- openpnp - 74路西门子飞达控制板(主控板STM32_NUCLEO-144) - 验证
- 概述
- 笔记
- 重复数字IO的问题
- 想法
- 手工实现
- 程序实现
- 确定要摘掉的数字重合线
- 自动化测试的问题
- 测试程序的场景
- 测试程序的运行效果
- 测试程序实现
- 备注
openpnp - 74路西门子飞达控制板(主控板STM32_NUCLEO-144) - 验证
飞达程序编写的笔记(openpnp - 74路西门子飞达控制板(主控板STM32_NUCLEO-144)实现)没写完, 博客编辑时, 卡的厉害, 在这个笔记中继续写.
主要是设备挂满飞达场景下的测试, 确实测试出一些问题, 并加以解决.
将飞达全部挂上, 测试时, 发现有的飞达通讯卡顿. 好多次才会偶尔通讯成功一次.
看串口调试日志, 发现中间步骤的回包不对.
因为我单独测试(设备上只挂一个飞达, 插入每个航插端子, 进行各种命令的测试)是好的, 通讯质量刚刚的.
开始以为是西门子二手飞达有问题, 但是单独测试又是好的.
后来发现是主控板STM32_NUCLEO-144板子上, 有一些数字IO是连在一起的. 导致飞达都挂上时, 通过一个数字IO通讯, 实际上是由多个飞达同时回包的, 导致回包数据被冲乱.
官方图纸如果一个IO一个IO的看, 中间有跳线, 不容易看. 主要不是自己画的, 看起来太费劲.
想个办法, 将一个数字IO号码联通多个数字IO端子的情况排查出来. 重复的数字IO端子就留一个接上飞达.
硬件方面, 将飞达都取下来.
- 先将所有数字IO设置为内部上拉, 这样读取时, 默认就是H
- 再将一个数字IO设置为L, 去读剩下所有的数字IO, 如果哪个为L, 就说明这2个数字IO是在硬件电路上连在一起的.
- 将所有数字IO都过一遍, 就知道所有重复数字IO.
- 然后在重复的数字IO上, 只挂一个飞达, 就可以解决这个问题.
如果想确认一个飞达确实只有一个数字IO来控制, 是非常麻烦的, 非人力所能为.
测试前, 先将飞达都挂上, 给第一个飞达发命令, 必须有快速流畅的回答.连续实验10次. 如果发现回包时有时无, 而且看到串口调试日志上有回包msglen长度不对的提示, 那就有可能是多个飞达被主板连在一起, 一个数字IO可以控制多个飞达.
再给该飞达的数字IO发同样的命令, 如果有回答, 那就说明这个数字IO上有多余一把的飞达.
摘掉剩下的一把飞达, 再发包给同样的数字IO, 看有没有回包, 如果没有回包了, 那么最后摘掉的那个飞达所在的数字IO, 就在主板上和当前测试的这个数字IO连在一起了.
如果找到了疑似的重合的数字IO, 再将最后拔掉的飞达插上, 如果有回包了, 那就找到了.
这好麻烦, 如果是2个以上的数字IO重合了, 那可咋整?
花了1个小时, 写好了测试程序. 跑了一下, 花了3秒钟.
我开始手工找到的那2对数字IO重合的线, 就在程序找出的这5对线之中.
还好写程序找到了, 否则存在数字IO重合问题, 就会影响通讯质量. 一旦通讯失败, openpnp任务就停了.
