Python “贪吃蛇”游戏,在不断改进中学习pygame编程









class Rect

class Surface







静音切换 注意事项












import pygame
import sys
import random# 定义颜色
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED  = (255, 0, 0)
GREY = (211, 211, 211)  # 淡灰色def init():global screen, screen_sizeglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed# 初始化pygamepygame.init()# 设置屏幕大小screen_size = (640, 480)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)# 设置游戏标题pygame.display.set_caption("贪吃蛇")# 蛇的初始位置snake_pos = [[100, 100], [80, 100], [60, 100]]# 食物的初始位置food_pos = [300, 300]# 蛇的初始速度snake_speed = [20, 0]def repaint():# 绘制游戏界面screen.fill(WHITE)# 定义线段的端点坐标x,y = (-1,640,640,-1)*16, []for i in range(36):for _ in range(2):y.append(19+i*20)# 使用pygame.draw.lines()函数绘制线段points = list(zip(x,y))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 线宽为1points = list(zip(y,x))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1)   # 重画蛇和食物for pos in snake_pos:pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, pygame.Rect(food_pos[0], food_pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.display.flip()def game_quit():pygame.quit()sys.exit()def main():global screen, screen_sizeglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed# 主循环while True:# 处理游戏事件for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:game_quit()elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:snake_speed = [0, -20]elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:snake_speed = [0, 20]elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:snake_speed = [-20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:snake_speed = [20, 0]# 更新蛇的位置snake_pos.insert(0, [snake_pos[0][0] + snake_speed[0], snake_pos[0][1] + snake_speed[1]])# 检查蛇头是否碰到食物if snake_pos[0] == food_pos:food_pos = [random.randrange(1, screen_size[0] // 20) * 20, random.randrange(1, screen_size[1] // 20) * 20]else:snake_pos.pop()# 检查蛇头是否碰到墙壁或者蛇身if snake_pos[0][0] < 0 or snake_pos[0][0] >= screen_size[0] or snake_pos[0][1] < 0 or snake_pos[0][1] >= screen_size[1] or snake_pos[0] in snake_pos[1:]:game_quit()'''此处可增加与用户的交互,如:if askyesno('title','again?'):init() # Yes to Play againelse:game_quit() # No to Exit'''# 重画界面及蛇和食物repaint()# 控制游戏速度pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)if __name__ == "__main__":init()main()





蛇死后,提醒是否重来?Yes to play again, No to quit game.


由于没查到 pygame 有弹出信息窗口的方法(函数),于是用了DOS时代显示信息窗口的办法,画多个矩形窗口来模拟窗口,最后在矩形框上写上提示文字。代码如下:

def show_msg(msg, color = BLUE):
    x = screen.get_rect().centerx
    y = screen.get_rect().centery - 50
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
    text = font.render(msg, True, color)
    text_rect = text.get_rect()
    text_rect.centerx = x
    text_rect.centery = y
    rectangle1 = pygame.Rect(x-155, y-25, 320, 60)
    rectangle2 = pygame.Rect(x-160, y-30, 320, 60)
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARK, rectangle1)
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREY, rectangle2)
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, rectangle2, 2) # 边框宽为2
    screen.blit(text, text_rect)



    pygame.draw - pygame module for drawing shapes

        aaline(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos) -> Rect
        aaline(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, blend=1) -> Rect
        draw a straight antialiased line
        aalines(surface, color, closed, points) -> Rect
        aalines(surface, color, closed, points, blend=1) -> Rect
        draw multiple contiguous straight antialiased line segments
        arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle) -> Rect
        arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle, width=1) -> Rect
        draw an elliptical arc
        circle(surface, color, center, radius) -> Rect
        circle(surface, color, center, radius, width=0, draw_top_right=None, draw_top_left=None, draw_bottom_left=None, draw_bottom_right=None) -> Rect
        draw a circle
        ellipse(surface, color, rect) -> Rect
        ellipse(surface, color, rect, width=0) -> Rect
        draw an ellipse
        line(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos) -> Rect
        line(surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, width=1) -> Rect
        draw a straight line
        lines(surface, color, closed, points) -> Rect
        lines(surface, color, closed, points, width=1) -> Rect
        draw multiple contiguous straight line segments
        polygon(surface, color, points) -> Rect
        polygon(surface, color, points, width=0) -> Rect
        draw a polygon
        rect(surface, color, rect) -> Rect
        rect(surface, color, rect, width=0, border_radius=0, border_top_left_radius=-1, border_top_right_radius=-1, border_bottom_left_radius=-1, border_bottom_right_radius=-1) -> Rect
        draw a rectangle


