import math
n =int(input())for i inrange(n):h,w =map(int,input().split())w /=2biaozhun =(h -100)*0.9if math.fabs(biaozhun - w)< biaozhun *0.1:print("You are wan mei!")elif w < biaozhun:print("You are tai shou le!")else:print("You are tai pang le!")
L1-032 Left-pad
n,ss =input().split()
n =int(n)
s =input()
ans =''if n >len(s):for i inrange(n-len(s)):ans +=str(ss)ans += sfor i inrange(n):print(ans[i],end ='')else:print(s[len(s)-n::])
L1-033 出生年
a,b =map(int,input().split())
temp = a
while(True):co =set()for i instr(a): co.add(i)iflen(str(a))<4:co.add('0')iflen(co)== b:print("%d %04d"%(a-temp,a))breaka +=1
L1-034 点赞
n =int(input())
ans =[0]*1001for i inrange(n):num =list(map(int,input().split()))number = num[0]list_ = num[1::]for j inlist(list_):ans[j]+=1
maxn =-1
j =0
k =0for i inrange(1,1001):if maxn <= ans[i]:maxn = ans[i]j = ik = ans[i]print(j,k)
L1-035 情人节
lst =[]whileTrue:t =input()if t =='.':breaklst.append(t)if2>len(lst):print('Momo... No one is for you ...')elif2<=len(lst)<14:print(lst[1]+' is the only one for you...')else:print(lst[1]+' and '+lst[13]+' are inviting you to dinner...')
L1-036 A乘以B
m,n =map(int,input().split())print(m*n)
L1-037 A除以B
m,n =map(int,input().split())if n ==0:ans =str(m)+'/'+str(n)+'='+"Error"print(ans)else:if n <0:ans =str(m)+'/'+'('+str(n)+')'else:ans =str(m)+'/'+str(n)n ='%.2f'%(m/n)ans +='='+nprint(ans)
L1-038 新世界
print("Hello World")print("Hello New World")
L1-039 古风排版
s=input()for i inrange(n):print(''.join(reversed(s[i::n])).rjust(len(s[0::n]),' '))
L1-040 最佳情侣身高差
t =int(input())for _ inrange(t):xingbie,high =input().split()high =float(high)if xingbie =="M":print('%.2f'%(high/1.09))else:print('%.2f'%(high*1.09))
B. New Bakery
题目: 思路:
很简单的思维题,首先如果a > b,那么全选a就行了,还搞啥活动
否则就选 b - a 天来搞活动,为什么?
centos 安装pip时报错
[rootindex-es app-ai]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Repository centos-sclo-rh is listed more than once in the configuration
Determining fastest mirrors
Could not retrieve mirrorlist…