this is to use durable queues and publish messages
## as persistent (delivery mode = 2). With this combination queues will
## move messages to disk much more rapidly.
## Another alternative is to configure queues to page all messages (both
## persistent and transient) to disk as quickly
## as possible, see https://rabbitmq.com/lazy-queues.html.
# vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio = 0.5## Selects Erlang VM memory consumption calculation strategy. Can be `allocated`, `rss` or `legacy` (aliased as `erlang`),
## Introduced in 3.6.11. `rss` is the default as of 3.6.12.
## See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/issues/1223 and rabbitmq/rabbitmq-common#224 for background.
# vm_memory_calculation_strategy = rss## Interval (in milliseconds) at which we perform the check of the memory
## levels against the watermarks.
# memory_monitor_interval = 2500## The total memory available can be calculated from the OS resources
## - default option - or provided as a configuration parameter.
# total_memory_available_override_value = 2GB## Set disk free limit (in bytes). Once free disk space reaches this
## lower bound, a disk alarm will be set - see the documentation
## listed above for more details.
## Absolute watermark will be ignored if relative is defined!
# disk_free_limit.absolute = 50000## Or you can set it using memory units (same as in vm_memory_high_watermark)
## with RabbitMQ 3.6.0+.
# disk_free_limit.absolute = 500KB
# disk_free_limit.absolute = 50mb
# disk_free_limit.absolute = 5GB## Alternatively, we can set a limit relative to total available RAM.
## Values lower than 1.0 can be dangerous and should be used carefully.
# disk_free_limit.relative = 2.0##
## Clustering
## =====================
# cluster_partition_handling = ignore## Pauses all nodes on the minority side of a partition. The cluster
## MUST have an odd number of nodes (3, 5, etc)
# cluster_partition_handling = pause_minority## pause_if_all_down strategy require additional configuration
# cluster_partition_handling = pause_if_all_down## Recover strategy. Can be either 'autoheal' or 'ignore'
# cluster_partition_handling.pause_if_all_down.recover = ignore## Node names to check
# cluster_partition_handling.pause_if_all_down.nodes.1 = rabbit@localhost
# cluster_partition_handling.pause_if_all_down.nodes.2 = hare@localhost## Mirror sync batch size, in messages. Increasing this will speed
## up syncing but total batch size in bytes must not exceed 2 GiB.
## Available in RabbitMQ 3.6.0 or later.
# mirroring_sync_batch_size = 4096## Make clustering happen *automatically* at startup. Only applied
## to nodes that have just been reset or started for the first time.
## Relevant doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com//cluster-formation.html
### cluster_formation.peer_discovery_backend     = rabbit_peer_discovery_classic_config
# cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.1 = rabbit1@hostname
# cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.2 = rabbit2@hostname
# cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.3 = rabbit3@hostname
# cluster_formation.classic_config.nodes.4 = rabbit4@hostname## DNS-based peer discovery. This backend will list A records
## of the configured hostname and perform reverse lookups for
## the addresses returned.# cluster_formation.peer_discovery_backend = rabbit_peer_discovery_dns
# cluster_formation.dns.hostname = discovery.eng.example.local## This node's type can be configured. If you are not sure
## what node type to use, always use 'disc'.
# cluster_formation.node_type = disc## Interval (in milliseconds) at which we send keepalive messages
## to other cluster members. Note that this is not the same thing
## as net_ticktime; missed keepalive messages will not cause nodes
## to be considered down.
# cluster_keepalive_interval = 10000##
## Statistics Collection
## =====================
#### Statistics collection interval (in milliseconds). Increasing
## this will reduce the load on management database.
# collect_statistics_interval = 5000## Fine vs. coarse statistics
# This value is no longer meant to be configured directly.
# See https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#fine-stats.##
## Ra Settings
## =====================
# raft.segment_max_entries = 65536
# raft.wal_max_size_bytes = 1048576
# raft.wal_max_batch_size = 4096
# raft.snapshot_chunk_size = 1000000##
## Misc/Advanced Options
## =====================
## NB: Change these only if you understand what you are doing!
#### Timeout used when waiting for Mnesia tables in a cluster to
## become available.
# mnesia_table_loading_retry_timeout = 30000## Retries when waiting for Mnesia tables in the cluster startup. Note that
## this setting is not applied to Mnesia upgrades or node deletions.
# mnesia_table_loading_retry_limit = 10## Size in bytes below which to embed messages in the queue index.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/persistence-conf.html
# queue_index_embed_msgs_below = 4096## You can also set this size in memory units
# queue_index_embed_msgs_below = 4kb## Whether or not to enable background periodic forced GC runs for all
## Erlang processes on the node in "waiting" state.
## Disabling background GC may reduce latency for client operations,
## keeping it enabled may reduce median RAM usage by the binary heap
## (see https://www.erlang-solutions.com/blog/erlang-garbage-collector.html).
## Before trying this option, please take a look at the memory
## breakdown (https://www.rabbitmq.com/memory-use.html).