    pygame.font - pygame module for loading and rendering fonts

    class Font(builtins.object)
     |  Font(file_path=None, size=12) -> Font
     |  Font(file_path, size) -> Font
     |  Font(pathlib.Path, size) -> Font
     |  Font(object, size) -> Font
     |  create a new Font object from a file
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  get_ascent(...)
     |      get_ascent() -> int
     |      get the ascent of the font
     |  get_bold(...)
     |      get_bold() -> bool
     |      check if text will be rendered bold
     |  get_descent(...)
     |      get_descent() -> int
     |      get the descent of the font
     |  get_height(...)
     |      get_height() -> int
     |      get the height of the font
     |  get_italic(...)
     |      get_italic() -> bool
     |      check if the text will be rendered italic
     |  get_linesize(...)
     |      get_linesize() -> int
     |      get the line space of the font text
     |  get_strikethrough(...)
     |      get_strikethrough() -> bool
     |      check if text will be rendered with a strikethrough
     |  get_underline(...)
     |      get_underline() -> bool
     |      check if text will be rendered with an underline
     |  metrics(...)
     |      metrics(text) -> list
     |      gets the metrics for each character in the passed string
     |  render(...)
     |      render(text, antialias, color, background=None) -> Surface
     |      draw text on a new Surface
     |  set_bold(...)
     |      set_bold(bool) -> None
     |      enable fake rendering of bold text
     |  set_italic(...)
     |      set_italic(bool) -> None
     |      enable fake rendering of italic text
     |  set_script(...)
     |      set_script(str) -> None
     |      set the script code for text shaping
     |  set_strikethrough(...)
     |      set_strikethrough(bool) -> None
     |      control if text is rendered with a strikethrough
     |  set_underline(...)
     |      set_underline(bool) -> None
     |      control if text is rendered with an underline
     |  size(...)
     |      size(text) -> (width, height)
     |      determine the amount of space needed to render text
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  bold
     |      bold -> bool
     |      Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered in (faked) bold.
     |  italic
     |      italic -> bool
     |      Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered in (faked) italics.
     |  strikethrough
     |      strikethrough -> bool
     |      Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered with a strikethrough.
     |  underline
     |      underline -> bool
     |      Gets or sets whether the font should be rendered with an underline.

class Rect

Help on class Rect in module pygame.rect:

class Rect(builtins.object)
 |  Rect(left, top, width, height) -> Rect
 |  Rect((left, top), (width, height)) -> Rect
 |  Rect(object) -> Rect
 |  pygame object for storing rectangular coordinates
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  clamp(...)
 |      clamp(Rect) -> Rect
 |      moves the rectangle inside another
 |  clamp_ip(...)
 |      clamp_ip(Rect) -> None
 |      moves the rectangle inside another, in place
 |  clip(...)
 |      clip(Rect) -> Rect
 |      crops a rectangle inside another
 |  clipline(...)
 |      clipline(x1, y1, x2, y2) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))
 |      clipline(x1, y1, x2, y2) -> ()
 |      clipline((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))
 |      clipline((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> ()
 |      clipline((x1, y1, x2, y2)) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))
 |      clipline((x1, y1, x2, y2)) -> ()
 |      clipline(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) -> ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2))
 |      clipline(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) -> ()
 |      crops a line inside a rectangle
 |  collidedict(...)
 |      collidedict(dict) -> (key, value)
 |      collidedict(dict) -> None
 |      collidedict(dict, use_values=0) -> (key, value)
 |      collidedict(dict, use_values=0) -> None
 |      test if one rectangle in a dictionary intersects
 |  collidedictall(...)
 |      collidedictall(dict) -> [(key, value), ...]
 |      collidedictall(dict, use_values=0) -> [(key, value), ...]
 |      test if all rectangles in a dictionary intersect
 |  collidelist(...)
 |      collidelist(list) -> index
 |      test if one rectangle in a list intersects
 |  collidelistall(...)
 |      collidelistall(list) -> indices
 |      test if all rectangles in a list intersect
 |  collideobjects(...)
 |      collideobjects(rect_list) -> object
 |      collideobjects(obj_list, key=func) -> object
 |      test if any object in a list intersects
 |  collideobjectsall(...)
 |      collideobjectsall(rect_list) -> objects
 |      collideobjectsall(obj_list, key=func) -> objects
 |      test if all objects in a list intersect
 |  collidepoint(...)
 |      collidepoint(x, y) -> bool
 |      collidepoint((x,y)) -> bool
 |      test if a point is inside a rectangle
 |  colliderect(...)
 |      colliderect(Rect) -> bool
 |      test if two rectangles overlap
 |  contains(...)
 |      contains(Rect) -> bool
 |      test if one rectangle is inside another
 |  copy(...)
 |      copy() -> Rect
 |      copy the rectangle
 |  fit(...)
 |      fit(Rect) -> Rect
 |      resize and move a rectangle with aspect ratio
 |  inflate(...)
 |      inflate(x, y) -> Rect
 |      grow or shrink the rectangle size
 |  inflate_ip(...)
 |      inflate_ip(x, y) -> None
 |      grow or shrink the rectangle size, in place
 |  move(...)
 |      move(x, y) -> Rect
 |      moves the rectangle
 |  move_ip(...)
 |      move_ip(x, y) -> None
 |      moves the rectangle, in place
 |  normalize(...)
 |      normalize() -> None
 |      correct negative sizes
 |  scale_by(...)
 |      scale_by(scalar) -> Rect
 |      scale_by(scalex, scaley) -> Rect
 |      scale the rectangle by given a multiplier
 |  scale_by_ip(...)
 |      scale_by_ip(scalar) -> None
 |      scale_by_ip(scalex, scaley) -> None
 |      grow or shrink the rectangle size, in place
 |  union(...)
 |      union(Rect) -> Rect
 |      joins two rectangles into one
 |  union_ip(...)
 |      union_ip(Rect) -> None
 |      joins two rectangles into one, in place
 |  unionall(...)
 |      unionall(Rect_sequence) -> Rect
 |      the union of many rectangles
 |  unionall_ip(...)
 |      unionall_ip(Rect_sequence) -> None
 |      the union of many rectangles, in place
 |  update(...)
 |      update(left, top, width, height) -> None
 |      update((left, top), (width, height)) -> None
 |      update(object) -> None
 |      sets the position and size of the rectangle

