- 7.字符串
- (1).字符串及其ADT
- #1.基本概念
- #2.ADT
- (2).字符串的基本操作
- #1.求子串substr
- #2.插入字符串insert
- #3.其他操作
- (3).字符串的模式匹配
- #1.简单匹配(Brute-Force方法)
- #2.KMP算法
- I.kmp_match()
- II.getNext()
- #3.还有更多
- 小结
- 附录:我自己写的string
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{int a = 0;scanf("%d", &a);printf("%d\n", a + 10);return 0;
这一段代码在你眼里看来是代码,但是在gcc看来,就是一串可能包含代码的字符串,经过处理之后,我们需要把这段代码解析成下面正确的汇编代码,从而经过之后的链接器等完成最终可执行文件的生成操作,而读入代码,生成汇编文件这个过程就涉及到了有限自动机(FAM) 这个模型,它将一个系统分成若干可数个离散的状态,在识别到特定模式后,进行对应的跳转,最终再进行判断。
.file "a.c".text.section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
.LC0:.string "%d"
.LC1:.string "%d\n".text.globl main.type main, @function
.LFB11:.cfi_startprocsubq $24, %rsp.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32movl $0, 12(%rsp)leaq 12(%rsp), %rsimovl $.LC0, %edimovl $0, %eaxcall __isoc99_scanfmovl 12(%rsp), %eaxleal 10(%rax), %esimovl $.LC1, %edimovl $0, %eaxcall printfmovl $0, %eaxaddq $24, %rsp.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8ret.cfi_endproc
.LFE11:.size main, .-main.ident "GCC: (GNU) 13.2.0".section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
- 创建、赋值、拷贝、清空、销毁
- 串互相比较
- 求串的长度
- 连接两个字符串
- 取出字符串的子串
- 判断是否为空串
- 子串替换、插入、删除
这里的字符串的容器采取STL vector实现,具体你可以试着自己写一写,我在GitHub上开源了一个MySTL,其中有基于vector<T>的basic_string<T>实现:MySTL-Voltline
求子串其实还挺简单的,只是有一些边界情况需要考虑,比如beg < end,beg、end > 0,end < _size这样,所以就可以得到以下的代码:
string substr(int beg, int end) const
{if (beg < 0) beg = 0;if (end > _size) end = _size;vector<char> vc;for (int i = beg; i <= end; i++) {vc.push_back(container[i]);}return string{ vc };
string insert(const string& s1, int pos)
{if (pos > _size) pos = _size;else if (pos < 0) pos = 0;container.resize(_size + s1.size() + 100);// 给容器直接扩容,避免之后再挪动的时候出现越界访问的问题int mov = s1.size();for (int i = _size-1; i >= pos; i--) {container[i + mov] = container[i]; }for (int i = pos; i < mov; i++) {container[i] = s1.container[i - pos];}return *this;
int find_bf(const string& t, const string& p, int pos)
{int i{ pos }, j{ 0 };int n = t.size(), m = p.size();while (i < n && j < m) {if (t[i] == p[i]) { i++, j++;}else {i += 1-j;j = 0;}}if (j == m) return i - m;else return -1;
假设正文字符串长度为n,模式字符串长度为m,那么这个匹配方式的时间复杂度是 O ( n m ) O(nm) O(nm),如果模式串和正文串长度差不多,这个匹配方式的时间复杂度就会退化到 O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2)的时间复杂度,这有点太慢了。
Knuth,Morris和Pratt共同提出了一种全新的模式匹配算法,这个算法能够在 O ( n + m ) O(n+m) O(n+m)的线性时间复杂度内完成字符串的模式匹配。
我们先来思考一下,Brute-Force方法到底有什么问题,比如t = abababcbababba,p = ababc,BF方法是这样:
struct chars
{char c; // 字符int idx; // 跳转值
};int kmp(const string& t, const string& p)
{int ans{ -1 };vector<chars> next = getNext(p);int t_size = t.size(), p_size = p.size();int i{ 0 }, j{ 0 };while (i < t_size) {if (j == -1 || t[i] == p[j]) {i++, j++;}else {if (j < p_size) j = next[j].idx;}if (j == p_size) {ans = i - j;break;}}return ans;
接下来我们来看看next数组是怎么生成的,next数组的跳转顺序基于这样一个规则:当失配发生时,失配字符a的上一个字符b对应的某一个子串S在不包含当前子串的最长前缀中,子串S最后一次出现的位置中,字符b的位置,有点拗口,我们来详细地解释一下,例如:p = abcabd,我们找next的规则就是基于每个下一个字符都有可能是失配字符来做的,那么我们可以得到下面的一张表:
- 1.到了某一个字符c,先看看这个字符的前一个字符
- 2.如果这个字符的前一个字符b和b自己的next值对应的字符相同,那就让c的next值等于b的next值+1(允许你从上一次b出现的后面一个字符开始匹配)
- 3.如果这个字符的前一个字符b和b自己的next值对应的字符不相同,那就让继续找到b的next值对应的字符对应的next值,继续往前找,直到找到一个匹配的字符,或者找到第一个字符(对应的next值为-1),如果找到匹配的字符,则类似2操作,让c的next值等于找到的这个字符的位置+1;否则就赋值为0,对应最前的字符
vector<chars> getNext(const string& sub_str)
{vector<chars> next;size_t sub_str_size{ sub_str.size() };next.push_back(chars{ sub_str[0], -1 });for (size_t i = 1; i < sub_str_size; i++) {next.push_back(chars{ sub_str[i], 0 });}for (size_t i = 1; i < sub_str_size; i++) {if (next[i - 1].idx != -1 && next[i - 1].c == next[next[i - 1].idx].c) {next[i].idx = next[i - 1].idx + 1;}else {int j = next[i - 1].idx;while (j != -1 && next[j].c != next[i - 1].c) {j = next[j].idx;}next[i].idx = j + 1;}}return next;
struct chars
{char c; // 字符int idx; // 跳转值
for (size_t i = 1; i < sub_str_size; i++) {next.push_back(chars{ sub_str[i], 0 });}
字符串这一篇,相当的短啊哈哈哈哈哈哈,毕竟这一部分在数据结构中我们主要还是以掌握KMP算法为主,毕竟它在模式匹配上表现出的时间复杂度 O ( n + m ) O(n+m) O(n+m)是非常优秀的。下一篇我们将会介绍一系列内部排序的算法。
