error: #5: cannot open source input file "core_cmInstr.h": No such file or directory
/**************************************************************************//*** @file core_cmFunc.h* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function Access Header File* @version V3.02* @date 24. May 2012** @note* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.** @par* ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M* processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed* within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors.** @par* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED* OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE.* ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.*******************************************************************************/#ifndef __CORE_CMFUNC_H
#define __CORE_CMFUNC_H/* ########################### Core Function Access ########################### */
/** \ingroup CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface\defgroup CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions CMSIS Core Register Access Functions@{*/#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) /*------------------RealView Compiler -----------------*/
/* ARM armcc specific functions */#if (__ARMCC_VERSION < 400677)#error "Please use ARM Compiler Toolchain V4.0.677 or later!"
#endif/* intrinsic void __enable_irq(); */
/* intrinsic void __disable_irq(); *//** \brief Get Control RegisterThis function returns the content of the Control Register.\return Control Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
{register uint32_t __regControl __ASM("control");return(__regControl);
}/** \brief Set Control RegisterThis function writes the given value to the Control Register.\param [in] control Control Register value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control)
{register uint32_t __regControl __ASM("control");__regControl = control;
}/** \brief Get IPSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the IPSR Register.\return IPSR Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
{register uint32_t __regIPSR __ASM("ipsr");return(__regIPSR);
}/** \brief Get APSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the APSR Register.\return APSR Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
{register uint32_t __regAPSR __ASM("apsr");return(__regAPSR);
}/** \brief Get xPSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the xPSR Register.\return xPSR Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_xPSR(void)
{register uint32_t __regXPSR __ASM("xpsr");return(__regXPSR);
}/** \brief Get Process Stack PointerThis function returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).\return PSP Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
{register uint32_t __regProcessStackPointer __ASM("psp");return(__regProcessStackPointer);
}/** \brief Set Process Stack PointerThis function assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).\param [in] topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
{register uint32_t __regProcessStackPointer __ASM("psp");__regProcessStackPointer = topOfProcStack;
}/** \brief Get Main Stack PointerThis function returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).\return MSP Register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void)
{register uint32_t __regMainStackPointer __ASM("msp");return(__regMainStackPointer);
}/** \brief Set Main Stack PointerThis function assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).\param [in] topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
{register uint32_t __regMainStackPointer __ASM("msp");__regMainStackPointer = topOfMainStack;
}/** \brief Get Priority MaskThis function returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register.\return Priority Mask value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void)
{register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");return(__regPriMask);
}/** \brief Set Priority MaskThis function assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register.\param [in] priMask Priority Mask*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
{register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");__regPriMask = (priMask);
}#if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03)/** \brief Enable FIQThis function enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
#define __enable_fault_irq __enable_fiq/** \brief Disable FIQThis function disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
#define __disable_fault_irq __disable_fiq/** \brief Get Base PriorityThis function returns the current value of the Base Priority register.\return Base Priority register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void)
{register uint32_t __regBasePri __ASM("basepri");return(__regBasePri);
}/** \brief Set Base PriorityThis function assigns the given value to the Base Priority register.\param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t basePri)
{register uint32_t __regBasePri __ASM("basepri");__regBasePri = (basePri & 0xff);
}/** \brief Get Fault MaskThis function returns the current value of the Fault Mask register.\return Fault Mask register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void)
{register uint32_t __regFaultMask __ASM("faultmask");return(__regFaultMask);
}/** \brief Set Fault MaskThis function assigns the given value to the Fault Mask register.\param [in] faultMask Fault Mask value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask)
{register uint32_t __regFaultMask __ASM("faultmask");__regFaultMask = (faultMask & (uint32_t)1);
}#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03) */#if (__CORTEX_M == 0x04)/** \brief Get FPSCRThis function returns the current value of the Floating Point Status/Control register.\return Floating Point Status/Control register value*/
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FPSCR(void)
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)register uint32_t __regfpscr __ASM("fpscr");return(__regfpscr);
}/** \brief Set FPSCRThis function assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.\param [in] fpscr Floating Point Status/Control value to set*/
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)register uint32_t __regfpscr __ASM("fpscr");__regfpscr = (fpscr);
}#endif /* (__CORTEX_M == 0x04) */#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*------------------ ICC Compiler -------------------*/
/* IAR iccarm specific functions */#include <cmsis_iar.h>#elif defined ( __TMS470__ ) /*---------------- TI CCS Compiler ------------------*/
/* TI CCS specific functions */#include <cmsis_ccs.h>#elif defined ( __GNUC__ ) /*------------------ GNU Compiler ---------------------*/