// @file FindSameDigtalIO
// @note run result below
>> FindSameDigtalIO
digtial IO io_sn below:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
D22 = D11 = 0
D56 = D31 = 0
D59 = D38 = 0
D71 = D6 = 0
D72 = D27 = 0
err - find connect pins = 5
END, dead loop*/#define ENABLE_UART_DEBUG_PRINT
#define LINE_60 "------------------------------------------------------------"int UartDebugPrintf(uint8_t log_level, const char *format, ...);void setup() {//start serial connectionSerial.begin(115200);//configure pin 2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor// pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);// pinMode(13, OUTPUT);UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ">> FindSameDigtalIO\r\n");
}int get_digtial_io_cnt();
int get_digtial_io_sn(int iPosition);
void show_all_digtial_io_value();
void find_same_digtial_io();
int find_same_digtial_io(int ipos);void loop() {// 数字IO范围 D0 ~ D72, A0 ~A8// 数字IO的值范围 0 ~ 72, 0xC0 ~ 0xC8// //// //read the pushbutton value into a variable// int sensorVal = digitalRead(2);// //print out the value of the pushbutton// Serial.println(sensorVal);// // Keep in mind the pull-up means the pushbutton's logic is inverted. It goes// // HIGH when it's open, and LOW when it's pressed. Turn on pin 13 when the// // button's pressed, and off when it's not:// if (sensorVal == HIGH) {// digitalWrite(13, LOW);// } else {// digitalWrite(13, HIGH);// }show_all_digtial_io_value();find_same_digtial_io();UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "END, dead loop\r\n");do {delay(1);} while (true);
}int UartDebugPrintf(uint8_t log_level, const char *format, ...) {
#ifndef ENABLE_UART_DEBUG_PRINTreturn -1;
#elseint iRc = 0;char szBuf[0x100];va_list args;switch (log_level) {// @info 如果要屏蔽哪一级的日志, 就将日志级别放在case中// 屏蔽case到的日志级别// case UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO:// {// return -1;// }// break;default:break;}if (NULL == format) {return -1;}memset(szBuf, 0, sizeof(szBuf));va_start(args, format);iRc = vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) - 1, format, args);va_end(args);if (iRc <= 0) {return iRc;}return Serial.printf(szBuf);
#endif // #ifdef FLAG_UART_DEBUG_PRINT
}const int g_digtial_io_cnt = ((72 - 0 + 1) + (0xA8 - 0xA0 + 1));
int get_digtial_io_cnt() {// 数字IO范围 D0 ~ D72, A0 ~A8// 数字IO的值范围 0 ~ 72, 0xC0 ~ 0xC8return g_digtial_io_cnt;
}int get_digtial_io_sn(int iPosition) {if ((iPosition < 0) || (iPosition >= g_digtial_io_cnt)) {return -1; // error}if ((iPosition >= 0) && (iPosition <= 72)) {return iPosition;} else {return (0xC0 + (iPosition - 72 - 1));}
}void show_all_digtial_io_value() {int i = 0;int io_sn = 0;int i_col = 0;UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s\r\n", LINE_60);UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "digtial IO io_sn below:\r\n");for (i = 0; i < get_digtial_io_cnt(); i++) {io_sn = get_digtial_io_sn(i);UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%6d ", io_sn);// if (i <= 72) {// UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%6d ", value);// } else {// UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%6.2X ", /*"0x",*/ value);// }if (8 == ++i_col) {i_col = 0;UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "\r\n");}}UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "\r\n%s\r\n", LINE_60);
}void find_same_digtial_io() {int i = 0;int i_pins_connect_cnt = 0;UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "find_same_digtial_io\r\n");for (i = 0; i < get_digtial_io_cnt(); i++) {i_pins_connect_cnt += find_same_digtial_io(i);}if (0 == i_pins_connect_cnt) {UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "ok - not find connect pins\r\n");} else {UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "err - find connect pins = %d\r\n", i_pins_connect_cnt);}
}int find_same_digtial_io(int ipos) {int i = 0;int io_sn = 0;int io_sn_pos = 0;int value_readback = 0;int value_ipos = 0;int i_pins_connect_cnt = 0;// 将 ipos位置的引脚设置为输出// 将其他引脚设置为输入for (i = 0; i < get_digtial_io_cnt(); i++) {io_sn = get_digtial_io_sn(i);if (i == ipos) {// 设置为输出pinMode(io_sn, OUTPUT);} else {// 设置为输入, 内部上拉pinMode(io_sn, INPUT_PULLUP);}}// 将ipos对应引脚设置为Lio_sn = get_digtial_io_sn(ipos);io_sn_pos = io_sn;digitalWrite(io_sn, LOW);delay(10);for (i = 0; i < get_digtial_io_cnt(); i++) {if (i == ipos) {continue;}io_sn = get_digtial_io_sn(i);value_readback = digitalRead(io_sn);if (LOW == value_readback) {UartDebugPrintf(UART_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "D%d = D%d = %d\r\n", io_sn_pos, io_sn, value_readback);i_pins_connect_cnt++;}}return i_pins_connect_cnt;
D22 = D11 = 0
D56 = D31 = 0
D59 = D38 = 0
D71 = D6 = 0
D72 = D27 = 0
err - find connect pins = 5
我的飞达控制工程中, 有数字IO对应的航插端口号, 找到之后, 将物理飞达摘掉.
// D22 = D11 = 0
// FD_TX69/D22_CN7_13/数字IO号码 = 22 // 保留FD_TX69
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_22(22, 22, true);// D22 = D11 = 0
// FD_TX70/D11_CN7_14/数字IO号码 = 11 // 摘掉FD_TX70飞达
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_11(11, 11, true);// D56 = D31 = 0
// FD_TX20/D56_CN9_14/数字IO号码 = 56 // 保留飞达 FD_TX20
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_56(56, 56, true);// D56 = D31 = 0
// FD_TX42/D31_CN10_25/数字IO号码 = 31 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX42
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_31(31, 31, true);// D59 = D38 = 0
// FD_TX25/D59_CN9_20/数字IO号码 = 59 // 保留飞达FD_TX25
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_59(59, 59, true);// D59 = D38 = 0
// FD_TX41/D38_CN10_28/数字IO号码 = 38 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX41
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_38(38, 38, true);
// D71 = D6 = 0
// FD_TX24/D69_CN9_19/数字IO号码 = 69 // 保留FD_TX24
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_69(69, 69, true);
D71在原理图上没用, 所以和D6不冲突.
