- turtlesim
- sketch
配置好Project: Turtle-Sketch。
roslaunch sketch sketcher.launch
ros@ros:~/RobCode/sketch$ roslaunch sketch sketcher.launch
... logging to /home/ros/.ros/log/0c537ad0-890a-11ed-a964-4789d50e4dcc/roslaunch-ros-278770.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.started roslaunch server http://ros:34897/SUMMARY
========PARAMETERS* /rosdistro: noetic* /rosversion: 1.15.15NODES/CannyThresholding (image_thresholding/server.py)ImagePath (image_thresholding/import_server.py)Sketch (sketch/sketcher.py)rqt_reconfigure (rqt_reconfigure/rqt_reconfigure)sim (turtlesim/turtlesim_node)auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [278778]
ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311setting /run_id to 0c537ad0-890a-11ed-a964-4789d50e4dcc
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [278788]
started core service [/rosout]
process[rqt_reconfigure-2]: started with pid [278791]
process[CannyThresholding-3]: started with pid [278792]
process[ImagePath-4]: started with pid [278797]
process[sim-5]: started with pid [278798]
process[Sketch-6]: started with pid [278799]
Max = 120 Min = 50
[INFO] [1672491199.756063]: Address selected
[INFO] [1672491199.760637]: Image Loaded
[INFO] [1672491199.761917]: Select minimum and maximum threshold
Max = 120 Min = 50
[INFO] [1672491203.376289]: Spawning an army of turtles to sketch your image
[INFO] [1672491205.530128]: Sketching ....
[INFO] [1672491292.705367]: Press Ctrl+C to terminate the program
Program to sketch the contours in a turtle-sim
Author: Shilpaj Bhalerao
Date: Aug 30, 2020
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
Program to sketch the contours in a turtle-sim
Author: Shilpaj Bhalerao
Date: Aug 30, 2020
"""import rospy
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import time
import multiprocessing
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from turtlesim.msg import Pose
from turtlesim.srv import *
from std_srvs.srv import Empty
from Turtle import *
# from sketch.msg import points, groups, segments
# from sketch.srv import test
import itertoolsINTERNAL = Falseclass Robot:def __init__(self, parallel=1):self.count = 1self.list = []self.processes = []self.PARALLEL = parallelself.start = Falseself.image = Noneself.activate = Trueself.draw_contour = False# Variables to access contours dataself.collection_points = []self.collection_segments = []self.collection_groups = []# Initialize sketcher noderospy.init_node('sketcher', anonymous=False)# Publisherself.pub = rospy.Publisher('/turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)# Subscriber# rospy.Subscriber('contours', segments, self.callback)# Rate to control frequency of operation of nodeself.rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz# Reset the turtle-sim simulatorreset_sim()time.sleep(2) # Delay to make sure dynamic reconfigure is readywhile not rospy.is_shutdown():if INTERNAL: # Test the code without the data exchange from outside nodecenter = [5.54, 5.54]origin = [4.0, 4.0]l_top = [4.0, 9.0]r_top = [9.0, 9.0]l_bottom = [4.0, 4.0]r_bottom = [9.0, 4.0]self.start = Trueself.contours = [[(1, 1), (4, 2), (3, 3,), (4, 9), origin],[(9, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3,), (9, 9), (9, 4), origin],[center, l_top, r_top, r_bottom, l_bottom, center]]self.numbers = len(self.contours)elif not INTERNAL: # Test the code with other nodes data# Wait for user to select image from a path or capture an image using cameraif self.activate and not self.draw_contour:self.load_img()# After selecting image, start drawing contours and adjust the thresholdif self.activate and rospy.get_param('ImagePath/Capture'):self.find_contours()# After finalizing contours, spawn an army of turtles and start sketchingif self.start:# Spawn turtle at the first point of the contoursself.spawn_source()if self.PARALLEL == 0: # If sequential implementation mode is selectedself.trace()elif self.PARALLEL == 1: # If parallel implementation mode is selectedrospy.loginfo("Sketching ....")# Code for Multi-processingfor i in range(self.numbers):p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.trace_parallel, args=[i])p.start()self.processes.append(p)for process in self.processes:process.join()# Remove the turtles after sketching is doneself.kill_destination()rospy.loginfo("Press Ctrl+C to terminate the program")rospy.spin()else:pass# ------------------------------- Functions related to image processing ----------------------------def load_img(self):"""Load image using either:- Path of an image- Using a camera"""while self.image is None:types = rospy.get_param('ImagePath/CaptureType') # Check either camera or path is selected# If image path is selectedif types == 0:image_path = rospy.get_param('ImagePath/img_path') # Read the pathself.image = cv2.imread(image_path) # Load an image from the path# If image is loaded properly, start finding edgesif self.image is not None:rospy.loginfo("Address selected")self.draw_contour = Truebreak# If camera is selectedelif types == 1:cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)while True:# Check if frame is selectedcondition = rospy.get_param('ImagePath/Capture')# Capture frame-by-frameret, frame = cap.read()# Display the resulting framecv2.imshow('Capture Image to Sketch', frame)cv2.waitKey(1)# If frame is selected properly, start finding