文献速递:肿瘤分割---- 弱监督肝肿瘤分割,使用Couinaud区段标注

文献速递:肿瘤分割---- 弱监督肝肿瘤分割,使用Couinaud区段标注



肝癌是世界上导致癌症死亡的主要原因之一,也是第二大常见的癌症死因。本稿件于2021年10月28日收到,2021年11月24日修订,2021年12月1日接受。发表日期为2021年12月6日;当前版本日期为2022年5月2日。此项工作得到了07180216号健康和医学研究基金项目的支持。(通讯作者:袁邦成。)吕飞和袁邦成与香港浸会大学计算机科学系合作(电子邮件:feilyu@comp.hkbu.edu.hk; pcyuen@comp.hkbu.edu.hk)。马俊浩与中山大学计算机科学与工程学院合作,位于中国广州510006(电子邮件:majh8@mail.sysu.edu.cn)。叶卓锋和黄丽红与香港中文大学医学及治疗学系和消化疾病研究所的医学数据分析中心合作(电子邮件:terryfungyip@gmail.com; wonglaihung@cuhk.edu.hk)。数字对象标识符10.1109/TMI.2021.3132905




Weakly Supervised Liver Tumor Segmentation Using Couinaud Segment Annotation




Automaticliver tumor segmentationis of great importance for assisting doctors in liver cancer diagnosis and treatment planning.Recently,deep learning approaches trained with pixel-level annotations have contributed many breakthroughs in image segmentation. However, acquiring such accurate dense annotations is time-consuming and labor-intensive,which limits the performance of deep neural networks for medical image segmentation. We note that Couinaud segment is widely used by radiologists when recording liver cancer-related findings in the reports, since it is well-suited for describing the localization of tumors. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to train convolutional networks for liver tumor segmentation using Couinaud segment annotations. Couinaud segment annotations are image-level labels with values ranging from 1 to 8, indicating a specific region of the liver. Our proposed model, namely CouinaudNet, can estimate pseudo tumor masks from the Couinaud segment annotations as pixel-wise supervision for training a fully supervised tumor segmentation model, and it is composed of two components: 1) an inpainting network with Couinaud segment masks which can effectively remove tumors for pathological images by filling the tumor regions with plausible healthy-looking intensities; 2) a difference spotting network for segmenting the tumors, which is trained with healthy-pathological pairs generated by an effective tumor synthesis strategy. The proposed method is extensively evaluated on two liver tumor segmentation datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve competitive performance compared to the fully supervised counterpart and the state-of-the-art methods while requiring significantly less annotation effort.




Most leading deep learning based semantic segmentation methods demand pixel-level supervision, and they are not directly applicable if only Couinaud segment annotations are given. Our CouinaudNet is proposed to address this problem, which can estimate pseudo tumor masks from Couinaud segment annotations as pixel-level supervision. A simple schematic of our proposed method for utilizing Couinaud segment annotation is shown in Fig. 2. Training images can be split into two parts: healthy training images without tumors (label:0), pathological training images with tumors (label: 1∼8). Couinaud scheme can be obtained by an automatic Couinaud Constructor (CC). To remove irrelevant information, only the regions inside the liver are kept after pre-processing (Pre). First, only healthy training images areused to train the proposed CouinaudNet which includes an Inpainting network (I) and a Difference Spotting network (DS). Vessel map detected by the Frangi filter (F) is used as an extra input to assist DS. Next, the trained CouinaudNet is used to estimate pseudo tumor masks for those pathological training images. Finally, we can train a fully supervised Tumor Segmentation model (TS) with all training images and their tumor masks, i.e., healthy images with healthy masks (black masks with no tumors), pathological images with estimated pseudo tumor masks. In the testing phase, only the trained TS is used for inference.




In this paper, we present a weakly-supervised method for liver tumor segmentation based on Couinaud segment annotations. A novel CouinaudNet is introduced to estimate pseudo tumor masks from the Couinaud segment annotations, which can be used as pixel-wise supervision to train deep neural networks for liver tumor segmentation. Our method achieves competitive performances compared to fully supervised methods while requiring significantly less annotation effort. Moreover, Couinaud segment information can be easily extracted from free-text reports with text mining techniques, and our method provides a promising direction for exploring the potential of huge amounts of free-text reports which are stored in hospital archiving and communication systems.




