[足式机器人]Part4 南科大高等机器人控制课 CH12 Robotic Motion Control

Prof. Wei Zhang
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南科大高等机器人控制课 Ch12 Robotic Motion Control

  • 1. Basic Linear Control Design
    • 1.1 Error Response
    • 1.2 Standard Second-Order Systems
    • 1.3 Second-Order Response Characteristics
    • 1.4 State-Space Controller Design
  • 2. Motion Control Problems
    • 2.1 Robotic Motion Control Problem
    • 2.2 Variations in Robot Motion Control
  • 3. Motion Control with Velocity/Acceleration as Input
    • 3.1 Velocity-Resolved Control
      • 3.2.1 Velocity-Resolved Joint Space Control
      • 3.2.2 Velocity-Resolved Task Space Control
    • 3.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control
      • 3.2.1 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Joint Space
      • 3.2.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Task Space
  • 4. Motion Control with Torque as Input and Task Space Inverse Dynamics
    • 4.1 Recall Properties of Robot Dynamics
    • 4.2 Computed Torque Control
    • 4.3 Inverse Dynamics Control

机器人——运动能力、计算能力、感知决策能力 的机电系统

1. Basic Linear Control Design

1.1 Error Response

Steady-state error : e s s = lim ⁡ t → ∞ θ e ( t ) e_{\mathrm{ss}}=\underset{t\rightarrow \infty}{\lim}\theta _{\mathrm{e}}\left( t \right) ess=tlimθe(t)

Precent overshoot : P.O.

Rise time / Peak time :

Settling time : T s T_{\mathrm{s}} Ts

1.2 Standard Second-Order Systems

详细推导见 : (待补充)

1.3 Second-Order Response Characteristics

详细推导见 : (待补充)

1.4 State-Space Controller Design


  • Eigenvalue assignment : Find control gain K K K such that e i g ( A − B K ) = e i g d e s i r e d eig\left( A-BK \right) =eig_{\mathrm{desired}} eig(ABK)=eigdesired
  • Solvability : We can always find such K K K if ( A , B ) \left( A,B \right) (A,B) is controllable ( r a n k ( m c ) = n rank\left( m_{\mathrm{c}} \right) =n rank(mc)=n)
  • How to choose desired eigs? —— refer to 2nd-order system
    specification (P.O. T s T_{\mathrm{s}} Ts T p T_{\mathrm{p}} Tp) ⇒ a r t \overset{art}{\Rightarrow} art dominant poles + other poles ⇒ \Rightarrow e i g d e s i r e d eig_{\mathrm{desired}} eigdesired ⇒ s c i e n c e \overset{science}{\Rightarrow} science K K K

2. Motion Control Problems

2.1 Robotic Motion Control Problem

Dynamic equation of fully-acuated robot (with external force) : { τ = M ( q ) q ¨ + c ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) + J T ( q ) F e x t y = h ( q ) \begin{cases} \tau =M\left( q \right) \ddot{q}+c\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) +J^{\mathrm{T}}\left( q \right) \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}}\\ y=h\left( q \right)\\ \end{cases} {τ=M(q)q¨+c(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)+JT(q)Fexty=h(q)
q ∈ R n q\in \mathbb{R} ^n qRn : joint positions (generalized coordinate)
τ ∈ R n \tau \in \mathbb{R} ^n τRn : joint torque (generalized input)
y y y : output (variable to be controlled) —— can be any func of q q q , e.g. y = q , y = [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y=q,y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y=q,y=[T(q)]SE(3)

  • Motion Control Problems : Let y y y track given reference y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd
    often times q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd is given by planner represented by polynomials , so that q ˙ d , q ¨ d \dot{q}_{\mathrm{d}},\ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}} q˙d,q¨d can be easily obtained

2.2 Variations in Robot Motion Control

  • Joint-space vs. Task-space control
    Joint-space : y ( t ) = q ( t ) y\left( t \right) =q\left( t \right) y(t)=q(t) , i.e. , want q ( t ) q\left( t \right) q(t) to track a given q d ( t ) q_{\mathrm{d}}\left( t \right) qd(t) joint reference
    Task-space : y ( t ) = [ T ( q ( t ) ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y\left( t \right) =\left[ T\left( q\left( t \right) \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y(t)=[T(q(t))]SE(3) denotes end-effector pose/configuration, we want y ( t ) y\left( t \right) y(t) to track y d ( t ) y_{\mathrm{d}}\left( t \right) yd(t)

