外刊精读第01篇 (Economist Jun 4th 2016) Avoiding sunburn


Avoiding sunburn  避免晒伤
      Patched up      晒时贴一片


How to avoid solar overexposure, and still get a tan?


1 .SUN cream is a fickle friend. It protects against burn-inducing ultraviolet (UV) light, but only for a period. And the first ( most people know of)  ( when that period is up ) is the sickening sensation ( that their skin is starting to catch fire ) -by which time it is too late to act. But Justin Gooding ( of the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia) , now thinks he has a solution for those ( who might otherwise risk overdoing it on Bondi Beach) : a stick-on UV sensor ( that can be tuned to give warning when a new slap of protection would be advisable ). 





2. Dr Gooding's invention, ( described in this month's ACS Sensors,) is based on titanium oxide. This is a compound ( well known to shed (释放) high-energy electrons if hit by UV ) . When those electrons interact with water and molecular oxygen, they generate reactive groups of atoms ( called free-radicals ). Dr Gooding suspected that these radicals could be used to trigger changes in the sorts of dyes ( employed to colour food ).

3. To test this idea, he and his colleagues filled the cartridges of an inkjet printer with a series of solutions ( consisting of three ingredients) . One was titanium dioxide. The second was one of several food dyes, (including lemon yellow and sunset yellow, green and blue ). The third was polyvinylpyrrolidone, ( a substance which bound the other two components together to form a suitable "ink" for printing). The researchers then sprayed this ink onto sheets of paper, put those sheets under a lamp (that mimicked the sun's output, UV and all ), and waited to see what happened. As a control, they put similar sheets under the lamp when it was masked with a filter ( that intercepted the UV part of its output ).

4. As they had hoped, all of the sheets ( exposed to the unfiltered light ) changed colour. The changes ( most noticeable to the naked eye ) were that the green dye turned red and the blue turned yellow. By contrast, the control sheets remained unaffected.
5. The principle established, the next question ( Dr Gooding and his colleagues needed to address ) was how to modulate the dyes' responses so that they would give appropriate and timely warning of potential overexposure. That task was made harder by the fact ( that darker skin and higher-factor(高防护系数) sun cream permit longer safe-exposure periods ).

6. To start with, they tried tinkering with the mixture of ingredients in the ink. This worked, but only to a point. The maximum ( by which such tinkering could delay the colour change ) was half an hour. Given that strong sun creams and darkly pigmented skin delay(谓语) burn times by up to five hours, the researchers realised that they needed a different approach if they were going to create a useful product. They therefore started experimenting with cheap, non-toxic UV-filtering films of various opacities, and found that the strongest of these could delay the sensor's colour change by 9 1/2 hours-nearly twice what was needed.



7. As a result, it is possible to work out, for any combination of skin tone and sun-cream protection factor (from ten to 50), what strength of filter is required to cause a particular colour change to happen sufficiently in advance of a burn beginning to form to provide useful warning. The colour change is gradual, so in a commercial product a reference strip ( showing the warning colour ) would need to be included in the sensor, to let the wearer calibrate what was going on. That done, though, the upshot would be something that could safely and easily be stuck onto the skin like a plaster, and could be printed in huge volumes at little cost. After use it would leave behind a sensor-shaped patch of light-coloured skin. But that is probably better than the look of lobster thermidor.

