标题docker-compose 部署nacos 整合 postgresql 为DB
- 先创建好一个数据库 nacos,执行以下sql:
/** Copyright 1999-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for config_info
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "config_info";
CREATE TABLE "config_info" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(255) ,"content" text NOT NULL,"md5" varchar(32) ,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"src_user" text ,"src_ip" varchar(20) ,"app_name" varchar(128) ,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"c_desc" varchar(256) ,"c_use" varchar(64) ,"effect" varchar(64) ,"type" varchar(64) ,"c_schema" text ,"encrypted_data_key" text NOT NULL
;COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."data_id" IS 'data_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."content" IS 'content';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."md5" IS 'md5';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."src_user" IS 'source user';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."src_ip" IS 'source ip';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."tenant_id" IS '租户字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info"."encrypted_data_key" IS '秘钥';
COMMENT ON TABLE "config_info" IS 'config_info';-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for config_info_aggr
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "config_info_aggr";
CREATE TABLE "config_info_aggr" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"datum_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"content" text NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"app_name" varchar(128) ,"tenant_id" varchar(128)
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."data_id" IS 'data_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."group_id" IS 'group_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."datum_id" IS 'datum_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."content" IS '内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_aggr"."tenant_id" IS '租户字段';
COMMENT ON TABLE "config_info_aggr" IS '增加租户字段';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of config_info_aggr
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for config_info_beta
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "config_info_beta";
CREATE TABLE "config_info_beta" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"app_name" varchar(128) ,"content" text NOT NULL,"beta_ips" varchar(1024) ,"md5" varchar(32) ,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"src_user" text ,"src_ip" varchar(20) ,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"encrypted_data_key" text NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."data_id" IS 'data_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."group_id" IS 'group_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."app_name" IS 'app_name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."content" IS 'content';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."beta_ips" IS 'betaIps';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."md5" IS 'md5';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."src_user" IS 'source user';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."src_ip" IS 'source ip';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."tenant_id" IS '租户字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_beta"."encrypted_data_key" IS '秘钥';
COMMENT ON TABLE "config_info_beta" IS 'config_info_beta';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of config_info_beta
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for config_info_tag
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "config_info_tag";
CREATE TABLE "config_info_tag" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"tag_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"app_name" varchar(128) ,"content" text NOT NULL,"md5" varchar(32) ,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"src_user" text ,"src_ip" varchar(20)
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."data_id" IS 'data_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."group_id" IS 'group_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."tenant_id" IS 'tenant_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."tag_id" IS 'tag_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."app_name" IS 'app_name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."content" IS 'content';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."md5" IS 'md5';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."src_user" IS 'source user';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_info_tag"."src_ip" IS 'source ip';
COMMENT ON TABLE "config_info_tag" IS 'config_info_tag';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of config_info_tag
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for config_tags_relation
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "config_tags_relation";
CREATE TABLE "config_tags_relation" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"tag_name" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"tag_type" varchar(64) ,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"nid" bigserial NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."tag_name" IS 'tag_name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."tag_type" IS 'tag_type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."data_id" IS 'data_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."group_id" IS 'group_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "config_tags_relation"."tenant_id" IS 'tenant_id';
COMMENT ON TABLE "config_tags_relation" IS 'config_tag_relation';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of config_tags_relation
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for group_capacity
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "group_capacity";
CREATE TABLE "group_capacity" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"quota" int4 NOT NULL,"usage" int4 NOT NULL,"max_size" int4 NOT NULL,"max_aggr_count" int4 NOT NULL,"max_aggr_size" int4 NOT NULL,"max_history_count" int4 NOT NULL,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."id" IS '主键ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."group_id" IS 'Group ID,空字符表示整个集群';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."quota" IS '配额,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."usage" IS '使用量';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."max_size" IS '单个配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."max_aggr_count" IS '聚合子配置最大个数,,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."max_aggr_size" IS '单个聚合数据的子配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."max_history_count" IS '最大变更历史数量';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "group_capacity"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON TABLE "group_capacity" IS '集群、各Group容量信息表';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of group_capacity
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for his_config_info
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "his_config_info";
CREATE TABLE "his_config_info" ("id" int8 NOT NULL,"nid" bigserial NOT NULL,"data_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"group_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"app_name" varchar(128) ,"content" text NOT NULL,"md5" varchar(32) ,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2010-05-05 00:00:00',"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"src_user" text ,"src_ip" varchar(20) ,"op_type" char(10) ,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"encrypted_data_key" text NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "his_config_info"."app_name" IS 'app_name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "his_config_info"."tenant_id" IS '租户字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "his_config_info"."encrypted_data_key" IS '秘钥';
COMMENT ON TABLE "his_config_info" IS '多租户改造';-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for permissions
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "permissions";
CREATE TABLE "permissions" ("role" varchar(50) NOT NULL,"resource" varchar(512) NOT NULL,"action" varchar(8) NOT NULL
;-- ----------------------------
-- Records of permissions
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for roles
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "roles" ("username" varchar(50) NOT NULL,"role" varchar(50) NOT NULL
