也对 "定投的受益数据 "与 "玄学受益数据"做一个数据上验证
1.以茅台发行到今天的数据为例,计算每个月 月初定投 月末进行卖出的受益
-Subject:equity analyst
pip install tushare
Requirement already satisfied: tushare in d:\an\lib\site-packages (1.2.84)Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (1.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: simplejson in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (3.17.6)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (2.26.0)
Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client==0.57.0 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (0.57.0)
Requirement already satisfied: lxml in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (4.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: bs4 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from tushare) (0.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from websocket-client==0.57.0->tushare) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from bs4->tushare) (4.10.0)Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from beautifulsoup4->bs4->tushare) (2.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from pandas->tushare) (2021.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from pandas->tushare) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.3 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from pandas->tushare) (1.20.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from requests->tushare) (2021.10.8)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from requests->tushare) (1.26.7)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from requests->tushare) (3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in d:\an\lib\site-packages (from requests->tushare) (2.0.4)import tushare as ts
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame,Series
import numpy as np
#Climb down the stock information
df=ts.get_k_data(code='600519',start='2000-01-01')#Get the stock information stored locally
df.to_csv('./maotai.csv')#Read local stock information
df=pd.read_csv('./maotai.csv')Unnamed: 0 date open close high low volume code
0 0 2001-08-27 -91.359 -91.174 -90.778 -91.654 406318.00 600519
1 1 2001-08-28 -91.274 -90.941 -90.916 -91.341 129647.79 600519
2 2 2001-08-29 -90.920 -91.027 -90.916 -91.076 53252.75 600519
3 3 2001-08-30 -91.044 -90.899 -90.826 -91.094 48013.06 600519
4 4 2001-08-31 -90.890 -90.915 -90.806 -90.952 23231.48 600519
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4919 4919 2022-03-28 1625.000 1660.800 1664.800 1604.000 57542.00 600519
4920 4920 2022-03-29 1661.500 1667.000 1691.500 1661.500 25935.00 600519
4921 4921 2022-03-30 1698.000 1730.100 1730.100 1695.000 42433.00 600519
4922 4922 2022-03-31 1720.000 1719.000 1738.600 1708.800 25174.00 600519
4923 4923 2022-04-01 1729.940 1780.010 1793.000 1721.690 44862.00 600519
4924 rows × 8 columns
从获取结果可以看出该股票从成立2001-8-27 第一次发行, 到现在2022-4-1 一共有4923开盘数据
1.2 对数据进行处理,为后续的工作准备
#Delete data that is not used for reading data, and process data types
#删除df中指定的一列 drop:label 为下标
#axis为轴向 1表示列 0表示行 inplace为true表示在原数据中修改
df.drop(labels='Unnamed: 0',axis=1,inplace=True)
date open close high low volume code
0 2001-08-27 -91.359 -91.174 -90.778 -91.654 406318.00 600519
1 2001-08-28 -91.274 -90.941 -90.916 -91.341 129647.79 600519
2 2001-08-29 -90.920 -91.027 -90.916 -91.076 53252.75 600519
3 2001-08-30 -91.044 -90.899 -90.826 -91.094 48013.06 600519
4 2001-08-31 -90.890 -90.915 -90.806 -90.952 23231.48 600519
#Look at the data type for each column
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4924 entries, 0 to 4923
