年 | 还款的第几年 |
月 | 还款的第几年的第几个月 |
当月本金 | 当前月应还的本金 |
当月利息 | 当前月应还有利息 |
当月还款 | 当前月应还的本金和利息总和 |
共还本金 | 到当前月一共还的本金 |
共还利息 | 到当前月一共还的利息 |
共还款 | 到当前月一共还的本金和利息总和 |
剩余未还本金 | 剩余未还的本金 |
提前还总金额 | 如果提前还剩余的本金,此列表示需要还的本金和日利息总和(按最多30天来算的日利息) |
提前还利息 | 如果提前还剩余的本金,此列表示需要还的剩余本金的日利息(按最多30天来算的日利息) |
提前总共还 | 如果提前还剩余的本金,此列表示从开始还到还完一共所还的总和 |
// Mortgage.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <Windows.h>using namespace std;double g_dTotalPrincipal = 0.0; // 总共贷款金额
double g_nYears = 0; // 贷款年限
double g_dYearRate = 0.0; // 年利率// 显示等额本金还款法
void ShowConstantPrincipal()
{int nMonths = 12 * g_nYears; // 总还贷月数double dMonthRate = g_dYearRate / 12; // 月利率double dMonthPrincipal = g_dTotalPrincipal / nMonths; // 每个月等额本金double dRestPrincipal = g_dTotalPrincipal; // 剩余未还本金double dPrincipalTotalPayBack = 0.0; // 总共还本金double dInterestTotal = 0.0; // 总共还利息double dMoneyTotalPayBack = 0.0; // 总共还本息cout << setw(2) <<"年" << "|" << setw(2) << "月" << "|" << setw(10) << "当月本金" << "|" << setw(10) << "当月利息" << "|"<< setw(10) << "当月还款" << "|" << setw(12) << "共还本金" << "|"<< setw(12) << "共还利息" << "|" << setw(12) << "共还款" << "|"<< setw(12) << "剩余未还本金" << "|" << setw(12) << "提前还总金额" << "|" << setw(12) << "提前还利息" << "|"<< setw(12) << "提前总共还" << "|" << endl;cout << fixed << setprecision(3);for (int i = 1; i <= nMonths; i++){// 第几年if (1 == i % 12){cout << setw(2) << (i / 12) + 1 << "|";}else{cout << setw(2) << " " << "|";}// 第几月cout << setw(2) << (i - 1) % 12 + 1 << "|";// 当月本金cout << setw(10) << dMonthPrincipal << "|";dPrincipalTotalPayBack += dMonthPrincipal;// 当月利息cout << setw(10) << dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate << "|";dInterestTotal += dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate;// 当月还款cout << setw(10) << dMonthPrincipal + dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate << "|";// 共还本金cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack << "|";// 共还利息cout << setw(12) << dInterestTotal << "|";// 共还款cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack + dInterestTotal << "|";// 剩余未还本金dRestPrincipal -= dMonthPrincipal;if (dRestPrincipal < 0.0001){// 由于计算误差,最后一次可能剩余未还本金为极小的数dRestPrincipal = 0.0;}cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal << "|";// 提前还总金额// 以30天来计算cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal + dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30<< "|";// 提前多还cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30 << "|";// 提前总共还if (dRestPrincipal > 0.0){// 如果都还完了,就不存在提前还了cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack + dInterestTotal + dRestPrincipal + dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30 << "|";}else{cout << setw(12) << 0.0 << "|";}cout << endl;}
}// 显示等额本息还款法
void ShowConstantPrincipalInterest()
{ int nMonths = 12 * g_nYears; // 总还贷月数double dMonthRate = g_dYearRate / 12; // 月利率double dTotalMoney1Month = (g_dTotalPrincipal * dMonthRate * pow((1 + dMonthRate), nMonths)) / (pow((1 + dMonthRate), nMonths) - 1);double dRestPrincipal = g_dTotalPrincipal; // 剩余未还本金double dPrincipalTotalPayBack = 0.0; // 总共还本金double dInterestTotal = 0.0; // 总共还利息double dMoneyTotalPayBack = 0.0; // 总共还本息cout << setw(2) <<"年" << "|" << setw(2) << "月" << "|" << setw(10) << "当月本金" << "|" << setw(10) << "当月利息" << "|"<< setw(10) << "当月还款" << "|" << setw(12) << "共还本金" << "|"<< setw(12) << "共还利息" << "|" << setw(12) << "共还款" << "|"<< setw(12) << "剩余未还本金" << "|"<< setw(12) << "提前还总金额" << "|" << setw(12) << "提前还利息" << "|"<< setw(12) << "提前总共还" << "|" << endl;cout << fixed << setprecision(3);for (int i = 1; i <= nMonths; i++){// 第几年if (1 == i % 12){cout << setw(2) << (i / 12) + 1 << "|";}else{cout << setw(2) << " " << "|";}// 第几月cout << setw(2) << (i - 1) % 12 + 1 << "|";// 当月本金cout << setw(10) << dTotalMoney1Month - dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate << "|";dPrincipalTotalPayBack += dTotalMoney1Month - dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate;// 当月利息cout << setw(10) << dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate << "|";dInterestTotal += dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate;// 当月还款cout << setw(10) << dTotalMoney1Month << "|";// 共还本金cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack << "|";// 共还利息cout << setw(12) << dInterestTotal << "|";// 共还款cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack + dInterestTotal << "|";// 剩余未还本金dRestPrincipal -= dTotalMoney1Month - dRestPrincipal * dMonthRate;if (dRestPrincipal < 0.0001){// 由于计算误差,最后一次可能剩余未还本金为极小的数dRestPrincipal = 0.0;}cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal << "|";// 提前还总金额// 以30天来计算cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal + dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30<< "|";// 提前多还cout << setw(12) << dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30 << "|";// 提前总共还if (dRestPrincipal > 0.0){// 如果都还完了,就不存在提前还了cout << setw(12) << dPrincipalTotalPayBack + dInterestTotal + dRestPrincipal + dRestPrincipal * (g_dYearRate / 360) * 30 << "|";}else{cout << setw(12) << 0.0 << "|";}cout << endl;}
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{const int Console_Screen_Buffer_Min_Width = 140;const int Console_Screen_Buffer_Min_Heigth = 650;CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO conScrBufInfo;GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &conScrBufInfo);int nConSrcBufWidth = max(Console_Screen_Buffer_Min_Width, conScrBufInfo.dwSize.X);int nConSrcBufHeigth = max(Console_Screen_Buffer_Min_Heigth, conScrBufInfo.dwSize.Y);COORD coordDest = {nConSrcBufWidth, nConSrcBufHeigth}; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coordDest);conScrBufInfo.srWindow.Right = nConSrcBufWidth - 1;SetConsoleWindowInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), TRUE, &conScrBufInfo.srWindow);cout << "输入还贷总额:";cin >> g_dTotalPrincipal;cout << "输入还贷总年数:";cin >> g_nYears;cout << "输入年利率:";cin >> g_dYearRate;int nMortgateType = 0;cout << "输入还贷方式(0:等额本金方式;1:等额本息方式):";cin >> nMortgateType;switch(nMortgateType){case 0: // 等额本金方式ShowConstantPrincipal();break;case 1: // 等额本息方式ShowConstantPrincipalInterest();break;default:break;}cout << "按任意键退出...";getch();return 0;