

optstring分为三种选项 普通的,必须选项(:),可选选项(::),这个略,可以自行百度。

0. 可选选项

optstring 为 ":a::b:X"
Option syntaxMeaning
OK, No argument provided (optional).
OK, argument is foo
-a foo
Wrong, no space allowed with optional arguments.
foo is considered a non-option argument.
OK, argument is foo (required).
-b foo
OK, argument is foo (required).
Wrong, option b requires an argument.


1. 未知的选项和缺少选项参数(Unknown Options and Missing Option Arguments)


optstring为 "a:b:X"

当我们输入 -t 时候会出现 "未知的选项"的错误;

当我们输入 -a 而不输入选项参数时候,会出现"缺少选项参数"的错误;


我们通过在 optstring前面添加 ":",即 ":a:b:X"来进行解决,代码如下所示:

/* Notice the leading : in the option string */   optwhile ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":a:b:X")) != -1) 
{switch (opt) {case 'a':printf("Option a has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'b':printf("Option b has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'X':printf("Option X was provided\n");break;case '?':printf("Unknown option: %c\n", optopt);break;case ':':printf("Missing arg for %c\n", optopt);break;}

假设这个程序输出为a.out, 则测试结果为:

Command line optionsOutput
./a.out -a
Missing arg for a
./a.out -t
Unknown option: t
./a.out -a one -t -X -b
Option a has arg: one
Unknown option: t
Option X was provided
Missing arg for b
./a.out -a one,two,three
Option a has arg: one,two,three
./a.out -a "one two three"
Option a has arg: one two three

我们查看文档, man 3 getopt 有如下文字,与咱们测试结果一致:

是说以":"开头的话,getopt不会打印错误同时针对 缺少选项参数的情况会返回 ":" ,这样可以让调用者或开发者区分这两种情况。通过添加":"将getopt关闭打印错误输出。

2. nonoption是否有序及获取相关值

nonoption,换一种写法 non-option也行,意思是非选项参数


gcc -Wall -Wextra main.c foo.c bar.c -O -o program -ansi -pedantic -Werror

哪个是non-option,其实就是前面没有"-"和"--"的,也就是 main.c/foo.c/bar.c, 而 program是-o选项的参数它不是nonoption。


#include <stdio.h>  /* printf */
#include <getopt.h> /* getopt */int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int opt;while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":a:b:X")) != -1) {switch (opt) {case 'a':printf("Option a has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'b':printf("Option b has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'X':printf("Option X was provided\n");break;case '?':printf("Unknown option: %c\n", optopt);break;case ':':printf("Missing arg for %c\n", optopt);break;}}/* Get all of the non-option arguments */if (optind < argc) {printf("Non-option args: ");while (optind < argc)printf("%s ", argv[optind++]);printf("\n");}return 0;


Command line optionsOutput
./a.out x -a one y -X z
Option a has arg: one
Option X was provided
Non-option args: x y z 
./a.out x y z -a one -b two
Option a has arg: one
Option b has arg: two
Non-option args: x y z 



如果你想获取这些 非选项参数并且是按顺序进行输出,你需要在optstring前加"-",通过添加"-"来关闭getopt将non option移动到argv数组末尾。

#include <stdio.h>  /* printf */
#include <getopt.h> /* getopt */int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int opt;/* Notice the leading minus sign - in the option string below   */   /* Remember that the number one in single quotes '1' is not the */   /* same as the number one without quotes. '1' is ASCII 49       */   while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "-:a:b:X")) != -1) {switch (opt) {case 'a':printf("Option a has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'b':printf("Option b has arg: %s\n", optarg);break;case 'X':printf("Option X was provided\n");break;case '?':printf("Unknown option: %c\n", optopt);break;case ':':printf("Missing arg for %c\n", optopt);break;case 1:printf("Non-option arg: %s\n", optarg);break;}}return 0;