Data columns (total 7 columns):# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- ----- 0 date 4924 non-null object 1 open 4924 non-null float642 close 4924 non-null float643 high 4924 non-null float644 low 4924 non-null float645 volume 4924 non-null float646 code 4924 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 269.4+ KB#Change the date data type to facilitate subsequent data processing
#Converts the date obj type to the time type
df['date']=pd.to_datetime(df['date'])<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4924 entries, 0 to 4923
Data columns (total 7 columns):# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- ----- 0 date 4924 non-null datetime64[ns]1 open 4924 non-null float64 2 close 4924 non-null float64 3 high 4924 non-null float64 4 low 4924 non-null float64 5 volume 4924 non-null float64 6 code 4924 non-null int64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(5), int64(1)
memory usage: 269.4 KB#Use the date column as the row index of the original data
df.set_index('date',inplace=True)open close high low volume code
2001-08-27 -91.359 -91.174 -90.778 -91.654 406318.00 600519
2001-08-28 -91.274 -90.941 -90.916 -91.341 129647.79 600519
2001-08-29 -90.920 -91.027 -90.916 -91.076 53252.75 600519
2001-08-30 -91.044 -90.899 -90.826 -91.094 48013.06 600519
2001-08-31 -90.890 -90.915 -90.806 -90.952 23231.48 600519
1.3 计算需求:
①小练习(其实就是网不太好,连接口总是断 测试一下)
- 获取闭盘比开盘上涨3%的日期
#Find the date when the stock closed up more than 3% from the opening
#伪代码 (收盘-开盘)/开盘>0.03
(df['open']-df['close'])/df['open']>0.03#If a Boolean value is generated during analysis, the next step is to use the Boolean as the row index
#If a Boolean is used as a row index, it can fetch true's data
df.loc[(df['open']-df['close'])/df['open']>0.03].index#Get true row dataDatetimeIndex(['2006-05-29', '2006-06-12', '2006-10-09', '2006-10-25','2006-11-14', '2006-11-16', '2006-11-29', '2006-11-30','2006-12-11', '2006-12-14',...'2021-07-26', '2021-07-27', '2021-07-29', '2021-08-17','2021-08-26', '2021-10-18', '2021-12-29', '2022-01-13','2022-01-28', '2022-03-07'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=680, freq=None)
- 获取开盘比前一天下跌2%的日期
#Find all the dates when the stock opened down more than 2% from the previous day's close
df.loc[(df['open']-df['close'].shift(1))/df['close'].shift(1)<-0.02].indexDatetimeIndex(['2006-02-13', '2006-04-17', '2006-04-18', '2006-04-19','2006-04-20', '2006-05-25', '2006-05-30', '2006-12-27','2007-01-04', '2007-01-22',...'2020-03-23', '2020-10-26', '2021-02-26', '2021-03-04','2021-04-28', '2021-08-20', '2021-11-01', '2022-03-14','2022-03-15', '2022-03-28'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=378, freq=None)
时间节点: 2020-01-01到现在
实行过程:每个月月初进行定投1手(100股) 月末进行卖出
#Buy stocks: Find out the corresponding row data for the first trading day of each month (opening price)
#Extract specified data from raw data by month for data resampling
df_monthly=new_df.resample('M').first()open close high low volume code
2010-01-31 35.594 34.047 35.594 33.573 44304.88 600519
2010-02-28 33.250 33.258 33.776 31.845 29655.94 600519
2010-03-31 31.424 31.267 32.176 31.079 21734.74 600519
2010-04-30 25.662 26.624 26.954 25.647 23980.83 600519
2010-05-31 2.529 3.017 3.708 1.702 23975.16 600519
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-12-31 1950.000 1932.990 1959.950 1919.020 26254.00 600519
2022-01-31 2055.000 2051.230 2068.950 2014.000 33843.00 600519
2022-02-28 1900.990 1867.960 1913.560 1850.000 35150.00 600519
2022-03-31 1802.000 1858.480 1863.570 1802.000 47379.00 600519
2022-04-30 1729.940 1780.010 1793.000 1721.690 44862.00 600519