# background_gc_enabled = false## Target (desired) interval (in milliseconds) at which we run background GC.
## The actual interval will vary depending on how long it takes to execute
## the operation (can be higher than this interval). Values less than
## 30000 milliseconds are not recommended.
# background_gc_target_interval = 60000## Whether or not to enable proxy protocol support.
## Once enabled, clients cannot directly connect to the broker
## anymore. They must connect through a load balancer that sends the
## proxy protocol header to the broker at connection time.
## This setting applies only to AMQP clients, other protocols
## like MQTT or STOMP have their own setting to enable proxy protocol.
## See the plugins documentation for more information.
# proxy_protocol = false## Overriden product name and version.
## They are set to "RabbitMQ" and the release version by default.
# product.name = RabbitMQ
# product.version = 1.2.3## "Message of the day" file.
## Its content is used to expand the logged and printed banners.
## Default to /etc/rabbitmq/motd on Unix, %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ\motd.txt
## on Windows.
# motd_file = /etc/rabbitmq/motd## Consumer timeout
## If a message delivered to a consumer has not been acknowledge before this timer
## triggers the channel will be force closed by the broker. This ensure that
## faultly consumers that never ack will not hold on to messages indefinitely.
# consumer_timeout = 900000## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Advanced Erlang Networking/Clustering Options.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/clustering.html
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ======================================
# Kernel section
# ======================================## Timeout used to detect peer unavailability, including CLI tools.
## Related doc guide: https://www.rabbitmq.com/nettick.html.
# net_ticktime = 60## Inter-node communication port range.
## The parameters inet_dist_listen_min and inet_dist_listen_max
## can be configured in the classic config format only.
## Related doc guide: https://www.rabbitmq.com/networking.html#epmd-inet-dist-port-range.## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ Management Plugin
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/management.html.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# =======================================
# Management section
# =======================================## Preload schema definitions from the following JSON file.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/management.html#load-definitions.
# management.load_definitions = /path/to/exported/definitions.json## Log all requests to the management HTTP API to a file.
# management.http_log_dir = /path/to/access.log## HTTP listener and embedded Web server settings.
# ## See https://rabbitmq.com/management.html for details.
# management.tcp.port = 15672
# management.tcp.ip   =
# management.tcp.shutdown_timeout   = 7000
# management.tcp.max_keepalive      = 120
# management.tcp.idle_timeout       = 120
# management.tcp.inactivity_timeout = 120
# management.tcp.request_timeout    = 120
# management.tcp.compress           = true## HTTPS listener settings.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/management.html and https://rabbitmq.com/ssl.html for details.
# management.ssl.port       = 15671
# management.ssl.cacertfile = /path/to/ca_certificate.pem
# management.ssl.certfile   = /path/to/server_certificate.pem
# management.ssl.keyfile    = /path/to/server_key.pem## More TLS options
# management.ssl.honor_cipher_order   = true
# management.ssl.honor_ecc_order      = true## These are highly recommended for TLSv1.2 but cannot be used
## with TLSv1.3. If TLSv1.3 is enabled, these lines MUST be removed.
# management.ssl.client_renegotiation = false
# management.ssl.secure_renegotiate   = true## Supported TLS versions
# management.ssl.versions.1 = tlsv1.2## Cipher suites the server is allowed to use
# management.ssl.ciphers.1 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.2 = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.3 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.4 = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.5 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.6 = ECDH-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.7 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.8 = ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA384
# management.ssl.ciphers.9 = DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384## URL path prefix for HTTP API and management UI
# management.path_prefix = /a-prefix## One of 'basic', 'detailed' or 'none'. See
## https://rabbitmq.com/management.html#fine-stats for more details.
# management.rates_mode = basic## Configure how long aggregated data (such as message rates and queue
## lengths) is retained. Please read the plugin's documentation in
## https://rabbitmq.com/management.html#configuration for more
## details.
## Your can use 'minute', 'hour' and 'day' keys or integer key (in seconds)
# management.sample_retention_policies.global.minute    = 5
# management.sample_retention_policies.global.hour  = 60
# management.sample_retention_policies.global.day = 1200# management.sample_retention_policies.basic.minute   = 5
# management.sample_retention_policies.basic.hour = 60# management.sample_retention_policies.detailed.10 = 5## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ Shovel Plugin
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/shovel.html