当存在 non option出现时候,getopt_long函数返回值为 1


Command line optionsOutput
./a.out x y z -a foo

Non-option arg: x

Non-option arg: y

Non-option arg: z

Option a has arg: foo

./a.out x -a foo y -b bar z -X w

Non-option arg: x

Option a has arg: foo

Non-option arg: y

Option b has arg: bar

Non-option arg: z

Option X was provided

Non-option arg: w

./a.out -t x -a foo -M y -b bar z -X w -b
Unknown option: t
Non-option arg: x
Option a has arg: foo
Unknown option: M
Non-option arg: y
Option b has arg: bar
Non-option arg: z
Option X was provided
Non-option arg: w
Missing arg for b



1. 选项个数受限,对于小程序这个倒没事,但是对于一个复杂的程序就显着不足,

2. 无法记住短选项的意思,比如 -a代表add,但是无法代表alter等

看一下rsync和wget你就会发现有很多的参数,而 getopt_long就是处理长选项的函数。

int getopt_long(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring, const struct option *longopts, int *longindex);

argc 代表参数的个数

argv 代表保存各个参数的数组,每个参数是一个字符串

optstring 代表短选项的字符串

longopts 代表长选项的配置数组指针

longindex 代表 longopts数组的索引的指针

struct option 
{const char *name;    /* name without -- in front                                  */int         has_arg; /* one of: no_argument, required_argument, optional_argument */int        *flag;    /* how the results are returned                              */int         val;     /* the value to return or to put in flag                     */
};static struct option long_options[] = {{"add",     required_argument, NULL,  0 },{"append",  no_argument,       NULL,  0 },{"delete",  required_argument, NULL,  0 },{"verbose", no_argument,       NULL,  0 },{"create",  required_argument, NULL,  0 },{"file",    optional_argument, NULL,  0 },{NULL,      0,                 NULL,  0 }};

如果flag为NULL,则这个 getopt_long函数返回 val 

如果flag为指针,则将val放到flag指针中,这个getopt_long函数返回 0 


#include <getopt.h> /* getopt */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit   */
#include <stdio.h>  /* printf */int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int c;while (1) {int option_index = 0;static struct option long_options[] = {{"add",     required_argument, NULL,  'a'},{"append",  no_argument,       NULL,  'p'},{"delete",  required_argument, NULL,  'd'},{"verbose", no_argument,       NULL,  'v'},{"create",  required_argument, NULL,  'c'},{"file",    optional_argument, NULL,  'f'},{NULL,      0,                 NULL,    0}};/* Still need to provide an option string for the short options */c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "-:a:pd:vc:f::", long_options, &option_index);if (c == -1)break;switch (c) {case 0:printf("long option %s", long_options[option_index].name);if (optarg)printf(" with arg %s", optarg);printf("\n");break;case 1:printf("regular argument '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'a':printf("option a with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'p':printf("option p\n");break;case 'd':printf("option d with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'v':printf("option v\n");break;case 'c':printf("option c with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'f':printf("option f with value '%s'\n", optarg ? optarg : "NULL");break;case '?':printf("Unknown option %c\n", optopt);break;case ':':printf("Missing option for %c\n", optopt);break;default:printf("?? getopt returned character code %c ??\n", c);}


Command lineOutput
./a.out --delete=foo -c5 --add=yes --append
option d with value 'foo'
option c with value '5'
option a with value 'yes'
option p
./a.out --d=foo --ad=yes --ap
option d with value 'foo'
option a with value 'yes'
option p
./a.out --create=5 --create 6 --c=7 --c 8  
option c with value '5'
option c with value '6'
option c with value '7'
option c with value '8'
./a.out --file=5 --file 6 --file7
option f with value '5'
option f with value 'NULL'
regular argument '6'
Unknown option 