// D72 = D27 = 0
// FD_TX50/D27_CN10_15/数字IO号码 = 27 // 保留FD_TX50
SoftwareSerial softUartToFd_27(27, 27, true);
D72在原理图中没用, 所以和D27不冲突.
综合以上, 需要摘到的飞达为3把:
// FD_TX70/D11_CN7_14/数字IO号码 = 11 // 摘掉FD_TX70飞达
// FD_TX42/D31_CN10_25/数字IO号码 = 31 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX42
// FD_TX41/D38_CN10_28/数字IO号码 = 38 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX41
// FD_TX70/D11_CN7_14/数字IO号码 = 11 // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第17个航插 // 摘掉FD_TX70飞达FEEDER_UART_INFO(11, &softUartToFd_11), // 正对设备背面, 从右往左第10个飞达 M615 N84\r\n M615 N85\r\n // 不好使// FD_TX42/D31_CN10_25/数字IO号码 = 31 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX42FEEDER_UART_INFO(31, &softUartToFd_31), // M615 N68\r\n M615N69 \r\n // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第9个航插// FD_TX41/D38_CN10_28/数字IO号码 = 38 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX41FEEDER_UART_INFO(38, &softUartToFd_38), // M615 N70\r\n M615N71 \r\n // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第10个航插
如果不是工程实现中记录的仔细, 要摘掉哪个飞达还真有点懵.
明天再测试一遍, 看看在物理飞达正常的情况下, 飞达通讯上是否非常流畅?
今天测试了一下, 除了个别飞达本身有问题, 换上好的飞达后, 通讯没问题, 再也没出现某个飞达因为回包乱码导致的通讯失败.
在openpnp中, 最好某个固定位置的飞达有固定的飞达ID, 如果有问题, 或者飞达通讯失败, 可以马上发现.
但是, 西门子二手飞达难免发生问题, 如果再换一把飞达, 或者将飞达交换了位置, 此时, 还需要固定位置的飞达有固定的ID. 如果手工设置, 就太勉强了.
而且还想在openpnp运行前, 知道哪个飞达有通讯问题. 这也不是手工能便利做到的.
还是老套路, 写个测试程序.
- 遍历设备上的每个飞达航插位, 进行如下操作.
- 如果飞达的ID不是预想的ID, 就设置为预想的ID
- 如果飞达的状态是错误的, 就要报出来, 并统计总共有多少个错误.
正好以前在CSDN上传过串口测试程序, 将工程下载到本地, 将逻辑换为飞达控制板的协议就ok.
写了4个小时, 搞定. 运行一分钟不到, 就可以将设备上挂满飞达的场景全部测试, 设置完成.
自己会写2句程序, 管用啊.
设备挂满飞达. 除了数字IO重合的3把飞达, 总共挂了49把2x8mm的西门子飞达, 总共98个8mm料位.
挂满飞达就是为了测试满载状态下有没有可能会出问题? e.g. 电流不够, 通讯不畅.
结果很好, 没啥问题.
现在飞达都换成了测试通过的正常飞达, 开机上电后, 飞达都正常上了电, 没有飞达会出现错误指示灯:)
运行后, 如果有错误就报出, 如果没看到错误,就是飞达运行正常.
程序参数(串口号码, 波特率)可以由程序命令行参数给出, 也可以运行程序后, 根据程序的参数提示给出.
D:\my_dev\my_local_git_prj\hardware\LS_openpnp_hardware\src\my_SchultzController\case\test_all_feeder\src>test_all_feeder COM22 115200
>> test all feederargv[1] = COM22
argv[2] = 115200
|port_sn |port_name |port_desc |port_hd_id |
|0 |COM22 |STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port (COM22) |USB\VID_0483&PID_374E&REV_0100&MI_02 |
|1 |COM8 |USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM8) |USB\VID_1A86&PID_7523&REV_0264 |
THE com port name is "COM22"you select com timout(ms) is 100you select data bits is 8you select com parity type(sn) 0
you select com parity type is parity_noneyou select com stopbits(sn) 1
you select com stop bits is 1bitsyou select com flowcontrol(sn) 0
you select com flowcontrol is none-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COM port info:
com port = COM22
baudrate = 115200
timout = 100(ms)
data bits = 8
parity type = parity_none
stop bits = 1bits
flowcontrol = none
COM port open ok!