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------## See advanced.config.example for a Shovel plugin example## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ STOMP Plugin
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/stomp.html
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# =======================================
# STOMP section
# =======================================## See https://rabbitmq.com/stomp.html for details.## TCP listeners.
# stomp.listeners.tcp.1 =
# stomp.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:61613## TCP listener settings
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.backlog   = 2048
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.recbuf    = 131072
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.sndbuf    = 131072
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.keepalive = true
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.nodelay   = true
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.exit_on_close = true
# stomp.tcp_listen_options.send_timeout  = 120## Proxy protocol support
# stomp.proxy_protocol = false## TLS listeners
## See https://rabbitmq.com/stomp.html and https://rabbitmq.com/ssl.html for details.
# stomp.listeners.ssl.default = 61614
# ssl_options.cacertfile = path/to/cacert.pem
# ssl_options.certfile   = path/to/cert.pem
# ssl_options.keyfile    = path/to/key.pem
# ssl_options.verify     =  verify_peer
# ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true## Number of Erlang processes that will accept connections for the TCP
## and TLS listeners.
# stomp.num_acceptors.tcp = 10
# stomp.num_acceptors.ssl = 1## Additional TLS options## Extract a name from the client's certificate when using TLS.
# stomp.ssl_cert_login = true## Set a default user name and password. This is used as the default login
## whenever a CONNECT frame omits the login and passcode headers.
## Please note that setting this will allow clients to connect without
## authenticating!
# stomp.default_user = guest
# stomp.default_pass = guest## If a default user is configured, or you have configured use TLS client
## certificate based authentication, you can choose to allow clients to
## omit the CONNECT frame entirely. If set to true, the client is
## automatically connected as the default user or user supplied in the
## TLS certificate whenever the first frame sent on a session is not a
## CONNECT frame.
# stomp.implicit_connect = true## Whether or not to enable proxy protocol support.
## Once enabled, clients cannot directly connect to the broker
## anymore. They must connect through a load balancer that sends the
## proxy protocol header to the broker at connection time.
## This setting applies only to STOMP clients, other protocols
## like MQTT or AMQP have their own setting to enable proxy protocol.
## See the plugins or broker documentation for more information.
# stomp.proxy_protocol = false## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter
## See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-mqtt/blob/stable/README.md
## for details
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# =======================================
# MQTT section
# =======================================## TCP listener settings.
# mqtt.listeners.tcp.1 =
# mqtt.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:61613## TCP listener options (as per the broker configuration).
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.backlog = 4096
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.recbuf  = 131072
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.sndbuf  = 131072
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.keepalive = true
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.nodelay   = true
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.exit_on_close = true
# mqtt.tcp_listen_options.send_timeout  = 120## TLS listener settings
## ## See https://rabbitmq.com/mqtt.html and https://rabbitmq.com/ssl.html for details.
# mqtt.listeners.ssl.default = 8883
# ssl_options.cacertfile = /path/to/tls/ca_certificate_bundle.pem
# ssl_options.certfile   = /path/to/tls/server_certificate.pem
# ssl_options.keyfile    = /path/to/tls/server_key.pem
# ssl_options.verify     = verify_peer
# ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert  = true
### Number of Erlang processes that will accept connections for the TCP
## and TLS listeners.
# mqtt.num_acceptors.tcp = 10
# mqtt.num_acceptors.ssl = 10## Whether or not to enable proxy protocol support.
## Once enabled, clients cannot directly connect to the broker
## anymore. They must connect through a load balancer that sends the
## proxy protocol header to the broker at connection time.
## This setting applies only to STOMP clients, other protocols
## like STOMP or AMQP have their own setting to enable proxy protocol.
## See the plugins or broker documentation for more information.
# mqtt.proxy_protocol = false## Set the default user name and password used for anonymous connections (when client
## provides no credentials). Anonymous connections are highly discouraged!
# mqtt.default_user = guest
# mqtt.default_pass = guest## Enable anonymous connections. If this is set to false, clients MUST provide
## credentials in order to connect. See also the mqtt.default_user/mqtt.default_pass
## keys. Anonymous connections are highly discouraged!
# mqtt.allow_anonymous = true## If you have multiple vhosts, specify the one to which the
## adapter connects.
