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paper | Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control |
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1 前言
基于扩散模型(diffusion model
[2]。这些工作致力于实现直接通过文字指令来编辑图片,极大地提升了传统图像编辑流程的效率。这种新兴的技术领域被称作基于指令的图像编辑(instruction-based image editing
2 P2P提出的Motivation
目前大火的文生图技术(text to image),给定一段文本(prompt)和随机种子,文生图模型会基于这两者生成一张图片。生成图片的不同由两个变量决定
- 随机种子。随机种子决定初始的噪声 x T x_T xT。
- prompt。prompt是通过文本编码器(如
的text encoder)转为语义向量再送入到diffusion model
假定up sampler不引入随机性,如DDIM; classifier-guidance-score; generation step是系统变量维持不变
- 需要手动构建mask,比较麻烦。(现在一般会接入
[5]来加速这个过程) - 由于在编辑过程只修改mask区域的像素值,未考虑mask区域与非mask区域的结构信息,导致生成的图片语义连贯性较差。
- 这类方法只能实现object-level的编辑,无法实现图片风格、纹理的编辑。
的文字编辑方法(textual editing),无需训练任何参数、添加任何模块,仅用预训练的文生图模型(如stable diffusion)即能实现卓越的textual editing能力。下图展示了引入p2p
3 方法
3.1 什么是prompt-to-prompt 🤔
给定原始图片的prompt( P \mathcal{P} P)与编辑图片的prompt ( P ∗ \mathcal{P}^* P∗),通过文生图模型,分别获得原始图片 I \mathcal{I} I与编辑后的图片 I ∗ \mathcal{I}^* I∗。 I \mathcal{I} I 与 I ∗ \mathcal{I}^* I∗除了编辑区域外尽可能的近。
举个🌰,当我输入prompt a photo of a house on a mountain.
3.2 prompt-to-prompt的具体实现 🤔
我们知道在文生图中,prompt与diffusion model
层进行交互(text embedding作为cross-attention
📌忘记文生图条件融合的话,可以回顾 classifier-free guided的内容。
假定当prompt的第二个token发生改变时,根据下图的计算流,可以看到整个attention score的数值都会发生改变。从而导致最终输出结果发生改变。
3.2.1 cross-attention对生成图片的影响
通过对diffusion model网络内部的观察,作者发现生成图片的空间布局和几何形状都是由内部的cross-attention层的attention map决定(上图的 a t t e n \mathrm{atten} atten)。下图是由prompt: “a furry bear watching a bird”生成的图片,我们分别看每一个token对应的attention map对应生成图片的相应位置。并在time step的早期这个对应关系就已形成。
这里提供一张attention map随时间步变化的gif图。
3.2.1 controlling the cross-attention
control的思路很简单。既然cross-attention的attention map决定生成图片的结构信息,那我们维持原始的attention map即可。
每一个时间步 t t t分别计算原始prompt P \mathcal{P} P的attention map M t M_t Mt和新的prompt P ∗ \mathcal{P}^* P∗的attention map M t ∗ M^*_t Mt∗并用特定的替换规则 E d i t ( M t , M t ∗ , t ) Edit(M_t, M_t^*, t) Edit(Mt,Mt∗,t)替换后再进行生成。
(一)Word Swap
这个编辑类型是指将原始prompt中的某个token用新的token进行替换。 P = \mathcal{P} = P= “photo of a cat riding on a bicycle”, P ∗ = \mathcal{P}^* = P∗= “photo of a cat riding on a motorcycle”。此时的替换规则是
E d i t ( M t , M t ∗ , t ) : = { M t ∗ i f t < τ M t o t h e r w i s e . (1) E d i t ( M _ { t } , M _ { t } ^ { * } , t ) : = \left\{ \begin{array} { c l } { M _ { t } ^ { * } } & { \quad \mathrm { i f \ } t \lt \tau } \\ { M _ { t } } & { \quad \mathrm { o t h e r w i s e . } } \\ \end{array} \right . \tag{1} Edit(Mt,Mt∗,t):={Mt∗Mtif t<τotherwise.(1)
τ \tau τ表示某一时间步。当时间步小于 τ \tau τ时不做替换,否则用原始prompt的attention map做替换。(当两个词的长度不同时,可以对少的进行复制)引入 τ \tau τ的目的是:有一些编辑对图像的几何改变会很大,可以通过引入控制时机 τ \tau τ来缓和。Word Swap的编辑形式可以很方便的对图片中某个物体进行局部编辑。
(二)Adding a New Phrase
指的是在原始prompt P \mathcal{P} P新增一些token。如 P = \mathcal{P}= P= “a photo of a house on a mountain”, P ∗ = \mathcal{P}^* = P∗= “a photo of a house on a mountain at winter”。