/* GNU gcc specific functions *//** \brief Enable IRQ InterruptsThis function enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __enable_irq(void)
{__ASM volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory");
}/** \brief Disable IRQ InterruptsThis function disables IRQ interrupts by setting the I-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_irq(void)
{__ASM volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory");
}/** \brief Get Control RegisterThis function returns the content of the Control Register.\return Control Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Control RegisterThis function writes the given value to the Control Register.\param [in] control Control Register value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR control, %0" : : "r" (control) );
}/** \brief Get IPSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the IPSR Register.\return IPSR Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, ipsr" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Get APSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the APSR Register.\return APSR Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, apsr" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Get xPSR RegisterThis function returns the content of the xPSR Register.\return xPSR Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_xPSR(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, xpsr" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Get Process Stack PointerThis function returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).\return PSP Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
{register uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp\n" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Process Stack PointerThis function assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).\param [in] topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR psp, %0\n" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) );
}/** \brief Get Main Stack PointerThis function returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).\return MSP Register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void)
{register uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp\n" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Main Stack PointerThis function assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).\param [in] topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR msp, %0\n" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) );
}/** \brief Get Priority MaskThis function returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register.\return Priority Mask value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Priority MaskThis function assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register.\param [in] priMask Priority Mask*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR primask, %0" : : "r" (priMask) );
}#if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03)/** \brief Enable FIQThis function enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __enable_fault_irq(void)
{__ASM volatile ("cpsie f" : : : "memory");
}/** \brief Disable FIQThis function disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.Can only be executed in Privileged modes.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_fault_irq(void)
{__ASM volatile ("cpsid f" : : : "memory");
}/** \brief Get Base PriorityThis function returns the current value of the Base Priority register.\return Base Priority register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri_max" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Base PriorityThis function assigns the given value to the Base Priority register.\param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t value)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR basepri, %0" : : "r" (value) );
}/** \brief Get Fault MaskThis function returns the current value of the Fault Mask register.\return Fault Mask register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set Fault MaskThis function assigns the given value to the Fault Mask register.\param [in] faultMask Fault Mask value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask)
{__ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) );
}#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03) */#if (__CORTEX_M == 0x04)/** \brief Get FPSCRThis function returns the current value of the Floating Point Status/Control register.\return Floating Point Status/Control register value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FPSCR(void)
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("VMRS %0, fpscr" : "=r" (result) );return(result);
}/** \brief Set FPSCRThis function assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.\param [in] fpscr Floating Point Status/Control value to set*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)__ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) );
}#endif /* (__CORTEX_M == 0x04) */#elif defined ( __TASKING__ ) /*------------------ TASKING Compiler --------------*/
/* TASKING carm specific functions *//** The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.* Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all instrinsics,* Including the CMSIS ones.*/#endif/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions */#endif /* __CORE_CMFUNC_H */
/**************************************************************************//*** @file core_cmInstr.h* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M Core Instruction Access Header File* @version V3.02* @date 08. May 2012** @note* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.** @par* ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M* processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed* within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors.** @par* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED* OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE.* ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.*******************************************************************************/#ifndef __CORE_CMINSTR_H
#define __CORE_CMINSTR_H/* ########################## Core Instruction Access ######################### */
/** \defgroup CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface CMSIS Core Instruction InterfaceAccess to dedicated instructions@{
*/#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) /*------------------RealView Compiler -----------------*/
/* ARM armcc specific functions */#if (__ARMCC_VERSION < 400677)#error "Please use ARM Compiler Toolchain V4.0.677 or later!"
