记录--vue 拉伸指令



在我们项目开发中,经常会有布局拉伸的需求,接下来 让我们一步步用 vue指令 实现这个需求








在参考了 Element UI 的表格拉伸功能后,笔者受到了启发

 有点抽象,这个红色区域可不是真实节点,只是笔者模拟的一个 boder-right 多说无益 直接上代码吧

const pointermove = e => {const { right } = el.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取到节点的右边界const { clientX } = e // 此时鼠标位置if (right - clientX < 8) // 表明在右边界的 8px 的过渡区 可以拉伸


下面让我们来实现一个简单的右拉伸功能, 既然用指令 肯定是越简单越好

笔者决定用 vue提供的 修饰符, v-resize.right

实现 v-resize.right

1.首先我们创建两个相邻 div

<template><div class="container"><divv-resize.rightclass="left"/><div class="right" /></div>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.container {width: 400px;height: 100px;> div {float: left;height: 100%;width: 50%;}.left {background-color: lightcoral;}.right {background-color: lightblue;}

2.实现 resize 触发时机

export const resize = {inserted: function(el, binding) {el.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {const { right } = el.getBoundingClientRect()if (right - e.clientX < 8) {// 此时表明可以拉伸,时机成熟el.style.cursor = 'col-resize'} else {el.style.cursor = ''}})}


el.addEventListener('pointerdown', (e) => {const rightDom = el.nextElementSibling // 获取右节点const startX = e.clientX // 获取当前点击坐标const { width } = el.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取当前节点宽度const { width: nextWidth } = rightDom.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取右节点宽度el.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId) // HTML5 的 API 自行百度~const onDocumentMouseMove = (e) => {const offsetX = e.clientX - startX // 此时的 x 坐标偏差// 更新左右节点宽度el.style.width = width + offsetX + 'px'rightDom.style.width = nextWidth - offsetX + 'px'}// 因为此时我们要在整个屏幕移动 所以我们要在 document 挂上 mousemovedocument.addEventListener('mousemove',onDocumentMouseMove)



  1. 左边宽度会>左右之和,右边宽度会 < 0
  2. 当我们鼠标弹起的时候 还能继续拉伸


const MIN_WIDTH = 10
document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {const offsetX = e.clientX - startX // 此时的 x 坐标偏差+if (width + offsetX < MIN_WIDTH || nextWidth - offsetX < MIN_WIDTH) return// 更新左右节点宽度el.style.width = width + offsetX + 'px'rightDom.style.width = nextWidth - offsetX + 'px'



el.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => {el.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId)document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)

此时最最最基础的 v-resize 左右拉伸版本 我们已经实现了,来看下效果吧


export const resize = {inserted: function (el, binding) {el.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {const { right } = el.getBoundingClientRect()if (right - e.clientX < 8) {// 此时表明可以拉伸el.style.cursor = 'col-resize'} else {el.style.cursor = ''}})const MIN_WIDTH = 10el.addEventListener('pointerdown', (e) => {const rightDom = el.nextElementSibling // 获取右节点const startX = e.clientX // 获取当前点击坐标const { width } = el.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取当前节点宽度const { width: nextWidth } = rightDom.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取右节点宽度el.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId) // HTML5 的 API 自行百度~const onDocumentMouseMove = (e) => {const offsetX = e.clientX - startX // 此时的 x 坐标偏差if (width + offsetX < MIN_WIDTH || nextWidth - offsetX < MIN_WIDTH) {return}// 更新左右节点宽度el.style.width = width + offsetX + 'px'rightDom.style.width = nextWidth - offsetX + 'px'}// 因为此时我们要在整个屏幕移动 所以我们要在 document 挂上 mousemovedocument.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)el.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => {el.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId)document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)})})},

作为 一名 优秀的前端性能优化专家,红盾大大已经开始吐槽,这么多 EventListener 都不移除吗? 还有'top' 'left'这些硬编码,能维护吗?