  • Actuation models:
    Velocity source : u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ —— directly control velocity
    Acceleration sources : u = q ¨ u=\ddot{q} u=q¨ —— directly control acceleration
    Torque sources : u = τ u=\tau u=τ —— directly control torque
    Acutation model make sense if for ant given u u u , the joint velocity q ˙ \dot{q} q˙ can immediatly reach u u u

Motion Control Problem
Design u u u to set y y y track desired reference y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd

  • Depending on our assumption on u / y u/y u/y
    output y y y —— 6大基本问题
    y ↔ q ∈ R n y\leftrightarrow q\in \mathbb{R} ^n yqRn - joint variable : Joint space motion control (Velocity-resolved Joint-space control ; Acceleration-resolved Joint-space control ; Torque-resolved Joint-space control ; )
    y ↔ [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y\leftrightarrow \left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y[T(q)]SE(3) or y = f ( q ) y=f\left( q \right) y=f(q) - task space variable - e.g. origin of end-effector frame : Task space motion control (Velocity-resolved Task-space ; Acceleration-resolved Task-space ; Torque-resolved Task-space ; )

Linear control / feedback lineariazation

3. Motion Control with Velocity/Acceleration as Input

3.1 Velocity-Resolved Control

Each joints’ velocity q ˙ i \dot{q}_{\mathrm{i}} q˙i can be directly controlled

Good approximation for hydraulic actuators

Common approxiamtion of the outer-loop control for the Inner / outer loop control setup

3.2.1 Velocity-Resolved Joint Space Control

Joint-space ‘dynamics’ : single integrator q ˙ = u \dot{q}=u q˙=u

Joint-space tracking becomes standard linear tracking control problem : u = q ˙ d + K 0 q ¨ ⇒ q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ¨ = 0 u=\dot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_0\ddot{q}\Rightarrow \dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\ddot{q}=0 u=q˙d+K0q¨q~˙+K0q¨=0 , where q ~ = q d − q \tilde{q}=q_{\mathrm{d}}-q q~=qdq is the joint position error. —— stable if e i g ( − K 0 ) ∈ O L H P eig\left( -K_0 \right) \in OLHP eig(K0)OLHP

The error dynamic is stable if − K 0 -K_0 K0 is Hurwitz

3.2.2 Velocity-Resolved Task Space Control

For task space control , y = [ T ( q ) ] y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] y=[T(q)] needs to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd , y y y can be ant function of q q q, in particular , it can represents position and/or the end-effector frame

Taking derivatives of y y y , and letting u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ , we have : y ˙ = J a ( q ) u \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u y˙=Ja(q)u
Note that q q q is function of y y y through inverse kinematics ( q = I K ( y ) q=IK\left( y \right) q=IK(y))
So the above dynamics can be written in terms of y y y and u u u only. The detailed form can be quite complex in general y ˙ = J a ( I K ( y ) ) u \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( IK\left( y \right) \right) u y˙=Ja(IK(y))u

  1. Let v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy be virtual control y ˙ = v y \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙=vy design v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd (same as above)
  2. Find actual control u u u such that J a ( I K ( y ) ) u ≈ v y J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( IK\left( y \right) \right) u\approx v_{\mathrm{y}} Ja(IK(y))uvy

We can design outer-loop controller as if we can directly control y ˙ \dot{y} y˙
y ˙ = v y = y ˙ d + K ( y d − y ) ⟹ p l u g i n y ˙ = v y y ~ ˙ = − K y ~ \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}}=\dot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K\left( y_{\mathrm{d}}-y \right) \overset{plug\,\,in\,\,\dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}}\,\,}{\Longrightarrow}\dot{\tilde{y}}=-K\tilde{y} y˙=vy=y˙d+K(ydy)pluginy˙=vyy~˙=Ky~
We can select K K K such that − K -K K is Hurtwiz , object of inner loop : determine u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ such that y ˙ ≈ v y \dot{y}\approx v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙vy

System(2) is nonlinear system , a commeon way is to break it into inner-outer loop , where the outer loop directly control velocity of y y y, and the inner loop tries to find u u u to generate desired task space velocity