process all feeder
FeederNoBase1[1L] : N0
FeederNoBase1[1R] : N1
FeederNoBase1[2L] : N2
FeederNoBase1[2R] : N3
FeederNoBase1[3L] : N4
FeederNoBase1[3R] : N5
FeederNoBase1[4L] : N6
FeederNoBase1[4R] : N7
FeederNoBase1[5L] : N8
FeederNoBase1[5R] : N9
FeederNoBase1[6L] : N10
FeederNoBase1[6R] : N11
FeederNoBase1[7L] : N12
FeederNoBase1[7R] : N13
FeederNoBase1[8L] : N14
FeederNoBase1[8R] : N15
FeederNoBase1[9L] : N16
FeederNoBase1[9R] : N17
FeederNoBase1[10L] : N18
FeederNoBase1[10R] : N19
FeederNoBase1[11L] : N20
FeederNoBase1[11R] : N21
FeederNoBase1[12L] : N22
FeederNoBase1[12R] : N23
FeederNoBase1[13L] : N24
FeederNoBase1[13R] : N25
FeederNoBase1[14L] : N26
FeederNoBase1[14R] : N27
FeederNoBase1[15L] : N28
FeederNoBase1[15R] : N29
FeederNoBase1[16L] : N30
FeederNoBase1[16R] : N31
FeederNoBase1[17L] : N32
FeederNoBase1[17R] : N33
FeederNoBase1[18L] : N34
FeederNoBase1[18R] : N35
FeederNoBase1[19L] : N36
FeederNoBase1[19R] : N37
FeederNoBase1[20L] : N38
FeederNoBase1[20R] : N39
FeederNoBase1[21L] : N40
FeederNoBase1[21R] : N41
FeederNoBase1[22L] : N42
FeederNoBase1[22R] : N43
FeederNoBase1[23L] : N44
FeederNoBase1[23R] : N45
FeederNoBase1[24L] : N46
FeederNoBase1[24R] : N47
FeederNoBase1[25L] : N48
FeederNoBase1[25R] : N49
FeederNoBase1[26L] : N50
FeederNoBase1[26R] : N51
FeederNoBase1[27L] : N52
FeederNoBase1[27R] : N53
FeederNoBase1[28L] : N54
FeederNoBase1[28R] : N55
FeederNoBase1[29L] : N56
FeederNoBase1[29R] : N57
FeederNoBase1[30L] : N58
FeederNoBase1[30R] : N59
FeederNoBase1[31L] : N60
FeederNoBase1[31R] : N61
FeederNoBase1[32L] : N62
FeederNoBase1[32R] : N63
FeederNoBase1[33L] : N64
FeederNoBase1[33R] : N65
FeederNoBase1[34L] : N66
FeederNoBase1[34R] : N67
FeederNoBase1 35 not exist, skip
FeederNoBase1 36 not exist, skip
FeederNoBase1[37L] : N72
FeederNoBase1[37R] : N73
FeederNoBase1[38L] : N74
FeederNoBase1[38R] : N75
FeederNoBase1[39L] : N76
FeederNoBase1[39R] : N77
FeederNoBase1[40L] : N78
FeederNoBase1[40R] : N79
FeederNoBase1[41L] : N80
FeederNoBase1[41R] : N81
FeederNoBase1[42L] : N82
FeederNoBase1[42R] : N83
FeederNoBase1 43 not exist, skip
FeederNoBase1[44L] : N86
FeederNoBase1[44R] : N87
FeederNoBase1[45L] : N88
FeederNoBase1[45R] : N89
FeederNoBase1[46L] : N90
FeederNoBase1[46R] : N91
FeederNoBase1[47L] : N92
FeederNoBase1[47R] : N93
FeederNoBase1[48L] : N94
FeederNoBase1[48R] : N95
FeederNoBase1[49L] : N96
FeederNoBase1[49R] : N97
FeederNoBase1[50L] : N98
FeederNoBase1[50R] : N99
FeederNoBase1[51L] : N100
FeederNoBase1[51R] : N101
FeederNoBase1[52L] : N102
FeederNoBase1[52R] : N103
ok : feeder process all ok
请按任意键继续. . .
vs2019 + vc++ + console
都写在一个cpp中了, 不到800行, 写了4个小时, 边写边连着设备调试.