class Surface

class Surface(builtins.object)
 |  Surface((width, height), flags=0, depth=0, masks=None) -> Surface
 |  Surface((width, height), flags=0, Surface) -> Surface
 |  pygame object for representing images
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  blit(...)
 |      blit(source, dest, area=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect
 |      draw one image onto another
 |  blits(...)
 |      blits(blit_sequence=((source, dest), ...), doreturn=1) -> [Rect, ...] or None
 |      blits(((source, dest, area), ...)) -> [Rect, ...]
 |      blits(((source, dest, area, special_flags), ...)) -> [Rect, ...]
 |      draw many images onto another
 |  convert(...)
 |      convert(Surface=None) -> Surface
 |      convert(depth, flags=0) -> Surface
 |      convert(masks, flags=0) -> Surface
 |      change the pixel format of an image
 |  convert_alpha(...)
 |      convert_alpha(Surface) -> Surface
 |      convert_alpha() -> Surface
 |      change the pixel format of an image including per pixel alphas
 |  copy(...)
 |      copy() -> Surface
 |      create a new copy of a Surface
 |  fill(...)
 |      fill(color, rect=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect
 |      fill Surface with a solid color
 |  get_abs_offset(...)
 |      get_abs_offset() -> (x, y)
 |      find the absolute position of a child subsurface inside its top level parent
 |  get_abs_parent(...)
 |      get_abs_parent() -> Surface
 |      find the top level parent of a subsurface
 |  get_alpha(...)
 |      get_alpha() -> int_value
 |      get the current Surface transparency value
 |  get_at(...)
 |      get_at((x, y)) -> Color
 |      get the color value at a single pixel
 |  get_at_mapped(...)
 |      get_at_mapped((x, y)) -> Color
 |      get the mapped color value at a single pixel
 |  get_bitsize(...)
 |      get_bitsize() -> int
 |      get the bit depth of the Surface pixel format
 |  get_blendmode(...)
 |      Return the surface's SDL 2 blend mode
 |  get_bounding_rect(...)
 |      get_bounding_rect(min_alpha = 1) -> Rect
 |      find the smallest rect containing data
 |  get_buffer(...)
 |      get_buffer() -> BufferProxy
 |      acquires a buffer object for the pixels of the Surface.
 |  get_bytesize(...)
 |      get_bytesize() -> int
 |      get the bytes used per Surface pixel
 |  get_clip(...)
 |      get_clip() -> Rect
 |      get the current clipping area of the Surface
 |  get_colorkey(...)
 |      get_colorkey() -> RGB or None
 |      Get the current transparent colorkey
 |  get_flags(...)
 |      get_flags() -> int
 |      get the additional flags used for the Surface
 |  get_height(...)
 |      get_height() -> height
 |      get the height of the Surface
 |  get_locked(...)
 |      get_locked() -> bool
 |      test if the Surface is current locked
 |  get_locks(...)
 |      get_locks() -> tuple
 |      Gets the locks for the Surface
 |  get_losses(...)
 |      get_losses() -> (R, G, B, A)
 |      the significant bits used to convert between a color and a mapped integer
 |  get_masks(...)
 |      get_masks() -> (R, G, B, A)
 |      the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
 |  get_offset(...)
 |      get_offset() -> (x, y)
 |      find the position of a child subsurface inside a parent
 |  get_palette(...)
 |      get_palette() -> [RGB, RGB, RGB, ...]
 |      get the color index palette for an 8-bit Surface
 |  get_palette_at(...)
 |      get_palette_at(index) -> RGB
 |      get the color for a single entry in a palette
 |  get_parent(...)
 |      get_parent() -> Surface
 |      find the parent of a subsurface
 |  get_pitch(...)
 |      get_pitch() -> int
 |      get the number of bytes used per Surface row
 |  get_rect(...)
 |      get_rect(**kwargs) -> Rect
 |      get the rectangular area of the Surface
 |  get_shifts(...)
 |      get_shifts() -> (R, G, B, A)
 |      the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
 |  get_size(...)
 |      get_size() -> (width, height)
 |      get the dimensions of the Surface
 |  get_view(...)
 |      get_view(<kind>='2') -> BufferProxy
 |      return a buffer view of the Surface's pixels.
 |  get_width(...)
 |      get_width() -> width
 |      get the width of the Surface
 |  lock(...)
 |      lock() -> None
 |      lock the Surface memory for pixel access
 |  map_rgb(...)
 |      map_rgb(Color) -> mapped_int
 |      convert a color into a mapped color value
 |  mustlock(...)
 |      mustlock() -> bool
 |      test if the Surface requires locking
 |  premul_alpha(...)
 |      premul_alpha() -> Surface
 |      returns a copy of the surface with the RGB channels pre-multiplied by the alpha channel.
 |  scroll(...)
 |      scroll(dx=0, dy=0) -> None
 |      Shift the surface image in place
 |  set_alpha(...)
 |      set_alpha(value, flags=0) -> None
 |      set_alpha(None) -> None
 |      set the alpha value for the full Surface image
 |  set_at(...)
 |      set_at((x, y), Color) -> None
 |      set the color value for a single pixel
 |  set_clip(...)
 |      set_clip(rect) -> None
 |      set_clip(None) -> None
 |      set the current clipping area of the Surface
 |  set_colorkey(...)
 |      set_colorkey(Color, flags=0) -> None
 |      set_colorkey(None) -> None
 |      Set the transparent colorkey
 |  set_masks(...)
 |      set_masks((r,g,b,a)) -> None
 |      set the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
 |  set_palette(...)
 |      set_palette([RGB, RGB, RGB, ...]) -> None
 |      set the color palette for an 8-bit Surface
 |  set_palette_at(...)
 |      set_palette_at(index, RGB) -> None
 |      set the color for a single index in an 8-bit Surface palette
 |  set_shifts(...)
 |      set_shifts((r,g,b,a)) -> None
 |      sets the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
 |  subsurface(...)
 |      subsurface(Rect) -> Surface
 |      create a new surface that references its parent
 |  unlock(...)
 |      unlock() -> None
 |      unlock the Surface memory from pixel access
 |  unmap_rgb(...)
 |      unmap_rgb(mapped_int) -> Color
 |      convert a mapped integer color value into a Color


