vue实现echarts中 9种 折线图图例


let datas = [{ DivideScore: 7, UserScore: 7.2, Name: '目标制定' },{ DivideScore: 7, UserScore: 7, Name: '具体性' },{ DivideScore: 7, UserScore: 7.5, Name: '可衡量性' },{ DivideScore: 7, UserScore: 7, Name: '可实现性' },{ DivideScore: 7, UserScore: 7, Name: '时间限定' }
let aveList = => {return n.DivideScore;
let uList = => {return n.UserScore;
let nameList = => {return n.Name;
option = {xAxis: {type: 'category',data: nameList},yAxis: {type: 'value',max: 10,axisLabel: {formatter: '{value} 分'}},series: [{type: 'line',data: uList,color: '#326092',label: {show: true,fontSize: 16,position: 'top'},markLine: {itemStyle: {color: '#3dc6c8'},label: {fontSize: 16,formatter: '平均分',itemStyle: {color: '#3dc6c8'},padding: [0, 0, 2.2, 0],position: 'end'},data: [[{name: '两点之间的线',coord: [0, aveList[0]]},{name: '两点之间的线',coord: [4, aveList[0]]}]]}}]


let datas = [{ UserScore: 13, Name: '11-23' },{ UserScore: 15, Name: '11-24' },{ UserScore: 19, Name: '11-25' },{ UserScore: 26, Name: '11-26' },{ UserScore: 18, Name: '11-27' },{ UserScore: 15, Name: '11-28' },{ UserScore: 14, Name: '11-29' }
let uList = => {return n.UserScore;
let nameList = => {return n.Name;
});option = {tooltip: {trigger: 'axis'},xAxis: {type: 'category',boundaryGap: false,data: nameList,axisLabel: {textStyle: {color: '#333',fontSize: 20}},// x轴颜色axisLine: {show: false},axisTick: {show: false}},yAxis: {type: 'value',boundaryGap: [0, '30%'],max: 40,// y轴文字颜色axisLabel: {show: false,formatter: '{value} °C'},axisLine: {show: false},axisTick: {show: false},// 取消网格线splitLine: {show: false}},series: [{name: '实时温度',type: 'line',symbolSize: 8, //折线点的大小data: uList,label: {normal: {show: true,fontSize: 20,position: 'top',formatter: '{c} °C'}},color: '#0097F5'}]


option = {tooltip: {trigger: 'axis'},legend: {data: [{ name: '土壤含水量', icon: 'circle' },{ name: '土壤温度', icon: 'circle' },{ name: '土壤电导率', icon: 'circle' }],itemWidth: 6, //宽度itemHeight: 6, //高度itemGap: 30, //间距textStyle: {color: '#333',fontSize: 20,lineHight: 20}},xAxis: [{type: 'category',axisTick: {alignWithLabel: true},axisLine: {onZero: false,lineStyle: {color: '#333'}},axisLabel: {//坐标轴刻度标签的相关设置。textStyle: {color: '#333',fontSize:20},formatter: function (params) {var newParamsName = "";// 最终拼接成的字符串var paramsNameNumber = params.length;// 实际标签的个数var provideNumber = 10;// 每行能显示的字的个数var rowNumber = Math.ceil(paramsNameNumber / provideNumber);// 换行的话,需要显示几行,向上取整/*** 判断标签的个数是否大于规定的个数, 如果大于,则进行换行处理 如果不大于,即等于或小于,就返回原标签*/// 条件等同于rowNumber>1if (paramsNameNumber > provideNumber) {/** 循环每一行,p表示行 */for (var p = 0; p < rowNumber; p++) {var tempStr = "";// 表示每一次截取的字符串var start = p * provideNumber;// 开始截取的位置var end = start + provideNumber;// 结束截取的位置// 此处特殊处理最后一行的索引值if (p == rowNumber - 1) {// 最后一次不换行tempStr = params.substring(start, paramsNameNumber);} else {// 每一次拼接字符串并换行tempStr = params.substring(start, end) + "\n";}newParamsName += tempStr;// 最终拼成的字符串}} else {// 将旧标签的值赋给新标签newParamsName = params;}//将最终的字符串返回return newParamsName}},data: ['2020/11/24 09:56:23', '2020/11/25 09:56:23', '2020/11/26 09:56:23', '2020/11/27 09:56:23']}],yAxis: [{type: 'value',// y轴文字颜色axisLabel: {textStyle: {color: '#333',fontSize:20}}}],series: [{name: '土壤含水量',type: 'line',smooth: true,data: [320, 332, 301, 334]},{name: '土壤温度',type: 'line',smooth: true,data: [120, 132, 101, 134]},{name: '土壤电导率',type: 'line',smooth: true,data: [862, 1018, 964, 1026],markLine: {lineStyle: {type: 'dashed'},data: [[{ type: 'min' }, { type: 'max' }]]}},]};