Outer loop : y ˙ = v y \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙=vy , where control v y = y ˙ d + K 0 y ~ v_{\mathrm{y}}=\dot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_0\tilde{y} vy=y˙d+K0y~ , resulting in task-space closed-loop error dynamics: y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ = 0 \dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}=0 y~˙+K0y~=0

Above task space tracking relies on a fictitious control v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy , i.e. , it assumes y ˙ \dot{y} y˙ can be arbitrarily controlled by selecting appropriate u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ , which is true if J a J_{\mathrm{a}} Ja is full-row rank

Inner loop : Given v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy from the outer loop, find the joint velocity control by solving
{ min ⁡ u ∥ v y − J a ( q ) u ∥ 2 + r e g u l a r i z a t i o n t e r m s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s o n u , e . g . { q ˙ min ⁡ ⩽ u ⩽ q ˙ max ⁡ q min ⁡ ⩽ q + u Δ t ⩽ q max ⁡ \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| v_{\mathrm{y}}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u \right\| ^2+regularization\,\,term\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,on\,\,u\,\,, e.g.\begin{cases} \dot{q}_{\min}\leqslant u\leqslant \dot{q}_{\max}\\ q_{\min}\leqslant q+u\varDelta t\leqslant q_{\max}\\ \end{cases}\\ \end{cases} minuvyJa(q)u2+regularizationtermsubj.to:Constraintsonu,e.g.{q˙minuq˙maxqminq+uΔtqmax
Inner-loop is essentially a differential IK controller
One can also use the pseudo-inverse control u = J a † v y u={J_{\mathrm{a}}}^{\dagger}v_{\mathrm{y}} u=Javy

3.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control

3.2.1 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Joint Space

Joint acceleration cna be directly controlled , resulting in double-integrator dynamics q ¨ = u \ddot{q}=u q¨=u . Given q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd reference , we want q → q d q\rightarrow q_{\mathrm{d}} qqd (double integartor)

Joint-space tracking becomes standard linear tracking control problem for double-integrator system:
u = q ¨ d + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ = 0 , q ~ ∈ R n u=\ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q}=0,\tilde{q}\in \mathbb{R} ^n u=q¨d+K1q~˙+K0q~=0,q~Rn
—— PD control , closed-loop system , where q ~ = q d − q \tilde{q}=q_{\mathrm{d}}-q q~=qdq is the joint position error.

Stablility condition : Let x = [ q ~ q ~ ˙ ] ∈ R 2 n x=\left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{q}\\ \dot{\tilde{q}}\\ \end{array} \right] \in \mathbb{R} ^{2n} x=[q~q~˙]R2n , [ 0 E − K 0 − K 1 ] [ q ~ q ~ ˙ ] , x ˙ = A x \left[ \begin{matrix} 0& E\\ -K_0& -K_1\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{q}\\ \dot{\tilde{q}}\\ \end{array} \right] ,\dot{x}=Ax [0K0EK1][q~q~˙],x˙=Ax
closed-loop system is stable . if e i g ( A ) ∈ O L H P eig\left( A \right) \in OLHP eig(A)OLHP or A A A is Hurwitz

3.2.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Task Space

For task space control , y = [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y=[T(q)]SE(3) needs to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd
Note : For y = f ( q ) y=f\left( q \right) y=f(q) y ˙ = J a ( q ) q ˙ \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q} y˙=Ja(q)q˙ and y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) q ¨ ⇒ y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) u ⇐ \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \ddot{q}\Rightarrow \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u\Leftarrow y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)q¨y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)u nonlinear dynamics

Following the same inner-outer loop strategy deiscussed before . Introduce virtual control , a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay such that y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay , we can design controller for a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay to let y → y d y\rightarrow y_{\mathrm{d}} yyd

Outer-loop dynamics : y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay , with a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay being the outer-loop control input a y = y ¨ d + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ ⇒ y ~ ¨ + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ = 0 a_{\mathrm{y}}=\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}\Rightarrow \ddot{\tilde{y}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}=0 ay=y¨d+K1y~˙+K0y~y~¨+K1y~˙+K0y~=0
—— PD control , stable if [ 0 E − K 0 − K 1 ] \left[ \begin{matrix} 0& E\\ -K_0& -K_1\\ \end{matrix} \right] [0K0EK1] Hurwitz