    is_running = False
    is_paused = False
    is_dead = False



pygame.K_y: 字母Y/y
pygame.K_n: 字母N/n


pygame.K_ESCAPE: Esc键
pygame.K_SPACE: 空格键


import pygame
import sys
import random# 定义颜色
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED   = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE  = (0, 0, 255)
GREY  = (220, 220, 220)  # 淡灰色
DARK  = (120, 120, 120)  # 深灰色def init():global screen, screen_sizeglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed# 初始化pygamepygame.init()# 设置屏幕大小screen_size = (640, 480)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)# 设置游戏标题pygame.display.set_caption("贪吃蛇")# 蛇的初始位置snake_pos = [[100, 100], [80, 100], [60, 100]]# 食物的初始位置food_pos = [300, 300]# 蛇的初始速度snake_speed = [20, 0]def show_msg(msg, color = BLUE):x = screen.get_rect().centerxy = screen.get_rect().centery - 50font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)text = font.render(msg, True, color)text_rect = text.get_rect()text_rect.centerx = xtext_rect.centery = yrectangle1 = pygame.Rect(x-155, y-25, 320, 60)rectangle2 = pygame.Rect(x-160, y-30, 320, 60)pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARK, rectangle1)pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREY, rectangle2)pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, rectangle2, 2) # 边框宽为2screen.blit(text, text_rect)pygame.display.flip()def repaint():# 绘制游戏界面screen.fill(WHITE)# 定义线段的端点坐标x,y = (-1,640,640,-1)*16, []for i in range(36):for _ in range(2):y.append(19+i*20)# 使用pygame.draw.lines()函数绘制线段points = list(zip(x,y))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 线宽为1points = list(zip(y,x))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1)   # 重画蛇和食物for pos in snake_pos:pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, pygame.Rect(food_pos[0], food_pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.display.flip()def game_quit():pygame.quit()sys.exit()def main():global screen, screen_sizeglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speedis_running = Falseis_paused = Falseis_dead = Falserepaint()show_msg("Press any key to start ...")# 主循环while True:# 处理游戏事件for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:game_quit()elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:snake_speed = [0, -20]elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:snake_speed = [0, 20]elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:snake_speed = [-20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:snake_speed = [20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_y:if is_dead:init()is_dead = Falseis_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_n:if is_dead: game_quit()else: is_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:if is_running:show_msg(">>> Paused <<<")is_paused = not is_pausedelse: # 任意键进入开始状态is_running = Trueif not is_running: continueif is_paused and is_running: continue# 更新蛇的位置snake_pos.insert(0, [snake_pos[0][0] + snake_speed[0], snake_pos[0][1] + snake_speed[1]])# 检查蛇头是否碰到食物if snake_pos[0] == food_pos:food_pos = [random.randrange(1, screen_size[0] // 20) * 20, random.randrange(1, screen_size[1] // 20) * 20]else:snake_pos.pop()# 检查蛇头是否碰到墙壁或者蛇身if snake_pos[0][0] < 0 or snake_pos[0][0] >= screen_size[0] or snake_pos[0][1] < 0 or snake_pos[0][1] >= screen_size[1] or snake_pos[0] in snake_pos[1:]:show_msg("Dead! Again? (Y or N)")is_running = Falseis_dead = Truecontinue# 重画界面及蛇和食物repaint()# 控制游戏速度pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)if __name__ == "__main__":init()main()





def show_msg_at(x, y, msg):
    font = pygame.font.SysFont('Consolas', 14)  # 使用系统字库
    text = font.render(msg, True, BLACK)
    text_rect = text.get_rect()
    text_rect.x, text_rect.y = x, y
    screen.blit(text, text_rect)