( E d i t ( M t , M t ∗ , t ) ) i , j : = { ( M t ∗ ) i , j i f A ( j ) = N o n e ( M t ) i , A ( j ) o t h e r w i s e . (2) ( E d i t ( M _ { t } , M _ { t } ^ { * } , t ) ) _ { i , j } : = \left \{ \begin{array} { l l } { { ( M _ { t } ^ { * } ) _ { i , j } } } & { { \mathrm { i f } \ A ( j ) = N o n e } } \\ { { ( M _ { t } ) _ { i , A ( j ) } } } & { { \mathrm { o t h e r w i s e } . } } \end{array} \right . \tag{2} (Edit(Mt,Mt∗,t))i,j:={(Mt∗)i,j(Mt)i,A(j)if A(j)=Noneotherwise.(2)
i i i 表示visual token的索引位置, j j j 表示 P ∗ \mathcal{P}^* P∗中text token 的索引位置; A ( j ) A(j) A(j)表示, P ∗ \mathcal{P}^* P∗的text token j j j 在 P \mathcal{P} P中的索引位置。这种类型的control同样可以引入word swap中的 τ \tau τ来控制control的时机。用这个方法可以对图像进行全局的编辑,如下面例子的改变风格整体图片的风格为“winter”。
(三)Attention Re–weighting
基于p2p还可以精细的控制prompt每一个token的控制强度。这个场景 P \mathcal{P} P和 P ∗ \mathcal{P}^* P∗是相同的,可以更改特定token的权重来控制图像。
( E d i t ( M t , M t ∗ , t ) ) i , j : = { c ⋅ ( M t ) i , j i f j = j ∗ ( M t ) i , j o f h e r w i s e . (3) ( E d i t ( M _ { t } , M _ { t } ^ { * } , t ) ) _ { i , j } : = \left \{ \begin{array} { c c } { c \cdot ( M _ { t } ) _ { i , j } } & { \mathrm { i f } \ j = j ^ { * } } \\ { ( M _ { t } ) _ { i , j } } & { \mathrm { o f h e r w i s e } . } \\ \end{array} \right . \tag{3} (Edit(Mt,Mt∗,t))i,j:={c⋅(Mt)i,j(Mt)i,jif j=j∗ofherwise.(3)
4 核心部分代码说明
diffusers.version == 0.10.0
4.1 修改cross-attention层的forward
来控制attention map的编辑。
def control_cross_attn_forward(self, controller: BaseController, place_in_unet):def forward(x, context: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):batch_size, sequence_length, dim = x.shapeh = self.headsq = self.to_q(x)is_cross = context is not Nonecontext = context if is_cross else xk = self.to_k(context)v = self.to_v(context)q = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(q)k = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(k)v = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(v)sim = torch.einsum("b i d, b j d -> b i j", q, k) * self.scaleif mask is not None:mask = mask.reshape(batch_size, -1)max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).maxmask = mask[:, None, :].repeat(h, 1, 1)sim.masked_fill_(~mask, max_neg_value)# attention, what we cannot get enough ofattn = sim.softmax(dim=-1)# print(f"attn shape: {attn.shape}")attn = controller.control(attn, is_cross, place_in_unet) # AttentionStore时相当于将attention值缓存到controller中out = torch.einsum("b i j, b j d -> b i d", attn, v)out = self.reshape_batch_dim_to_heads(out)to_out = self.to_outif type(to_out) is torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList:to_out = self.to_out[0] # 忽略dropoutelse:to_out = self.to_outreturn to_out(out)return forwarddef register_attention_control_mine(unet, controller):cross_attn_name_ls = []for i in unet.named_children():name, cur_module = i[:2]if cur_module.__class__.__name__ == "CrossAttention":cur_module.forward = control_cross_attn_forward(cur_module, controller, name)cross_attn_name_ls.append(name)elif hasattr(cur_module, "children"):module_ls = [(name, cur_module)]while module_ls:name, cur_module = module_ls.pop()for sub_name, sub_module in cur_module.named_children():if sub_module.