CV - 计算机视觉 | ML - 机器学习 | RL - 强化学习 | NLP 自然语言处理
Subjects: cs.CV、cs.AI、cs.LG、cs.IR
1.Graph Signal Sampling for Inductive One-Bit Matrix Completion: a Closed-form Solution(ICLR 2023)
作者:Chao Chen, Haoyu Geng, Gang Zeng, Zhaobing Han, Hua Chai, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan
Inductive one-bit matrix completion is motivated by modern applications such as recommender systems, where new users would appear at test stage with the ratings consisting of only ones and no zeros. We propose a unified graph signal sampling framework which enjoys the benefits of graph signal analysis and processing. The key idea is to transform each user's ratings on the items to a function (signal) on the vertices of an item-item graph, then learn structural graph properties to recover the function from its values on certain vertices -- the problem of graph signal sampling. We propose a class of regularization functionals that takes into account discrete random label noise in the graph vertex domain, then develop the GS-IMC approach which biases the reconstruction towards functions that vary little between adjacent vertices for noise reduction. Theoretical result shows that accurate reconstructions can be achieved under mild conditions. For the online setting, we develop a Bayesian extension, i.e., BGS-IMC which considers continuous random Gaussian noise in the graph Fourier domain and builds upon a prediction-correction update algorithm to obtain the unbiased and minimum-variance reconstruction. Both GS-IMC and BGS-IMC have closed-form solutions and thus are highly scalable in large data. Experiments show that our methods achieve state-of-the-art performance on public benchmarks.
2.Geometric Perception based Efficient Text Recognition
作者:P. N. Deelaka, D. R. Jayakodi, D. Y. Silva
Every Scene Text Recognition (STR) task consists of text localization & text recognition as the prominent sub-tasks. However, in real-world applications with fixed camera positions such as equipment monitor reading, image-based data entry, and printed document data extraction, the underlying data tends to be regular scene text. Hence, in these tasks, the use of generic, bulky models comes up with significant disadvantages compared to customized, efficient models in terms of model deployability, data privacy & model reliability. Therefore, this paper introduces the underlying concepts, theory, implementation, and experiment results to develop models, which are highly specialized for the task itself, to achieve not only the SOTA performance but also to have minimal model weights, shorter inference time, and high model reliability. We introduce a novel deep learning architecture (GeoTRNet), trained to identify digits in a regular scene image, only using the geometrical features present, mimicking human perception over text recognition.
3.Neural Artistic Style Transfer with Conditional Adversaria
作者:P. N. Deelaka
A neural artistic style transformation (NST) model can modify the appearance of a simple image by adding the style of a famous image. Even though the transformed images do not look precisely like artworks by the same artist of the respective style images, the generated images are appealing. Generally, a trained NST model specialises in a style, and a single image represents that style. However, generating an image under a new style is a tedious process, which includes full model training. In this paper, we present two methods that step toward the style image independent neural style transfer model. In other words, the trained model could generate semantically accurate generated image under any content, style image input pair. Our novel contribution is a unidirectional-GAN model that ensures the Cyclic consistency by the model architecture.Furthermore, this leads to much smaller model size and an efficient training and validation phase.