option = {tooltip: {trigger: 'axis',axisPointer: {type: 'cross',label: {backgroundColor: '#6a7985'}}},legend: {orient: 'horizontal',data: [{name: '水温',icon: 'circle'// 用圆点替换},{name: '浊度',icon: 'circle'},{name: '酸碱度',icon: 'circle'},{name: '化学需氧量',icon: 'circle'},{name: '总氮',icon: 'circle'},{name: '总磷',icon: 'circle'},{name: '溶解氧',icon: 'circle'},{name: '水电导率',icon: 'circle'}],itemWidth: 6, //宽度itemHeight: 6, //高度itemGap: 30,  //间距textStyle: {color: '#333',fontSize: 16,lineHight: 20}},grid: {top: 100,left: 5,right: 30,bottom: 5,containLabel: true},xAxis: [{type: 'category',boundaryGap: false,data: ['11/9', '11/10', '11/11', '11/12'],axisLabel: {color: '#333',fontSize: 18},axisLine: {show: false},axisTick: {show: false}}],yAxis: [{type: 'value',max: 1.0,min: 0,axisLabel: {color: '#333',fontSize: 16},axisLine: {show: false},axisTick: {show: false},// 网格颜色splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: '#00A0E9',opacity: 0.5}}}],series: [{name: '水温',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.01, 0.1]},{name: '浊度',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.1, 0.1]},{name: '酸碱度',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.2, 0.1]},{name: '化学需氧量',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.2, 0.1]},{name: '总氮',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.1, 0.1]},{name: '总磷',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.2, 0.1]},{name: '溶解氧',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.12, 0.1, 0.1]},{name: '水电导率',smooth: true,type: 'line',stack: '总量',areaStyle: {},data: [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1]},]};


option = {xAxis: {type: 'category',boundaryGap: false,axisLabel: {textStyle: {color: '#999', //坐标的字体颜色fontSize: 20}},data: ['6月21日', '6月22日', '6月23日', '6月24日', '6月25日', '6月26日', '6月27日']},yAxis: {type: 'value',axisLabel: {textStyle: {color: '#aaa', //坐标的字体颜色fontSize: 20}},axisLine: {show: false},axisTick: {show: false}},tooltip: {trigger: 'axis'},series: [{data: [108, 100, 90, 78, 108, 128, 132],type: 'line',symbolSize: 5, //设定实心点的大小symbolColor: '#2e6bd3',areaStyle: {color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{offset: 0,color: 'rgb(48, 115,230)'},{offset: 1,color: 'rgb(13, 34, 66)'}])},label: {show: true,position: 'top',textStyle: {color: '#999',fontSize: 20}},lineStyle: {color: '#2e6bd3'}}]


option = {grid: {top: '20%',left: '5%',right: '5%',bottom: '3%'},title: {text: '期待的我',left: 'center'},xAxis: {type: 'category',data: ['D', 'I', 'S', 'C'],show: true,    // 是否显示x轴position: 'top',    // x轴的位置(top/bottom)axisTick: {show: false    // 是否显示坐标轴刻度},axisLabel: {show: true,     // 是否显示刻度标签interval: '0',    // 坐标轴刻度标签的显示间隔,在类目轴中有效.0显示所有color: '#fff',// 刻度标签文字的颜色width: 35,lineHeight: 35,    // 行高borderRadius: 10,fontSize: 20,    // 文字字体大小backgroundColor: '#999'},splitLine: {show: true,    // 是否显示分隔线。默认数值轴显示,类目轴不显示interval: '0',    // 坐标轴刻度标签的显示间隔,在类目轴中有效.0显示所有color: ['#ccc'],    width: 3, // 分隔线线宽type: 'solid', // 坐标轴线线的类型(solid实线类型;dashed虚线类型;dotted点状类型)}},yAxis: {type: 'value',show: true,max: 10,axisLabel: {show: false},splitArea: {show: true, // 是否显示分隔区域interval: 0, // 坐标轴刻度标签的显示间隔,在类目轴中有效.0显示所有areaStyle: {// color分隔区域颜色。分隔区会按数组中颜色顺序依次循环设置颜色。默认是一个深浅的间隔色color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)'], opacity: 1, // 图形透明度。支持从0到1的数字,为0时不绘制该图形},}},visualMap: {show: false,dimension: 0,pieces: [{lte: 0,color: '#ff0000'},{gt: 0,lte: 1,color: '#fca906'},{gt: 1,lte: 2,color: '#00b050'},{gt: 2,lte: 3,color: '#00b1f2'}]},series: [{type: 'line',lineStyle: {color: "#333", //线条颜色},symbol: 'circle',symbolSize: 20,data: [5, 7, 2, 8],itemStyle: {normal: {label: {show: true, // 是否显示position: 'right', // 显示位置color: '#333',fontSize: 20}}},markLine: {lineStyle: {type: 'solid',},// symbol: ['none', 'none'],label: { show: false },data: [{ xAxis: 0,lineStyle: {color: '#ff0000'}},{xAxis: 1,lineStyle: {color: '#fca906',}}, {xAxis: 2,lineStyle: {color: '#00b050'}},  {xAxis: 3,lineStyle: {color: '#00b1f2',barWidth:260}}]}}]