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "vector.h"namespace MySTL
{template <typename T>class basic_string{private:vector<T> container;size_t _size;public:using iterator = T*;using const_iterator = const T*;inline static size_t npos = -1;public:basic_string();basic_string(const char* _c_str);basic_string(const char* _c_str, size_t _size);basic_string(const char* _c_str, size_t _begin, size_t _size);basic_string(size_t _size, char c);basic_string(const basic_string<T>& _str);basic_string(basic_string<T>&& _mv_str) noexcept;basic_string(std::initializer_list<T> l);~basic_string();basic_string<T>& operator=(const basic_string<T>& _Right);basic_string<T>& operator=(basic_string<T>&& _Right) noexcept;basic_string<T>& operator=(const char* _str);basic_string<T>& operator=(char c);basic_string<T> operator+(const basic_string<T>& _Right);basic_string<T> operator+(const char* _str);basic_string<T> operator+(char c);basic_string<T>& operator+=(const basic_string<T>& _Right);basic_string<T>& operator+=(const char* _str);basic_string<T>& operator+=(char c);T& operator[](size_t _index);const T& operator[](size_t _index) const;T& at(size_t _index);bool operator==(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator!=(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator>(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator<(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator>=(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator<=(const basic_string<T>& _Right);bool operator==(const char* _c_Right);bool operator!=(const char* _c_Right);bool operator>(const char* _c_Right);bool operator<(const char* _c_Right);bool operator>=(const char* _c_Right);bool operator<=(const char* _c_Right);size_t size() const noexcept;size_t capacity() const noexcept;bool empty() const noexcept;const T* data();const T* c_str();iterator begin();iterator end();const_iterator begin() const;const_iterator end() const;void reserve(size_t new_capacity_size);void resize(size_t new_elem_size);void clear();void erase(const size_t _Where);void erase(const size_t _Off, const size_t _Count);void erase(iterator _begin, iterator _end);void erase(iterator _pos);void append(size_t _Count, char c);void append(const basic_string<T>& _str);void append(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _Begin = 0);void append(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _Begin, size_t _Count);void append(const char* _str);void append(const char* _str, size_t _Begin);void append(const char* _str, size_t _Begin, size_t _Count);void append(std::initializer_list<char> l);void push_back(char c);size_t find(char c, size_t _begin_pos = 0);size_t find(const char* _str, size_t _begin_pos = 0);size_t find(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _begin_pos = 0);void swap(basic_string<T>& _Right);template<typename U>friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const basic_string<U>& _str){for (auto& i : _str) {output << i;}return output;}template<typename U>friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, basic_string<U>& _str){_str.clear();U c = input.get();while (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t') {_str.push_back(c);c = input.get();}return input;}};template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(){container = vector<unsigned char>{};}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(const char* _c_str){size_t length{ strlen(_c_str) };_size = length;container = vector<T>();for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {container.push_back(*(_c_str + i));}container.push_back('\0');}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(const char* _c_str, size_t _size){size_t length{ _size };if (_size > strlen(_c_str)) {length = strlen(_c_str);}_size = length;container = vector<T>();for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {container.push_back(*(_c_str + i));}container.push_back('\0');}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(const