Fig. 1. (a) An example of input CT image, its fully supervised pixel-wise tumor mask annotation, and weakly supervised Couinaud segment annotation used in our method, which is a number ranging from 1 to 8 and refers to a specific region of the liver. We annotate healthy images without tumors using label 0, and annotate those pathological images with tumors using Couinaud segment annotations (1 ∼ 8) indicating the tumor location. (b) The Couinaud segment mask can be derived from the Couinaud segment annotation based on Couinaud scheme. Couinaud scheme is the widely used system which divides the liver into eight functionally independent segments based on its vascular structure. Automatic methods have been successfully applied to construct the Couinaud scheme from CT volumes without manual efforts.

图1.(a)输入CT图像的示例,其全监督像素级肿瘤掩模注释,以及我们方法中使用的弱监督Couinaud区段注释,该注释是一个从1到8的数字,指的是肝脏的特定区域。我们使用标签0来注释没有肿瘤的健康图像,并使用Couinaud区段注释(1 ∼ 8)来注释那些有肿瘤的病理图像,表明肿瘤位置。(b)基于Couinaud方案,可以从Couinaud区段注释中推导出Couinaud区段掩模。Couinaud方案是一种广泛使用的系统,根据肝脏的血管结构将肝脏划分为八个功能独立的区段。自动化方法已成功应用于从CT体积图像中构建Couinaud方案,无需人工努力。


Fig. 2. Schematic of our approach. CouinaudNet is first trained only with healthy training images, then the trained CouinaudNet is used to generate pseudo tumor mask mt for the pathological training image xt. A healthy training image xh has no tumors, and its tumor mask is denoted as a black mask mh. Provided all training images and their tumor masks, we can train a fully supervised tumor segmentation model.



Fig. 3. Training the proposed CouinaudNet. Couinaud scheme cs can be obtained by an automatic Couinaud constructor (CC). In Stage 1, we randomly select one Couinaud segment as the mask mc for training the inpainting network (I). In Stage 2, a synthetic tumor image xs, its inpainted image xˆs and its vessel map xv by Frangi filter (F) are sent to a difference spotting network (DS) for segmenting the tumors.



Fig. 4. Example intensity distributions of liver and tumor.



Fig. 5. (a) and (b) Distributions of μd and σt. © is an illustration of the Beta distributions with different shape parameters.



Fig. 6. Performance of tumor segmentation based on the inpainting models using different masks.



Fig. 7. Parameter analysis of the threshold τ for binarization.



Fig. 8. Diverse appearances of synthetic tumors based on different mask and intensity parameters, where nSP, sp, αe, σe are used for mask generation, μd and σt are used for intensity generation.



Fig. 9. Parameter analysis of the shape parameters in Beta distribution for generating tumor intensities (Equation 4), and the dashed lines represent the performance in Stage 1.



Fig. 10. Generated pseudo tumor masks used as supervision. (a) A training image with its ground truth tumor mask. (b)–(d) The tumor-free versions generated by VAE, AAE, f-AnoGAN* respectively, and their tumor masks after binarization which are restricted within the Couinaud segment masks. (e) and (f) show pseudo-healthy images from the inpainting network, and the tumor masks from Stage 1 and Stage 2 respectively.



Fig. 11. Examples of tumor segmentation results by models trained with Couinaud segment annotations using our proposed method on the MSD08 test dataset. The green ones denote the ground truths, while the red ones denote the segmentation results using our method.



Fig. 12. Examples of tumor segmentation results by models trained with Couinaud segment annotations on the LiTS test dataset.



Fig. 13. Examples of failure cases.




TABLE I statistics of training/testing set on two datasets

表I 两个数据集上训练/测试集的统计数据


TABLE II comparison of tumor segmentation results based on different methods for constructing couinaud scheme

表II 基于不同方法构建Couinaud方案的肿瘤分割结果比较


TABLE III comparison of tumor segmentaion resul with other training strategies

表III 与其他训练策略的肿瘤分割结果比较


TABLE IV comparison of tumor segmention results on msd08 test set

表IV 在MSD08测试集上肿瘤分割结果的比较


TABLE V comparison of tumor segmentation results on lits test set

表V 在LITS测试集上肿瘤分割结果的比较





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