- 前言
- 1. DataFrame数据清洗
- 1.1 处理缺失值(NaNs)
- 1.1.1 数据准备
- 1.1.2 读取数据
- 1.1.3 查找具有 null 值或缺失值的行和列
- 1.1.4 计算每列缺失值的总数
- 1.1.5 删除包含 null 值或缺失值的行
- 1.1.6 利用 .fillna() 方法用Portfolio Size的均值填充Portfolio Size缺失的单元格
- 1.2 处理重复数据
- 1.3 数据类型转换
- 1.4 字符串处理
- 1.5 数据筛选
- 1.6 数据分组与聚合
- 1.7 日期时间处理
- 2. DATAFRAME 过滤和排序
- 3. 数据帧和函数
- 4. DATAFRAMES 串联和合并
- 5. 获取金融市场数据
大家好!我是架构筑梦的Cherry,本期跟大家分享的知识是 pandas 数据结构——DataFrame。
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1. DataFrame数据清洗
1.1 处理缺失值(NaNs)
在现实世界中,数据大多是杂乱无章的;它有多种形式和形状,并且有许多缺失值。有趣的是,根据 IBM Data Analytics 的数据,数据科学家花费高达 80% 的时间来查找、清理和组织数据。幸运的是,pandas 提供了许多强大、快速和高效的方法来检测、删除和替换 pandas DataFrame 中的大量缺失值。
- 利用 pandas 读取.csv文件并将数据存储在 DataFrame 中,
- 查找具有 null 值或缺失值的行和列,
- 计算每列缺失值的总数,
- 使用dropna()方法删除包含 null 值或缺失值的行,
- 利用 .fillna()方法填充缺失值,可以用常数、平均值、中位数、众数等填充。
1.1.1 数据准备
First Name Last Name Age Portfolio Size Years with Investment Firm Risk Tolerance Goal
0 Ryan David 32 80100.0 5.0 aggressive buy house
1 Sherif George 54 950000.0 30.0 conservative retire
2 Sandra Stevenson 40 150509.0 10.0 moderate kids education
3 Victoria Keller 43 300901.0 NaN moderate investment property
4 Sarah Aly 26 41258.0 2.0 aggressive pay student loans
5 Bassel Nasr 50 401201.0 15.0 conservative retire
6 Chris Peter 38 NaN 8.0 moderate kids education
7 Nancy Smith 55 900000.0 17.0 conservative retire
8 Heidi Smith 23 1500.0 1.0 moderate retire early
1.1.2 读取数据
import pandas as pd # 创建一个包含缺失值的DataFrame
investor_df = pd.read_csv('investors_data.csv')
1.1.3 查找具有 null 值或缺失值的行和列
# Let's locate rows and columns that have Null values
# isnull() method returns a new DataFrame containing "True" in Null locations and "False" otherwise
1.1.4 计算每列缺失值的总数
# Let's see the total number of missing elements per column
First Name 0
Last Name 0
Age 0
Portfolio Size 1
Years with Investment Firm 1
Risk Tolerance 0
Goal 0
dtype: int64
1.1.5 删除包含 null 值或缺失值的行
# Drop any row that contains a Null value
# Note that the size of the dataframe has been reduced
investor_df.dropna(how = 'any', inplace = True)
# Notice that rows 3 and 6 no longer exist!
# Let's check if we still have any missing values
First Name 0
Last Name 0
Age 0
Portfolio Size 0
Years with Investment Firm 0
Risk Tolerance 0
Goal 0
dtype: int64
1.1.6 利用 .fillna() 方法用Portfolio Size的均值填充Portfolio Size缺失的单元格
# Let's explore an alternative (smarter) method to deal with missing values
# Let's read the raw data again using Pandas as follows
investor_df_temp = pd.read_csv('investors_data.csv')
investor_df_temp # Let's obtain a statistical summary using "describe()" method
investor_df_temp .describe()
# Calculate the average portfolio size
investor_df_temp ['Portfolio Size'].mean()
# You can use .fillna() to fill missing locations with a certain value
investor_df['Portfolio Size'].fillna(investor_df_temp ['Portfolio Size'].mean(), inplace = True)investor_df
1.2 处理重复数据
# 找出重复的行
duplicates = investor_df.duplicated()
print(duplicates)# 删除重复的行
df_no_duplicates = investor_df.drop_duplicates()
1.3 数据类型转换
# 假设有一列是字符串类型的数字,我们需要转换为整数
df['A'] = df['A'].astype(int)
1.4 字符串处理
# 假设我们有一个包含文本数据的列,需要转换为小写并去除空格
df['text'] = df['text'].str.lower().str.strip()
1.5 数据筛选
# 使用布尔索引筛选数据
filtered_df = df[df['A'] > 2]
print(filtered_df)# 使用query方法进行查询
filtered_df_query = df.query('A > 2')
1.6 数据分组与聚合
# 按列B的值进行分组,并计算列A的平均值
grouped = df.groupby('B')['A'].mean()
1.7 日期时间处理
# 假设有一个包含日期字符串的列
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_str'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
print(df[['date']])# 提取年份
df['year'] = df['date'].dt.year
2. DATAFRAME 过滤和排序
# Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis tool that uses a data structure known as DataFrame.