148 rows × 6 columns#The total amount of money spent on buying a stock
cost=df_monthly['open'].sum()*1007779065.800000001#The valuation of shares that have not been sold in 2022 is included in the total earnings
last_monry=200*new_df['close'][-1]#Calculate total revenue
可以看出 从2020-01-01 到今天 每个月定投100股 到今天(当然这个月的没有卖出 以最近闭盘价格进行估值计算), 到目前为止应该受益 999771.0元
- 获取5日均线和30日均线
#Double moving average strategy formulation
df=pd.read_csv('./maotai.csv').drop(labels='Unnamed: 0',axis=1)
dfdate open close high low volume code
0 2001-08-27 -91.359 -91.174 -90.778 -91.654 406318.00 600519
1 2001-08-28 -91.274 -90.941 -90.916 -91.341 129647.79 600519
2 2001-08-29 -90.920 -91.027 -90.916 -91.076 53252.75 600519
3 2001-08-30 -91.044 -90.899 -90.826 -91.094 48013.06 600519
4 2001-08-31 -90.890 -90.915 -90.806 -90.952 23231.48 600519
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4919 2022-03-28 1625.000 1660.800 1664.800 1604.000 57542.00 600519
4920 2022-03-29 1661.500 1667.000 1691.500 1661.500 25935.00 600519
4921 2022-03-30 1698.000 1730.100 1730.100 1695.000 42433.00 600519
4922 2022-03-31 1720.000 1719.000 1738.600 1708.800 25174.00 600519
4923 2022-04-01 1729.940 1780.010 1793.000 1721.690 44862.00 600519
4924 rows × 7 columns#Change the date data type to facilitate subsequent data processing
#Converts the date obj type to the time type
df['date']=pd.to_datetime(df['date'])#Use the date column as the row index of the original data
df.set_index('date',inplace=True)df.head()open close high low volume code
2001-08-27 -91.359 -91.174 -90.778 -91.654 406318.00 600519
2001-08-28 -91.274 -90.941 -90.916 -91.341 129647.79 600519
2001-08-29 -90.920 -91.027 -90.916 -91.076 53252.75 600519
2001-08-30 -91.044 -90.899 -90.826 -91.094 48013.06 600519
2001-08-31 -90.890 -90.915 -90.806 -90.952 23231.48 600519#计算该股票的五日均线和 60日均线
#均线:对于每一个交易日,都可以计算前N天的移动平均值 并将这些移动
#平均值连接成为一条线a\5天和10天的是短线操作,称为日均线指标b\30天和60天的是中期均线指标 称为季均线指标c\120和240的是长期均线指标 称为年均线指标ma5=df['close'].rolling(5).mean()
2001-08-27 NaN
2001-08-28 NaN
2001-08-29 NaN
2001-08-30 NaN
2001-08-31 NaN...
2022-03-28 1771.946333
2022-03-29 1764.492333
2022-03-30 1759.077333
2022-03-31 1753.477667
2022-04-01 1749.244667
Name: close, Length: 4924, dtype: float64#画出五日均线
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
由于两条线的密度和像素因素,两条线几乎重合 再对数据进行计划处理
- 对数据进行截取细化,再次画出两条均线的折线图
- 对数据进行重新分析
我们分析指标中的两根线 一根为短时间内的指标线 一根为长时间的指标线
a\ 如果短时间的指标方向朝上 并且穿过了较长时间的指标线
b\ 如果短时间的指标方向朝下 并且穿过了较长时间的指标线
death_dateDatetimeIndex(['2002-01-17', '2002-01-30', '2002-03-29', '2002-07-29','2002-12-27', '2003-03-17', '2003-04-22', '2003-06-20','2003-06-30', '2003-08-04',...'2020-03-18', '2020-08-10', '2020-09-21', '2020-10-27','2021-03-01', '2021-04-15', '2021-05-06', '2021-06-22','2021-11-04', '2022-01-06'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=104, freq=None)#判断金叉的条件
golden_dateDatetimeIndex(['2001-08-27', '2001-08-28', '2001-08-29', '2001-08-30','2001-08-31', '2001-09-03', '2001-09-04', '2001-09-05','2001-09-06', '2001-09-07',...'2020-03-03', '2020-04-02', '2020-08-19', '2020-10-14','2020-11-05', '2021-04-02', '2021-04-16', '2021-05-20','2021-09-16', '2021-11-23'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=133, freq=None)
需求:--假如从2010年1月1日开始初始资金100000元,金叉尽量买入 死叉全部卖出,则到今天为止 收益如何?
hold=0#购买股数 100股=1手for i in range(0,len(s)):if s[i]==1:time=s.index[i]#金叉时间p=df.loc[time] ['open']#购买单价hand_count=money//(p*100)hold=hand_count*100money-=(hold*p)#购买后剩余钱数else:death_time=s.index[i]p_death=df.loc[death_time] ['open']money+=(p_death*hold)hold=0
收益 51976209.09999999
本内容只作为根据以往的一种数据参考,双均线是影响因素之一 并不是造成盈亏的最终因素.