【北邮国院大三下】Logistics and Supply Chain Management 物流与供应链管理 Week3



Manufacturing Costs vs. Non-manufacturing costs

Manufacturing Costs are those costs that are directly involved in manufacturing of products. E.g. raw materials costs and charges related workers.


  • Direct materials cost 直接原料成本
  • Direct labour cost 直接人工成本
  • Manufacturing overhead cost 制造费用成本

Non-manufacturing Costs are those costs that are not directly incurred to manufacture a product, such as: salary of sales personnel and advertising expenses.


  • Selling and distribution costs 营销费用
  • Administrative costs 行政成本

Cost Reduction vs. Sales Increase

省流:cost reduction对于提高利润来说更effective

Profit Leverage Effect 利润杠杆效应

Measurable cost savings that don’t hurt sales have a tremendous impact on the bottom line.


Profit impact of cost reduction is much greater than the impact of increased sales.


The lower the average profit margin, the greater the impact.


Strategic Cost Management: Principles 战略成本管理:原则

Strategic cost management uses cost management techniques to reduce the organisations costs and improve profit while supporting its value proposition.


Three elements of strategic cost management:


  1. Supply Chain Analysis 基于供应链的分析
  2. Value Proposition Analysis 价值主张分析
  3. Cost Driver Analysis 成本动因分析

Supply Chain Analysis

Supply chain analysis is the examination of the management of the flow of information, inventory, processes, and cash flows from the earliest supplier to the ultimate consumer, including the final disposal process.


Value Proposition Analysis

Value proposition analysis is the essence of a corporation strategy, determining how an organisation chooses to compete in its markets.Generic value propositions include:


  • Cost leadership 成本领导:一种竞争优势策略,企业通过降低生产成本、提高生产效率等方式,使其产品或服务的成本低于竞争对手,从而在市场上取得优势。
  • Technology leadership 技术领导
  • Differentiation strategies 差异化战略:一种企业竞争策略,通过提供独特的产品或服务来吸引客户,从而在市场上脱颖而出。

New approaches for achieving competitive advantage include:


  • First to market provider: This was a very popular strategy in the late 1990s and continues to be an important approach to doing business today. 率先进入市场的供应商:这在20世纪90年代后期是一种非常流行的策略,并且仍然是今天开展业务的重要方法。
  • Service/solution provider: This has become one of the key ways for organisations to compete in this decade. Being a full-service solution provider requires a high level of understanding of customer needs and flexibility and willingness to meet those customer needs. 服务/解决方案提供商:这已成为组织在这十年中竞争的关键方式之一。作为一个提供全方位服务的解决方案提供商,需要对客户需求有高度的了解,并具备满足这些客户需求的灵活性和意愿。
  • Technology Leader: This is a focused innovation approach, whereby the organisation competes by providing the latest and greatest technology to its customers. 技术领导者:这是一种专注的创新方法,组织通过向客户提供最新最好的技术来竞争。

Companies may choose a combination of value propositions.


Different strategic business units within the same company may choose different value propositions.


Value propositions may change over the product life cycle.


Cost Driver Analysis

Cost driver analysis identifies processes, activities, and decisions that actually create cost for the supply chain.


Cost drivers vary over time and among different products and services.


Generic Cost Drivers 一般成本驱动因素

Level of outsourcing within a company. Companies that outsource may experience higher costs for additional services than if it had internal operations.


Use of nonstandard materials, components and parts. Custom items are more costly because of low economies of scale. Custom parts may have better performance or lower operating costs.


Scale of operations. Very large manufacturing operations must have high stable volume.


High level of finished goods product mix. The more options the organisation offers its customers, the more inventory it may have to carry, and the more flexible its production operations must be.


Cost Driver Analysis - Considerations

Cost drivers are not inherently good or bad.


Cost reduction strategies must analyse cost drivers in relation to their impact on the value proposition.


Cost-Reduction Considerations

For each product or service, how do you become aware of the value proposition in your organisation at any point in time?


What is the value proposition for your organisation, product, service?


Does the value proposition vary among business units and products or services?


If so, are you certain you have identified the right value proposition?


Does the value proposition vary over time?


  • If so, are you certain you have identified the current or future value proposition? 如果是,你确定你已经确定了当前或未来的价值主张吗?

Will current/proposed activities be transparent to the customer?


  • If not, what in what way will they be visible? 如果没有,他们将以何种方式被看到?
  • Are these areas that the customer values? 这些领域是客户所看重的吗?
  • Will the impact be positive, negative or neutral? 影响是正面的、负面的还是中性的?

Responsibility for Strategic Cost Management

Historically accounting and finance had responsibility for reporting and managing costs.


SCM requires a broader cost perspective.


Strategic Cost Management Tools

Cost analysis: including “should-cost” analysis or zero-based pricing, as well as analysis of service provider cost elements.


Price analysis: understanding the prices available in the competitive marketplace.


Total cost of ownership: analysing the true cost of acquisition, use, maintenance and disposal of a good, service, capital equipment, or process.