band-aid  n.创可贴



How to avoid solar overexposure, and still get a tan?怎样在避免晒伤的同时,晒个美美的小麦肤?
1 .SUN cream is a fickle friend. It protects against burn一inducing ultraviolet (UV) light, but only for a period. And the first most people know of when that period is up is the sickening sensation that their skin is starting to catch fire-by which time it is too late to act. But Justin Gooding of the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia, now thinks he has a solution for those who might otherwise risk overdoing it on Bondi Beach: a stick-on UV sensor that can be tuned to give warning when a new slap of protection would be advisable.译文:防晒箱就是个不靠谱的朋友,已虽能抵挡灼人的紫外线,但也只能维持一小段时问。等防晒箱失效时,大多数人首先会感到极其难受,皮肤就像要着火一样,而这个时候再采取任何行动都为时已晚。但是澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔十人学的贾斯汀。古丁目前认为,对J飞那些可能会在邦迪海滩晒伤的人,他有一个应对的法子:可以将一个紫外线传感器贴在身上,等需要新一轮防晒措施时,这个传感器便可以小警。
2. Dr Gooding's invention, described in this month's ACS Sensors, is based on titanium oxide. This is a compound well known to shed high-energy electrons if hit by UV. When those electrons interact
with water and molecular oxygen, they generate reactive groups of atoms called free-radicals. Dr Gooding suspected that these radicals could be used to trigger changes in the sorts of dyes employed to colour food.
译文:本月的ACS Sensors介绍了古丁博十的这一发明,其基础材料是氧化钦。众所周知,该化合物经紫外线照射会释放出高能电子。当这些电子与水和分子氧接触时,就会产生被称为自山基的活性原子组。古丁博十怀疑这些自山基可以用来引发食品染色剂内部的变化。

3. To test this idea, he and his colleagues filled the cartridges of an inkjet printer with a series of solutions consisting of three ingredients. One was titanium dioxide. The second was one of several food dyes, including lemon yellow and sunset yellow, green and blue. The third was polyvinylpyrrolidone, a substance which bound the other two components together to form a suitable "ink" for printing. The researchers then sprayed this ink onto sheets of paper, put those sheets under a lamp that mimicked the sun's output, UV and all, and waited to see what happened. As a control, they put similar sheets under the lamp when it was masked with a filter that intercepted the UV part of its output.

4. As they had hoped, all of the sheets exposed to the unfiltered light changed colour. The changesmost noticeable to the naked eye were that the green dye turned red and the blue turned yellow. By contrast, the control sheets remained unaffected.
5. The principle established, the next question Dr Gooding and his colleagues needed to address was how to modulate the dyes' responses so that they would give appropriate and timely warning of potential overexposure. That task was made harder by the fact that darker skin and higher-factor sun cream permit longer safe-exposure periods.
6. To start with, they tried tinkering with the mixture of ingredients in the ink. This worked, but only to a point. The maximum by which such tinkering could delay the colour change was half an hour. Given that strong sun creams and darkly pigmented skin delay burn times by up to five hours, the researchers realised that they needed a different approach if they were going to create a useful product. They therefore started experimenting with cheap, non-toxic UV-filtering films of various opacities, and found that the strongest of these could delay the sensor's colour change by 9 1/2 hours-nearly twice what was needed.
7. As a result, it is possible to work out, for any combination of skin tone and sun-cream protection factor (from ten to 50), what strength of filter is required to cause a particular colour change to happen sufficiently in advance of a burn beginning to form to provide useful warning. The colour change is gradual, so in a commercial product a reference strip showing the warning colour would need to be included in the sensor, to let the wearer calibrate what was going on. That done, though, the upshot would be something that could safely and easily be stuck onto the skin like a plaster, and could be printed in huge volumes at little cost. After use it would leave behind a sensor-shaped patch of light-coloured skin. But that is probably better than the look of lobster thermidor.
译文:因此,对任何一种肤色和不同防晒指数的防晒霜 10-50)的组合,都可以找出相对应的过滤强度,以引起特定的颜色变化,在晒伤之前就能提供警告信息。这种颜色变化是缓慢的,所以对于一种商业产品来说,需要在传感器中加入一个指小条来提供警小的颜色变化,这样穿戴者就可以对皮肤状况了如指掌了。如此一来,便可以制造出一种可以像创可贴一样贴在皮肤上的贴片,这种产品不仅薪贴简单安全,而目_能以低成本人批量生产。不过,使用过后,用户身上会显露出一块传感器形状的浅色皮肤。但是,这应该也比法式焗酿龙虾的颜色好看多了。




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