另外新增一个全局变量 scores,当碰到食物时加10分,蛇长超过5以及食物靠近边界的距离小3会有额外加分,规则可以自己定,例如:

        if snake_pos[0] == food_pos:
            scores += 10 + len(snake_pos) // 5
            if not 1 < snake_pos[0][0]//20 < 30 or not 1 < snake_pos[0][1]//20 < 22:
                scores += 5


import pygame
import sys
import random# 定义颜色
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED   = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE  = (0, 0, 255)
GREY  = (220, 220, 220)  # 淡灰色
DARK  = (120, 120, 120)  # 深灰色def init():global screen, screen_size, scoresglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed# 初始化pygamescores = 0pygame.init()# 设置屏幕大小screen_size = (640, 480)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)# 设置游戏标题pygame.display.set_caption("贪吃蛇")# 蛇的初始位置snake_pos = [[100, 100], [80, 100], [60, 100]]# 食物的初始位置food_pos = [300, 300]# 蛇的初始速度snake_speed = [20, 0]def show_msg(msg, color = BLUE):x = screen.get_rect().centerxy = screen.get_rect().centery - 50font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)text = font.render(msg, True, color)text_rect = text.get_rect()text_rect.centerx = xtext_rect.centery = yrectangle1 = pygame.Rect(x-155, y-25, 320, 60)rectangle2 = pygame.Rect(x-160, y-30, 320, 60)pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARK, rectangle1)pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREY, rectangle2)pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, rectangle2, 2) # 边框宽为2screen.blit(text, text_rect)pygame.display.flip()def repaint():# 绘制游戏界面screen.fill(WHITE)# 定义线段的端点坐标x,y = (-1,640,640,-1)*16, []for i in range(36):for _ in range(2):y.append(19+i*20)# 使用pygame.draw.lines()函数绘制线段points = list(zip(x,y))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 线宽为1points = list(zip(y,x))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1)   # 重画蛇和食物for pos in snake_pos:pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, pygame.Rect(food_pos[0], food_pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.display.flip()show_msg_at(22, 6, f'Scores: {scores}')show_msg_at(410, 6, f'Snake coordinate: ({1+snake_pos[0][0]//20:2}, {1+snake_pos[0][1]//20:2})')def show_msg_at(x, y, msg):font = pygame.font.SysFont('Consolas', 14)text = font.render(msg, True, BLACK)text_rect = text.get_rect()text_rect.x, text_rect.y = x, yscreen.blit(text, text_rect)pygame.display.flip()def game_quit():pygame.quit()sys.exit()def main():global screen, screen_size, scoresglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speedis_running = Falseis_paused = Falseis_dead = Falserepaint()show_msg("Press any key to start ...")# 主循环while True:# 处理游戏事件for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:game_quit()elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:snake_speed = [0, -20]elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:snake_speed = [0, 20]elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:snake_speed = [-20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:snake_speed = [20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_y:if is_dead:init()is_dead = Falseis_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_n:if is_dead: game_quit()else: is_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:if is_dead: continueif is_paused: is_paused = Falseis_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:if is_running:show_msg(">>> Paused <<<")is_paused = not is_pausedelse: # 任意键进入开始状态if is_dead: continueis_running = Trueif not is_running: continueif is_paused and is_running: continue# 更新蛇的位置snake_pos.insert(0, [snake_pos[0][0] + snake_speed[0], snake_pos[0][1] + snake_speed[1]])# 检查蛇头是否碰到食物if snake_pos[0] == food_pos:scores += 10 + len(snake_pos) // 5if not 1 < snake_pos[0][0]//20 < 30 or not 1 < snake_pos[0][1]//20 < 22:scores += 5​​​​​​​ food_pos = [random.randrange(1, screen_size[0] // 20) * 20, random.randrange(1, screen_size[1] // 20) * 20]else:snake_pos.pop()# 检查蛇头是否碰到墙壁或者蛇身if snake_pos[0][0] < 0 or snake_pos[0][0] >= screen_size[0] or snake_pos[0][1] < 0 or snake_pos[0][1] >= screen_size[1] or snake_pos[0] in snake_pos[1:]:show_msg("Dead! Again? (Y or N)")is_running = Falseis_dead = Truecontinue# 重画界面及蛇和食物repaint()# 控制游戏速度pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)if __name__ == "__main__":init()main()



def play_music(mp3, volume = 1, loops = -1):
    # 初始化pygame的mixer模块
    # 加载音乐文件
    # 控制音量 volume = 0~1,1为最高音量
    # 播放音乐 loops = -1 为循环播放


def play_sound(wav_no):
    sound_fn = f'sound{wav_no}.wav'
    if os.path.exists(sound_fn):
        alert_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_fn)