是的,后续代码我们将会移除这些被绑定的事件,以及处理硬编码(此处非重点 不做赘叙)

实现完 右拉伸 想必你对 左,上,下拉伸 也已经有了自己的思路



我们 想实现一个 两边能同时拉伸的功能, 也就是 v-resize.left.right


这种场景比较复杂,就需要我们维护一个拉伸方向上的变量 position

实现 v-resize.left.right

export const resize = {inserted: function (el, binding) {let position = '',resizing = falseel.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {if (resizing) returnconst { left, right } = el.getBoundingClientRect()const { clientX } = eif (right - clientX < 8) {position = 'right' // 此时表明右拉伸el.style.cursor = 'col-resize'} else if (clientX - left < 8) {position = 'left' // 此时表明左拉伸el.style.cursor = 'col-resize'} else {position = ''el.style.cursor = ''}})const MIN_WIDTH = 10el.addEventListener('pointerdown', (e) => {if (position === '') returnconst sibling = position === 'right' ? el.nextElementSibling : el.previousElementSibling // 获取相邻节点const startX = e.clientX // 获取当前点击坐标const { width } = el.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取当前节点宽度const { width: siblingWidth } = sibling.getBoundingClientRect() // 获取右节点宽度el.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId) // HTML5 的 API 自行百度~const onDocumentMouseMove = (e) => {resizing = trueif (position === '') returnconst offsetX = e.clientX - startXconst _elWidth = position === 'right' ? width + offsetX : width - offsetX //判断左右拉伸 所影响的当前节点宽度const _siblingWidth = position === 'right' ? siblingWidth - offsetX : siblingWidth + offsetX //判断左右拉伸 所影响的相邻节点宽度if (_elWidth <= MIN_WIDTH || _siblingWidth <= MIN_WIDTH) return// 更新左右节点宽度el.style.width = _elWidth + 'px'sibling.style.width = _siblingWidth + 'px'}document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)el.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => {position = ''resizing = falseel.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId)document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)})})},