option = {backgroundColor: '#173565',visualMap: [{show: false,type: 'continuous',seriesIndex: 0,min: 0,max: 400},{show: false,type: 'continuous',seriesIndex: 1,dimension: 0,min: 0,max: 100}],title: [{top: '2%',left: 'center',text: '初中',textStyle: {color: '#fff',fontSize: 15}},{top: '55%',left: 'center',text: '高中',textStyle: {color: '#fff',fontSize:15}}],tooltip: {trigger: 'axis'},xAxis: [{boundaryGap: false,axisLabel: {fontSize: 12,color: '#fff'},axisLine: {show: true},splitLine: {show: false},data: ['初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班']},{gridIndex: 1,boundaryGap: false,axisLabel: {fontSize: 12,color: '#fff'},axisLine: {show: true},splitLine: {show: false},data: ['初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班', '初一一班']}],yAxis: [{type: 'value',boundaryGap: true,axisLabel: {fontSize: 12,color: '#fff'},axisLine: {show: true},splitLine: {show: false}},{gridIndex: 1,type: 'value',boundaryGap: true,axisLabel: {fontSize: 12,color: '#fff'},axisLine: {show: true},splitLine: {show: false}}],grid: [{top: '10%',bottom: '55%',left: '7%',right: '7%'},{top: '60%',bottom: '5%',left: '7%',right: '7%'}],series: [{type: 'line',smooth: true,data: [120, 132, 101, 134, 90, 230, 210],symbol: 'circle', //拐点样式symbolSize: 4, //拐点大小// 折线条的样式lineStyle: {color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},// 折线拐点的样式itemStyle: {normal: { // 静止时:color: '#fff',borderColor: "#fff",//拐点的边框颜色borderWidth: 4},emphasis: { // 鼠标经过时:color: '#fff',}},areaStyle: {color: {type: 'linear',x: 0,y: .5,x2: 0,y2: 1,colorStops: [{offset: 0, color: '#00EAD1' // 0% 处的颜色}, {offset: 1, color: '#0055CB' // 100% 处的颜色}],global: false // 缺省为 false}}},{type: 'line',smooth: true,data: [120, 132, 101, 134, 90, 230, 210],symbol: 'circle', //拐点样式symbolSize: 4, //拐点大小// 折线条的样式lineStyle: {color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},// 折线拐点的样式itemStyle: {normal: { // 静止时:color: '#fff',borderColor: "#fff",//拐点的边框颜色borderWidth: 4},emphasis: { // 鼠标经过时:color: '#fff',}},areaStyle: {opacity: 1,color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, .5, 0, 1, [{offset: 0,color: '#FFAB2E'},{offset: 1,color: '#33B6FF'}])},xAxisIndex: 1,yAxisIndex: 1}]


