- 将文件名和标签json文件改名为英文;
- 将json文件内的"imagePath"修改为英文;
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2023/9/13 11:04
# @Author : CLW
# @FileName: rename_and_reset_json.py
# @Software: PyCharm'''
1. labelme标注后,名称含有中文,需要把图片和json一同改为英文
···'''import os
import json
#################### 输入参数设置(开始) ####################
root_dir = r'D:\dataset\乌海君正\液位计zt_ywj_1x\zt_ywj_1x-乌海君正化工'
main_types = ['jpg']
sub_types = ['json'] # 附属格式文件,如果与主要格式文件同名,则可以一同改吗,不需要则为空
rename_front = 'WHJZHG_ywj1x_' # 改名的前缀
count = 1 # 改名所用的计数
#################### 输入参数设置(结束) ####################
'''def Edit_label(jsonfile, new_name):# Candidate encodings to tryencodings = ['utf-8-sig', 'utf-8', 'latin-1'] # Add more if necessaryprint("jsonfile=", jsonfile)# Try different encodings until successfulfor encoding in encodings:try:with open(jsonfile, 'rb') as jf:content = jf.read().decode(encoding)info = json.loads(content)print("encoding=", encoding)# Modify the content as neededinfo["imagePath"] = new_namewith open(jsonfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fw:# Write the modified content back to the file using UTF-8 encodingjson.dump(info, fw, ensure_ascii=False)break # Break the loop if successfulexcept UnicodeDecodeError:continue # Try the next encoding if decoding fails# Handle case when no encoding workselse:print("Unable to decode JSON file using any of the specified encodings.")for root, dir, files in os.walk(root_dir):for file in files:if file.split('.')[-1] in main_types:# 主体文件改名new_main_filename = rename_front + '_' + str(count) + '.' + file.split('.')[-1]print(os.path.join(root, new_main_filename))os.rename(os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root, new_main_filename))# 改json文件json_name = file[:-len(file.split('.')[-1])] + 'json'new_json_name = new_main_filename[:-len(new_main_filename.split('.')[-1])] + 'json'if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, json_name)):Edit_label(os.path.join(root, json_name), new_json_name)# 修改附属文件for sub_t in sub_types:sub_filename = file[:-len(file.split('.')[-1])] + sub_t# 如果存在附属文件则修改if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, sub_filename)):new_sub_filename = new_main_filename[:-len(new_main_filename.split('.')[-1])] + sub_tprint(os.path.join(root, new_sub_filename))os.rename(os.path.join(root, sub_filename), os.path.join(root, new_sub_filename))count += 1