// @file test_all_feeder.cpp
// @brief 测试设备上的所有飞达
// @note
// prj base https://lostspeed.blog.csdn.net/article/details/109882721 <<串口自动应答测试程序>>
// base prj download from : https://download.csdn.net/download/LostSpeed/13132083 <<ls_serial_port_test_tool_v1.zip>>#include <windows.h>#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>using namespace std;#include "serial/serial.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "Setupapi.lib")//#if (_MSC_VER >= 1915)
//#define no_init_all deprecated
//#endif#define LINE_10 "----------"
#define LINE_3 "---"
#define LINE120 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_10 LINE_3
#define LINE_IND LINE120
#define LINE_TIP_FMT "|%-10s|%-10s|%-60s|%-48s|\n"
#define LINE_CONTENT_FMT "|%-10d|%-10s|%-60s|%-48s|\n"#define LINE_DATA_BITS_TIP_FMT "|%-10s %-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"
#define LINE_DATA_BITS_CONTENT_FMT "|%-10d %-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"#define LINE_PARITY_TIP_FMT "|%-10s|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"
#define LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT "|%-10d|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"#define LINE_STOPBITS_TIP_FMT "|%-10s|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"
#define LINE_STOPBITS_CONTENT_FMT "|%-10d|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"#define LINE_FLOWCONTROL_TIP_FMT "|%-10s|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"
#define LINE_FLOWCONTROL_CONTENT_FMT "|%-10d|%-10s %-60s %-48s|\n"const char* get_parity_type(serial::parity_t type)
{const char* psz_type = "unknown parity type";switch (type) {case serial::parity_t::parity_none:psz_type = "parity_none";break;case serial::parity_t::parity_odd:psz_type = "parity_odd";break;case serial::parity_t::parity_even:psz_type = "parity_even";break;case serial::parity_t::parity_mark:psz_type = "parity_mark";break;case serial::parity_t::parity_space:psz_type = "parity_space";break;default:break;}return psz_type;
}const char* get_stopbits_type(serial::stopbits_t type)
{const char* psz_type = "unknown stopbits type";switch (type) {case serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one:psz_type = "1bits";break;case serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one_point_five:psz_type = "1.5bits";break;case serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_two:psz_type = "2bits";break;default:break;}return psz_type;
}const char* get_flowcontroltype(serial::flowcontrol_t type)
{const char* psz_type = "unknown flowcontrol type";switch (type) {case serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_hardware:psz_type = "hardware";break;case serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_none:psz_type = "none";break;case serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_software:psz_type = "software";break;default:break;}return psz_type;
}void proc_uart(serial::Serial& my_serial);int main(int argc, char** argv)
{int i = 0;int i_tmp = 0;bool b_cmd_line_param = false;char szBufCmdLine_UartName[0x100];int BufCmdLIne_UartBps = 0;uint8_t buf_rx[4096] = {'\0'};size_t buf_rx_len = 0;size_t buf_rx_total_len = 0;uint8_t buf_tx[4096] = { '\0' };size_t buf_tx_len = 0;int dev_port = -1;uint32_t dev_baurd = 0;uint32_t dev_timeout = 0;serial::bytesize_t dev_data_bits = serial::bytesize_t::eightbits;serial::parity_t dev_parity_type = serial::parity_t::parity_none;serial::stopbits_t dev_stopbits = serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one;serial::flowcontrol_t dev_flowcontrol_type = serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_none;ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE); do {printf(">> test all feeder\n\n");if (3 == argc){// 用户给了串口号和bpsprintf("argv[%d] = %s\n", 1, argv[1]);strcpy(szBufCmdLine_UartName, argv[1]);printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", 2, argv[2]);BufCmdLIne_UartBps = atoi(argv[2]);b_cmd_line_param = true;}vector<serial::PortInfo> devices_found = serial::list_ports();vector<serial::PortInfo>::iterator iter;// 选择串口// 顶住左边开始, 每30个字符为一个显示字段printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);printf(LINE_TIP_FMT, "port_sn", "port_name", "port_desc", "port_hd_id");printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);dev_port = 0;iter = devices_found.begin();while (iter != devices_found.end()){serial::PortInfo device = *iter++;printf(LINE_CONTENT_FMT, dev_port++, device.port.c_str(), device.description.c_str(), device.hardware_id.c_str());printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);}if (!b_cmd_line_param){printf("please select com port(port_sn):");scanf_s("%2d", &dev_port);printf("you select com port(port_sn) is %d\n", dev_port);}else {// szBufCmdLine_UartName// BufCmdLIne_UartBpsdev_port = -1;iter = devices_found.begin();while (iter != devices_found.end()){serial::PortInfo device = *iter++;dev_port++;if (0 == strcmp(szBufCmdLine_UartName, device.port.c_str())){break; // find it}}}if ((dev_port < 0) || (dev_port >= devices_found.size())) {printf("com port select error!\n");break;}printf("THE com port name is \"%s\"\n\n", devices_found[dev_port].port.c_str());// 选择波特率if (!b_cmd_line_param){printf("please select com baudrate:");scanf_s("%u", &dev_baurd);printf("you select com baudrate is %u\n\n", dev_baurd);}else {dev_baurd = BufCmdLIne_UartBps;}// 选择超时// printf("please select com timout(ms):");// scanf_s("%u", &dev_timeout);dev_timeout = 100;printf("you select com timout(ms) is %u\n\n", dev_timeout);// 选择数据位//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_DATA_BITS_TIP_FMT, "bits", "", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//for (i = (int)serial::bytesize_t::fivebits; i <= (int)serial::bytesize_t::eightbits; i++) {// printf(LINE_DATA_BITS_CONTENT_FMT, i, "", "", "");// printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//}//printf("please select com data bits:");// scanf_s("%u", &i_tmp);i_tmp = 8;printf("you select data bits is %d\n\n", i_tmp);if ((i_tmp < (int)serial::bytesize_t::fivebits)|| (i_tmp > (int)serial::bytesize_t::eightbits)) {printf("error\n");break;}dev_data_bits = (serial::bytesize_t)i_tmp;// 选择校验位//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_TIP_FMT, "sn", "type", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::parity_t::parity_none, "none", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::parity_t::parity_odd, "odd", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::parity_t::parity_even, "even", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::parity_t::parity_mark, "mark", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_PARITY_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::parity_t::parity_space, "space", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf("please select com parity type(sn):");// scanf_s("%u", &i_tmp);i_tmp = 0;printf("you select com parity type(sn) %d\n", i_tmp);if ((i_tmp < (int)serial::parity_t::parity_none)|| (i_tmp > (int)serial::parity_t::parity_space)) {printf("error\n");break;}dev_parity_type = (serial::parity_t)i_tmp;printf("you select com parity type is %s\n\n",get_parity_type(dev_parity_type));// 选择停止位//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_STOPBITS_TIP_FMT, "sn", "bits", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_STOPBITS_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one, "1 bits", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_STOPBITS_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one_point_five, "1.5 bits", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_STOPBITS_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_two, "2 bits", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);// printf("please select com stopbits(sn):");// scanf_s("%u", &i_tmp);i_tmp = 1;printf("you select com stopbits(sn) %d\n", i_tmp);if ((i_tmp < (int)serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one)|| (i_tmp > (int)serial::stopbits_t::stopbits_one_point_five)) {printf("error\n");break;}dev_stopbits = (serial::stopbits_t)i_tmp;printf("you select com stop bits is %s\n\n",get_stopbits_type(dev_stopbits));// 选择流控//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_FLOWCONTROL_TIP_FMT, "sn", "type", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_FLOWCONTROL_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_none, "none", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf(LINE_FLOWCONTROL_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_hardware, "hardware", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND); ////printf(LINE_FLOWCONTROL_CONTENT_FMT, (int)serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_software, "software", "", "");//printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);//printf("please select com