快捷键 Ctrl+M 

    elif event.key == pygame.K_m and event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL:
        # Ctrl+M 切换背景音乐
        is_mute = False
        music_no = 1 if music_no == 3 else music_no + 1
        music_fn = f"voice{music_no}.mp3"
        if os.path.exists(music_fn):
            t = threading.Thread(target=play_music, args=(music_fn,0.8,))


快捷键 Ctrl+S

    elif event.key == pygame.K_s and event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL:
        # Ctrl+S 切换静音状态
        is_mute = not is_mute
        if is_mute:

1. 只能播放pygame支持的音频格式,包括WAV, MP3等。

2. 如果音频文件未找到或无法读取, ) 会抛出一个异常。使用需要确保音频文件的路径正确,且文件存在。导入os库,用os.path.exists(music_file) 判断文件是否存在。

3. 是一个阻塞函数,在音频播放期间程序将不会执行其他操作。如果需要在播放同时执行其他操作,需要在一个单独的线程中调用。

4. 多线程需要导入threading库,例如:

          t = threading.Thread(target=play_music, args=(music_fn,0.8,))



    pygame.mixer_music - pygame module for controlling streamed audio

        fadeout(time) -> None
        stop music playback after fading out
        get_busy() -> bool
        check if the music stream is playing
        get_endevent() -> type
        get the event a channel sends when playback stops
        get_pos() -> time
        get the music play time
        get_volume() -> value
        get the music volume
        load(filename) -> None
        load(fileobj, namehint=) -> None
        Load a music file for playback
        pause() -> None
        temporarily stop music playback
        play(loops=0, start=0.0, fade_ms=0) -> None
        Start the playback of the music stream
        queue(filename) -> None
        queue(fileobj, namehint=, loops=0) -> None
        queue a sound file to follow the current
        rewind() -> None
        restart music
        set_endevent() -> None
        set_endevent(type) -> None
        have the music send an event when playback stops
        set_pos(pos) -> None
        set position to play from
        set_volume(volume) -> None
        set the music volume
        stop() -> None
        stop the music playback
        unload() -> None
        Unload the currently loaded music to free up resources
        unpause() -> None
        resume paused music


class Sound(builtins.object)
 |  Sound(filename) -> Sound
 |  Sound(file=filename) -> Sound
 |  Sound(file=pathlib_path) -> Sound
 |  Sound(buffer) -> Sound
 |  Sound(buffer=buffer) -> Sound
 |  Sound(object) -> Sound
 |  Sound(file=object) -> Sound
 |  Sound(array=object) -> Sound
 |  Create a new Sound object from a file or buffer object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  fadeout(...)
 |      fadeout(time) -> None
 |      stop sound playback after fading out
 |  get_length(...)
 |      get_length() -> seconds
 |      get the length of the Sound
 |  get_num_channels(...)
 |      get_num_channels() -> count
 |      count how many times this Sound is playing
 |  get_raw(...)
 |      get_raw() -> bytes
 |      return a bytestring copy of the Sound samples.
 |  get_volume(...)
 |      get_volume() -> value
 |      get the playback volume
 |  play(...)
 |      play(loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) -> Channel
 |      begin sound playback
 |  set_volume(...)
 |      set_volume(value) -> None
 |      set the playback volume for this Sound
 |  stop(...)
 |      stop() -> None
 |      stop sound playback