Target costing: determining what the market will bear and working backwards to see how much you can afford to produce the product or service for, and still make a profit


Decision Classification 决策分类

Once the process has been mapped and a good understanding of the system has been achieved, a decision matrix can be used to determine the appropriate cost management tool.


The decision matrix classifies decisions according to:


  • Nature of the Buy 购买的性质
  • Relationship with Supplier 与供应商的关系

Nature of the Buy

Is the cost of the item or service important, perhaps due to high volume?


Is the technology used by the supplier critical to the product’s image, performance or quality?


Does the supplier have a critical brand name or image that you can use to generate sales?


Is the technology used by the supplier critical to future products, line extensions, or the next generations of products?


Is the item critical to getting leverage with supplier for other buys?


Could the item create environmental or safety concerns?


Are there limited good sources available?


Is the item purchase ongoing?


Other issues that complicate the buying situation for your organisation at this time?


Relationship with Supplier

Supplier Relationships Sought

How long would we like to continue to do business with this supplier?


If we desire an on-going relationship, would we like this supplier to be aware of our intentions?


Would we like to share information related to the buy with the supplier?


Would we like the supplier to become involved in our product or service development?


Would we like the supplier to locate one or more of its employees at our facility?


Other issues that affect the nature of the desired relationship with this supplier at this time?


根据decision matrix的分类,可以把Suppliers/Purchases分成四类


  • Low Impact – low-cost commodity items; focus is on price analysis/comparison 低影响-低成本商品项目;重点是价格分析/比较(买的少,不需要和供应商建立长期合作关系)
  • Leverage – large purchases of items in competitive markets; focus is on cost analysis 杠杆——在竞争激烈的市场上大量购买物品;重点是成本分析(买的多,不需要和供应商建立长期合作关系)
  • Strategic Item – large purchases from important suppliers; focus is on continuous improvement 策略性项目-从重要供应商大量采购;专注于持续改进(买的多,需要和供应商建立合作关系)
  • Critical Projects – large dollar volume infrequent purchase; focus is on life cycle cost 关键项目-大量不频繁的采购;重点是生命周期成本(买的多 但不频繁 ,需要和供应商建立合作关系,或者说这个东西极其重要)

Tool Selection



Commodity Classifications



Activity-Based Cost (ABC) Management 作业成本管理

Traditional cost accounting systems are used for internal reporting costs.


Ideally, cost accounting would like to use direct costing which determines cost based on actual expenditures.


Overhead, a pool of indirect costs, complicates direct costing.


Traditional Cost Accounting

Traditional cost accounting aggregates all indirect expenses into a classification called “overhead”.


Overhead is then allocated to production based on some benchmark activity.


Changes to the benchmark activity may distort true cost performance.



Activity-Based Cost Management

Activity-based accounting provides a more accurate alternative to traditional cost accounting.


Activity-based accounting attempts to match indirect costs with the products or services that generate them.


Activity-based accounting allocates indirect costs based on the cost drivers that actually create them.




Implementation of an ABC accounting system is a nontrivial event. Organisations may have to rethink:


  • Pricing strategy 定价策略:企业制定的一种用于确定产品或服务价格的方法,以实现特定的市场目标,如提高市场份额、提高利润或吸引新客户。
  • Marketing strategy 营销策略:一种为产品或服务制定的计划,旨在实现市场目标和提高销售业绩。
  • Manufacturing strategy 制造策略

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

…includes all relevant costs, such as administration, follow-up, expediting, inbound transportation, inspection, and testing, rework, storage, warranty, service, downtime, customer returns, and lost sales.


Attempts to look at the big picture, considering cost beyond that of the purchase price.


a philosophy for understanding all relevant supply chain related costs of doing business with a particular supplier for a particular goods/service, or the cost of the process, e.g. supply chain design.




Total Cost of Ownership Analysis

Step 1: Identification of Benefits Sought 确定所寻求的利益

Step 2: Form a TCO Team 组建TCO团队

Step 3: Identify Cost Drivers 识别成本驱动因素

Step 4: Fine Tune 微调

Step 5: Present 呈现

Step 1: Identification of Benefits Sought 确定所寻求的利益

The first step in TCO analysis is to determine the benefits sought from the analysis. Reasons to conduct TCO analysis include:


  • Performance measurement 绩效评估:一种对个人、团队或组织的工作表现进行定量和定性评价的方法,以便了解其是否达到预期目标和标准。
  • Framework for cost analysis 成本分析框架
  • Benchmarking performance 对标绩效
  • More informed decision making 更明智的决策
  • Communication of cost issues internally and with suppliers 与公司内部及供应商沟通成本问题
  • Encourages cross-functional interaction 鼓励跨职能互动
  • Support external teams with suppliers 为外部团队提供供应商支持
  • Better insight/understanding of cost drivers 更好的洞察/理解成本驱动因素
  • Build a business case 建立一个商业案例
  • Support an outsourcing analysis 支持外包分析
  • Support continuous improvement 持续的质量改进
  • Helps identify cost savings opportunities 帮助确定节省成本的机会
  • Prioritise/focus your time on high potential opportunities 把你的时间放在高潜力的机会上