char* _c_str, size_t _begin, size_t _size){size_t c_str_len{ strlen(_c_str) };container = vector<T>();if (_begin > c_str_len) {_size = 0;}else {size_t length{ _size };if (_size > strlen(_c_str + _begin)) {length = strlen(_c_str + _begin);}_size = length;for (size_t i = _begin; i < length; i++) {container.push_back(*(_c_str + i));}container.push_back('\0');}}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(size_t _size, char c){container = vector<T>(_size, c);_size = _size;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(const basic_string<T>& _str){container = vector<T>(_str.container);_size = _str._size;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(basic_string<T>&& _mv_str) noexcept{container = std::move(_mv_str.container);_size = _mv_str._size;_mv_str.container = vector<T>{};}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::basic_string(std::initializer_list<T> l){container = vector<T>(l.size() + 128);_size = l.size();for (auto it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++) {container.push_back(static_cast<T>(*it));}container.push_back('\0');}template<typename T>basic_string<T>::~basic_string(){_size = 0;container.~vector();}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator=(const basic_string<T>& _Right){container.~vector();container = _Right.container;_size = _Right._size;return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator=(basic_string<T>&& _Right) noexcept{container.~vector();container = std::move(_Right.container);_size = _Right._size;return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator=(const char* _str){container.~vector();size_t length{ strlen(_str) };container = vector<T>(length + 128);_size = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {container.push_back(_str[i]);_size++;}return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator=(char c){clear();push_back(c);return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T> basic_string<T>::operator+(const basic_string<T>& _Right){basic_string<T> temp{ *this };for (auto& i : _Right) {temp.push_back(i);}return temp;}template<typename T>basic_string<T> basic_string<T>::operator+(const char* _str){basic_string<T> temp{ *this };size_t length{ strlen(_str) };for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {temp.push_back(_str[i]);}return temp;}template<typename T>basic_string<T> basic_string<T>::operator+(char c){basic_string<T> temp{ *this };temp.push_back(c);return temp;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator+=(const basic_string<T>& _Right){for (auto& i : _Right) {push_back(i);}return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator+=(const char* _str){size_t length{ strlen(_str) };for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {push_back(_str[i]);}return *this;}template<typename T>basic_string<T>& basic_string<T>::operator+=(char c){push_back(c);return *this;}template<typename T>T& basic_string<T>::operator[](size_t _index){return container[_index];}template<typename T>const T& basic_string<T>::operator[](size_t _index) const{return container[_index];}template<typename T>T& basic_string<T>::at(size_t _index){if (_index <= _size) {return container[_index];}else {throw std::out_of_range("Index Out of Range");}}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator==(const basic_string<T>& _Right){if (_size != _Right._size) {return false;}else {for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {if (container[i] != _Right[i]) return false;}return true;}}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator!=(const basic_string<T>& _Right){return !(*this == _Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator>(const basic_string<T>& _Right){size_t min_size{ _size < _Right.size() ? _size : _Right.size() };for (size_t i = 0; i < min_size; i++) {if (container[i] > _Right[i]) return true;else if (container[i] < _Right[i]) {return false;}}return _size > _Right.size();}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator<(const basic_string<T>& _Right){return (*this <= _Right) && (*this != _Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator>=(const basic_string<T>& _Right){return (*this > _Right) || (*this == _Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator<=(const basic_string<T>& _Right){return !