Visonpro 检测是否有缺齿



第二种方法: 用Blob 和 CogCopyRegionTool


三、 用预处理工具  加减常数,让图片变得更亮点






CogGraphicCollection dt = new CogGraphicCollection();CogGraphicLabel Label;


 dt.Clear();CogPolarUnwrapTool polar = mToolBlock.Tools["CogPolarUnwrapTool1"]as CogPolarUnwrapTool;CogPMAlignTool pma = mToolBlock.Tools["CogPMAlignTool1"]as CogPMAlignTool;List<double> listX = new List<double>();


 double total = 0;double x, y;for(int i = 0;i < pma.Results.Count;i++){listX.Add(pma.Results[i].GetPose().TranslationX);total += pma.Results[i].GetPose().TranslationY;}y = total / pma.Results.Count;listX.Sort();


int a = 0;for(int i = 0;i < listX.Count - 1;i++){if((listX[i + 1] - listX[i]) > 50){x = (listX[i + 1] + listX[i]) / 2;y = total / pma.Results.Count;double lastx,lasty;polar.RunParams.GetInputPointFromOutputPoint(polar.InputImage, polar.Region, x, y, out lastx, out lasty);dt.Add(Create(lastx, lasty));a++;}}


 Label = new CogGraphicLabel();if(a > 0){Label.SetXYText(100, 100, "缺失"+a);Label.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;Label.Font = new Font("楷体", 30);dt.Add(Label);}else{Label.SetXYText(100, 100, "OK");Label.Color = CogColorConstants.Green;Label.Font = new Font("楷体", 30);dt.Add(Label);}


private CogCircle Create(double x, double y){CogCircle co = new CogCircle();co.CenterX = x;co.CenterY = y;co.Radius = 20;co.LineWidthInScreenPixels = 6;co.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;dt.Add(co);return co;}


for(int i = 0;i < dt.Count;i++){mToolBlock.AddGraphicToRunRecord(dt[i], lastRecord, "CogIPOneImageTool1.InputImage", "");}


#region namespace imports
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock;
using Cognex.VisionPro3D;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ImageProcessing;
using Cognex.VisionPro.PMAlign;
#endregionpublic class CogToolBlockAdvancedScript : CogToolBlockAdvancedScriptBase
{#region Private Member Variablesprivate Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock mToolBlock;#endregionCogGraphicCollection dt = new CogGraphicCollection();CogGraphicLabel Label;/// <summary>/// Called when the parent tool is run./// Add code here to customize or replace the normal run behavior./// </summary>/// <param name="message">Sets the Message in the tool's RunStatus.</param>/// <param name="result">Sets the Result in the tool's RunStatus</param>/// <returns>True if the tool should run normally,///          False if GroupRun customizes run behavior</returns>public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result){// To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines.// #if DEBUG// if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();// #endifdt.Clear();CogPolarUnwrapTool polar = mToolBlock.Tools["CogPolarUnwrapTool1"]as CogPolarUnwrapTool;CogPMAlignTool pma = mToolBlock.Tools["CogPMAlignTool1"]as CogPMAlignTool;List<double> listX = new List<double>();// Run each tool using the RunTool functionforeach(ICogTool tool in mToolBlock.Tools)mToolBlock.RunTool(tool, ref message, ref result);double total = 0;double x, y;for(int i = 0;i < pma.Results.Count;i++){listX.Add(pma.Results[i].GetPose().TranslationX);total += pma.Results[i].GetPose().TranslationY;}y = total / pma.Results.Count;listX.Sort();int a = 0;for(int i = 0;i < listX.Count - 1;i++){if((listX[i + 1] - listX[i]) > 50){x = (listX[i + 1] + listX[i]) / 2;y = total / pma.Results.Count;double lastx,lasty;polar.RunParams.GetInputPointFromOutputPoint(polar.InputImage, polar.Region, x, y, out lastx, out lasty);dt.Add(Create(lastx, lasty));a++;}}Label = new CogGraphicLabel();if(a > 0){Label.SetXYText(100, 100, "缺失"+a);Label.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;Label.Font = new Font("楷体", 30);dt.Add(Label);}else{Label.SetXYText(100, 100, "OK");Label.Color = CogColorConstants.Green;Label.Font = new Font("楷体", 30);dt.Add(Label);}return false;}private CogCircle Create(double x, double y){CogCircle co = new CogCircle();co.CenterX = x;co.CenterY = y;co.Radius = 20;co.LineWidthInScreenPixels = 6;co.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;dt.Add(co);return co;}#region When the Current Run Record is Created/// <summary>/// Called when the current record may have changed and is being reconstructed/// </summary>/// <param name="currentRecord">/// The new currentRecord is available to be initialized or customized.</param>public override void ModifyCurrentRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord currentRecord){}#endregion#region When the Last Run Record is Created/// <summary>/// Called when the last run record may have changed and is being reconstructed/// </summary>/// <param name="lastRecord">/// The new last run record is available to be initialized or customized.</param>public override void ModifyLastRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord lastRecord){for(int i = 0;i < dt.Count;i++){mToolBlock.AddGraphicToRunRecord(dt[i], lastRecord, "CogIPOneImageTool1.InputImage", "");}}#endregion#region When the Script is Initialized/// <summary>/// Perform any initialization required by your script here/// </summary>/// <param name="host">The host tool</param>public override void Initialize(Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup.CogToolGroup host){// DO NOT REMOVE - Call the base class implementation first - DO NOT REMOVEbase.Initialize(host);// Store a local copy of the script hostthis.mToolBlock = ((Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock)(host));}#endregion}