Good Candidates for TCO Analysis TCO分析的良好候选人

Products and services that match the following criteria are good candidates for TCO Analysis:


  1. The firm spends a relatively large amount of money on the item 公司在这个项目上花了相当大的一笔钱
  2. The firm purchases the item with some degree of regularity, in order to provide some historical data, but more importantly, to allow opportunities to gather current cost information. 公司以某种程度的规律性购买物品,以便提供一些历史数据,但更重要的是,允许有机会收集当前成本信息。
  3. Purchasing believes the item has significant transaction costs associated with it that are not currently recognised. 采购部门认为,该项目有重大的交易成本,目前尚未确认。
  4. Purchasing believes that one or more of the currently unrecognised transaction costs is individually significant. 采购部认为,一项或多项当前未确认的交易成本单独具有重大意义。
  5. Purchasing has the opportunity to have an impact on transactions costs, via negotiation, changing suppliers, or improving internal operations. 采购有机会对交易成本产生影响,通过谈判,更换供应商,或改善内部运作。
  6. Those purchasing/using the item will cooperate in data gathering to learn more about the item’s cost structure. 购买/使用该物品的人将合作收集数据,以更多地了解该物品的成本结构。

Step 2: Form a TCO Team 组建TCO团队

Once a project has been identified, a TCO team should be formed. Members should include purchasing, users, and any functional/technical experts.



Step 3: Identify Cost Drivers 识别成本驱动因素

Begin the analysis by expressly identifying potential costs by mapping the process flow for all aspects of the project.


From the flowcharts, brainstorm key cost drivers.


Gather cost data for all identified cost driver for each alternative.


举个例子 - printer


根据流程图分析出key cost drivers


确定了这些yes,下一步就是gather cost data


Step 4: Fine Tune 微调

Step 4 allows for fine tuning of the TCO analysis including the use of sensitivity analysis.


  • Sensitivity analysis allows for testing of “what-if” scenarios. 敏感性分析允许测试“假设”场景。
  • Decisions that do not change based on changes to assumptions of data are said to be robust. 不因数据假设的变化而改变的决策被称为稳健决策。
  • Managers can have more confidence in robust decisions 管理者可以对强有力的决策更有信心

Step 5: Present 呈现

Step 5 requires that the TCO analysis findings be presented to the appropriate management level.


  • Format for presentation should include: 展示的格式应包括:
    • Summary of TCO analysis results TCO分析结果总结
    • Sensitivities 灵敏度
    • Non-Cost Issues 非成本问题
    • Recommendation 正式建议
  • Presentation should also include “soft” costs 报告还应包括“软”成本

Inventory 库存

Inventories are stocks of goods and materials that are maintained to satisfy normal demand patterns


Reason (of having inventory) #1: to meet anticipated demand and protect against stock-outs 以满足预期的需求和防止缺货

Why Study Inventory Management?

Inventory is the largest factor in manufacturing costs, and efficient Inventory Management has the greatest potential for increasing profitability


E.g. For a typical US manufacturer 60% of corporate income goes towards the purchase of materials


Stockholding & Profitability 库存量&利润率



Inventory reduces the return on sales, but the effect on asset return is even greater.


  • 这里PPT里有个计算的例子,自己去看一下算一下会更明白

Inventory Management

Inventory costs are important to consider


  • Inventory turnover: cost of goods sold divided by average inventory at cost 存货周转率:售出商品的成本除以按成本计算的平均存货
  • 在这里插入图片描述

Compare with competitors or benchmarked companies


Inventory holding always carries COST. This COST should be set against the BENEFITS provided.


Role of Inventory in the Supply Chain


Inventory Management - considerations

Why is there a need to hold stock?


Evens out fluctuations in demand


Categorisation of different types of stock


Costs associated with stockholding


Planning stock levels


Replenishment systems


Trade-off areas


Why carry Inventory?

  1. Provide product availability 提供产品可用性
  2. Buffer production or acquisition costs 缓冲生产或购置成本
  3. Buffer distribution costs 缓冲配送成本
  4. Hedge against inflation 抵御通涨
  5. Protect against uncertainty 防范不确定性
  6. Protect against unexpected events 防范突发事件

Inventory Management

Low inventory turnover = high inventory carrying costs, little (or no) stockout costs


High inventory turnover = low inventory carrying costs, high stockout costs


Managing the trade-off (product availability/responsiveness vs. cost/efficiency) is important to maintain service levels


Demand planning 需求规划

一共有三种type:Trend, Seasonality, Random


  • Description: Underlying growth or decline 描述:潜在的增长或下降
  • Planning: Monitor and forecast 计划:监控和预测


  • Description: Predictable peaks and troughs 描述:可预测的高峰和低谷
  • Planning: make seasonal allowances 计划:做季节性补贴