option = {backgroundColor: '#131724',legend: {data: ['高中', '初中'],x: 'right',y: '0%',itemGap: 20,orient: 'vertical',textStyle: {color: '#fff',fontSize: 14}},tooltip: {trigger: 'item',formatter: '[{a}] {b}<br/>考试数量:{c}',position: 'top',backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.3)',borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.2)',color: '#fff',extraCssText: 'box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba(255,255,255, .5); color: #fff;',zIndex: 400},xAxis: [{boundaryGap: true,axisLabel: {fontSize: 14,color: '#4FFFFA',interval: 0,rotate: 0,padding: [0, 0, 0, -30]},axisLine: {show: true,lineStyle: {color: '#2F4276'}},axisTick: {show: false},splitLine: {show: false},data: ['高一', '高二', '高三']},{boundaryGap: true,axisLabel: {fontSize: 14,color: '#4FFFFA',interval: 0,rotate: 0,padding: [0, 0, 0, 40]},position: 'bottom',axisLine: {show: true,lineStyle: {color: '#2F4276'}},axisTick: {show: false},splitLine: {show: false},data: ['初一', '初二', '初三']}],yAxis: [{type: 'value',max: 10,name: '(班/数量)',// 居中nameLocation: 'end',// 坐标轴名称与轴线之间的距离。nameGap: 13,nameTextStyle: {color: '#2CFFF9',fontSize: 10,padding: [0, 0, 0, -30]},nameRotate: 360,axisLabel: {fontSize: 14,color: '#4FFFFA'},axisLine: {show: true,lineStyle: {color: '#2F4276'}},splitLine: {show: false}}],grid: {top: '10%',bottom: '10%',left: '7%',right: '7%'},series: [{name: '初中',type: 'line',smooth: true,// 折线条的样式lineStyle: {color: {type: 'linear',x: 0,y: 0.5,x2: 0,y2: 1,colorStops: [{offset: 0,color: '#84A7FF' // 0% 处的颜色},{offset: 0.5,color: '#0368FF' // 50% 处的颜色},{offset: 1,color: '#5783F6' // 100% 处的颜色}],global: false // 缺省为 false}},// 折线拐点的样式itemStyle: {normal: {// 静止时:color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'}},emphasis: {focus: 'series'},data: [{ name: '初一', value: 5 },{ name: '初二', value: 8 },{ name: '初三', value: 3 }]},{name: '高中',type: 'line',smooth: true,// 折线条的样式lineStyle: {color: {type: 'linear',x: 0,y: 0.5,x2: 0,y2: 1,colorStops: [{offset: 0,color: '#FF31C5' // 0% 处的颜色},{offset: 0.5,color: '#9003FF' // 50% 处的颜色},{offset: 1,color: '#FF849A' // 100% 处的颜色}],global: false // 缺省为 false}},// 折线拐点的样式itemStyle: {normal: {// 静止时:color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'}},data: [{ name: '高一', value: 1 },{ name: '高二', value: 2 },{ name: '高三', value: 9 }]}]


let yData = [20, 80, 60, 77];
let xTime = ['2023.3.28', '2023.4.28', '2023.5.28', '2023.6.15'];
option = {backgroundColor: '#000',tooltip: {trigger: 'axis',formatter: function (param) {let resultTooltip ="<div style='border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.2);padding:5px;border-radius:3px;'>" +"<div>" + param[0].name + "</div>" +"<div style='padding-top:5px; font-size:10px;color:#999;'>" +"<span style='display: inline-block; width: 10px; height:10px; border-radius: 50%;background: " + param[0].color + ";'></span>" +"<span style=''> " + param[0].seriesName + ":</span>" +"<span style='font-size:16px;color:" + param[0].color + "'>" + param[0].value + "</span></span>" +"</div>";return resultTooltip},position: 'right',padding: [5, 8],textStyle: {color: '#eee',fontSize: 13},axisPointer: {type: 'line',label: { show: true, backgroundColor: 'transparent' },lineStyle: {color: {type: 'linear',x: 0,y: 0,x2: 0,y2: 1,colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(100, 101, 171, 0)' },{ offset: 0.5, color: 'rgba(100, 101, 171, 0.2)' },{ offset: 0.999999, color: 'rgba(100, 101, 171, 1)' },{ offset: 1, color: 'rgba(100, 101, 171, 1)' }],global: false},type: 'solid',width: 40}},backgroundColor: 'rgba(13,5,30,.6)',extraCssText: 'z-index:1' // 层级},legend: {show: false,data: ['得分'],icon: 'circle',x: 'center',y: '0',itemGap: 20,// orient: 'vertical', // 纵向分布textStyle: {color: '#fff',fontSize: 12}},grid: {top: '15%',left: '3%',right: '6%',bottom: '2%',containLabel: true},xAxis: {type: 'category',boundaryGap: false,name: '时间',nameLocation: 'center',nameTextStyle: {color: '#8F8F8F',fontSize: 12,padding: [0, 0, 0, 1505]},data: xTime,axisLabel: {fontSize: 10,color: '#8F8F8F'},axisLine: {show: false},splitLine: {show: true,lineStyle: {color: 'rgba(62, 100, 151, 0.29)'}},axisTick: {show: false}},yAxis: {type: 'value',name: '百分制',nameLocation: 'end',nameGap: 10,max: 100,nameTextStyle: {color: '#8F8F8F',fontSize: 12,padding: [0, 0, 5, -45]},boundaryGap: true,interval: 10, //间隔axisLabel: {fontSize: 12,color: '#8F8F8F'},axisLine: {show: false},splitLine: {show: true,lineStyle: {color: 'rgba(62, 100, 151, 0.29)'}},axisTick: {show: false}},series: [{name: '得分',data: yData,type: 'line',symbolSize: 0.2, // 原点大小smooth: true,zlevel: 1, // 层级label: {normal: {position: 'right',show: true,color: '#eee',fontSize: 13,formatter: function (params) {return + '分';}}},// 折线拐点的样式itemStyle: {normal: {// 静止时:color: '#0088FF',borderColor: '#0088FF', //拐点的边框颜色borderWidth: 2},emphasis: {// 鼠标经过时:color: '#4CF8C5'}},areaStyle: {color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0.1, 0, 1, [{offset: 0,color: 'rgba(0, 199, 242, .9)'},{offset: 1,color: 'rgba(0, 199, 242, .2)'}])},emphasis: {focus: 'series'}}]





