


1怎么创建链表 ----通过结构体(成员有存入数据的data和指向下一个节点的地址的指针(结构体指针)next

初始架构---DataType 对应存入数据类型,此处的Node==struct node *

#define DataType int //全局变量//结构体
typedef struct node
{DataType data;struct node* next;
}node, * Node;int main()
{return 0;


Node Init(Node phead)
{phead = (Node)malloc(sizeof(node));if (phead == -1)return -1;phead->next = NULL;
}int PushBack(Node phead, DataType num)
{//创建新节点Node newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));newnode->next = NULL;newnode->data = num;//创建指针找到链表的尾,然后插入,Node p = NULL;//出来for循环就插入不用考虑链表为空因为for循环里面已经考虑判断了for (p = phead; p->next != NULL; p = p->next);p->next = newnode;return 0;
}void show_list(Node phead)
{Node cur = NULL;cur = phead;//判断是否为空if (phead == NULL){printf("NULL\n");}//遍历头节点没有数据所有从头节点下一个数据开始打印for (cur = phead->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){printf("%d->", cur->data);}printf("NULL\n");


#define DataType int 
typedef struct node
{DataType data;struct node* next;
}node, * Node;Node Init(Node phead)
{phead = (Node)malloc(sizeof(node));if (phead == -1)return -1;phead->next = NULL;
}int PushBack(Node phead, DataType num)
{//创建新节点Node newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));newnode->next = NULL;newnode->data = num;//创建指针找到链表的尾,然后插入,Node p = NULL;//出来for循环就插入不用考虑链表为空因为for循环里面已经考虑判断了for (p = phead; p->next != NULL; p = p->next);p->next = newnode;return 0;
}void show_list(Node phead)
{Node cur = NULL;cur = phead;//判断是否为空if (phead == NULL){printf("NULL\n");}//遍历头节点没有数据所有从头节点下一个数据开始打印for (cur = phead->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){printf("%d->", cur->data);}printf("NULL\n");
}int main()
{Node phead = NULL;phead = Init(phead);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);show_list(phead);return 0;




#define DataType int 
typedef struct node
{DataType data;struct node* next;
}node, * Node;Node Init(Node phead)
{phead = (Node)malloc(sizeof(node));if (phead == NULL)return -1;phead->next = NULL;
}int PushBack(Node phead, DataType num)
{//创建新节点Node newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));newnode->next = NULL;newnode->data = num;//创建指针找到链表的尾,然后插入,Node p = NULL;//出来for循环就插入不用考虑链表为空因为for循环里面已经考虑判断了for (p = phead; p->next != NULL; p = p->next);p->next = newnode;return 0;
}void show_list(Node phead)
{Node cur = NULL;cur = phead;//判断是否为空if (phead == NULL){printf("NULL\n");}//遍历头节点没有数据所有从头节点下一个数据开始打印for (cur = phead->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){printf("%d->", cur->data);}printf("NULL\n");
int Delect(Node phead,DataType num)
{if (phead == NULL){printf("peahd is NULL\n");return -1;}Node cur1= NULL;Node cur2 = NULL;for (cur1 = phead, cur2 = phead->next; cur1->next != NULL; cur1 = cur2, cur2 = cur2->next){if (cur2->data == num){cur1->next = cur2->next;free(cur2);return 0;}}printf("no find num\n");return -1;
}int Change(Node phead, int num1, int num2)
{if (phead == NULL){printf("peahd is NULL\n");return -1;}Node cur = NULL;for (cur = phead->next;cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){if (cur->data == num1){cur->data = num2;return 0;}}printf("no find num1\n");return -1;
int main()
{Node phead = NULL;phead = Init(phead);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);Change(phead, 1, 2);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Change(phead, 1, 2);show_list(phead);return 0;


void Releas(Node phead)
{Node cur1 = NULL;Node cur2 = NULL;for (cur1 = cur2 = phead; cur1->next != NULL; cur1 = cur2){cur2 = cur1->next;free(cur1);}
int main()
{Node phead = NULL;phead = Init(phead);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);Change(phead, 1, 2);Releas(phead);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Change(phead, 1, 2);show_list(phead);return 0;


#define DataType int 
typedef struct node
{DataType data;struct node* next;
}node, * Node;Node Init(Node phead)
{phead = (Node)malloc(sizeof(node));if (phead == NULL)return -1;phead->next = NULL;
}int PushBack(Node phead, DataType num)
{//创建新节点Node newnode = malloc(sizeof(node));newnode->next = NULL;newnode->data = num;//创建指针找到链表的尾,然后插入,Node p = NULL;//出来for循环就插入不用考虑链表为空因为for循环里面已经考虑判断了for (p = phead; p->next != NULL; p = p->next);p->next = newnode;return 0;
}void show_list(Node phead)
{Node cur = NULL;cur = phead;//判断是否为空if (phead == NULL){printf("NULL\n");}//遍历头节点没有数据所有从头节点下一个数据开始打印for (cur = phead->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){printf("%d->", cur->data);}printf("NULL\n");
int Delect(Node phead,DataType num)
{if (phead == NULL){printf("peahd is NULL\n");return -1;}Node cur1= NULL;Node cur2 = NULL;for (cur1 = phead, cur2 = phead->next; cur1->next != NULL; cur1 = cur2, cur2 = cur2->next){if (cur2->data == num){cur1->next = cur2->next;free(cur2);return 0;}}printf("no find num\n");return -1;
}int Change(Node phead, int num1, int num2)
{if (phead == NULL){printf("peahd is NULL\n");return -1;}Node cur = NULL;for (cur = phead->next;cur != NULL; cur = cur->next){if (cur->data == num1){cur->data = num2;return 0;}}printf("no find num1\n");return -1;
void Releas(Node phead)
{Node cur1 = NULL;Node cur2 = NULL;for (cur1 = cur2 = phead; cur1->next != NULL; cur1 = cur2){cur2 = cur1->next;free(cur1);}
int main()
{Node phead = NULL;phead = Init(phead);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);PushBack(phead, 1);Change(phead, 1, 2);Releas(phead);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Delect(phead, 1);show_list(phead);Change(phead, 1, 2);show_list(phead);return 0;





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