  • Description: Day-to-day variation 描述:日常变化
  • Planning: Appropriate safety stock level 计划:适当的安全库存水平

Inventory Classifications

  • Psychic stock (stimulates demand) 心理储备(刺激需求)
  • Cycle or base stock 循环或基础原料
  • Safety or buffer stock 安全或缓冲库存
  • Pipeline or in-transit stock 管道或在途库存
  • Speculative stock 投机性库存

Inventory-related costs(四种)

Holding costs: 持有成本

  • Opportunity (interest) 机会利率
  • Storage and warehousing 仓库及货仓
  • Insurance 保险
  • Obsolescence, shrinkage, deterioration, depreciation 陈旧、萎缩、变质、折旧

Capital costs: 基本建设成本

  • Set up and skills 设置和技能
  • Waste 浪费
  • Quality control 质量控制:一种对产品或服务的质量进行监督和管理的过程,以确保其满足既定的质量标准和客户需求。
  • Administration 管理

Stock-out costs


Production and transportation costs


Determination of the Average Cost of a Stockout


Pareto Curve & ABC Analysis

The Pareto Curve is a mathematical illustration of a common real life event. In a distribution of items and frequencies, nearly always it will be found that 80% of items account for 20% of frequencies. Thus with stocks:




  • Class A 5% items covering 55% value
  • Class B 15% items covering 25% value
  • Class C 80% items covering 20% value

Advantages of the techniques:

  • Assess criticality of some parts 评估某些部件的临界性
  • Assess relative importance of different parts 评估不同部分的相对重要性
  • Identify potential obsolete stock line 识别潜在的废弃库存线
  • Control frequency size of replenishment orders 控制补货订单的频率大小
  • Balance service levels against stockholdings 平衡服务水平和库存


  • Can be controlled statistically. Good forecasting essential. Major stock control effort in this group. Safety stock usually employed, recalculated on frequent basis. Expert market knowledge desirable. 可以被统计控制。良好的预测是必不可少的。本组主要的库存控制工作。通常使用的安全库存,经常重新计算。精通市场知识尤佳。


  • Often controlled by computerised methods (materials requirements planning). Good forecasting desirable. Lean stock buffers. Manage by exception where possible 通常由计算机化方法控制(物料需求计划)。良好的预测是可取的。精益库存缓冲。在可能的情况下通过异常进行管理


  • Simple methods (two bin … ) may be used. Larger safety stocks allowed. Orders can be less frequent. Simple, often visual controls. 简单的方法(两个罐子…)可以使用。允许更大的安全库存。订单可以不那么频繁。简单,通常是视觉控制。

Note: annual stock usage must be used, not current consumption


Inventory Management (图片分析)


When to Order (Reorder point)

Reorder point (ROP)

  • ROP = DD x RC under certainty
  • ROP = (DD x RC) + SS under uncertainty


DD = daily demand 每日需求量

RC = length of replenishment cycle 补给周期的长度

SS = safety stock 安全库存

How Much to Reorder (Reorder Quantity)

Economic order quantity (EOQ) 经济定货量



EOQ = the most economic order size, in dollars EOQ =最经济的订单规模,以美元为单位

A = annual usage, in dollars 年使用量,以美元计

B = administrative costs per order of placing the order 每笔订单的行政费用

C = carrying costs of the inventory (%) 存货的持有成本(%)



EOQ = the most economic order size, in units

A = annual demand, in units

B = administrative costs per order of placing the order

C = carrying costs of the inventory (%)

I = dollar value of the inventory, per unit 每单位存货的美元价值

Inventory Flows

Safety stock can prevent against two problem areas


  • Increased rate of demand 需求增加率
  • Longer-than-normal replenishment 比往常更久的补货时间

When fixed order quantity system like EOQ is used, time between orders may vary


When reorder point is reached, fixed order quantity is ordered


Contemporary Approaches of IM

  • ABC Analysis
  • Just-in Time (JIT)
  • Approach Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) 供应商管理库存方法(VMI)
    • VMI employs the same principles as those of JIT inventory, however, the responsibilities of managing inventory is placed with the vendor VMI采用与JIT库存相同的原则,但是,管理库存的责任由供应商承担
  • Inventory Tracking 库存跟踪


Just in time (JIT) is a production strategy that strives to improve a business return on investment (ROI) by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. To meet JIT objectives, the process relies on signals or Kanban between different points in the process, which tell production when to make the next part.



Kanban are usually ‘tickets’ but can be simple visual signals, such as the presence or absence of a part on a shelf. Implemented correctly, JIT focuses on continuous improvement and can improve a manufacturing organization’s return on investment, quality, and efficiency.