import pygame
import sys, os
import random
import threading# 定义颜色
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED   = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE  = (0, 0, 255)
GREY  = (220, 220, 220)  # 淡灰色
DARK  = (120, 120, 120)  # 深灰色def init():global screen, screen_size, scoresglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed# 初始化pygamescores = 0pygame.init()# 设置屏幕大小screen_size = (640, 480)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)# 设置游戏标题pygame.display.set_caption("贪吃蛇")# 蛇的初始位置snake_pos = [[100, 100], [80, 100], [60, 100]]# 食物的初始位置food_pos = [300, 300]# 蛇的初始速度snake_speed = [20, 0]def play_music(mp3, volume = 1, loops = -1):# 初始化pygame的mixer模块pygame.mixer.init()# 加载音乐文件 控制音量 播放音乐 play_sound(wav_no):sound_fn = f'sound{wav_no}.wav'if os.path.exists(sound_fn):alert_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_fn) show_msg(msg, color = BLUE):x = screen.get_rect().centerxy = screen.get_rect().centery - 50font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)text = font.render(msg, True, color)text_rect = text.get_rect()text_rect.centerx = xtext_rect.centery = yrectangle1 = pygame.Rect(x-155, y-25, 320, 60)rectangle2 = pygame.Rect(x-160, y-30, 320, 60)pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARK, rectangle1)pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREY, rectangle2)pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, rectangle2, 2) # 边框宽为2screen.blit(text, text_rect)pygame.display.flip()def repaint():# 绘制游戏界面screen.fill(WHITE)# 定义线段的端点坐标x,y = (-1,640,640,-1)*16, []for i in range(36):for _ in range(2):y.append(19+i*20)# 使用pygame.draw.lines()函数绘制线段points = list(zip(x,y))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 线宽为1points = list(zip(y,x))pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1)   # 重画蛇和食物for pos in snake_pos:pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN, pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, pygame.Rect(food_pos[0], food_pos[1], 20, 20))pygame.display.flip()show_msg_at(22, 6, f'Scores: {scores}')show_msg_at(410, 6, f'Snake coordinate: ({1+snake_pos[0][0]//20:2}, {1+snake_pos[0][1]//20:2})')def show_msg_at(x, y, msg):font = pygame.font.SysFont('Consolas', 14)text = font.render(msg, True, BLACK)text_rect = text.get_rect()text_rect.x, text_rect.y = x, yscreen.blit(text, text_rect)pygame.display.flip()def game_quit():pygame.quit()sys.exit()def main():global screen, screen_size, scoresglobal snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speedis_running = Falseis_paused = Falseis_dead = Falseis_mute = Falserepaint()show_msg("Press any key to start ...")# 创建一个线程来播放音乐music_no = 1music_fn = "voice1.mp3"if os.path.exists(music_fn):t = threading.Thread(target=play_music, args=(music_fn,0.8,))t.start()# 主循环while True:# 处理游戏事件for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:game_quit()elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:snake_speed = [0, -20]elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:snake_speed = [0, 20]elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:snake_speed = [-20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:snake_speed = [20, 0]elif event.key == pygame.K_y:if is_dead:init()is_dead = Falseis_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_n:if is_dead: game_quit()else: is_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:if is_dead: continueif is_paused: is_paused = Falseis_running = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:if is_running:show_msg(">>> Paused <<<")is_paused = not is_pausedif not is_mute and is_paused: play_sound(1)elif event.key == pygame.K_m and event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL:# Ctrl+M 切换背景音乐is_mute = Falsemusic_no = 1 if music_no == 3 else music_no + 1music_fn = f"voice{music_no}.mp3"if os.path.exists(music_fn):t = threading.Thread(target=play_music, args=(music_fn,0.8,))t.start()elif event.key == pygame.K_s and event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL:# Ctrl+S 切换静音状态is_mute = not is_muteif = Trueelse: # 任意键进入开始状态if is_dead: continueis_running = Trueif not is_running: continueif is_paused and is_running: continue# 更新蛇的位置snake_pos.insert(0, [snake_pos[0][0] + snake_speed[0], snake_pos[0][1] + snake_speed[1]])# 检查蛇头是否碰到食物if snake_pos[0] == food_pos:scores += 10 + len(snake_pos) // 5if not 1 < snake_pos[0][0]//20 < 30 or not 1 < snake_pos[0][1]//20 < 22:scores += 5if not is_mute: play_sound(2)food_pos = [random.randrange(1, screen_size[0] // 20) * 20, random.randrange(1, screen_size[1] // 20) * 20]else:snake_pos.pop()# 检查蛇头是否碰到墙壁或者蛇身if snake_pos[0][0] < 0 or snake_pos[0][0] >= screen_size[0] or snake_pos[0][1] < 0 or snake_pos[0][1] >= screen_size[1] or snake_pos[0] in snake_pos[1:]:show_msg("Dead! Again? (Y or N)")is_running = Falseis_dead = Trueif not is_mute: play_sound(3)continue# 重画界面及蛇和食物repaint()# 控制游戏速度pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)if __name__ == "__main__":init()main()




import pygame
import sys# 初始化Pygame
pygame.init()# 设置窗口大小
screen_size = (800, 600)# 创建窗口
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)# 设置窗口标题
pygame.display.set_caption("Pygame Example")# 主循环
while True:# 处理事件for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()elif event.type == ...... // 处理按键事件# 填充背景色screen.fill((255, 255, 255))# 绘制矩形pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 255), (400, 300, 100, 50))# 更新显示pygame.display.flip()






代码随想录算法训练营第三十八天 | 理论基础,509. 斐波那契数,70. 爬楼梯,746. 使用最小花费爬楼梯

代码随想录算法训练营第三十八天 | 理论基础&#xff0c;509. 斐波那契数&#xff0c;70. 爬楼梯&#xff0c;746. 使用最小花费爬楼梯 理论基础什么是动态规划动态规划的解题步骤动态规划应该如何debug 509. 斐波那契数递归解法 70. 爬楼梯746. 使用最小花费爬楼梯 理论基础 视…


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2023年8月9日-8月11日&#xff0c;上海国际汽车测试及质量监控博览会在上海圆满落幕。本次展会提供了一个了解最新汽车测试及质量监控技术、产品和趋势的机会&#xff0c;同时也是汽车测试及质量监控领域的专业人士和业内人士的重要交流平台。 雅名特是虹科旗下子公司&#xff…

springcloud3 hystrix实现服务熔断的案例配置3

一 hystrix的熔断原理 1.1 hystrix的熔断原理 在springcloud的框架里&#xff0c;熔断机制是通过hystrix实现&#xff0c;hystrix会监控服务之间的调用。当失败调用达到一定的阈值&#xff0c;默认是5s内失败20次&#xff0c;就会启用hystrix的熔断机制&#xff0c;使用命Hy…