edgesif condition:self.image = framecv2.destroyWindow('Capture Image to Sketch')self.draw_contour = Truebreak# Resize image since turtle-sim dimensions are 500 x 500self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (500, 500))rospy.loginfo("Image Loaded")rospy.loginfo("Select minimum and maximum threshold")def find_contours(self):"""Find edges and contours in an image"""# Grayscalegray = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# Find Canny edges using threshold inputsgains = rospy.get_param('/Thresholds')min_val = gains[0]max_val = gains[1]edged = cv2.Canny(gray, min_val, max_val)cv2.imshow("Select Threshold Values", edged)cv2.waitKey(1)# If edges are selected, start drawing sketchstart = rospy.get_param('/Activate')if start:# Find contourscontours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edged, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)# Convert contours to accessible data formatself.contour_to_accessible_format(contours)# Draw all contours on a blank imageblank = np.zeros(shape=[500, 500, 3], dtype=np.uint8)cv2.drawContours(blank, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), 1)def contour_to_accessible_format(self, contours):"""Function to convert the opencv contours to accessible data format- Collection of x,y coordinates is a point- Collection of points is a segment- Collection of segments is a group- Collection of groups is a contour:param contours: Extracted contours from the image:type contours: opencv contours"""for i in range(len(contours)): # For all the contoursif len(contours[i]) > 10: # If they have more than 10 pointsfor j in range(len(contours[i])): # Find the x,y coordinates of all the pointsx_cord = (contours[i][j][0][0] * 11) / 500 # Convert points within (11, 11) i.e. size of turtle-simy_cord = (contours[i][j][0][1] * 11) / 500# Save these coordinates in a list named collection_points and subtract y from 11 to make upright# imageself.collection_points.append((x_cord, 11.0 - y_cord))# Collect all line segments in collection_segments listself.collection_segments.append(self.collection_points)self.collection_points = []# Collect all groups in collection_groups listself.collection_groups.append(self.collection_segments)# Collection of all contours in contoursself.contours = self.collection_segments# Total number of contoursself.numbers = len(self.contours)# Reset and code flowself.collection_segments = []self.activate = Falseself.start = True# ------------------------------- Functions related to sketching turtle path ----------------------------def trace_parallel(self, j):"""Function to trace the contours using multi-processing:param j: Number of multi-processes:type j: Int"""# Take x,y coord. of next point in contour and teleport turtle to that point(for all contours simultaneously)for k in range(len(self.contours[j])):self.list[j].teleport(self.contours[j][k][0], self.contours[j][k][1], 0.0)def trace(self):"""Function to trace the contours using sequential programming"""# Take x,y coord. of next point in contour and teleport turtle to that point(for one contour at a time)for j in range(self.numbers):for k in range(len(self.contours[j])):self.list[j].teleport(self.contours[j][k][0], self.contours[j][k][1], 0.0)# ------------------------------- Functions related to turtle actions ----------------------------def spawn_source(self):"""Spawn multiple turtles on the first point of each contour"""rospy.loginfo("Spawning an army of turtles to sketch your image")for i in range(self.numbers):self.list.append(Turtle(i + 1))if i == 0:self.list[0].set_pen(0)self.list[0].teleport(self.contours[i][0][0], self.contours[i][0][1], 0.0)self.list[0].set_pen(1)else:self.list[i].spawn(self.contours[i][0][0], self.contours[i][0][1], 0.0)def kill_destination(self):"""Remove the turtles from simulation at the end of sketching"""for i in range(self.numbers):self.list[i].kill_turtle()def reset_sim():"""Function to reset the simulator"""try:reset_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/reset', Empty)reset_serv()except rospy.ServiceException as e:rospy.loginfo("Service execution failed: %s" + str(e))if __name__ == '__main__':try:turtle = Robot(int(sys.argv[1]))except KeyboardInterrupt:exit()
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── docs # Supported files for documentation
│ ├── Contours.png
│ ├── done.png
│ ├── dynamic reconfigure.png
│ ├── edges.png
│ ├── Output.png
│ ├── rosgraph.png
│ ├── test.png
│ └── turtles.png
├── include
│ └── sketch
├── launch # Launch Files
│ └── sketcher.launch
├── package.xml
├── README.md
├── nodes # ROS Nodes
│ ├── ironman.jpeg
│ ├── sketcher.py
│ └── Turtle.py
└── TODO.md # TO DO for next version
├── cfg # Configuration file for GUI
│ ├── import.cfg # GUI params related to image import
│ └── thresholds.cfg # GUI params related to image thresholding
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│ └── dynamic_parameters
├── launch # Launch files
│ └── canny_thresholding.launch # Launch - GUI for Canny edge detection
├── nodes # ROS Nodes
│ ├── get_values.py
│ ├── import_server.py # Import Image import parameters in python node
│ └── server.py # Import thresholding parameters in python node
└── package.xml
-下载软件包“sketch”、“image_thresholding”和“dynamic-reconfigure noetic-devel”`
-运行命令-`$roslaunch sketcher.raunch`
-[x]使用ROS1 Noetic