#endif/** \brief No OperationNo Operation does nothing. This instruction can be used for code alignment purposes.*/
#define __NOP __nop/** \brief Wait For InterruptWait For Interrupt is a hint instruction that suspends executionuntil one of a number of events occurs.*/
#define __WFI __wfi/** \brief Wait For EventWait For Event is a hint instruction that permits the processor to entera low-power state until one of a number of events occurs.*/
#define __WFE __wfe/** \brief Send EventSend Event is a hint instruction. It causes an event to be signaled to the CPU.*/
#define __SEV __sev/** \brief Instruction Synchronization BarrierInstruction Synchronization Barrier flushes the pipeline in the processor,so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache ormemory, after the instruction has been completed.*/
#define __ISB() __isb(0xF)/** \brief Data Synchronization BarrierThis function acts as a special kind of Data Memory Barrier.It completes when all explicit memory accesses before this instruction complete.*/
#define __DSB() __dsb(0xF)/** \brief Data Memory BarrierThis function ensures the apparent order of the explicit memory operations beforeand after the instruction, without ensuring their completion.*/
#define __DMB() __dmb(0xF)/** \brief Reverse byte order (32 bit)This function reverses the byte order in integer value.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
#define __REV __rev/** \brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)This function reverses the byte order in two unsigned short values.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__((section(".rev16_text"))) __STATIC_INLINE __ASM uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
{rev16 r0, r0bx lr
#endif/** \brief Reverse byte order in signed short valueThis function reverses the byte order in a signed short value with sign extension to integer.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__((section(".revsh_text"))) __STATIC_INLINE __ASM int32_t __REVSH(int32_t value)
{revsh r0, r0bx lr
#endif/** \brief Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)This function Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.\param [in] value Value to rotate\param [in] value Number of Bits to rotate\return Rotated value*/
#define __ROR __ror#if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03)/** \brief Reverse bit order of valueThis function reverses the bit order of the given value.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
#define __RBIT __rbit/** \brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 8 bit value.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)*/
#define __LDREXB(ptr) ((uint8_t ) __ldrex(ptr))/** \brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 16 bit values.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)*/
#define __LDREXH(ptr) ((uint16_t) __ldrex(ptr))/** \brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 32 bit values.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)*/
#define __LDREXW(ptr) ((uint32_t ) __ldrex(ptr))/** \brief STR Exclusive (8 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 8 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
#define __STREXB(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)/** \brief STR Exclusive (16 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 16 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
#define __STREXH(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)/** \brief STR Exclusive (32 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 32 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
#define __STREXW(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)/** \brief Remove the exclusive lockThis function removes the exclusive lock which is created by LDREX.*/
#define __CLREX __clrex/** \brief Signed SaturateThis function saturates a signed value.\param [in] value Value to be saturated\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (1..32)\return Saturated value*/
#define __SSAT __ssat/** \brief Unsigned SaturateThis function saturates an unsigned value.\param [in] value Value to be saturated\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (0..31)\return Saturated value*/
#define __USAT __usat/** \brief Count leading zerosThis function counts the number of leading zeros of a data value.\param [in] value Value to count the leading zeros\return number of leading zeros in value*/
#define __CLZ __clz#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03) */#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*------------------ ICC Compiler -------------------*/
/* IAR iccarm specific functions */#include <cmsis_iar.h>#elif defined ( __TMS470__ ) /*---------------- TI CCS Compiler ------------------*/
/* TI CCS specific functions */#include <cmsis_ccs.h>#elif defined ( __GNUC__ ) /*------------------ GNU Compiler ---------------------*/
/* GNU gcc specific functions *//** \brief No OperationNo Operation does nothing. This instruction can be used for code alignment purposes.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __NOP(void)
{__ASM volatile ("nop");
}/** \brief Wait For InterruptWait For Interrupt is a hint instruction that suspends executionuntil one of a number of events occurs.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __WFI(void)
{__ASM volatile ("wfi");
}/** \brief Wait For EventWait For Event is a hint instruction that permits the processor to entera low-power state until one of a number of events occurs.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __WFE(void)
{__ASM volatile ("wfe");
}/** \brief Send EventSend Event is a hint instruction. It causes an event to be signaled to the CPU.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __SEV(void)
{__ASM volatile ("sev");