4. 传true或false


gcc -c foo.c   // -c 就是一个flag,代表true只编译不链接。如果不写,则进行编译和链接。
#include <getopt.h> /* getopt */
#include <stdio.h>  /* printf *//* File scope flags, all default to 0 */
static int f_add;
static int f_append;
static int f_create;
static int f_delete;
static int f_verbose;int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int c;while (1) {int option_index = 0;static struct option long_options[] = {{"add",     no_argument, &f_add,     1},{"append",  no_argument, &f_append,  1},{"create",  no_argument, &f_create,  1},{"delete",  no_argument, &f_delete,  1},{"verbose", no_argument, &f_verbose, 1},{NULL,      0,           NULL,       0}};c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "-:", long_options, &option_index);printf("the value of c : %d\n",c);if (c == -1)break;switch (c) {case 1:printf("non option argument '%s'\n", optarg);break;case '?':printf("Unknown option %c\n", optopt);break;}}printf("    f_add: %i\n", f_add);printf(" f_append: %i\n", f_append);printf(" f_delete: %i\n", f_delete);printf(" f_create: %i\n", f_create);printf("f_verbose: %i\n", f_verbose);return 0;


Command lineOutput
./a.out --verbose --create
    f_add: 0f_append: 0f_delete: 0f_create: 1
f_verbose: 1
./a.out --verbose --append --create --add --delete
    f_add: 1f_append: 1f_delete: 1f_create: 1
f_verbose: 1
./a.out --v --c --ap --ad --d
    f_add: 1f_append: 1f_delete: 1f_create: 1
f_verbose: 1
./a.out -v -c -d -a
Unknown option v
Unknown option c
Unknown option d
Unknown option af_add: 0f_append: 0f_delete: 0f_create: 0
f_verbose: 0

如果flag为NULL,则这个 getopt_long函数返回 val 

如果flag为指针,则将val放到flag指针中,这个getopt_long函数返回 0 

5. 我的小代码

#include <stdio.h>     /* for printf */
#include <stdlib.h>    /* for exit */
#include <getopt.h>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int c;int digit_optind = 0;// 默认为0static int f_flag;while (1) {int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;int option_index = 0;static struct option long_options[] = {{"add",     required_argument, 0, 'a'},{"append",  no_argument,       0, 'p'},{"delete",  required_argument, 0, 'd'},{"verbose", no_argument,       0, 'v'},{"create",  required_argument, 0, 'c'},{"file",    optional_argument, 0, 'f'},{"help",    no_argument,       0, 'h'},{"flag",    no_argument, &f_flag,  1 },{0,         0,                 0,  0 }};c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "-:a:pd:vc:f::h",long_options, &option_index);//printf("the value of c : %d\n",c)if (c == -1)break;switch (c) {case 0:printf("%s (true of false),the flag value is %d\n", long_options[option_index].name,f_flag);break;case 1:printf("non option argument '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'a':printf("option a or add with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'p':printf("option p or append\n");break;case 'd':printf("option d or delete with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'v':printf("option v or verbose\n");break;case 'c':printf("option c or create with value '%s'\n", optarg);break;case 'f':printf("option f or file with value '%s'\n", optarg ? optarg : "NULL");break;case '?':printf("Unknown option %c\n", optopt);break;case ':':printf("Missing option for %c\n", optopt);break;default:	printf("Usage: %s [OPTION...] IMAGE [args]\n\n", argv[0]);printf("\t-a,--add           add somethings(required argument)\n");printf("\t-p,--append        append somethings(no argument)\n");printf("\t-d,--delete        delete somethings(required argument)\n");printf("\t-v,--verbose       show the verbose(no argument)\n");printf("\t-c,--create        create somethings(required argument)\n");printf("\t-f,--file          add a file(required argument)\n");printf("\t-h,--help          help(no argument)\n");printf("\t--flag             flag 0 or 1(no argument)\n");printf("\n");exit(0);}} exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

这个代码可以输出帮助信息,以及 上述0、1、2、3、4等各种问题的结合版,可以参考,谢谢。


1. Example of Getopt (The GNU C Library)

2. man 3 getopt

3.Mead's Guide To getopt




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