Benefits of JIT

  1. Reduced setup time. Cutting setup time allows the company to reduce or eliminate inventory for “changeover” time. 减少设置时间。缩短安装时间使公司能够减少或消除“转换”时间的库存。

  2. The flow of goods from warehouse to shelves improves. Small or individual piece lot sizes reduce lot delay inventories, which simplifies inventory flow and its management. 货物从仓库到货架的流动得到改善。小批量或单件批量减少了延迟库存,简化了库存流程和管理。

  3. Employees with multiple skills are used more efficiently. Having employees trained to work on different parts of the process allows companies to move workers where they are needed. 拥有多种技能的员工会得到更有效的利用。对员工进行培训,让他们在生产过程的不同环节工作,这样公司就可以把工人派到需要他们的地方。

  4. Production scheduling and work hour consistency synchronized with demand. If there is no demand for a product at the time, it is not made. 生产调度和工时与需求同步。如果一种产品在当时没有需求,它就不会被生产出来。

  5. Increased emphasis on supplier relationships. 加强对供应商关系的重视。

  6. Supplies come in at regular intervals throughout the production day. 在整个生产过程中,每隔一段时间就会有供应。

  7. Minimises storage space needed. 最大限度地减少所需的存储空间。

  8. Smaller chance of inventory breaking/expiring. 更小的库存破损/过期的机会。

Problems of JIT philosoph

JIT relies on other elements in the inventory chain as well. For instance, its effective application cannot be independent of other key components of a lean manufacturing system or it can "end up with the opposite of the desired result.“


Manufacturers have continued to try to hone forecasting methods such as applying a trailing 13-week average as a better predictor for JIT planning; however, some research demonstrates that basing JIT on the presumption of stability is inherently flawed.


Vendor-Managed Replenishment (VMR/VMI)

Suppliers actively manage inventory for customers.


Vendor monitors the buyer’s inventory levels (physically or via electronic messaging), makes periodic resupply decisions regarding order quantities, shipping, and timing.


Transactions customarily initiated by the buyer (such as purchase orders) are initiated by the supplier.


Benefits for suppliers

  • Improved demand information 改善需求信息
  • Improved ability to allocate productive resources 提高分配生产资源的能力

Benefits for customers

  • Lower labour and inventory costs 降低劳动力和库存成本
  • Improved item availability 改进物品可用性
  • Improved responsiveness 改善响应时间

Examples of VMI

PET granules for bottle blowing


Car seats to trackside at NISSAN


Soap to TESCO


Beer/drinks to managed pubs


Chemicals to process company


Role of Safety Inventory

Forecasts are rarely completely accurate


If average demand is 1000 units per week, then half the time actual demand will be greater than 1000, and half the time actual demand will be less than 1000; what happens when actual demand is greater than 1000?


If you kept only enough inventory in stock to satisfy average demand, half the time you would run out


Safety inventory: Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amount forecasted in a given period


Safety inventory is carried because product demand and lead time are uncertain and a product shortage may result if actual demand during lead time exceeds the forecast amount.


Safety Inventory

Average inventory is therefore cycle inventory plus safety inventory


  • it tends to have a negative impact on supply chain cost but a positive impact on supply chain responsiveness/availability 它倾向于对供应链成本产生负面影响,但对供应链响应/可用性产生积极影响

There is a fundamental trade-off:


  • Raising the level of safety inventory provides higher levels of product availability and customer service 提高安全库存水平可以提供更高水平的产品可用性和客户服务
  • Raising the level of safety inventory also raises the level of average inventory and therefore increases holding costs 提高安全库存水平也会提高平均库存水平,从而增加持有成本

Safety Inventory - obsolescence 废弃

Very important in high-tech or other industries where obsolescence is a significant risk (where the value of inventory, such as PCs, can drop in value very quickly)


  • Compaq and Dell in PCs

Two Questions to Answer in Planning Safety Inventory:

What is the appropriate level of safety inventory to carry? .


What actions can be taken to improve product availability while reducing safety inventory?


Level of Safety Inventory

  • Measuring demand uncertainty 衡量需求不确定性
  • Measuring product availability 测量产品可用性
  • Replenishment policies 补货政策
  • Evaluating cycle service level and fill rate 评估循环服务水平和填充率
  • Evaluating safety level given desired cycle service level or fill rate 在给定所需周期服务水平或填充率的情况下评估安全水平
  • Impact of required product availability and uncertainty on safety inventory 所需产品的可得性和不确定性对安全库存的影响

Level of Demand Uncertainty

Appropriate level of safety inventory determined by:


  • supply or demand uncertainty 供给或需求不确定性
  • desired level of product availability 期望的产品可用性水平

Higher levels of uncertainty require higher levels of safety inventory given a particular desired level of product availability


Higher levels of desired product availability require higher levels of safety inventory given a particular level of uncertainty


Measuring Demand Uncertainty

Demand has a systematic component and a random component


The estimate of the random component is the measure of demand uncertainty


Random component is usually estimated by the standard deviation of demand




D = Average demand per period 每期平均需求量

σD = standard deviation of demand per period 每一时期需求的标准差

L = lead time = time between when an order is placed and when it is received 从下订单到收到订单之间的时间

Uncertainty of demand during lead time is what is important


  • Demand during L periods = LD
  • σL = std dev of demand during L periods = σLSqrt(L)
  • Coefficient of variation = cv = σ/μ = stddev/mean = size of uncertainty relative to demand 不确定性相对于需求的大小