}/** \brief Instruction Synchronization BarrierInstruction Synchronization Barrier flushes the pipeline in the processor,so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache ormemory, after the instruction has been completed.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __ISB(void)
{__ASM volatile ("isb");
}/** \brief Data Synchronization BarrierThis function acts as a special kind of Data Memory Barrier.It completes when all explicit memory accesses before this instruction complete.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __DSB(void)
{__ASM volatile ("dsb");
}/** \brief Data Memory BarrierThis function ensures the apparent order of the explicit memory operations beforeand after the instruction, without ensuring their completion.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __DMB(void)
{__ASM volatile ("dmb");
}/** \brief Reverse byte order (32 bit)This function reverses the byte order in integer value.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __REV(uint32_t value)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("rev %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)This function reverses the byte order in two unsigned short values.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("rev16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief Reverse byte order in signed short valueThis function reverses the byte order in a signed short value with sign extension to integer.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE int32_t __REVSH(int32_t value)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("revsh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)This function Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.\param [in] value Value to rotate\param [in] value Number of Bits to rotate\return Rotated value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __ROR(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
{__ASM volatile ("ror %0, %0, %1" : "+r" (op1) : "r" (op2) );return(op1);
}#if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03)/** \brief Reverse bit order of valueThis function reverses the bit order of the given value.\param [in] value Value to reverse\return Reversed value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("rbit %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 8 bit value.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint8_t __LDREXB(volatile uint8_t *addr)
{uint8_t result;__ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );return(result);
}/** \brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 16 bit values.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint16_t __LDREXH(volatile uint16_t *addr)
{uint16_t result;__ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );return(result);
}/** \brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit)This function performs a exclusive LDR command for 32 bit values.\param [in] ptr Pointer to data\return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __LDREXW(volatile uint32_t *addr)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("ldrex %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );return(result);
}/** \brief STR Exclusive (8 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 8 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *addr)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("strexb %0, %2, [%1]" : "=&r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief STR Exclusive (16 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 16 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *addr)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("strexh %0, %2, [%1]" : "=&r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief STR Exclusive (32 bit)This function performs a exclusive STR command for 32 bit values.\param [in] value Value to store\param [in] ptr Pointer to location\return 0 Function succeeded\return 1 Function failed*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *addr)
{uint32_t result;__ASM volatile ("strex %0, %2, [%1]" : "=&r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );return(result);
}/** \brief Remove the exclusive lockThis function removes the exclusive lock which is created by LDREX.*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __CLREX(void)
{__ASM volatile ("clrex");
}/** \brief Signed SaturateThis function saturates a signed value.\param [in] value Value to be saturated\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (1..32)\return Saturated value*/
#define __SSAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
({ \uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \__ASM ("ssat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \__RES; \})/** \brief Unsigned SaturateThis function saturates an unsigned value.\param [in] value Value to be saturated\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (0..31)\return Saturated value*/
#define __USAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
({ \uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \__ASM ("usat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \__RES; \})/** \brief Count leading zerosThis function counts the number of leading zeros of a data value.\param [in] value Value to count the leading zeros\return number of leading zeros in value*/
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint8_t __CLZ(uint32_t value)
{uint8_t result;__ASM volatile ("clz %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );return(result);
}#endif /* (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03) */#elif defined ( __TASKING__ ) /*------------------ TASKING Compiler --------------*/
/* TASKING carm specific functions *//** The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.* Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all intrinsics,* Including the CMSIS ones.*/#endif/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface */#endif /* __CORE_CMINSTR_H */