该方法用于输出图像中的坐标 (x, y) 转换为输入图像中的坐标 (lastx, lasty)

  • polar.InputImage 是输入图像对象
  • polar.Region 可能是指定的处理区域
  • x, y 是输出图像中的坐标
  • out lastx, out lasty 是输出参数,表示转换后的输入图像中的坐标。


  1. polar.InputImage, // 输入图像

  2. polar.Region, // 处理区域

  3. x, // 输出图像中的X坐标

  4. y, // 输出图像中的Y坐标

  5. out lastx, // 输出:对应的输入图像中的X坐标

  6. out lasty // 输出:对应的输入图像中的Y坐标 );


  1. 方法的作用:该方法的主要作用是将输出图像中的坐标映射回输入图像中的坐标,通常用于图像变换后的逆向坐标查找。
  2. 参数检查:确保 polar.InputImage 和 polar.Region 已正确初始化,并且 x, y 坐标在有效的范围内。
  3. 返回值lastx 和 lasty 是通过 out 参数返回的,因此调用后可以直接使用这两个变量获取转换后的坐标。



2. 工具展示

3. Blob设置







#region namespace imports
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock;
using Cognex.VisionPro3D;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ImageProcessing;
using Cognex.VisionPro.Blob;
#endregionpublic class CogToolBlockAdvancedScript : CogToolBlockAdvancedScriptBase
{#region Private Member Variablesprivate Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock mToolBlock;#endregionCogGraphicLabel label = new CogGraphicLabel();/// <summary>/// Called when the parent tool is run./// Add code here to customize or replace the normal run behavior./// </summary>/// <param name="message">Sets the Message in the tool's RunStatus.</param>/// <param name="result">Sets the Result in the tool's RunStatus</param>/// <returns>True if the tool should run normally,///          False if GroupRun customizes run behavior</returns>public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result){// To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines.// #if DEBUG// if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();// #endifint count = (int) mToolBlock.Inputs["Count"].Value;CogBlobTool blob = mToolBlock.Tools["CogBlobTool2"]as CogBlobTool;// Run each tool using the RunTool functionforeach(ICogTool tool in mToolBlock.Tools)mToolBlock.RunTool(tool, ref message, ref result);int currentCount = blob.Results.GetBlobs().Count;int diff = count - currentCount;string res = "";label.Color = CogColorConstants.Green;label.Font = new Font("宋体", 20);if (diff > 0){res = "缺失:" + diff;label.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;}else{res = "良品";}label.SetXYText(100, 250, res);return false;}#region When the Current Run Record is Created/// <summary>/// Called when the current record may have changed and is being reconstructed/// </summary>/// <param name="currentRecord">/// The new currentRecord is available to be initialized or customized.</param>public override void ModifyCurrentRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord currentRecord){}#endregion#region When the Last Run Record is Created/// <summary>/// Called when the last run record may have changed and is being reconstructed/// </summary>/// <param name="lastRecord">/// The new last run record is available to be initialized or customized.</param>public override void ModifyLastRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord lastRecord){mToolBlock.AddGraphicToRunRecord(label, lastRecord, "CogIPOneImageTool1.InputImage", "Script");}#endregion#region When the Script is Initialized/// <summary>/// Perform any initialization required by your script here/// </summary>/// <param name="host">The host tool</param>public override void Initialize(Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup.CogToolGroup host){// DO NOT REMOVE - Call the base class implementation first - DO NOT REMOVEbase.Initialize(host);// Store a local copy of the script hostthis.mToolBlock = ((Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock)(host));}#endregion}





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