(Ω is commonly notated as σL We will use the designation of σL)

Measuring Product Availability

Product availability: a firm’s ability to fill a customer’s order out of available inventory


Stockout/backlog: a customer order arrives when product is not available


  • Product fill rate (fr): fraction of demand that is satisfied from product in inventory 产品填充率(fr):从库存产品中满足需求的比例
  • Order fill rate: fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory 订单填充率:从可用库存中填充的订单的百分比
  • Cycle service level: fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all customer demand met 周期服务水平:在满足所有客户需求的补货周期中所占的比例

Replenishment Policies

Replenishment policy: decisions regarding when to reorder and how much to reorder


  • Continuous review: inventory is continuously monitored and an order of size Q is placed when the inventory level reaches the reorder point ROP 连续评审:对库存进行持续监控,当库存水平达到再订货点ROP时,下一个尺寸为Q的订单
  • Periodic review: inventory is checked at regular (periodic) intervals and an order is placed to raise the inventory to a specified threshold (the “order-up-to” level) 定期审查:定期(周期性的)检查库存,并下订单将库存提高到指定的阈值(“订单至”级别)

Continuous Review Policy: Safety Inventory and Cycle Service Level 持续审查政策:安全库存和循环服务水平




Factors Affecting Fill Rate 影响填充率的因素

Safety inventory: Fill rate increases if safety inventory is increased. This also increases the cycle service level.


Lot size: Fill rate increases on increasing the lot size even though cycle service level does not change.


Impact of Product Availability 产品可用性的影响

Impact of Required Product Availability and Uncertainty on Safety Inventory:


  • Desired product availability (cycle service level or fill rate) increases, required safety inventory increases 期望的产品可用性(周期服务水平或填充率)增加,所需的安全库存增加
  • Demand uncertainty (σL) increases, required safety inventory increases 需求不确定性(σL)增加,所需的安全库存增加

Managerial levers to reduce safety inventory without reducing product availability


  • reduce supplier lead time, L (better relationships with suppliers) 缩短供应商交货期,L(与供应商建立更好的关系)
  • reduce uncertainty in demand, σL (better forecasts, better information collection and use) 减少需求的不确定性,σL(更好的预测,更好的信息收集和使用)


Information Centralisation 信息集中化

Virtual aggregation 虚拟聚合

Information system that allows access to current inventory records in all warehouses from each warehouse


Most orders are filled from closest warehouse


In case of a stockout, another warehouse can fill the order


Better responsiveness, lower transportation cost, higher product availability, but reduced safety inventory


Examples: McMaster-Carr, Gap, Wal-Mart

Specialisation 专业化

Stock all items in each location or stock different items at different locations?


Different products may have different demands in different locations (e.g., snow shovels)


There can be benefits from aggregation


Benefits of aggregation can be affected by:


  • coefficient of variation of demand (higher cv yields greater reduction in safety inventory from centralisation) 需求变化系数(CV越高,安全库存集中减少越多)
  • value of item (high value items provide more benefits from centralisation) 物品的价值(高价值的物品可以从集中中获得更多好处)

Product Substitution 产品替代

Substitution: use of one product to satisfy the demand for another product


Manufacturer-driven one-way substitution


Customer-driven two-way substitution


Component Commonality 通用件

Using common components in a variety of different products


Can be an effective approach to exploit aggregation and reduce component inventories



The ability of a supply chain to delay product differentiation or customisation until closer to the time the product is sold


Goal is to have common components in the supply chain for most of the push phase and move product differentiation as close to the pull phase as possible


Examples: Dell, Benetton

Estimating and Managing Safety Inventory in Practice 安全库存的评估与管理

Account for the fact that supply chain demand is lumpy


Adjust inventory policies if demand is seasonal


Use simulation to test inventory policies


Start with a pilot


Monitor service levels


Focus on reducing safety inventories


Dynamics of Promotional Activity 促销活动的动态


Projected sales uplift of 10% has resulted in a one-off demand increase of 40% on supplier


Complexity 复杂性

Complexity characterises the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher instruction to define the various possible interactions.