非常丝滑, 当然 我们还需要考虑 传递 最小宽度 最大宽度 过渡区 等多种业务属性,但是这对于各位彦祖来说都是鸡毛蒜皮的小事. 自行改造就行了



const elEventsWeakMap = new WeakMap()
const MIN_WIDTH = 50
const MIN_HEIGHT = 50
const TRIGGER_SIZE = 8
const TOP = 'top'
const BOTTOM = 'bottom'
const LEFT = 'left'
const RIGHT = 'right'
const COL_RESIZE = 'col-resize'
const ROW_RESIZE = 'row-resize'function getElStyleAttr(element, attr) {const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element)return styles[attr]
}function getSiblingByPosition(el, position) {const siblingMap = {left: el.previousElementSibling,right: el.nextElementSibling,bottom: el.nextElementSibling,top: el.previousElementSibling}return siblingMap[position]
}function getSiblingsSize(el, attr) {const siblings = el.parentNode.childNodesreturn [...siblings].reduce((prev, next) => (next.getBoundingClientRect()[attr] + prev), 0)
}function updateSize({el,sibling,formatter = 'px',elSize,siblingSize,attr = 'width'
}) {let totalSize = elSize + siblingSizeif (formatter === 'px') {el.style[attr] = elSize + formattersibling.style[attr] = siblingSize + formatter} else if (formatter === 'flex') {totalSize = getSiblingsSize(el, attr)el.style.flex = elSize / totalSize * 10 // 修复 flex-grow <1sibling.style.flex = siblingSize / totalSize * 10}
}const initResize = ({el,positions,minWidth = MIN_WIDTH,minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT,triggerSize = TRIGGER_SIZE,formatter = 'px'
}) => {if (!el) returnconst resizeState = {}const defaultCursor = getElStyleAttr(el, 'cursor')const elStyle = el.styleconst canLeftResize = positions.includes(LEFT)const canRightResize = positions.includes(RIGHT)const canTopResize = positions.includes(TOP)const canBottomResize = positions.includes(BOTTOM)if (!canLeftResize && !canRightResize && !canTopResize && !canBottomResize) { return } // 未指定方向const pointermove = (e) => {if (resizeState.resizing) returne.preventDefault()const { left, right, top, bottom } = el.getBoundingClientRect()const { clientX, clientY } = e// 左右拉伸if (canLeftResize || canRightResize) {if (clientX - left < triggerSize) resizeState.position = LEFTelse if (right - clientX < triggerSize) resizeState.position = RIGHTelse resizeState.position = ''if (resizeState.position === '') {elStyle.cursor = defaultCursor} else {if (getSiblingByPosition(el, resizeState.position)) { elStyle.cursor = COL_RESIZE }e.stopPropagation()}} else if (canTopResize || canBottomResize) {// 上下拉伸if (clientY - top < triggerSize) resizeState.position = TOPelse if (bottom - clientY < triggerSize) resizeState.position = BOTTOMelse resizeState.position = ''if (resizeState.position === '') {elStyle.cursor = defaultCursor} else {if (getSiblingByPosition(el, resizeState.position)) { elStyle.cursor = ROW_RESIZE }e.stopPropagation()}}}const pointerleave = (e) => {e.stopPropagation()resizeState.position = ''elStyle.cursor = defaultCursorel.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId)}const pointerdown = (e) => {const { resizing, position } = resizeStateif (resizing || !position) returnif (position) e.stopPropagation() // 如果当前节点存在拉伸方向 需要阻止冒泡(用于嵌套拉伸)el.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId)const isFlex = getElStyleAttr(el.parentNode, 'display') === 'flex'if (isFlex) formatter = 'flex'resizeState.resizing = trueresizeState.startPointerX = e.clientXresizeState.startPointerY = e.clientYconst { width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect()const sibling = getSiblingByPosition(el, position)if (!sibling) {console.error('未找到兄弟节点', position)return}const rectSibling = sibling.getBoundingClientRect()const { startPointerX, startPointerY } = resizeStateconst onDocumentMouseMove = (e) => {if (!resizeState.resizing) returnelStyle.cursor =canLeftResize || canRightResize ? COL_RESIZE : ROW_RESIZEconst { clientX, clientY } = eif (position === LEFT || position === RIGHT) {const offsetX = clientX - startPointerXconst elSize = position === RIGHT ? width + offsetX : width - offsetXconst siblingSize =position === RIGHT? rectSibling.width - offsetX: rectSibling.width + offsetXif (elSize <= minWidth || siblingSize <= minWidth) returnupdateSize({ el, sibling, elSize, siblingSize, formatter })} else if (position === TOP || position === BOTTOM) {const offsetY = clientY - startPointerYconst elSize =position === BOTTOM ? height + offsetY : height - offsetYconst siblingSize =position === BOTTOM? rectSibling.height - offsetY: rectSibling.height + offsetYif (elSize <= minHeight || siblingSize <= minHeight) returnupdateSize({ el, sibling, elSize, siblingSize, formatter })}}const onDocumentMouseUp = (e) => {document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp)resizeState.resizing = falseelStyle.cursor = defaultCursor}document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp)}const bindElEvents = () => {el.addEventListener('pointermove', pointermove)el.addEventListener('pointerleave', pointerleave)el.addEventListener('pointerup', pointerleave)el.addEventListener('pointerdown', pointerdown)}const unBindElEvents = () => {el.removeEventListener('pointermove', pointermove)el.removeEventListener('pointerleave', pointerleave)el.removeEventListener('pointerup', pointerleave)el.removeEventListener('pointerdown', pointerdown)}bindElEvents()// 设置解绑事件elEventsWeakMap.set(el, unBindElEvents)
export const resize = {inserted: function(el, binding) {const { modifiers, value } = bindingconst positions = Object.keys(modifiers)initResize({ el, positions, ...value })},unbind: function(el) {const unBindElEvents = elEventsWeakMap.get(el)unBindElEvents()}