(*this > _Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator==(const char* _c_Right){if (strlen(_c_Right) != _size) return false;else {for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {if (container[i] != _c_Right[i])return false;}return true;}}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator!=(const char* _c_Right){return !(*this == _c_Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator>(const char* _c_Right){size_t length{ strlen(_c_Right) };size_t min_size{ _size < length ? _size : length };for (size_t i = 0; i < min_size; i++) {if (container[i] > _c_Right[i]) return true;else if (container[i] < _c_Right[i]) {return false;}}return _size > length;}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator<(const char* _c_Right){return (*this <= _c_Right) && (*this != _c_Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator>=(const char* _c_Right){return (*this > _c_Right) || (*this == _c_Right);}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::operator<=(const char* _c_Right){return !(*this > _c_Right);}template<typename T>size_t basic_string<T>::size() const noexcept{return _size;}template<typename T>size_t basic_string<T>::capacity() const noexcept{return container.capacity();}template<typename T>bool basic_string<T>::empty() const noexcept{if (_size != 0) return false;else return true;}template<typename T>const T* basic_string<T>::data(){return container.data();}template<typename T>const T* basic_string<T>::c_str(){return container.data();}template<typename T>typename basic_string<T>::iterator basic_string<T>::begin(){return container.begin();}template<typename T>typename basic_string<T>::iterator basic_string<T>::end(){return container.begin() + _size;}template<typename T>typename basic_string<T>::const_iterator basic_string<T>::begin() const{return container.begin();}template<typename T>typename basic_string<T>::const_iterator basic_string<T>::end() const{return container.begin() + _size;}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::reserve(size_t new_capacity_size){container.reserve(new_capacity_size);}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::resize(size_t new_elem_size){container.resize(new_elem_size);_size = new_elem_size;}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::clear(){_size = 0;container.clear();}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::erase(const size_t _Where){if (_Where <= _size) {_size = _Where;container.erase(container.begin() + _Where, container.end());container.push_back('\0');}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::erase(const size_t _Off, const size_t _Count){if (_Off <= _size) {if (_size - _Off > _Count) {_size -= _Count;container.erase(container.begin() + _Off, container.begin() + _Off + _Count);container[_size] = '\0';}else {erase(_Off);}}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::erase(basic_string<T>::iterator _begin, basic_string<T>::iterator _end){if (_end >= _begin) {if (_begin >= begin()) {size_t _Off = _begin - begin();size_t _Count = _end - _begin;if (_Off <= _size) {if (_size - _Off > _Count) {_size -= _Count;container.erase(container.begin() + _Off, container.begin() + _Off + _Count);container[_size] = '\0';}else {erase(_Off);}}}else {throw IteratorOutOfRangeException{};}}else {throw IteratorErrorException{};}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::erase(basic_string<T>::iterator _pos){if (_pos >= begin()) {if (_pos < end()) {size_t _Where = _pos - begin();if (_Where <= _size) {_size--;container.erase(_pos, _pos + 1);container[_size] = '\0';}}}else {throw IteratorErrorException{};}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(size_t _Count, char c){for (size_t i = 0; i < _Count; i++) {push_back(c);}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const basic_string<T>& _str){*this += _str;}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _Begin){if (_Begin <= _str.size()) {if (_Begin == 0) {*this += _str;}else {for (auto it = _str.begin() + _Begin; it != _str.end(); it++) {push_back(*it);}}}else {throw std::out_of_range("Begin index out of range!");}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _Begin, size_t _Count){if (_Begin <= _str.size()) {if (_Begin + _Count > _str.size()) {_Count = _str.size() - _Begin;}for (size_t i = 0; i < _Count; i++) {push_back(_str[_Begin + i]);}}else {throw std::out_of_range("Begin index out of range!");}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const char* _str){*this += _str;}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const char* _str, size_t _Begin){if (_Begin <= strlen(_str)) {*this += (_str + _Begin);}else {throw std::out_of_range("Begin index out of range!");}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(const char* _str, size_t _Begin, size_t _Count){if (_Begin <= strlen(_str)) {if (strlen(_str) - _Begin < _Count) {_Count = strlen(_str) - _Begin;}if (_Count != 0) {for (size_t i = 0; i < _Count; i++) {push_back(_str[_Begin + i]);}}}else {throw std::out_of_range("Begin index out of range!");}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::append(std::initializer_list<char> l){for (auto& i : l) {push_back(i);}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::push_back(char c){if (_size == container.size()) {container.push_back(c);}else {container[_size] = c;}container.push_back('\0');_size++;}template<typename T>size_t basic_string<T>::find(char c, size_t _begin_pos){for (size_t i = _begin_pos; i < _size; i++) {if (container[i] == c) {return i;}}return npos;}template<typename T>size_t basic_string<T>::find(const char* _str, size_t _begin_pos){size_t length{ strlen(_str) };bool isFind{ true };if (_size < length) return npos;else {for (size_t i = _begin_pos; i < _size; i++) {if (_size - i >= length) {if (container[i] == _str[0]) {isFind = true;for (size_t j = 1; j < length; j++) {if (container[i + j] != _str[j]) {i = i + j - 1;isFind = false;break;}}if (isFind) return i;}}else {return npos;}}return npos;}}template<typename T>size_t basic_string<T>::find(const basic_string<T>& _str, size_t _begin_pos){size_t length{ _str.size() };bool isFind{ true };if (_size < length) return npos;else {for (size_t i = _begin_pos; i < _size; i++) {if (_size - i >= length) {if (container[i] == _str[0]) {isFind = true;for (size_t j = 1; j < length; j++) {if (container[i + j] != _str[j]) {i = i + j - 1;isFind = false;break;}}if (isFind) return i;}}else {return npos;}}return npos;}}template<typename T>void basic_string<T>::swap(basic_string<T>& _Right){basic_string<T> temp{ _Right };_Right.clear();for (auto& c : *this) {_Right.push_back(c);}clear();for (auto& c : temp) {push_back(c);}}template<typename T>bool operator==(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right == _Left;}template<typename T>bool operator!=(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right != _Left;}template<typename T>bool operator>(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right < _Left;}template<typename T>bool operator<(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right > _Left;}template<typename T>bool operator>=(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right <= _Left;}template<typename T>bool operator<=(const char* _Left, const basic_string<T>& _Right){return _Right >= _Left;}template<typename T>std::istream& getline(std::istream& input, basic_string<T>& _Target, const char _End = '\n'){_Target.clear();T c = input.get();while (c != '\n') {_Target.push_back(c);c = input.get();}return input;}using string = basic_string<char>;using wstring = basic_string<wchar_t>;
#ifdef __cpp_lib_char8_tusing u8string = basic_string<char8_t>;
#endif // __cpp_lib_char8_tusing u16string = basic_string<char16_t>;using u32string = basic_string<char32_t>;