开发指导—利用组件插值器动画实现 HarmonyOS 动效

一. 组件动画



通过调用 animate 方法获得 animation 对象,animation 对象支持动画属性、动画方法和动画事件。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">  <div id="content" class="box" onclick="Show"></div></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  flex-direction: column;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  width: 100%;}.box{  width: 200px;  height: 200px;  background-color: #ff0000;  margin-top: 30px;}
/* xxx.js */export default {  data: {    animation: '',  },  onInit() {  },  onShow() {    var options = {      duration: 1500,    };    var frames = [      {        width:200,height:200,      },      {        width:300,height:300,      }    ];    this.animation = this.$element('content').animate(frames, options);  //获取动画对象  },  Show() {       this.animation.play();  }}


● 使用 animate 方法时必须传入 Keyframes 和 Options 参数。

● 多次调用 animate 方法时,采用 replace 策略,即最后一次调用时传入的参数生效。


在获取动画对象后,通过设置参数 Keyframes 设置动画在组件上的样式。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">   <div id="content" class="box" onclick="Show"></div></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  flex-direction: column;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}.box{  width: 200px;  height: 200px;  background-color: #ff0000;  margin-top: 30px;}
/* xxx.js */export default {  data: {    animation: '',    keyframes:{},    options:{}  },  onInit() {    this.options = {      duration: 4000,    }    this.keyframes = [    {      transform: {        translate: '-120px -0px',           scale: 1,                rotate: 0        },           transformOrigin: '100px 100px',          offset: 0.0,         width: 200,          height: 200         },       {        transform: {                translate: '120px 0px',               scale: 1.5,               rotate: 90             },          transformOrigin: '100px 100px',          offset: 1.0,          width: 300,          height: 300         }        ]  },  Show() {    this.animation = this.$element('content').animate(this.keyframes, this.options)    this.animation.play()  }}


● translate、scale 和 rtotate 的先后顺序会影响动画效果。

● transformOrigin 只对 scale 和 rtotate 起作用。

在获取动画对象后,通过设置参数 Options 来设置动画的属性。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">   <div id="content" class="box" onclick="Show"></div></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  flex-direction: column;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  width: 100%;}.box{  width: 200px;  height: 200px;  background-color: #ff0000;  margin-top: 30px;}
/* xxx.js */export default {  data: {    animation: '',  },  onInit() {  },  onShow() {    var options = {              duration: 1500,              easing: 'ease-in',              delay: 5,              iterations: 2,              direction: 'normal',        };    var frames = [      {        transform: {          translate: '-150px -0px'        }      },      {        transform: {          translate: '150px 0px'        }      }    ];    this.animation = this.$element('content').animate(frames, options);  },  Show() {    this.animation.play();  }}



normal: 动画正向循环播放。

reverse: 动画反向循环播放。



二.  插值器动画


通过设置插值器来实现动画效果。(从 API Version 6 开始支持。)


通过 createAnimator 创建一个动画对象,通过设置参数 options 来设置动画的属性。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">  <div style="width: 300px;height: 300px;margin-top: 100px;background: linear-gradient(pink, purple);transform: translate({{translateVal}});">  </div>  <div class="row">    <button type="capsule" value="play" onclick="playAnimation"></button>  </div></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  width:100%;  height:100%;  flex-direction: column;  align-items: center;  justify-content: center;}button{  width: 200px;}.row{  width: 65%;  height: 100px;  align-items: center;  justify-content: space-between;  margin-top: 50px;  margin-left: 260px;}

// xxx.jsimport animator from '@ohos.animator';export default {  data: {    translateVal: 0,    animation: null  },  onInit() {},  onShow(){    var options = {      duration: 3000,      easing:"friction",      delay:"1000",      fill: 'forwards',      direction:'alternate',      iterations: 2,      begin: 0,      end: 180    };//设置参数    this.animation = animator.createAnimator(options)//创建动画  },  playAnimation() {    var _this = this;    this.animation.onframe = function(value) {      _this.translateVal= value    };    this.animation.play();  }}


