sds(Simple Dynamic String)是redis中最基础也是最重要的数据结构之一,其内部使用的key、协议、回复等等都会用它来存储。sds主要设计被用来替代C原生字符串 char *(数组),以便更便捷、更高效、更安全的进行字符串操作管理。其实它和C++标准库中的string在一定程度上是比较类似的,都是用来完成对字符串缓冲区的动态分配、管理以及其它一些相应操作的。
// sds的定义:
typedef char *sds;
struct sdshdr {int len; // SDS字符串的长度int free; // 未使用的空间大小char buf[]; // 字符串数据
/* Note: sdshdr5 is never used, we just access the flags byte directly.* However is here to document the layout of type 5 SDS strings. */
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr5 {unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, and 5 msb of string length */char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr8 {uint8_t len; /* used */uint8_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr16 {uint16_t len; /* used */uint16_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr32 {uint32_t len; /* used */uint32_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr64 {uint64_t len; /* used */uint64_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */char buf[];
};#define SDS_TYPE_5 0
#define SDS_TYPE_8 1
#define SDS_TYPE_16 2
#define SDS_TYPE_32 3
#define SDS_TYPE_64 4
sds在分配空间时,是包含头结构的,但真正返回的却是buf成员的地址,这就是sds具备C字符串的特性的原因。由于结构体中设置了 attribute((packed)),表示按单字节对齐,因此可以通过sds[- 1]来获取flags的值,而后获取对应的结构体指针。
#define SDS_HDR(T,s) ((struct sdshdr##T *)((s)-(sizeof(struct sdshdr##T))))// 获取SDS_TYPE_16对应的结构体指针
struct sdshdr16 *hdr = SDS_HDR(16,s)
接下来先看一下sds分配释放的主要实现 _sdsnewlen和 sdsfree,对外提供的分配函数最终都会调用它来实现。
sds _sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen, int trymalloc) {void *sh;sds s;// 根据数据长度获取合适的结构体类型char type = sdsReqType(initlen);/* Empty strings are usually created in order to append. Use type 8* since type 5 is not good at this. */// inilen为0时, 升级类型预留空间if (type == SDS_TYPE_5 && initlen == 0) type = SDS_TYPE_8;int hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);unsigned char *fp; /* flags pointer. */size_t usable;// 分配: 头 + 数据长度 + 1的空间assert(initlen + hdrlen + 1 > initlen); /* Catch size_t overflow */sh = trymalloc?s_trymalloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable) :s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable);if (sh == NULL) return NULL;// init不为空并且不是SDS_NOINIT, 则重置内存为0if (init==SDS_NOINIT)init = NULL;else if (!init)memset(sh, 0, hdrlen+initlen+1);// 对外返回的 sds 指针位置, 向后偏移头大小s = (char*)sh+hdrlen;// 存储flags的指针位置fp = ((unsigned char*)s)-1;usable = usable-hdrlen-1;if (usable > sdsTypeMaxSize(type))usable = sdsTypeMaxSize(type);// 根据类型,设置结构体中相应的值switch(type) {case SDS_TYPE_5: {*fp = type | (initlen << SDS_TYPE_BITS);break;}case SDS_TYPE_8: {SDS_HDR_VAR(8,s);sh->len = initlen;sh->alloc = usable;*fp = type;break;}case SDS_TYPE_16: {SDS_HDR_VAR(16,s);sh->len = initlen;sh->alloc = usable;*fp = type;break;}case SDS_TYPE_32: {SDS_HDR_VAR(32,s);sh->len = initlen;sh->alloc = usable;*fp = type;break;}case SDS_TYPE_64: {SDS_HDR_VAR(64,s);sh->len = initlen;sh->alloc = usable;*fp = type;break;}}// 拷贝需要初始化的内容if (initlen && init)memcpy(s, init, initlen);// buf末尾赋0s[initlen] = '\0';return s;
}......void sdsfree(sds s) {if (s == NULL) return;// 释放时,需要把指针重定向到相应结构体的起始位置s_free((char*)s-sdsHdrSize(s[-1]));
下面再看下扩容的函数 _sdsMakeRoomFor,它的实现也非常清晰,内部的一些扩容操作都会调用它。
sds _sdsMakeRoomFor(sds s, size_t addlen, int greedy) {void *sh, *newsh;// 获取剩余空间大小size_t avail = sdsavail(s);size_t len, newlen, reqlen;// 获取当前typechar type, oldtype = s[-1] & SDS_TYPE_MASK;int hdrlen;size_t usable;/* Return ASAP if there is enough space left. */// 空间够用则直接退出if (avail >= addlen) return s;len = sdslen(s);// 获取sds结构体分配内存的起始地址sh = (char*)s-sdsHdrSize(oldtype);// 新的需要分配的空间大小reqlen = newlen = (len+addlen);assert(newlen > len); /* Catch size_t overflow */if (greedy == 1) {// greedy为1时需要预留空间, 如果新分配空间小于1MB, 则分配空间调整为2倍大小; 如果大于1MB则分配成 + 1MB大小if (newlen < SDS_MAX_PREALLOC)newlen *= 2;elsenewlen += SDS_MAX_PREALLOC;}// 按新长度获取新的typetype = sdsReqType(newlen);/* Don't use type 5: the user is appending to the string and type 5 is* not able to remember empty space, so sdsMakeRoomFor() must be called* at every appending operation. */if (type == SDS_TYPE_5) type = SDS_TYPE_8;hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);assert(hdrlen + newlen + 1 > reqlen); /* Catch size_t overflow */if (oldtype==type) {// 如果类型不变,则直接按照新大小reallocnewsh = s_realloc_usable(sh, hdrlen+newlen+1, &usable);if (newsh == NULL) return NULL;s = (char*)newsh+hdrlen;} else {/* Since the header size changes, need to move the string forward,* and can't use realloc */// 如果类型变化了, 则重新分配内存并拷贝原来的数据到新内存以及释放原来的内存newsh = s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+newlen+1, &usable);if (newsh == NULL) return NULL;memcpy((char*)newsh+hdrlen, s, len+1);s_free(sh);s = (char*)newsh+hdrlen;// 设置flagss[-1] = type;// 设置新的长度sdssetlen(s, len);}// 设置可用空间大小usable = usable-hdrlen-1;if (usable > sdsTypeMaxSize(type))usable = sdsTypeMaxSize(type);sdssetalloc(s, usable);return s;