flowcontrol(sn):");// scanf_s("%u", &i_tmp);i_tmp = 0;printf("you select com flowcontrol(sn) %d\n", i_tmp);if ((i_tmp < (int)serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_none)|| (i_tmp > (int)serial::flowcontrol_t::flowcontrol_hardware)) {printf("error\n");break;}dev_flowcontrol_type = (serial::flowcontrol_t)i_tmp;printf("you select com flowcontrol is %s\n\n",get_flowcontroltype(dev_flowcontrol_type));// 再整体打印一次用户的串口信息选择printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);printf("COM port info:\n");printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);printf("com port = %s\n", devices_found[dev_port].port.c_str());printf("baudrate = %u\n", dev_baurd);printf("timout = %u(ms)\n", dev_timeout);printf("data bits = %d\n", dev_data_bits);printf("parity type = %s\n", get_parity_type(dev_parity_type));printf("stop bits = %s\n", get_stopbits_type(dev_stopbits));printf("flowcontrol = %s\n", get_flowcontroltype(dev_flowcontrol_type));printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);serial::Serial my_serial(devices_found[dev_port].port.c_str(),dev_baurd,serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(dev_timeout),dev_data_bits,dev_parity_type,dev_stopbits,dev_flowcontrol_type);if (my_serial.isOpen()) {printf("COM port open ok!\n");}else {printf("COM port open failed...\n");break;}/*void setTimeout (uint32_t inter_byte_timeout,uint32_t read_timeout_constant,uint32_t read_timeout_multiplier,uint32_t write_timeout_constant,uint32_t write_timeout_multiplier)*/my_serial.setTimeout(serial::Timeout::max(),dev_timeout /*1000*/ /*serial::Timeout::max()*/, // 这里是读超时,如果是发送完等接收,这里就设置正常ms超时值; 如果是被动等别人问,就设置成serial::Timeout::max()0,0,0);proc_uart(my_serial);} while (false);system("pause");return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}void M999(serial::Serial& my_serial)
{size_t LenRx = 0;char szBufSend[1024];char szBufRecv[1024];do {memset(szBufSend, 0, sizeof(szBufSend));memset(szBufRecv, 0, sizeof(szBufRecv));// send M999sprintf(szBufSend, "M999\r\n");my_serial.write((uint8_t*)szBufSend, strlen(szBufSend));memset(szBufRecv, 0, sizeof(szBufRecv));LenRx = my_serial.read((uint8_t*)szBufRecv, sizeof(szBufRecv));if (LenRx <= 0){break;}/*M115 MCODE_DRIVER_INFOM600 MCODE_PRE_PICKM601 MCODE_ADVANCE e.g. M601N0X1 is ok, M601N0X0 is errM602 MCODE_FEEDER_STATUSM603 MCODE_GET_FEED_COUNTM623 MCODE_CLEAR_FEED_COUNTM604 MCODE_GET_ERR42_COUNTM605 MCODE_GET_ERR43_COUNTM606 MCODE_GET_ERR44_COUNTM607 MCODE_GET_RESET_COUNTM608 MCODE_GET_PITCHM628 MCODE_TOGGLE_PITCHM610 MCODE_GET_FEEDER_IDM640 MCODE_SET_FEEDER_IDM630 MCODE_READ_EEPROMM615 MCODE_GET_FIRMWARE_INFOM650 MCODE_START_SELF_TESTM651 MCODE_STOP_SELF_TESTM998 MCODE_CLEAR_RX_BUFM999 MCODE_CMD_HELP*/printf("%s\n", szBufRecv);} while (false);
}bool proc_uart_Nxx(serial::Serial& my_serial, int FeederNoBase1, int Nxx);void proc_uart(serial::Serial& my_serial)
{int i = 0;int j = 0;int FeederNoBase1 = 0;int Nxx = 0;int i_err_cnt = 0;size_t LenRx = 0;char szBufNxx[0x100];// basic usage// buf_rx_len = my_serial.read(buf_rx + buf_rx_total_len, sizeof(char));// buf_tx_len = my_serial.write(buf_tx, 7); // send respond// M999(my_serial);/*// FD_TX70/D11_CN7_14/数字IO号码 = 11 // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第17个航插 // 摘掉FD_TX70飞达FEEDER_UART_INFO(11, &softUartToFd_11), // 正对设备背面, 从右往左第10个飞达 M615 N84\r\n M615 N85\r\n // 不好使No.43 FeederN84N85// FD_TX42/D31_CN10_25/数字IO号码 = 31 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX42FEEDER_UART_INFO(31, &softUartToFd_31), // M615 N68\r\n M615N69 \r\n // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第9个航插No.35 FeederN68N69// FD_TX41/D38_CN10_28/数字IO号码 = 38 // 摘掉飞达 FD_TX41FEEDER_UART_INFO(38, &softUartToFd_38), // M615 N70\r\n M615N71 \r\n // 面对设备背面, 从左往右数, 第10个航插No.36 FeederN70N71*/// 设备满配物理飞达数量52(正面26, 背面26), 因为数字IO重合, 导致一个数字IO会给多个飞达发包, 所以去掉了3把.printf("process all feeder\n");for (i = 0; i < 52; i++){printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);FeederNoBase1 = i + 1;if ((43 == FeederNoBase1) || (35 == FeederNoBase1) || (36 == FeederNoBase1)){// 跳过因为数字IO重合而摘掉的物理飞达printf("FeederNoBase1 %d not exist, skip\n", FeederNoBase1);continue;}for (j = 0; j < 2; j++){Nxx = (i * 2 + j);sprintf(szBufNxx, "FeederNoBase1[%d%s] : N%d", FeederNoBase1, ((0 == (Nxx % 2)) ? "L" : "R"), Nxx);printf("%s\n", szBufNxx);if (!proc_uart_Nxx(my_serial, FeederNoBase1, Nxx)){i_err_cnt++;}}}printf("%s\n", LINE_IND);if (0 == i_err_cnt){printf("ok : feeder process all ok\n");}else {printf("error : 1 feeder process error counter = %d\n", i_err_cnt);}}bool is_err_recv(const char* psz_msg)