Characteristics of complexity

  • Numerousness 多数
    • Complexity often involves a large number of elements or components within a system. The sheer quantity of entities or parts can contribute to the complexity, as it increases the potential interactions and relationships among them. Managing and understanding such a multitude of elements can be challenging. 复杂性通常涉及系统中大量的元素或组件。实体或部件的绝对数量会增加复杂性,因为它增加了它们之间潜在的交互和关系。管理和理解如此多的元素是具有挑战性的。
  • Variability 可变性
    • Complexity is marked by the presence of variations or differences in the attributes, behaviors, or states of the components within a system. These variations can arise from inherent differences, external influences, or dynamic interactions. The existence of variability adds to the intricacy of understanding and predicting system behavior. 复杂性是由系统中组件的属性、行为或状态的变化或差异的存在来标记的。这些变化可能源于内在差异、外部影响或动态相互作用。可变性的存在增加了理解和预测系统行为的复杂性。
  • Diversity 多样性
    • Complex systems typically exhibit diversity, where the elements or entities differ in terms of their characteristics, functions, or roles. This diversity can encompass variations in size, shape, behavior, preferences, capabilities, or any other relevant attribute. The diverse nature of the system contributes to its complexity by introducing different requirements and interactions. 复杂系统通常表现出多样性,其中的元素或实体在其特征、功能或角色方面是不同的。这种多样性可以包括大小、形状、行为、偏好、能力或任何其他相关属性的变化。系统的多样性通过引入不同的需求和交互而增加了它的复杂性。
  • Variety 多样性
    • Complexity involves a broad range of possibilities or options within a system. It encompasses different choices, alternatives, or states that the system or its components can exhibit. The presence of variety amplifies the complexity, as it expands the potential configurations and outcomes that the system can manifest. 复杂性涉及系统中广泛的可能性或选项。它包含系统或其组件可以展示的不同选择、替代方案或状态。多样性的存在放大了复杂性,因为它扩展了系统可以显示的潜在配置和结果。
  • Interdependency 相关性
    • Complex systems are characterized by interdependencies, where the elements or components rely on and influence one another. Changes or actions in one part of the system can propagate and affect other interconnected parts. The interdependencies create intricate webs of relationships, feedback loops, and dependencies that make the system behavior difficult to predict or control. 复杂系统的特点是相互依赖,其中的元素或组件依赖并相互影响。系统中某一部分的更改或操作可以传播并影响其他相互连接的部分。相互依赖关系创造了错综复杂的关系网、反馈循环和依赖关系,使系统行为难以预测或控制。
  • Uncertainty 不确定性
    • Complexity is often associated with uncertainty due to the inherent difficulty in predicting outcomes or behavior. The interplay of numerousness, variability, diversity, variety, and interdependency makes it challenging to determine the precise course of events or consequences. The system may exhibit sensitivity to initial conditions, non-linear behavior, or unexpected emergent properties, further increasing the level of uncertainty. 由于预测结果或行为的固有困难,复杂性常常与不确定性联系在一起。数量、可变性、多样性、多样性和相互依赖性的相互作用使得确定事件或结果的精确过程具有挑战性。系统可能会对初始条件、非线性行为或意外的紧急特性表现出敏感性,从而进一步增加不确定性水平。


Challenge of Complexity in Supply Chains

Complexity increases:


  • Confusion 困惑
  • Cost 费用
  • The probability of counterproductive decision making and diminished competitiveness. 反生产决策和竞争力下降的可能性。

Complexity may be necessary to drive the value proposition.


Cost of complexity can not outweigh the value.


Sources of Complexity

  1. Organisational Structure 组织结构:一个公司或机构内部各部门和职位之间的关系和层次安排。
  2. Value-Added Processes 增值的过程
  3. The Operating Network 运营网络
  4. Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) 库存单位(sku)
  5. The Supply Base 供应基础
  6. The Customer Base 客户基础
  7. The Logistics System 物流系统

Organisational Structure

Issue: decision-making authority


Centralised – leverages scale to reduce cost


Decentralised – leverages local knowledge to build relationships and promote rapid response


Centralised vs. Decentralised Structure


Organisational Structure - solutions

Team-based structures


Policies to promote centre-led, decentralised organisation


Measurement systems that promote cooperation, support local autonomy and accountability


Modern communication and database technologies


Value-Added Process

Processes add complexity because they:


  • involve a number of people from different functions; 让来自不同职能部门的人参与进来;
  • consist of a large number of distinct activities; 复杂的:由大量不同的活动组成的;
  • employ a variety of capital equipment; 使用各种资本设备;
  • design, produce, or deliver a wide range of products. 设计、生产或交付各种产品。

Value-Added Process - solution

  • Standardisation 标准化
  • Error Proofing 防错:一种预防错误发生的方法,通过设计和制程改进来减少或消除错误的可能性。
  • Synchronisation of Material Flows 物料流的同步

Operating Network

Operating networks add complexity because of the number of distinct facilities that must be coordinated.


Efforts to “optimise the supply chain” using sophisticated mathematical models often fail over the long term because:


  • operating networks evolve over time; 运营网络随着时间的推移而发展;
  • acquisitions complicate network design; 收购使网络设计复杂化;
  • macroeconomics and political stability influence network design. 宏观经济和政治稳定影响网络设计。

Operating Network - Solutions

Managers should analyse the supply chain in terms of the following questions:


  • How many facilities do we really need to achieve desired service levels? 我们需要多少设施才能达到预期的服务水平?
  • Where should they be located? 他们应该被安置在哪里?
  • What activities will be performed at each? 每个会议将进行哪些活动?
  • How will the value-added activities be coordinated and controlled? 如何协调和控制增值活动?

Company SKUs

Product proliferation adds to SC complexity.