import type { DirectiveBinding } from 'vue'const elEventsWeakMap = new WeakMap()
const MIN_WIDTH = 50
const MIN_HEIGHT = 50
const TRIGGER_SIZE = 8enum RESIZE_CURSOR {COL_RESIZE = 'col-resize',ROW_RESIZE = 'row-resize',
}enum POSITION {TOP = 'top',BOTTOM = 'bottom',LEFT = 'left',RIGHT = 'right',
}type Positions = [POSITION.TOP, POSITION.BOTTOM, POSITION.LEFT, POSITION.RIGHT]interface ResizeState {resizing: booleanposition?: POSITIONstartPointerX?: numberstartPointerY?: number
type WidthHeight = 'width' | 'height'type ElAttr = WidthHeight | 'cursor' | 'display' // 后面补充type ResizeFormatter = 'px' | 'flex'interface ResizeInfo {el: HTMLElementpositions: PositionsminWidth: numberminHeight: numbertriggerSize: numberformatter: ResizeFormatter
}function getElStyleAttr(element: HTMLElement, attr: ElAttr) {const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element)return styles[attr]
}function getSiblingByPosition(el: HTMLElement, position: POSITION) {const siblingMap = {left: el.previousElementSibling,right: el.nextElementSibling,bottom: el.nextElementSibling,top: el.previousElementSibling,}return siblingMap[position]
}function getSiblingsSize(el: HTMLElement, attr: WidthHeight) {const siblings = (el.parentNode && el.parentNode.children) || []return [...siblings].reduce((prev, next) => next.getBoundingClientRect()[attr] + prev,0,)
}function updateSize({el,sibling,formatter = 'px',elSize,siblingSize,attr = 'width',
}: {el: HTMLElementsibling: HTMLElementformatter: ResizeFormatterelSize: numbersiblingSize: numberattr?: WidthHeight
}) {let totalSize = elSize + siblingSizeif (formatter === 'px') {el.style[attr] = elSize + formattersibling.style[attr] = siblingSize + formatter} else if (formatter === 'flex') {totalSize = getSiblingsSize(el as HTMLElement, attr)el.style.flex = `${(elSize / totalSize) * 10}` // 修复 flex-grow <1sibling.style.flex = `${(siblingSize / totalSize) * 10}`}
}const initResize = ({el,positions,minWidth = MIN_WIDTH,minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT,triggerSize = TRIGGER_SIZE,formatter = 'px',
}: ResizeInfo) => {if (!el || !(el instanceof HTMLElement)) returnconst resizeState: ResizeState = {resizing: false,}const defaultCursor = getElStyleAttr(el, 'cursor')const elStyle = el.styleconst canLeftResize = positions.includes(POSITION.LEFT)const canRightResize = positions.includes(POSITION.RIGHT)const canTopResize = positions.includes(POSITION.TOP)const canBottomResize = positions.includes(POSITION.BOTTOM)if (!canLeftResize && !canRightResize && !canTopResize && !canBottomResize) {return} // 未指定方向const pointermove = (e: PointerEvent) => {if (resizeState.resizing) returne.preventDefault()const { left, right, top, bottom } = el.getBoundingClientRect()const { clientX, clientY } = e// 左右拉伸if (canLeftResize || canRightResize) {if (clientX - left < triggerSize) resizeState.position = POSITION.LEFTelse if (right - clientX < triggerSize)resizeState.position = POSITION.RIGHTelse resizeState.position = undefinedif (resizeState.position === undefined) {elStyle.cursor = defaultCursor} else {if (getSiblingByPosition(el, resizeState.position)) {elStyle.cursor = RESIZE_CURSOR.COL_RESIZE}e.stopPropagation()}} else if (canTopResize || canBottomResize) {// 上下拉伸if (clientY - top < triggerSize) resizeState.position = POSITION.TOPelse if (bottom - clientY < triggerSize)resizeState.position = POSITION.BOTTOMelse resizeState.position = undefinedif (resizeState.position === undefined) {elStyle.cursor = defaultCursor} else {if (getSiblingByPosition(el, resizeState.position)) {elStyle.cursor = RESIZE_CURSOR.ROW_RESIZE}e.stopPropagation()}}}const pointerleave = (e: PointerEvent) => {e.stopPropagation()resizeState.position = undefinedelStyle.cursor = defaultCursorel.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId)}const pointerdown = (e: PointerEvent) => {const { resizing, position } = resizeStateif (resizing || !position) returnif (position) e.stopPropagation() // 如果当前节点存在拉伸方向 需要阻止冒泡(用于嵌套拉伸)el.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId)if (el.parentElement) {const isFlex = getElStyleAttr(el.parentElement, 'display') === 'flex'if (isFlex) formatter = 'flex'}resizeState.resizing = trueresizeState.startPointerX = e.clientXresizeState.startPointerY = e.clientYconst { width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect()const sibling: HTMLElement = getSiblingByPosition(el,position,) as HTMLElementif (!sibling || !(sibling instanceof HTMLElement)) {console.error('未找到兄弟节点', position)return}const rectSibling = sibling.getBoundingClientRect()const { startPointerX, startPointerY } = resizeStateconst onDocumentMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => {if (!resizeState.resizing) returnelStyle.cursor =canLeftResize || canRightResize? RESIZE_CURSOR.COL_RESIZE: RESIZE_CURSOR.ROW_RESIZEconst { clientX, clientY } = eif (position === POSITION.LEFT || position === POSITION.RIGHT) {const offsetX = clientX - startPointerXconst elSize =position === POSITION.RIGHT ? width + offsetX : width - offsetXconst siblingSize =position === POSITION.RIGHT? rectSibling.width - offsetX: rectSibling.width + offsetXif (elSize <= minWidth || siblingSize <= minWidth) returnupdateSize({ el, sibling, elSize, siblingSize, formatter })} else if (position === POSITION.TOP || position === POSITION.BOTTOM) {const offsetY = clientY - startPointerYconst elSize =position === POSITION.BOTTOM ? height + offsetY : height - offsetYconst siblingSize =position === POSITION.BOTTOM? rectSibling.height - offsetY: rectSibling.height + offsetYif (elSize <= minHeight || siblingSize <= minHeight) returnupdateSize({el,sibling,elSize,siblingSize,formatter,attr: 'height',})}}const onDocumentMouseUp = () => {document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp)resizeState.resizing = falseelStyle.cursor = defaultCursor}document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove)document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp)}const bindElEvents = () => {el.addEventListener('pointermove', pointermove)el.addEventListener('pointerleave', pointerleave)el.addEventListener('pointerup', pointerleave)el.addEventListener('pointerdown', pointerdown)}const unBindElEvents = () => {el.removeEventListener('pointermove', pointermove)el.removeEventListener('pointerleave', pointerleave)el.removeEventListener('pointerup', pointerleave)el.removeEventListener('pointerdown', pointerdown)}bindElEvents()// 设置解绑事件elEventsWeakMap.set(el, unBindElEvents)
export const resize = {mounted: function (el: HTMLElement, binding: DirectiveBinding) {const { modifiers, value } = bindingconst positions = Object.keys(modifiers)initResize({ el, positions, ...value })},beforeUnmount: function (el: HTMLElement) {const unBindElEvents = elEventsWeakMap.get(el)unBindElEvents()},