● 使用 createAnimator 创建动画对象时必须传入 options 参数。

● begin 插值起点,不设置时默认为 0。

● end 插值终点,不设置时默认为 1。


animator 支持事件和接口,可以通过添加 frame、cancel、repeat、finish 事件和调用 update、play、pause、cancel、reverse、finish 接口自定义动画效果。animator 支持的事件和接口具体见动画中的createAnimator。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div style="flex-direction: column;align-items: center;width: 100%;height: 100%;">  <div style="width:200px;height: 200px;margin-top: 100px;background: linear-gradient(#b30d29, #dcac1b);  transform: scale({{scaleVal}});"></div>  <div style="width: {{DivWidth}};height: {{DivHeight}};margin-top: 200px;  background: linear-gradient(pink, purple);margin-top: 200px;transform:translateY({{translateVal}});">  </div>  <div class="row">    <button type="capsule" value="play" onclick="playAnimation"></button>    <button type="capsule" value="update" onclick="updateAnimation"></button>  </div>  <div class="row1">    <button type="capsule" value="pause" onclick="pauseAnimation"></button>    <button type="capsule" value="finish" onclick="finishAnimation"></button>  </div>  <div class="row2">    <button type="capsule" value="cancel" onclick="cancelAnimation"></button>    <button type="capsule" value="reverse" onclick="reverseAnimation"></button>  </div></div>
/* xxx.css */button{  width: 200px;}.row{  width: 65%;  height: 100px;  align-items: center;  justify-content: space-between;  margin-top: 150px;  position: fixed;  top: 52%;  left: 120px;}.row1{  width: 65%;  height: 100px;  align-items: center;  justify-content: space-between;  margin-top: 120px;  position: fixed;  top: 65%;  left: 120px;}.row2{  width: 65%;  height: 100px;  align-items: center;  justify-content: space-between;  margin-top: 100px;  position: fixed;  top: 75%;  left: 120px;}
// xxx.jsimport animator from '@ohos.animator';import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';export default {  data: {    scaleVal:1,    DivWidth:200,    DivHeight:200,    translateVal:0,    animation: null  },  onInit() {    var options = {      duration: 3000,      fill: 'forwards',      begin: 200,      end: 270    };    this.animation = animator.createAnimator(options);  },  onShow() {    var _this= this;    //添加动画重放事件    this.animation.onrepeat = function() {      promptAction.showToast({        message: 'repeat'      });      var repeatoptions = {        duration: 2000,        iterations: 1,         direction: 'alternate',         begin: 180,         end: 240       };        _this.animation.update(repeatoptions);        _this.animation.play();      };  },  playAnimation() {    var _this= this;    //添加动画逐帧插值回调事件    this.animation.onframe = function(value) {      _this. scaleVal= value/150,      _this.DivWidth = value,      _this.DivHeight = value,      _this.translateVal = value-180    };    this.animation.play();  },  updateAnimation() {    var newoptions = {      duration: 5000,      iterations: 2,      begin: 120,      end: 180    };    this.animation.update(newoptions);    this.animation.play();//调用动画播放接口  },  pauseAnimation() {    this.animation.pause();//调用动画暂停接口  },  finishAnimation() {    var _this= this;   //添加动画完成事件    this.animation.onfinish = function() {      promptAction.showToast({        message: 'finish'      })    };    this.animation.finish(); //调用动画完成接口  },  cancelAnimation() {    this.animation.cancel(); //调用动画取消接口  },  reverseAnimation() {    this.animation.reverse(); //调用动画倒放接口  }}


在调用 update 接口的过程中可以使用这个接口更新动画参数,入参与 createAnimator 一致。



请求动画帧时通过 requestAnimationFrame 函数逐帧回调,在调用该函数时传入一个回调函数。

runframe 在调用 requestAnimationFrame 时传入带有 timestamp 参数的回调函数 step,将 step 中的 timestamp 赋予起始的 startTime。当 timestamp 与 startTime 的差值小于规定的时间时将再次调用 requestAnimationFrame,最终动画将会停止。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">  <tabs onchange="changecontent">    <tab-content>      <div class="container">        <stack style="width: 300px;height: 300px;margin-top: 100px;margin-bottom: 100px;">          <canvas id="mycanvas" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: coral;">          </canvas>          <div style="width: 50px;height: 50px;border-radius: 25px;background-color: indigo;position: absolute;left: {{left}};top: {{top}};">          </div>        </stack>        <button type="capsule" value="play" onclick="runframe"></button>      </div>    </tab-content>  </tabs></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  flex-direction: column;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}button{  width: 300px;}
// xxx.jsexport default {  data: {    timer: null,    left: 0,    top: 0,    flag: true,    animation: null,    startTime: 0,  },  onShow() {    var test = this.$element("mycanvas");    var ctx = test.getContext("2d");    ctx.beginPath();    ctx.moveTo(0, 0);    ctx.lineTo(300, 300);    ctx.lineWidth = 5;    ctx.strokeStyle = "red";    ctx.stroke();  },  runframe() {    this.left = 0;    this.top = 0;    this.flag = true;    this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);  },  step(timestamp) {    if (this.flag) {      this.left += 5;      this.top += 5;      if (this.startTime == 0) {        this.startTime = timestamp;      }      var elapsed = timestamp - this.startTime;        if (elapsed < 500) {          console.log('callback step timestamp: ' + timestamp);          this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);        }      } else {        this.left -= 5;        this.top -= 5;        this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);      }      if (this.left == 250 || this.left == 0) {        this.flag = !this.flag     }    },    onDestroy() {      cancelAnimationFrame(this.animation);    }}


requestAnimationFrame 函数在调用回调函数时在第一个参数位置传入 timestamp 时间戳,表示 requestAnimationFrame 开始去执行回调函数的时刻。


通过 cancelAnimationFrame 函数取消逐帧回调,在调用 cancelAnimationFrame 函数时取消 requestAnimationFrame 函数的请求。

<!-- xxx.hml --><div class="container">  <tabs onchange="changecontent">    <tab-content>      <div class="container">        <stack style="width: 300px;height: 300px;margin-top: 100px;margin-bottom: 100px;">          <canvas id="mycanvas" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: coral;">          </canvas>          <div style="width: 50px;height: 50px;border-radius: 25px;background-color: indigo;position: absolute;left: {{left}};top: {{top}};">          </div>        </stack>        <button type="capsule" value="play" onclick="runframe"></button>      </div>    </tab-content>  </tabs></div>
/* xxx.css */.container {  flex-direction: column;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}button{  width: 300px;}
// xxx.jsexport default {  data: {    timer: null,    left: 0,    top: 0,    flag: true,    animation: null  },  onShow() {    var test = this.$element("mycanvas");    var ctx = test.getContext("2d");    ctx.beginPath();    ctx.moveTo(0, 0);    ctx.lineTo(300, 300);    ctx.lineWidth = 5;    ctx.strokeStyle = "red";    ctx.stroke();  },  runframe() {    this.left = 0;    this.top = 0;    this.flag = true;    this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);  },  step(timestamp) {    if (this.flag) {      this.left += 5;      this.top += 5;      this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);    } else {      this.left -= 5;      this.top -= 5;      this.animation = requestAnimationFrame(this.step);    }    if (this.left == 250 || this.left == 0) {      this.flag = !this.flag    }  },  onDestroy() {    cancelAnimationFrame(this.animation);  }}


在调用该函数时需传入一个具有标识 id 的参数。





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