# mqtt.vhost = /## Specify the exchange to which messages from MQTT clients are published.
# mqtt.exchange = amq.topic## Specify TTL (time to live) to control the lifetime of non-clean sessions.
# mqtt.subscription_ttl = 1800000## Set the prefetch count (governing the maximum number of unacknowledged
## messages that will be delivered).
# mqtt.prefetch = 10## Sets the durable queue type to be used for QoS 1 subscriptions.
## Supported types are:
## * classic
## * quorum
## IMPORTANT: changing this setting requires all existing queues used by
## the MQTT plugin to be DELETED or clients will fail to subscribe.
## So this setting should be used for new clusters.
# mqtt.durable_queue_type = classic## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ AMQP 1.0 Support
## See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-amqp1.0/blob/stable/README.md.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# =======================================
# AMQP 1.0 section
# =======================================## Connections that are not authenticated with SASL will connect as this
## account. See the README for more information.
## Please note that setting this will allow clients to connect without
## authenticating!
# amqp1_0.default_user = guest## Enable protocol strict mode. See the README for more information.
# amqp1_0.protocol_strict_mode = false## Logging settings.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/logging.html for details.
#### Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.
# log.dir = /var/log/rabbitmq## Logging to file. Can be false or a filename.
## Default:
# log.file = rabbit.log## To disable logging to a file
# log.file = false## Log level for file logging
# log.file.level = info## File rotation config. No rotation by default.
## DO NOT SET rotation date to ''. Leave the value unset if "" is the desired value
# log.file.rotation.date = $D0
# log.file.rotation.size = 0## Logging to console (can be true or false)
# log.console = false## Log level for console logging
# log.console.level = info## Logging to the amq.rabbitmq.log exchange (can be true or false)
# log.exchange = false## Log level to use when logging to the amq.rabbitmq.log exchange
# log.exchange.level = info## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## RabbitMQ LDAP Plugin
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/ldap.html.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# =======================================
# LDAP section
# =======================================##
## Connecting to the LDAP server(s)
## ================================
#### Specify servers to bind to. You *must* set this in order for the plugin
## to work properly.
# auth_ldap.servers.1 = your-server-name-goes-here## You can define multiple servers
# auth_ldap.servers.2 = your-other-server## Connect to the LDAP server using TLS
# auth_ldap.use_ssl = false## Specify the LDAP port to connect to
# auth_ldap.port = 389## LDAP connection timeout, in milliseconds or 'infinity'
# auth_ldap.timeout = infinity## Or number
# auth_ldap.timeout = 500## Enable logging of LDAP queries.
## One of
##   - false (no logging is performed)
##   - true (verbose logging of the logic used by the plugin)
##   - network (as true, but additionally logs LDAP network traffic)
## Defaults to false.
# auth_ldap.log = false## Also can be true or network
# auth_ldap.log = true
# auth_ldap.log = network##
## Authentication
## ==============
#### Pattern to convert the username given through AMQP to a DN before
## binding
# auth_ldap.user_dn_pattern = cn=${username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com## Alternatively, you can convert a username to a Distinguished
## Name via an LDAP lookup after binding. See the documentation for
## full details.## When converting a username to a dn via a lookup, set these to
## the name of the attribute that represents the user name, and the
## base DN for the lookup query.
# auth_ldap.dn_lookup_attribute = userPrincipalName
# auth_ldap.dn_lookup_base      = DC=gopivotal,DC=com## Controls how to bind for authorisation queries and also to
## retrieve the details of users logging in without presenting a
## password (e.g., SASL EXTERNAL).
## One of
##  - as_user (to bind as the authenticated user - requires a password)
##  - anon    (to bind anonymously)
##  - {UserDN, Password} (to bind with a specified user name and password)
## Defaults to 'as_user'.
# auth_ldap.other_bind = as_user## Or can be more complex:
# auth_ldap.other_bind.user_dn  = User
# auth_ldap.other_bind.password = Password## If user_dn and password defined - other options is ignored.# -----------------------------
# Too complex section of LDAP
# -----------------------------##
## Authorisation
## =============
#### The LDAP plugin can perform a variety of queries against your
## LDAP server to determine questions of authorisation.
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/ldap.html#authorisation.## Following configuration should be defined in advanced.config file
## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THESE LINES!## Set the query to use when determining vhost access
## {vhost_access_query, {in_group,
##                       "ou=${vhost}-users,ou=vhosts,dc=example,dc=com"}},## Set the query to use when determining resource (e.g., queue) access
## {resource_access_query, {constant, true}},## Set queries to determine which tags a user has
## {tag_queries, []}
#   ]},
# -----------------------------