Inner-loop : given a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay from outer loop , find the “best” joint acceleration:
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a ( q ) u ∥ 2 + r e g u l a r i z a t i o n t e r m s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s o n u \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u \right\| ^2+regularization\,\,term\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,on\,\,u\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙Ja(q)u 2+regularizationtermsubj.to:Constraintsonu
—— u u u : optimization variable , J ˙ a ( q ) , q ˙ , q \dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) ,\dot{q},q J˙a(q),q˙,q - known
{ A c c : q ¨ min ⁡ ⩽ u ⩽ q ¨ max ⁡ V e l : q ˙ min ⁡ ⩽ q + u Δ t ⩽ q ˙ max ⁡ \begin{cases} Acc\,\,: \ddot{q}_{\min}\leqslant u\leqslant \ddot{q}_{\max}\\ Vel\,\,: \dot{q}_{\min}\leqslant q+u\varDelta t\leqslant \dot{q}_{\max}\\ \end{cases} {Acc:q¨minuq¨maxVel:q˙minq+uΔtq˙max

Mathematically , the above problem is the same as the Differential IK problem

At any given time , q ˙ , q \dot{q},q q˙,q can be measured , and then y , y ˙ y,\dot{y} y,y˙ can be computed, which allows us to compute outer loop control a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay and inner loop control u u u

4. Motion Control with Torque as Input and Task Space Inverse Dynamics

4.1 Recall Properties of Robot Dynamics

For fully actuated robot :
τ = M ( q ) q ¨ + C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) \tau =M\left( q \right) \ddot{q}+C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) τ=M(q)q¨+C(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)
M ( q ) = ∑ J i T [ I i ] 6 × 6 J i ∈ R n × n M\left( q \right) =\sum{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\left[ \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}} \right] _{6\times 6}J_{\mathrm{i}}}\in \mathbb{R} ^{n\times n} M(q)=JiT[Ii]6×6JiRn×n

There are many valid difinitions of C ( q , q ˙ ) C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) C(q,q˙) , typical choice for C C C include:
C i j = ∑ k 1 2 ( ∂ M i j ∂ q k + ∂ M i k ∂ q j − ∂ M j k ∂ q i ) C_{\mathrm{ij}}=\sum_k^{}{\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ij}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{k}}}+\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ik}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{j}}}-\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{jk}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{i}}} \right)} Cij=k21(qkMij+qjMikqiMjk)
For the above defined C C C , we have M ˙ − 2 C \dot{M}-2C M˙2C is skew symmetric
For all valid C C C, we have q ˙ T [ M ˙ − 2 C ] q ˙ = 0 \dot{q}^{\mathrm{T}}\left[ \dot{M}-2C \right] \dot{q}=0 q˙T[M˙2C]q˙=0
These properties play improtant role in designing motion controller

4.2 Computed Torque Control

For fully-actuated robot, we have M ( q ) ≻ 0 M\left( q \right) \succ 0 M(q)0 and q ¨ \ddot{q} q¨ can be arbitrarily specified through torque control u = τ u=\tau u=τ
q ¨ = M − 1 ( q ) [ u − C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ − g ( q ) ] \ddot{q}=M^{-1}\left( q \right) \left[ u-C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}-g\left( q \right) \right] q¨=M1(q)[uC(q,q˙)q˙g(q)]

we know how to design controller if u = q ¨ u=\ddot{q} u=q¨
Thus , for fully-acuated robot, torque controlled case can be reduced to the acceleration-resolved case

Outer loop: q ¨ = a q \ddot{q}=a_{\mathrm{q}} q¨=aq with joint acceleration as control input
a q = q ¨ + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ ⇒ q ~ ¨ + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ = 0 a_{\mathrm{q}}=\ddot{q}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}\Rightarrow \ddot{\tilde{q}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q}=0 aq=q¨+K1y~˙+K0y~q~¨+K1q~˙+K0q~=0

Inner loop : since M ( q ) M\left( q \right) M(q) is square and nonsingular , inner loop control u u u can be found analytically:
u = M ( q ) ( q ¨ d + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ ) + C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) u=M\left( q \right) \left( \ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q} \right) +C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) u=M(q)(q¨d+K1q~˙+K0q~)+C(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)
The control law is a function of q , q ˙ q,\dot{q} q,q˙ and the reference q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd. It is called computed-torque control.