{// ok ID: 1001L// ok ID setbool b_err = true;const char* psz = NULL;do {if (NULL == psz_msg){break;}psz = strstr(psz_msg, "err");if (psz == psz_msg){break;}b_err = false;} while (false);return b_err;
}bool is_dig_char(char c)
{if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')){return true;}return false;
}bool get_id_from_recv(const char* psz_msg, int& id, bool& isLeft)
{// ok ID: 1001Lbool b_ok = false;const char* psz = NULL;do {if (NULL == psz_msg){break;}psz = strstr(psz_msg, "ok ID: ");if (NULL == psz){break;}psz_msg = psz;psz_msg += strlen("ok ID: ");id = atoi(psz_msg);do {if (is_dig_char(psz_msg[0])){psz_msg++;continue;}break;} while (true);if (('L' != psz_msg[0]) && ('R' != psz_msg[0])){break;}isLeft = ('L' == psz_msg[0]);b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_read_status(serial::Serial& my_serial, int Nxx, char* psz_recv, int len_recv)
{// M602 MCODE_FEEDER_STATUSchar szBufSend[1024];bool b_ok = false;int buf_rx_len = 0;do {sprintf(szBufSend, "M602 N%d\r\n", Nxx);my_serial.write((uint8_t*)szBufSend, strlen(szBufSend));memset(psz_recv, 0, len_recv);buf_rx_len = (int)my_serial.read((uint8_t*)psz_recv, len_recv);if (buf_rx_len < 0){printf("error : 2 can't recv any form Nxx[%d]\n", Nxx);break;}if (is_err_recv(psz_recv)){printf("error : 3 [%s]\n", psz_recv);break;}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_read_ID(serial::Serial& my_serial, int Nxx, int& id, bool& isLeft)
{// M610 MCODE_GET_FEEDER_IDchar szBufSend[1024];char szBufRecv[1024];int buf_rx_len = 0;bool b_ok = false;do {sprintf(szBufSend, "M610 N%d\r\n", Nxx);my_serial.write((uint8_t*)szBufSend, strlen(szBufSend));memset(szBufRecv, 0, sizeof(szBufRecv));buf_rx_len = (int)my_serial.read((uint8_t*)szBufRecv, sizeof(szBufRecv));if (buf_rx_len < 0){printf("error : 5 can't recv any form Nxx[%d]\n", Nxx);break;}if (is_err_recv(szBufRecv)){printf("error : 6 recv content have error, szBufRecv[] = [%s]\n", szBufRecv);break;}// printf("%s\n", szBufRecv);// ok ID: 1001Lif (!get_id_from_recv(szBufRecv, id, isLeft)){printf("error : 7 recv parse error, szBufRecv[] = [%s]\n", szBufRecv);break;}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_set_ID(serial::Serial& my_serial, int FeederNoBase1, int Nxx)
{// M640 MCODE_SET_FEEDER_IDchar szBufSend[1024];char szBufRecv[1024];int buf_rx_len = 0;int id = 0;bool isLeft = 0;bool b_ok = false;do {sprintf(szBufSend, "M640 N%dX%d\r\n", Nxx, FeederNoBase1);my_serial.write((uint8_t*)szBufSend, strlen(szBufSend));memset(szBufRecv, 0, sizeof(szBufRecv));buf_rx_len = (int)my_serial.read((uint8_t*)szBufRecv, sizeof(szBufRecv));if (buf_rx_len < 0){printf("error : 8 can't recv any form FeederNoBase1[%d]/Nxx[%d]\n", FeederNoBase1, Nxx);break;}// ok ID setif (is_err_recv(szBufRecv)){printf("error : 9 recv content have error\n");break;}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_Nxx_get_feeder_status(serial::Serial& my_serial, int FeederNoBase1, int Nxx)
{bool b_ok = false;char szRecv[1024];do {memset(szRecv, 0, sizeof(szRecv));if (!proc_uart_read_status(my_serial, Nxx, szRecv, sizeof(szRecv))){break;}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_Nxx_try_to_change_ID(serial::Serial& my_serial, int FeederNoBase1, int Nxx)
{// M610 MCODE_GET_FEEDER_ID// M640 MCODE_SET_FEEDER_IDint buf_rx_len = 0;int id = 0;bool isLeft = 0;bool b_ok = false;do {if (!proc_uart_read_ID(my_serial, Nxx, id, isLeft)){break;}if (id != FeederNoBase1){if (!proc_uart_set_ID(my_serial, FeederNoBase1, Nxx)){break;}}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
}bool proc_uart_Nxx(serial::Serial& my_serial, int FeederNoBase1, int Nxx)
{bool b_ok = false;do {// 检测飞达ID, 如果不是FeederNoBase1, 改为FeederNoBase1if (!proc_uart_Nxx_try_to_change_ID(my_serial, FeederNoBase1, Nxx)){printf("error : 10 can't try to change ID to Feeder%d-%d\n", FeederNoBase1, Nxx);break;}if (!proc_uart_Nxx_get_feeder_status(my_serial, FeederNoBase1, Nxx)){printf("error : 11 can't get feeder status Feeder%d-N%d\n", FeederNoBase1, Nxx);break;}b_ok = true;} while (false);return b_ok;
现在我设备这块, 还有点要优化.
顶部相机现在是100W像素的, 在openpnp中看不清PCB上的0201和01005焊盘.
已经买了1600W像素的USB摄像头模组(安装孔尺寸为28mm x 28mm, 和现在的顶部相机支架兼容), 回来试试.
现在手头这台设备, 所有细节(机械部分, 电气部分, 软件部分)都可以自己维护, 想搞就搞, 很舒服.