Breadth complexity


  • Wide range of products 很广泛的产品
  • Low profit margin 低利润率:指企业在销售产品或提供服务时所获得的利润与销售额之间的比率较低。
  • Relies on inventory turns and efficient operations 依赖于库存周转和高效运作

Depth complexity


  • large number of options for the products carried 大量可供选择的产品携带
  • High profit margin 利润率高
  • Relies on customer service and distinctive products 依靠客户服务和特色产品

Company SKUs - Solutions

Managers wishing to reduce complexity due to product proliferation should:


  • Proactively manage the breadth versus depth decision 主动管理广度与深度决策
  • Using total cost analysis, eliminate unprofitable SKUs 使用总成本分析,消除无利可图的库存单位
  • Institute policies to reduce proliferation 制定减少扩散的政策
  • Use postponement strategies 使用延迟策略
  • Use database and data mining tools 使用数据库和数据挖掘工具



The Supply Base

Traditionally, American manufacturers have sourced parts from multiple suppliers to hedge against disruptions and create leverage to drive down costs.


Multiple redundant suppliers, add complexity to the supply chain.


The Supply Base - Solutions

To reduce complexity, supply-chain managers may seek to reduce the number of suppliers and aggregate purchasing.


  • ABC Classification Systems ABC分类系统
  • Supplier Certifications 供应商认证
  • Long-Term Partnership Style Relationships 长期伙伴型关系

The Customer Base

Customers generally have greater power in supply chain relationships.


Customers use this power to demand consistently higher levels of service without additional compensation.


Customer proliferation may result in suboptimal profits.


The Customer Base - Solutions

Managers may seek to address an unwieldy customer base by:


  • ABC Classification Systems ABC分类系统
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to segment customers 客户关系管理(CRM)软件,细分客户
  • Sophisticated cost analysis to evaluate customers 对客户进行复杂的成本分析

Logistics System

Logistic systems are complex due to:


  • The number of transportation modes available 可用的运输方式的数量
  • The number of different facilities involved 涉及的不同设施的数量
  • Geographic dispersion 地理上的分散
  • Product proliferation 产品扩散
  • Variation in demand 需求变化
  • Variation in customer requirements 客户需求的变化

Logistics System - Solutions

Managers may seek to address logistics system complexity by:


  • Adopting advanced technology – ERP, DRP, CRM systems; database management; data mining. 采用先进的技术- ERP, DRP, CRM系统;数据库管理;数据挖掘。
  • Outsourcing – third-party logistics 外包-第三方物流
  • Insourcing – on-site third-party logistics 内包——现场第三方物流
  • Innovative practices 创新实践:一种新颖、独特的实践方法,旨在改进现有的工作方式或解决问题

SC Rationalisation

Supply chain rationalisation is the process of systematically evaluating the company’s operating network, suppliers, customers, and product offerings to find and eliminate inefficiencies and redundancies.


The goal is to efficiently allocate scarce resources to a company’s most profitable and strategically important activities and relationships.


例子:Chrysler’s Supply Chain


Rationalisation at Chrysler 合理化

Analysis of the supply chain to eliminate unnecessary or wasteful activities.


Step 1 – Identify and eliminate redundant suppliers.


  • Result: Fewer SKUs and fewer and higher- performing suppliers 结果:sku减少,供应商数量减少,绩效提高

Step 2 - Classify remaining suppliers on the basis of importance. 根据重要性对剩余供应商进行分类

  • Result: Discovery of potential threats and ability to focus resources on collaborative relationships with key suppliers. 结果:发现潜在威胁,并有能力将资源集中在与主要供应商的合作关系上。

Shifting Roles Among Members

Traditionally, roles for individual members of the supply chain were well defined.


Today, roles are far less certain.


To insure survivability, supply-chain participants must add unique value.


Role Shifting

Role shifting enhances supply chain efficiency thereby enhancing the value proposition.


Functional shiftability – allows firms with unique capabilities to undertake additional roles.


Dis-intermediated – a company that is shifted out of the supply chain, replaced by a more capable firm.


Role Shifting – Best Practices

Second-Tier Sourcing Contracts


Supplier Certification


Vendor-Managed Replenishment


Supplier-Integrated Manufacturing


Second-Tier Sourcing Contracts

Coordinated purchasing with first-tier suppliers.


Allows for aggregation of purchases.


Leverages purchasing power to reduce cost.


Supplier Certification

Supplier certification is the formal process of working with selected suppliers to evaluate and improve supplier quality.


“Dock to Stock” – incoming shipments no longer are inspected, they go straight to inventory or the point of use.


Vendor-Managed Replenishment

Suppliers actively manage inventory for customers.


Suppliers benefit due to improved demand information and improved ability to allocate productive resources.


Customers benefit from lower labour and inventory costs, improved item availability.


Supplier-Integrated Manufacturing

Customer firm invites suppliers to establish manufacturing facilities at the customer’s location.


Suppliers provide their own specialised equipment, manage their own inventory, and hire and train their own workers.





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