__class__.__name__ == "CrossAttention":sub_module.forward = control_cross_attn_forward(sub_module,controller,f"{name}.{sub_name}")cross_attn_name_ls.append(f"{name}.{sub_name}")elif hasattr(sub_module, "children"):module_ls.append((f"{name}.{sub_name}", sub_module))controller.num_att_layers = len(cross_attn_name_ls)controller.cross_attn_name_ls = cross_attn_name_ls
4.2 control attention map
class EditControllerMemEfficient(BaseController):def __init__(self, edit_params: EditParams,max_vis_pixel_num=MAX_VIS_PIXEL_NUM,cached_attn_info_flag=False,logger=base_logger):super(EditControllerMemEfficient, self).__init__(max_vis_pixel_num=max_vis_pixel_num, cached_attn_info_flag=cached_attn_info_flag, edit_params=edit_params, logger=logger)self.control_info_checking()def cross_attn_control(self, attn: torch.Tensor, place_in_unet: str) -> torch.Tensor:assert attn.shape[0] > 1, f"attn shape: {attn.shape}"source_replace_mask = self.replace_index_map["source_mask"]target_replace_mask = self.replace_index_map["target_mask"]source_token_weight = self.replace_index_map["source_token_weight"]target_token_weight = self.replace_index_map["target_token_weight"]if self.do_cross_attn_control_flag:attn = rearrange(attn, "(b h) p c -> b h p c", b=self.batch_size)source_attn = attn[:1, ...]target_attn = attn[1:, ...]source_attn_for_merge = source_attn * source_token_weighttarget_attn = target_attn * target_token_weighttarget_attn[..., target_replace_mask] = source_attn_for_merge[..., source_replace_mask]attn =[source_attn, target_attn], dim=0)attn = rearrange(attn, "b h p c -> (b h) p c")if self.do_local_blend and self.text_branch_flag: # local blend whatever cross controlblend_attn = attnself.set_blend_attn_map(place_in_unet, True, blend_attn)return attndef self_attn_control(self, attn: torch.Tensor, place_in_unet: str) -> torch.Tensor:if attn.shape[2] <= 16 ** 2:attn = rearrange(attn, "(b h) p c -> b h p c", b=self.batch_size)source_attn = attn[:1, ...]if self.do_self_attn_control_flag:attn = source_attn.expand(self.batch_size, *source_attn.shape[1:])attn = rearrange(attn, "b h p c -> (b h) p c")return attndef control(self, attn: torch.Tensor, is_cross: bool, place_in_unet: str) -> torch.Tensor:# print(f">>>cached_attn_flag: {self.cached_attn_info_flag}")assert self.current_step is not None, f"please set current time step by 'self.set_step'!"pixel_num = attn.shape[1]if pixel_num > self.max_vis_pixel_num:self.not_control_attn_name_set.add(place_in_unet)return attnif place_in_unet not in self.cached_attn.keys():self.cached_attn[place_in_unet] = dict() if is_cross:attn = self.cross_attn_control(attn, place_in_unet)else:attn = self.self_attn_control(attn, place_in_unet)if self.cached_attn_info_flag:self.cached_attn_name_set.add(place_in_unet)if is_cross and self.do_cross_attn_control_flag:self.set_cached_attn(place_in_unet, is_cross, attn)elif is_cross and not self.do_cross_attn_control_flag:self.set_cached_attn(place_in_unet, is_cross, None)elif not is_cross and self.do_self_attn_control_flag:self.set_cached_attn(place_in_unet, is_cross, attn)else:self.set_cached_attn(place_in_unet, is_cross, None)return attn