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int Func(int n,int k) {if (k 0){return 1;}else if (k > 1){return n * Func(n, k - 1);;}}int main() {int i 0;int j 0;printf("请输入数n和他的k次方\n");scanf("%d %d", &i,&j);int r Func(i,j);printf("%d的%d次方 %d\n"…


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一、Buffer内存结构 MySQL 服务器启动的时候就向操作系统申请了一片连续的内存&#xff0c;默认128M&#xff0c;可通过从参数修改。 [server] innodb_buffer_pool_size 268435456 1.1 控制块 控制块包括该页所属的 表空间编号、页号、缓存页在 Buffer Pool 中的地址、链表…


目录 一. 选择排序 &#xff08;1&#xff09;简单选择排序 &#xff08;2&#xff09;堆排序 二. 归并排序 三. 基数排序 四. 各种排序方法的比较 &#xff08;1&#xff09;时间性能 &#xff08;2&#xff09;空间性能 &#xff08;3&#xff09;排序方法的稳定性能…


文章目录 一.基础概念1.什么是MyBatis2.添加MyBatis依赖3.配置MyBatis中的xml路径 二.MyBatis的使用1.添加用户实体类2.添加 mapper 接⼝3.配置xml4.接口实现5.添加Service6.添加Controller 三.其它情况下Mybatis的使用1.返回自增主键值2.数据库字段和类属性不匹配 四.动态SQL1…


文章目录 一、前言二、MybatisPlus代码生成器1、引入依赖2、编写生成代码3、配置说明3.1、全局配置(GlobalConfig)3.2、包配置(PackageConfig)3.3、模板配置(TemplateConfig)3.4、策略配置(StrategyConfig)3.4.1、Entity 策略配置3.4.2、Controller 策略配置3.4.3、Service 策略…

Ceph IO流程及数据分布

1. Ceph IO流程及数据分布 1.1 正常IO流程图 步骤&#xff1a; client 创建cluster handler。client 读取配置文件。client 连接上monitor&#xff0c;获取集群map信息。client 读写io 根据crshmap 算法请求对应的主osd数据节点。主osd数据节点同时写入另外两个副本节点数据。…

C++ vector

目录 一、vector的介绍及使用 1.1 vector的介绍 1.1.1 认识vector 1.1.2 成员类型​​​​​​​ 1.1.3 成员函数一览 1.1.4 非成员函数重载 1.2 vector的使用 1.2.1 构造、析构与赋值操作符重载 1.2.2 reserve 与 resize 1.2.3 insert、erase 与 find extra train 1. 二叉树的…


工厂人员作业行为动作识别检测算法通过yolov7python深度学习算法框架模型&#xff0c;工厂人员作业行为动作识别检测算法实时识别并分析现场人员操作动作行为是否符合SOP安全规范流程作业标准&#xff0c;如果不符合则立即抓拍告警提醒。Python是一种由Guido van Rossum开发的通…