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消息驱动 —— SpringCloud Stream

Stream 简介 Spring Cloud Stream 是用于构建消息驱动的微服务应用程序的框架&#xff0c;提供了多种中间件的合理配置 Spring Cloud Stream 包含以下核心概念&#xff1a; Destination Binders&#xff1a;目标绑定器&#xff0c;目标指的是 Kafka 或者 RabbitMQ&#xff0…


环境说明 jdk21springboot 3.0.11 springcloud 2022.0.0 spring-cloud-alibaba 2022.0.0.0 在开发一个定时触发的任务的时候&#xff0c;由于开发执行任务的函数比较耗费时间&#xff0c;所以采用异步解决问题。 发现并没有按照预期的触发 经询问后&#xff0c;发现当前类的…


隆鼻术就是以各种植入材料置入为主要方法&#xff0c;隆起或抬高鼻部形态为主要目的的鼻整形术式。隆鼻术可能是开展最多的整形美容手术之一。隆鼻术也是一种很成熟的美容手术&#xff0c;操作较为简单、安全、风险较小&#xff0c;也易于接受。 隆鼻行业分类 资料来源&#x…

这道面试题工作中经常碰到,但 99% 的程序员都答不上来

小时候都被问过一个脑筋急转弯&#xff0c;把大象放进冰箱有几个步骤&#xff1f;我们一开始都会抓耳挠腮&#xff0c;去想着该如何把大象塞进冰箱。最终揭晓的答案却根本不关心具体的操作方法&#xff0c;只是提供了 3 个步骤组成的流程&#xff0c;「把冰箱打开&#xff0c;把…


ctrl M快捷键&#xff0c;进入"标记" 页面 标记所在行–循环查找-- 正则表达式 – 输入关键字 – 全部标记 – Copy Marked Text 关键字格式如下&#xff1a; .*关键字.*ctrl v&#xff0c;粘贴即可。

深度学习基础知识 nn.Sequential | nn.ModuleList | nn.ModuleDict

深度学习基础知识 nn.Sequential &#xff5c; nn.ModuleList &#xff5c; nn.ModuleDict 1、nn.Sequential 、 nn.ModuleList 、 nn.ModuleDict 类都继承自 Module 类。2、nn.Sequential、nn.ModuleList 和 nn.ModuleDict语法3、Sequential 、ModuleDict、 ModuleList 的区别…


共两种方式&#xff0c;建议使用第二种的逻辑恢复&#xff0c;比较方便快捷 一、下载物理备份文件 下载的格式是xb的&#xff0c;主要跟实例创建时间有关&#xff0c;2019年03月26日之前创建的实例&#xff0c;物理备份文件格式为tar&#xff0c;后面全部都是xb的格式了&#…


目录 复习的各个阶段 线下应该如何 rs应对 从来都是流利度大于内容 推荐的练习网站 口语 DI 关键词是不能念错 口语 RL rl每日练习方法 ASQ 写作 swt 阅读 一半靠机经 听力 口语和听力 考模版来熟悉 熟悉模版 强调的是&#xff0c;整个的逻辑思维 字字和句句都…


&#x1f407; &#x1f525;博客主页&#xff1a; 云曦 &#x1f4cb;系列专栏&#xff1a;数据结构 &#x1f4a8;吾生也有涯&#xff0c;而知也无涯 &#x1f49b; 感谢大家&#x1f44d;点赞 &#x1f60b;关注&#x1f4dd;评论 文章目录 前言一、排序的概念及运用二、常…