4.3 支持的编辑方式
class EditParams:source_prompt: strtarget_prompt: strcross_merge_end_step: Union[float, int] # cross attention merge step, 0-(cross_merge_step * diffusion step) using cross-attn injection self_merge_end_step: Union[float, int] # self attention merge step, 0-(self_merge_step * diffusion step) using self-attn injectioncross_merge_start_step: Union[float, int] = 0 # cross attention merge step, 0-(cross_merge_step * diffusion step) using cross-attn injectionself_merge_start_step: Union[float, int] = 0 # self attention merge step, 0-(self_merge_step * diffusion step) using self-attn injectionaddition_token_control_info: Optional[Dict] = Nonedo_noise_branch_control: bool = Falsedo_local_blend: bool = False # using local blendblend_focus_text: Optional[List] = None
5 One More Thing
5.1 p2p
with additional constraints
- self attention的约束
将原始图片在self attention处的attention map迁移给编辑图片,非编辑区域维持性会更强。详细可见pnp[7]论文。
下图展现了当使用self- attention control时的编辑效果。应用的步长越多,非edit区域的维持性越好。
source prompt: "a photo of a house on a mountain.”
target_prompt: "a photo of a house on a mountain at winter"
- 引入local blend
仅更改需要编辑区域的pixel,保留其它区域的pixel。编辑区域的mask为token对应的attention map。底层原理可见repaint[8] paper。
如:当引入“mountain”的local blend限制时,只有山的区域变为雪景。
- noise分支引入self attention的约束
我们知道对于classifier-free的文生图,需要同时计算条件分支的噪声估计 ϵ θ ( x t , y , t ) \epsilon_{\theta}(x_t, y, t) ϵθ(xt,y,t)和非条件分支的噪声估计 ϵ θ ( x t , y = ∅ , t ) \epsilon_{\theta}(x_t, y=\empty, t) ϵθ(xt,y=∅,t) ,再通过classifier-free的方式融合。尝试发现,非条件分支引入self-attention control有助于进一步提升编辑效果(相比前面,提升不太大)。
ϵ ^ θ ( x t , y , t ) = ϵ θ ( x t , y = ∅ , t ) + s [ ϵ θ ( x t , y , t ) − ϵ θ ( x t , y = ∅ , t ) ] (4) \begin{align} \hat{\epsilon}_{\theta}(x_t, y, t)=\epsilon_{\theta}(x_t, y=\empty,t) + s[\epsilon_{\theta}(x_t, y, t) - \epsilon_{\theta}(x_t, y=\empty, t) ] \end{align} \tag{4} ϵ^θ(xt,y,t)=ϵθ(xt,y=∅,t)+s[ϵθ(xt,y,t)−ϵθ(xt,y=∅,t)](4)
5.2 p2p
for real image editing
在作者后续的Null-text Inversion [9]工作中对这类情形进一步研究,后续文章中将详细介绍。
[1] InstructPix2Pix: Learning to Follow Image Editing Instructions
[2] Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Generation Tasks
[3] RePaint: Inpainting using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
[4] DiffEdit: Diffusion-based semantic image editing with mask guidance
[5] Segment Anything
[6] classifier-free diffusion model
[7] Plug-and-Play Diffusion Features for Text-Driven Image-to-Image Translation
[8] RePaint: Inpainting using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
[9] Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided Diffusion Models