;-- ----------------------------
-- Records of roles
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "roles" VALUES ('nacos', 'ROLE_ADMIN');
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for tenant_capacity
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "tenant_capacity";
CREATE TABLE "tenant_capacity" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"tenant_id" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"quota" int4 NOT NULL,"usage" int4 NOT NULL,"max_size" int4 NOT NULL,"max_aggr_count" int4 NOT NULL,"max_aggr_size" int4 NOT NULL,"max_history_count" int4 NOT NULL,"gmt_create" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" timestamp(6) NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."id" IS '主键ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."tenant_id" IS 'Tenant ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."quota" IS '配额,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."usage" IS '使用量';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."max_size" IS '单个配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."max_aggr_count" IS '聚合子配置最大个数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."max_aggr_size" IS '单个聚合数据的子配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."max_history_count" IS '最大变更历史数量';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_capacity"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON TABLE "tenant_capacity" IS '租户容量信息表';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of tenant_capacity
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for tenant_info
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "tenant_info";
CREATE TABLE "tenant_info" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL,"kp" varchar(128) NOT NULL,"tenant_id" varchar(128) ,"tenant_name" varchar(128) ,"tenant_desc" varchar(256) ,"create_source" varchar(32) ,"gmt_create" int8 NOT NULL,"gmt_modified" int8 NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."id" IS 'id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."kp" IS 'kp';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."tenant_id" IS 'tenant_id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."tenant_name" IS 'tenant_name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."tenant_desc" IS 'tenant_desc';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."create_source" IS 'create_source';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."gmt_create" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "tenant_info"."gmt_modified" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON TABLE "tenant_info" IS 'tenant_info';-- ----------------------------
-- Records of tenant_info
-- ----------------------------
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for users
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "users" ("username" varchar(50) NOT NULL,"password" varchar(500) NOT NULL,"enabled" boolean NOT NULL
;-- ----------------------------
-- Records of users
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "users" VALUES ('nacos', '$2a$10$EuWPZHzz32dJN7jexM34MOeYirDdFAZm2kuWj7VEOJhhZkDrxfvUu', TRUE);
COMMIT;-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table config_info
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_configinfo_datagrouptenant" ON "config_info" ("data_id","group_id","tenant_id");-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table config_info
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "config_info" ADD CONSTRAINT "config_info_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table config_info_aggr
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_configinfoaggr_datagrouptenantdatum" ON "config_info_aggr" USING btree ("data_id","group_id","tenant_id","datum_id");-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table config_info_aggr
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "config_info_aggr" ADD CONSTRAINT "config_info_aggr_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table config_info_beta
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_configinfobeta_datagrouptenant" ON "config_info_beta" USING btree ("data_id","group_id","tenant_id");-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table config_info_beta
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "config_info_beta" ADD CONSTRAINT "config_info_beta_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table config_info_tag
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_configinfotag_datagrouptenanttag" ON "config_info_tag" USING btree ("data_id","group_id","tenant_id","tag_id");-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table config_info_tag
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "config_info_tag" ADD CONSTRAINT "config_info_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table config_tags_relation
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_tenant_id" ON "config_tags_relation" USING btree ("tenant_id"
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_configtagrelation_configidtag" ON "config_tags_relation" USING btree ("id","tag_name","tag_type"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table config_tags_relation
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "config_tags_relation" ADD CONSTRAINT "config_tags_relation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("nid");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table group_capacity
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_group_id" ON "group_capacity" USING btree ("group_id"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table group_capacity
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "group_capacity" ADD CONSTRAINT "group_capacity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table his_config_info
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_did" ON "his_config_info" USING btree ("data_id"
CREATE INDEX "idx_gmt_create" ON "his_config_info" USING btree ("gmt_create"
CREATE INDEX "idx_gmt_modified" ON "his_config_info" USING btree ("gmt_modified"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table his_config_info
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "his_config_info" ADD CONSTRAINT "his_config_info_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("nid");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table permissions
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_role_permission" ON "permissions" USING btree ("role","resource","action"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table roles
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_username_role" ON "roles" USING btree ("username","role"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table tenant_capacity
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_tenant_id" ON "tenant_capacity" USING btree ("tenant_id"
);-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table tenant_capacity
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "tenant_capacity" ADD CONSTRAINT "tenant_capacity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table tenant_info
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_tenant_info_kptenantid" ON "tenant_info" USING btree ("kp","tenant_id"
pgsql.env 内容:
创建config目录,再创建 application.properties 进行挂载.
# spring
server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %D %{User-Agent}i %{Request-Source}i
# default current work dir
#*************** Config Module Related Configurations ***************#
### Deprecated configuration property, it is recommended to use `spring.sql.init.platform` replaced.nacos.cmdb.dumpTaskInterval=3600
# database config
db.pool.config.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver### The auth system to use, currently only 'nacos' and 'ldap' is supported:
### worked when nacos.core.auth.system.type=nacos
### The token expiration in seconds:
### The default token:
### Turn on/off caching of auth information. By turning on this switch, the update of auth information would have a 15 seconds delay.
## spring security config
### turn off security
# metrics for elastic search
创建docker-compose 文件:
version: "3"
services:nacos:image: wzw222/nacos-server-pgsql:v2.2.2-2container_name: nacos-pgsqlprivileged: trueenv_file:- "./pgsql.env"network_mode: hostvolumes:- "./logs/:/home/nacos/logs"- "./conf/application.properties:/home/nacos/conf/application.properties"
docker-compose up -d