The control law also relies on system model M , C , g M,C,g M,C,g if these model information are not accurate, the control will not perform well.
y = f ( q ) , y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) M − 1 ( u − C − g ) y=f\left( q \right) ,\ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1}\left( u-C-g \right) y=f(q),y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)M1(uCg)
Idea easily extends to task space : y ˙ = J a ( q ) q ˙ \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q} y˙=Ja(q)q˙ and y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) q ¨ \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \ddot{q} y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)q¨ —— τ = u = τ , q ¨ = M − 1 [ u − C − g ] \tau =u=\tau ,\ddot{q}=M^{-1}\left[ u-C-g \right] τ=u=τ,q¨=M1[uCg]

Outer loop : y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay and a y = y ¨ d + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ a_{\mathrm{y}}=\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y} ay=y¨d+K1y~˙+K0y~

Inner loop : sekect torque control u = τ u=\tau u=τ by
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a ( q ) M − 1 ( u − C q ˙ − g ) ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1}\left( u-C\dot{q}-g \right) \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙Ja(q)M1(uCq˙g) 2subj.to:Constraints
If J a J_{\mathrm{a}} Jais invertible and we don’t impose additional torque constraints, analytical control law can be easily obtained —— u = ( J a ( q ) M − 1 ) − 1 ( a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ . . . ) u=\left( J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1} \right) ^{-1}\left( a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}... \right) u=(Ja(q)M1)1(ayJ˙a(q)q˙...)

4.3 Inverse Dynamics Control

The computed-torque controller above is also canned inverse dynamics control

Forward dynamics : given τ \tau τ to compute q ¨ \ddot{q} q¨ —— from torque to motion

Inverse dynamics : given desired acceleration a q a_{\mathrm{q}} aq, we inverted it to find the required control by u = M a q + C q ˙ + g u=Ma_{\mathrm{q}}+C\dot{q}+g u=Maq+Cq˙+g

Task space case can be viewed as inverting the task space dynamics —— Given a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay ( y y y task space) , find τ \tau τ such that y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay

With recent advances in optimization , it is often preferred to do ID with quedratic program
For example, above equation can be viewed as task-space ID. We can incorporate torque contraints explicitly as follows:
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a M − 1 ( u − C q ˙ − g ) ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : u − ⩽ u ⩽ u + \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}M^{-1}\left( u-C\dot{q}-g \right) \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: u_-\leqslant u\,\,\leqslant u_+\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙JaM1(uCq˙g) 2subj.to:uuu+
optimization variable u ∈ R n u\in \mathbb{R} ^n uRn

This is equivalent to the following more popular form:
{ min ⁡ u , q ¨ ∥ a y − J ˙ a q ˙ − J a q ¨ ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : M q ¨ + C q ˙ + g = u u − ⩽ u ∈ R n ⩽ u + \begin{cases} \underset{u,\ddot{q}}{\min}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\ddot{q} \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: \begin{array}{c} M\ddot{q}+C\dot{q}+g=u\\ u_-\leqslant u\in \mathbb{R} ^n\,\,\leqslant u_+\,\,\\ \end{array}\\ \end{cases} u,q¨min ayJ˙aq˙Jaq¨ 2subj.to:Mq¨+Cq˙+g=uuuRnu+
optimization variable u , q ¨ ∈ R n u,\ddot{q}\in \mathbb{R} ^n u,q¨Rn





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前面的文章里卡卡介绍了哈里斯鹰优化算法(Harris Hawks Optimization, HHO).HHO是 Heidari等[1]于2019年提出的一种新型元启发式算法,设计灵感来源于哈里斯鹰在捕食猎物过程中的合作行为以及突然袭击的狩猎风格,具有需调参数少、原理简单易实现、局部搜索…

4.20 构建onnx结构模型-Reduce

前言 构建onnx方式通常有两种: 1、通过代码转换成onnx结构,比如pytorch —> onnx 2、通过onnx 自定义结点,图,生成onnx结构 本文主要是简单学习和使用两种不同onnx结构, 下面以 Reduce 结点进行分析 方式 方法…




目录 一、开源项目 二、项目来源 三、使用框架 四、小程序功能 1、用户功能 2、管理员功能 五、使用docker快速部署 六、更新信息 审核说明 一、开源项目 猫咪信息点-ruoyi-cat: 1、一直想做点项目进行学习与练手,所以做了一个对自己来说可以完成的…