# DataFrames empower programmers to store and manipulate data in a tabular fashion (rows & columns).
# Import Pandas Library into the current environment
# "pd" is an alias of "Pandas"
import pandas as pd # Pandas is used to read a csv file and store data in a DataFrame
investor_df = pd.read_csv('investors_data.csv')
investor_df# Select Loyal clients who have been with the investment firm for at least 15 years
loyal_df = investor_df[ investor_df['Years with Investment Firm'] >=15 ]
# You might need to reset the index for the new Pandas DataFrame
loyal_df.reset_index(inplace = True)
df.sort_values(by=‘ColumnName’, ascending=False, inplace=True)
# You can sort the values in the dataframe according to the portfolio size
investor_df.sort_values(by = 'Portfolio Size')
# Let's display the Pandas DataFrame again
# Notice that nothing has changed in memory! you have to make sure that inplace is set to True
# Set inplace = True to ensure that change has taken place in memory
investor_df.sort_values(by = 'Portfolio Size', inplace = True)
# Note that now the change (ordering) took place
3. 数据帧和函数
我们可以使用 .apply() 函数将函数应用于 pandas DataFrame 中的特定元素。您可以选择应用 Python 内置函数,例如 sum()、min() 或 max(),或使用您创建的任何自定义函数。
定义一个 Python 函数,
在 pandas DataFrame 中沿轴应用自定义函数,然后
将 Python 内置函数应用于 pandas DataFrames。
# Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis tool that uses a data structure known as DataFrame.
# DataFrames empower programmers to store and manipulate data in a tabular fashion (rows & columns).
# Import Pandas Library into the current environment
# "pd" is an alias of "Pandas"
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Pandas is used to read a csv file and store data in a DataFrame
investor_df = pd.read_csv('investors_data.csv')
# Define a function that increases the value of x by 10%
def portfolio_update(x):return x * 1.1 # assume that portfolio increased by 10%
# You can apply a function to the DataFrame column and add the results to a new column titled "Updated portfolio Size"
investor_df['Updated Portfolio Size'] = investor_df['Portfolio Size'].apply(portfolio_update)
# You can also use Python built-in functions as well
investor_df['Sqrt Amount'] = investor_df['Age'].apply(np.sqrt)
在现实世界中,数据来自不同的来源,并且通常存在于许多单独的文件中。我们经常希望将这些文件合并到一个 pandas DataFrame 中,以进一步分析数据或训练机器学习模型。方便的是,pandas 提供了许多组合 DataFrame 的方法,包括合并和串联。
使用 pandas concat 函数执行 DataFrame 串联,
使用 pandas merge 函数基于给定列执行 DataFrame 合并,以及
使用 .reset_index() 方法重置 pandas DataFrame 索引。
# Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis tool that uses a data structure known as DataFrame.
# DataFrames empower programmers to store and manipulate data in a tabular fashion (rows & columns).
# Import Pandas Library into the current environment
# "pd" is an alias of "Pandas"
import pandas as pd
# Read the first excel sheet into a Pandas DataFrame
investor_1_df = pd.read_csv('investors_group_1.csv')
# Read the second excel sheet into a Pandas DataFrame
investor_2_df = pd.read_csv('investors_group_2.csv')
# Let's concatenate both dataframes #1 and #2
investor_df_combined = pd.concat([investor_1_df, investor_2_df])
# Note that index need to be reset, you can achieve this using df.reset_index()
# drop = True is used to drop the index column after reset_index() operation is performed
investor_df_combined.reset_index(drop = True)
# Let's assume we acquired new information such as investors salaries and job titles
investor_new_df = pd.read_csv('investors_new_information.csv')
# Let's merge data on 'Investor ID'
investor_df = pd.merge(investor_df_combined, investor_new_df, on = 'Investor ID')
5. 获取金融市场数据
使用 yfinance 获取市场财务数据。yfinance是一个开源工具,用于从雅虎获取市场数据。我们将利用 ticker() 模块,它使任何人都能以简单的方式获取股票、加密货币和 ETF 的市场数据和元数据。
# yfinance is an open-source tool used to get market data from Yahoo
# Let's install the library
!pip install yfinance# Let's import the library
import yfinance as yf # Pandas is used for dataframe and tabular data manipulation
import pandas as pd
# Using Yahoo Finance tool to fetch all data related to stock of interest
# Note that data is obtained in an object, we can then apply methods to get specific data from the object
# Note that the output is returned in a Python dictionary
stock = yf.Ticker("AAPL")
# Let's explore some available methods, add a period "." and then click "tab" to display all available methods
# Note that actions indicate dividends and stock splits
# Recommendations indicate analyst's ratings
# Analysis indicates EPS targets
# Info returns company information in a dictionary format
# Let's obtain the company beta
# Remember that Beta is a measure of the security volatility compared to the market (S&P 500)
# Stocks with betas greater than 1.0 are more volatile compared to S&P 500
print("The company beta is = {}".format(stock.info['beta']))
# Let's obtain the company's free cash flow (FCF)
# Free cash flow is the cash left in a company after it pays for its operating and capital expenditures.
print("The company cash is = ${}".format(stock.info['freeCashflow']))
# Let's obtain the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
# Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio is calculated by dividing the current share price by its earnings per share (EPS)
# High price-to-earnings ratio could indicate that the company's stock is overvalued
# Example: S&P500 P/E ratio ranged from 5x in 1917 to 120x in 2009 right before the financial crisis
# Trailing P/E is calculated using past performance by dividing the current stock price by total EPS earnings over the past 12 months.
print("The company Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio is = {} ".format(stock.info['trailingPE']))
# You can also obtain cash flow statements
# Let's view some recommendations
# Using Yahoo Finance tool to fetch stock data
# Actions is used to obtain dividends and stock splits
dividends_splits_df = stock.actions
# Let's obtain the balance sheet for Apple
balance_df = stock.get_balance_sheet()
# Let's import datetime package
import datetime# Specify the starting date
startDate = datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 1)# Specify the end date
endDate = datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 1)# Obtain the stock price data
print(stock.history(start = startDate, end = endDate))