Python Opencv实践 - 图像透射变换

import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimg cv.imread("../SampleImages/pomeranian.png", cv.IMREAD_COLOR) rows,cols img.shape[:2] print(rows,cols)#opencv中的透射变换&#xff0c;需要一个3x3透射变换矩阵 #这个矩阵可以通过…


Linux内核配置系统的组成 Linux内核源码很多&#xff0c;有上千条配置选项&#xff0c;配置相当复杂。 为了更好选择自己想要的功能配置&#xff0c;linux内核源码组织了一个配置系统&#xff1b; 配置系统包括三部分&#xff1a; Makefile&#xff1a;负责整体的配置编译 …


文章目录 1 前言2、创建SpringBoot程序2.1、创建项目2.2、添加依赖2.3、生成实体类、service与Mapper1.5、配置读写分离 2、测试2.1、读写分离测试2.2、事务测试2.3、负载均衡测试 结语 1 前言 shardingshpere-jdbc定位为轻量级 Java 框架&#xff0c;在 Java 的 JDBC 层提供的…


pysimplegui中更新Listbox组件选定元素的格式 背景问题解决创建窗口布局创建窗口背景 在进行打分时候,由于打分的指标较多,因此为了辨别已经打完分数的指标,可以考虑对打过分的指标进行标记,故可以采用格式修改的方法调整,比如添加一些特殊标记 问题解决 import PySim…


1.Nuscenes 数据集链接&#xff1a;nuScenes nuscenes数据集下有多个任务&#xff0c;涉及Detection&#xff08;2D/3D&#xff09;、Tracking、prediction、激光雷达分割、全景任务、规划控制等多个任务&#xff1b; nuScenes数据集是一个具有三维目标注释的大型自动驾驶数…


常用代码&#xff1a; 程序入口&#xff1a;int main() 函数用于定义程序的入口点。 输出&#xff1a;使用 printf() 函数可以在控制台打印输出。 输入&#xff1a;使用 scanf() 函数可以接收用户的输入。 条件判断&#xff1a;使用 if-else 语句可以根据条件执行不同的代码…


在外汇交易中&#xff0c;合理设置挂单和止损是保护资金和管理风险的重要手段。MT4平台提供了便捷的挂单和止损功能&#xff0c;帮助交易者更好地控制交易风险。本文将为您介绍如何善用限价和止损单来管理风险&#xff0c;以及在MT4平台上的操作步骤。 一、设置限价挂单 限价挂…

⛳ Docker - Centos 安装配置

目录 ⛳ Docker - Centos 安装配置&#x1f3ed; Docker 安装&#xff1a;&#x1f4e2; 一、安装依赖包&#x1f4ac; 二、添加 Docker 下载源地址&#x1f43e; 三、更新yum缓存&#x1f463; 四、安装Docker&#x1f4bb; 五、启动Docker&#x1f381; 六、查看Docker状态和…

macOS - 安装使用 libvirt、virsh

文章目录 关于 libvirt使用安装启动服务virsh 交互模式virsh 帮助命令 关于 libvirt libvirt 官网&#xff1a; : : 只读&#xff0c;gitlab 的镜像 libvirt是一套…


一、全局配置命令 配置级别&#xff1a; –local&#xff08;默认&#xff0c;高级优先&#xff09;&#xff1a;只影响本地仓库 –global(中优先级)&#xff1a;只影响所有当前用户的git仓库 –system&#xff08;低优先级&#xff09;&#xff1a;影响到全系统的git仓库 1…


目录 1.核能的概念 2.核能的实现原理 3.核能的利与弊 4.核能未来的发展趋势 1.核能的概念 核能是指利用核反应过程中释放出的能量来产生电力或其他形式能量的能源形式。核能主要通过核裂变和核聚变两种方式产生。 1. 核裂变&#xff1a;核裂变是指重核&#xff08;通常是铀、…

04.Show, Attend and Tell

目录 前言泛读摘要IntroductionRelated Work小结 精读编码器&#xff1a;特征卷积解码器&#xff1a;LSTM网络随机硬注意力和确定软注意力机制硬注意力软注意力双重随机注意力 训练实验数据集评估过程定量分析定性分析 结论 代码&#xff08;略&#xff09; 前言 本课程来自深…

多维时序 | MATLAB实现PSO-CNN-BiLSTM多变量时间序列预测

多维时序 | MATLAB实现PSO-CNN-BiLSTM多变量时间序列预测 目录 多维时序 | MATLAB实现PSO-CNN-BiLSTM多变量时间序列预测基本介绍模型特点程序设计参考资料 基本介绍 本次运行测试环境MATLAB2021b&#xff0c;MATLAB实现PSO-CNN-BiLSTM多变量时间序列预测。代码说明&#xff1a…

Unity Bolt使用协程等待

使用Unity bolt插件可以进行一些简单逻辑开发。本质上相当于把C#接口以图形化的方式进行调用。但是怎么使用协程进行等待呢。经过一些研究&#xff0c;可以使用继承WaitUnit的组件方式进行扩展。下面是具体的操作步骤。 1&#xff1a;等待组件扩展。 经过查找&#xff0c;Bol…