AI生成留学文书 [研讨直播]

相信很多留过学的同学知道留学申请有一大堆事情需要处理,个人陈述是其中一部分。今年AI让很多行业发生了颠覆性变化,留学申请也不例外,以下是我们通过MiX Copilot实现的文书撰写(文书案例放在末尾)。


  1. 自己撰写个人陈述的难点有哪些?

  2. 跟ChatGPT对话生成一篇高质量的个人陈述可能性有多高?

  3. 用AI生成个人陈述的难点到底在哪?

  4. 现场演示如何绕过AI检测?








As a computer science major, I have always been fascinated by the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. My passion for this field was ignited after watching the movie "Ex Machina," which explored the relationship between AI and emotions. I was inspired to pursue a future in AI and natural interaction, and I believe that the MIT Human-Computer Interaction program is the perfect platform for me to achieve my goals.

During my time at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, I had the opportunity to work on a project at Xiaopeng Motors as a development engineer. The project involved the development of an operating system that integrated graphical user interfaces (GUI) and voice user interfaces (VUI) in a deep and meaningful way. We faced many challenges in the field of multimodal interaction, including balancing the advantages and disadvantages of different interaction modes, integrating VUI into GUI components, and handling conflicts and errors in multimodal interaction. To solve these problems, we adopted a multimodal interaction strategy that automatically selected the most suitable interaction mode based on user behavior and environmental changes. We also used speech recognition technology and natural language processing to achieve a deep integration of voice and graphical interaction. To improve the accuracy and reliability of interaction, we used Mediapipe technology to recognize gestures and track poses. During the project, we encountered some minor setbacks, such as the decrease in speech recognition accuracy in noisy car environments. To solve this problem, we used the Whisper model to denoise and enhance speech signals. In the end, the project was completed successfully within six months and was well-received by users after the car was launched. I am grateful for the help of my colleagues and teammates, who taught me a lot and made me love my work even more.

Looking to the future, I am interested in researching virtual try-on systems based on augmented reality technology. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, virtual try-on systems can provide consumers with a more intuitive understanding of product effects and improve the shopping experience. In addition, the development of augmented reality technology provides the possibility for the implementation of virtual try-on systems. However, there are still some technical challenges, such as the lack of realism in try-on effects and the problem of adapting to different clothing. Future research should focus on improving the realism and adaptability of try-on effects and applying virtual try-on systems to more fields, such as medical and education.

I believe that MIT has a deep academic background and leading research achievements in the field of human-computer interaction. As a branch of computer science and technology, human-computer interaction is an important direction for future technological development. The Human-Computer Interaction program I am applying for is one of the core projects of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, with a wide range of research areas and profound theoretical foundations. Therefore, I believe that applying for this program can provide me with a broad platform and opportunities for academic research and career development.

I have a unique advantage in applying for this program, as I have previously authored three professional books on human-computer interaction. In addition, I have a unique background and experience in computer science and technology, as well as a deep understanding and exploration of future research directions.

In conclusion, I believe that my unique background, deep thinking and exploration ability, and unique innovative thinking and practical ability can bring value and contribution to MIT. I am a passionate and enthusiastic student who is eager to learn and explore, and I believe that the MIT Human-Computer Interaction program is the perfect place for me to achieve my goals.







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