个人主页点击直达:小白不是程序媛 Linux专栏:Liunx系统化学习 代码仓库:Gitee 目录 获取函数返回值 退出码 进程退出的场景 错误码 信号终止异常代码 进程的终止 main函数直接return exit函数 _exit函数 获取函数返回值 在C语言学…


目录 一、蜂鸣器驱动原理 二、硬件原理分析 三、实验程序编写 1、 修改设备树文件 (1)添加pinctrl节点 (2)添加BEEP设备节点 (3)检查PIN 是否被其他外设使用 2、蜂鸣器驱动程序编写 3、编写测试AP…


最近有个新的业务、主要涉及多层级的动态表单提交,其中又涉及很多类型,踩了很多坑之后,终于研发完毕。 传来的数据格式处理 传来的数据格式涉及比较多的内容,以下举例一个,涉及到规则的填写 规则写法有两种&#xff…


本文是在原本数据结构与算法闯关的基础上总结得来,加入了自己的理解和部分习题讲解 原活动链接 邀请码: JL57F5 目录 算法和数据结构1、什么是算法?2、什么是数据结构?3、算法和数据结构之间的关系4、时间复杂度5、数据结构 : 什么是数组&#xff1f…

帆软FineBi V6版本经验总结

帆软FineBi V6版本经验总结 BI分析出现背景 ​ 现在是一个大数据的时代,每时每刻都有海量的明细数据出现。这时大数据时代用户思维是:1、数据的爆炸式增长,人们比起明细数据,更在意样本的整体特征、相互关系。2、基于明细的“小…

城市分站优化系统源码:提升百度关键排名 附带完整的搭建教程

城市分站优化已成为企业网络营销的重要手段,今天来给大家分享一款城市分站优化系统源码。 以下是部分代码示例: 系统特色功能一览: 1.多城市分站管理:该系统支持多个城市分站的管理,用户可以根据业务需求,…


源码介绍: Uniapp开发的软件库全新带勋章功能,搭建好后台 在前端找到 util 这个文件 把两个js文件上面的填上自己的域名,电脑需要下载:HBuilderX 登录账号 没有账号就注册账号, 然后上传文件,打包选择 “…


什么是虚拟化: 虚拟化(Virtualization)技术最早出现在 20 世纪 60 年代的 IBM 大型机系统,在70年代的 System 370 系列中逐渐流行起来,这些机器通过一种叫虚拟机监控器(Virtual Machine Monitor,VMM&#x…


文章目录 前言一、在Shader中使用转化矩阵1、在顶点着色器中定义转化矩阵2、用 UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE 区分平台矩阵3、定义一个枚举用于区分当前是处于什么相机 二、我们在DirectX平台下,看看效果1、正交相机下2、透视相机下3、最终代码 前言 在上一篇文章中&…

图像的颜色及Halcon颜色空间转换transfrom_rgb/trans_to_rgb/create_color_trans lut

图像的颜色及Halcon颜色空间转换 文章目录 图像的颜色及Halcon颜色空间转换一. 图像的色彩空间1. RGB颜色 2. 灰度图像3. HSV/ HSI二. Bayer 图像三. 颜色空间的转换1. trans_from_rgb算子2. trans_to_rgb算子3. create_color_trans_lut算子 图像的颜色能真实地反映人眼所见的真…


目录 17.2.2 添加自定义工具提示 bar_descriptions.py 17.2.3 根据数据绘图 python_repos.py 17.2.4 在图表中添加可单击的链接 python_repos.py 17.3 Hacker News API hn_submissions.py 17.4 小结 往期快速传送门👆(在文章最后)&a…

Visual Studio 配置DLL

我们在用Visual Studio进行开发时,如果没有正确配置DLL,就会出现类似“丢失***.dll”的错误。DLL配置有哪些方法? 1、手动复制 将dll文件拷贝到生成的.exe所在的文件夹里 2、配置环境 在右键属性->配置属性->调试->环境&#xf…

鸿蒙(HarmonyOS 3.1) DevEco Studio 3.1开发环境汉化

鸿蒙(HarmonyOS 3.1) DevEco Studio 3.1开发环境汉化 一、安装环境 操作系统: Windows 10 专业版 IDE:DevEco Studio 3.1 SDK:HarmonyOS 3.1 二、设置过程 打开IDE,在第一个菜单File 中找到Settings...菜单 在Setting...中找到Plugins…