修改对应信息后上传到服务器rabbitmq安装目录的/etc/rabbitmq 目录下:






[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq_server-3.8.16]$ rabbitmqctl add_user admin admin_hckj
Adding user "admin" ...
Done. Don't forget to grant the user permissions to some virtual hosts! See 'rabbitmqctl help set_permissions' to learn more.
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq_server-3.8.16]$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
Setting tags for user "admin" to [administrator] ...
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq_server-3.8.16]$ rabbitmqctl list_users
Listing users ...
user    tags
admin   [administrator]
guest   [administrator]
[aiot@template-CentOS7 rabbitmq_server-3.8.16]$





启动服务service rabbitmq start
查看服务状态service rabbitmq status
停止服务service rabbitmq stop
启用插件rabbitmq-plugins enable [具体插件]
移除服务rabbitmq-service remove
安装服务rabbitmq-service install
重启服务rabbitmq-server restart
启用日志插件rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_tracing
查看集群状态rabbitmqctl cluster_status
查看策略rabbitmqctl list_policies
设置集群名称rabbitmqctl set_cluster_name cluster_name
手动同步queuerabbitmqctl sync_queue name
取消queue同步rabbitmqctl cancel_sync_queue name
查看所有队列消息rabbitmqctl list_queues
获取队列消息rabbitmqctl list_queues[-p vhostpath] [queueinfoitem …]
新增用户rabbitmqctl add_user username password
删除用户rabbitmqctl delete_user username
查看用户列表rabbitmqctl list_users
修改用户密码rabbitmqctl change_password username newpassword
清除密码rabbitmqctl clear_password {userName}
设置用户角色rabbitmqctl set_user_tags zhaojigang administrator
查看主机列表rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
添加主机rabbitmqctl add_vhost vhostname
删除主机rabbitmqctl delete_vhost vhostname
查看所有连接rabbitmqadmin list connections
查看概览rabbitmqadmin show overview
查看所有节点rabbitmqadmin list nodes
查看所有通道 Channelrabbitmqadmin list channels
查看所有消费者rabbitmqadmin list consumers
查看所有交换机rabbitmqadmin list exchanges
查看所有路由与队列的关系绑定rabbitmqadmin list bindings




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给你一棵根为 root 的二叉树&#xff0c;请你返回二叉树中好节点的数目。 「好节点」X 定义为&#xff1a;从根到该节点 X 所经过的节点中&#xff0c;没有任何节点的值大于 X 的值。 示例 1&#xff1a; 输入&#xff1a;root [3,1,4,3,null,1,5] 输出&#xff1a;4 解释&a…

群晖NAS:DSM7.1激活Advanced Media Extensions【自留记录】

群晖NAS&#xff1a;DSM7.1激活Advanced Media Extensions【自留记录】 本文仅半白群晖可用&#xff0c;不需要安装其他套件或者ssh修改什么 使用DS Video 网页播放视频时候&#xff0c;提示&#xff1a;【不支持当前所选音轨的文件格式&#xff0c; 因此无法播放视频。请尝试…

Vue-Router 一篇搞定 Vue3

前言 在 Web 前端开发中&#xff0c;路由是非常重要的一环&#xff0c;但是路由到底是什么呢&#xff1f; 从路由的用途上讲 路由是指随着浏览器地址栏的变化&#xff0c;展示给用户不同的页面。 从路由的实现原理上讲 路由是URL到函数的映射。它将 URL 和应用程序的不同部分…

Leetcode415 字符串相加

思路&#xff1a; 从末尾开始相加&#xff0c;进位可以最后统一处理&#xff0c;因为再怎么进也是最多只进一位 class Solution:def addStrings(self, num1: str, num2: str) -> str:# 确保1里是更长的字符串if len(num1) < len(num2):num1_list list(num2)num2_list …

解决Spring Data JPA中的NullPointerException问题

&#x1f337;&#x1f341; 博主猫头虎&#xff08;&#x1f405;&#x1f43e;&#xff09;带您 Go to New World✨&#x1f341; &#x1f984; 博客首页——&#x1f405;&#x1f43e;猫头虎的博客&#x1f390; &#x1f433; 《面试题大全专栏》 &#x1f995; 文章图文…


目录 一、协议是什么&#xff1f; 二、OSI七层模型 三、TCP/IP五层模型 一、协议是什么&#xff1f; 协议顾名思义就是通过大家伙一起协商讨论达成的统一规则和标准。网络协议就是规定用户数据信息如何在网络上传播以及实现某种网络技术所要遵循的统一标准和规则。 二、OSI…


电脑使用快捷键可以帮助我们提高日常操作效率&#xff0c;例如&#xff1a; CTRLC&#xff1a;复制选中内容。 CTRLV&#xff1a;粘贴复制的内容。 CTRLX&#xff1a;剪切选中内容。 CTRLA&#xff1a;全选当前页面内容。 SHIFTDELETE&#xff1a;永久删除选中内容。 CTRL…

华为OD机试 - 租车骑绿道 - 双指针(Java 2023 B卷 100分)

目录 一、题目描述二、输入描述三、输出描述四、解题思路1、输入2、输出3、说明4、双指针算法 五、Java算法源码六、效果展示 华为OD机试 2023B卷题库疯狂收录中&#xff0c;刷题点这里 一、题目描述 部门组织绿岛骑行团建活动&#xff0c;租用公共双人自行车骑行&#xff0c;…


目录 一、概述 什么是pxe pxe组件 二、搭建交互式pxe装机 一、配置基础环境 二、配置vsftpd 三、配置tftp 四、准备pxelinx.0文件、引导文件、内核文件 一、准备pxelinux.0 二、准备引导文件、内核文件 五、配置dhcp 一、安装dhcp 二、配置dhcp 六、创建default文…


近年来在AI和媒体的带动下&#xff0c;大数据分析不断介入&#xff0c;各行各业都开始陆续依仗大数据营销这棵大树&#xff0c;以此来更加高效、便捷、智能、精准的服务于用户。 这就像追求恋人一样&#xff0c;投其所好方能成为眷属。 大数据精准营销的好处&#xff1a; 相…


目录 首页&#xff1a; 1.Spring 1.1 简介 1.2 优点 2.IOC理论推导 3.IOC本质 4.HelloSpring ERROR 5.IOC创建对象方式 5.1、无参构造 这个是默认的 5.2、有参构造 6.Spring配置说明 6.1、别名 6.2、Bean的配置 6.3、import 7.DL依赖注入环境 7.1 构造器注入 …

苹果为 Vision Pro 头显申请游戏手柄专利

苹果Vision Pro 推出后&#xff0c;美国专利局公布了两项苹果公司申请的游戏手柄专利&#xff0c;其中一项的专利图如下图所示。据 PatentlyApple 报道&#xff0c;虽然申请专利并不能保证苹果公司会推出游戏手柄&#xff0c;但是苹果公司同时也为游戏手柄申请了商标&#xff0…